Christ Fights for You
Lent • Sermon • Submitted
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· 16 viewsHow Christ is a Type of David, when David stood before the Giant Goliath on behalf of Israel, and Christ stands before Satan for the sake of Mankind.
Christ Fights for You
Christ Fights for You
My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, we come to the temptation in the wilderness, and it may seem strange at first that this lesson would be paired with the account of David and Goliath. That moment when David defied a giant that stood 9’ tall armed only with a sling and a few stones.
This story is one that every child knows for it is a glorious moment as this enemy of the Kingdom of Israel who was insulting the Israelites and insulting God, stood before the army and threatened to kill whatever champion they could offer up. When the giant won, then the Israelites would be made slaves of the philistines. But then that young man David comes down from his father’s house to bring food to his brothers and hears the taunts of that giant and goes out to battle Goliath. He wins and what glorious celebration there is that this enemy is dead.
Now if you looked at the As We Gather, you will notice that this is really about Christ. Indeed this is true of all the Old Testament and in this case, David is a type of Jesus who was showing by His victory over Goliath what Jesus was going to do for us. That is why the Old Testament lesson for today is paired with this Gospel reading.
For Jesus came from the house of His Father and walked down amongst those whom He called brothers, and he heard that enemy that evil and vile foe who had sought the destruction of mankind since the garden of Eden, Jesus was led out into the wilderness by the Spirit to combat this ancient enemy.
Now David went out to face this giant, who was armed and armored magnificently. He towered above all other men, even over King Saul who was tall amongst the Israelites. What hope did this boy have with just a sling?
That is what Goliath thought, he looked only on the outward appearance and thought this would be an easy and quick win. But did you hear David’s words? You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 46 This day the LORD will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you down and cut off your head. David wasn’t coming with a sling, but in the name of the Lord of Hosts.
When you look at Satan as he approaches Christ, Satan doesn’t come to strike Christ when Jesus is strong, but after he has been fasting for 40 days. He is sharing in our weakness in this moment and the Devil seeks to take advantage of this. For the devil led captive Adam who had been made in the image of God, and so He comes to tear down Christ, and destroy Him. Jesus he is not armed with sling or stone, but with the Word of God.
Now David’s battle is happening in clear view of the army of the philistines and the army of Israel. Whoever triumphs on this day will win the entire battle. If it is Goliath, the people of God are doomed, it means they lose their lives, their families are in danger, all hope is lost.
In Christ’s battle, on the one side is the whole demonic horde and all those that are under the devil’s power, on the other side are all of those believers in Christ. For Jesus does not fight for himself, He is there on that field fighting for you. If he is successful it means your salvation. If He fails all of mankind is lost to God forever.
Well we know how the battles turn out, David slays that giant with a single stone to Goliath’s head and true to His word chops it off. Christ uses the Word of God, which is sharper than any two edged sword. To strike down Satan’s attempts and rob him of his power.
This is how David foreshadows what Christ would do. Jesus He is greater than David, for where David fought against a physical giant, Christ overcame that ancient serpent that felled the founder of our race. Whereas David fought only for the armies of Israel, Christ fought for all mankind that they might be set free.
Now after David’s victory, the army of Israel chased down the philistines and put them to the sword, but do you know what happened after Christ’s victory? When Christ threw down that ancient enemy? What did the Army of Christ do, they went out to share with the world the wonderful news. That the prince of this world had been overthrown, and that Christ had won for them.
David was the champion of Israel, which means he wasn’t our champion. But Jesus, Jesus was there fighting for you. He fought to win your freedom, for we were slaves to sin. We weren’t with the Israelites, we were with the Philistines. But Jesus is led into the wilderness for your sake.
If you think there is no way that Christ would want me or could forgive me my sins, for how many times have I failed to oppose satan and overcome temptation, Christ may have come to fight for others, those are the very reasons that Christ is fighting for you. For on one else could take down this tyrant that had enslaved all men through sin. The most important thing for you to learn from Jesus temptation in the wilderness that your Champion is fighting there for you, in your place, for your freedom and salvation. Nothing more is demanded of you than that you believe Him when He says, I fought for you.
Now the second thing that we are to learn from this is how to oppose Satan when he comes to seek and enslave us again. So that you may walk in this world filled with joy, knowing what your savior has accomplished for you.
The second thing that we ought to learn and know is what to do when the Devil comes after us, and tempts us. For we are of the flesh, and sin will ever be a problem. Don’t think that just because Christ has defeated him that the Devil is happy to let go of all that he had schemed to get his hands. He will come after you, for he was bold enough to attack Adam, and to attack the Son of God himself. Do you know of a tyrant that is happy when his slaves are free? The devil will come after you.
The second thing that you need to learn from this is how to resist. That is through the Word, for whenever you hold up the Word of God against the devil, you are pointing him back to this moment in time when Christ threw him down. Every time you hold up the Word against his temptations, you are saying, I’m not the one who will fight you, for Jesus has fought for me and won the battle for me. He is the one who will throw you down again.
Now this is easier said than done, and many Christians can attest to the fact that in their joy and in their zeal, they thought they could handle him on their own, tackle their sins and temptations like Christ tackled the devil and they fell back into sin. For the devil is a wily creature that does not give up easily. When you see that that chains are on your hands once again, repent, return to that place where Christ set you free through the means of Grace.
It is why we come to Church every Sunday not because we are perfect people, we come before God and confess that we have fallen to sin, but thankfully Christ gave to His church the keys to unbind these chains that we might be filled with joy again. Our champion even comes to us, to feed us and nourish us after our imprisonment with his body and blood. You will hear once again how He has triumphed for you, and you will learn to rely less on yourself, and more on Christ.
We need this because we are surrounded by all manner of temptations and evils, and we wonder at times if we are alone. But our Champion, Jesus Christ our Lord, is there on the field. He is there for you, so that you might be brought safely out of bondage and slavery and into his eternal Kingdom.
So that my brothers and sisters, is why David’s victory over Goliath is paired with Jesus temptation in the wilderness. For Christ fought a giant, not a physical one, but a spiritual one, and you O Christian ought to be of good cheer, for His victory was for you, and the benefits of that Victory still come to you today, through Word and Sacrament. In Jesus name. Amen.