Joy 012708

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Joy 012708

Without our knowing that we know that God loves us, there will be no joy or victory, this

            joy that comes is progressive, Romans 14:17, gratitude is huge

John 15:1-12, love and the release of His joy are one, joy is not happiness, happiness

            is an emotion, joy is a spiritual force and one of the fruit of the spirit, joy is an

            unmistakable expression of the love of God, it is often difficult to see love, but

            I can see joy!!!!!!!!!  Much fruit bearing is much joy being released, JOY and

            Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Dictionary, being truly connected to the vine

            is what releases the love of the joy of The LORD in our lives……….

What a possibility, what an inspiration, that we can enhance the glory of “our Father!” Our hearts leap at the thought.  How can this be done? By bearing “leaves”—a profession of love for Him? No. By bearing some fruit? No. “That ye bear much fruit.” In the abundance of the yield is the joy, the glory of the husbandman. We should, therefore, aim to be extraordinary, “hundred-fold” Christians, satisfied with none but the largest yield. Our lives should be packed with good deeds. Then at harvest time we can say, “Father, I have glorified Thee on the earth!”

Jesus walked in love and joy, and He fulfilled His Father’s charge to him, Zech 3:7

            the charge was His place, His ordination or where He was put

Without the knowing of God’s love toward us, we take Him and the circumstances

            around us and interpret them in our own understanding, Dt 1:26-32, His love

            and His covenant brought them out of Egypt, they thought He hated them

To allow ourselves to focus on the circumstance adheres us to that situation, and cuts

            us off from His Spirit, Proverbs 23:18 surely there is an end, expectation comes

Biblical faith is faith in the love of God, once confessed our sin cannot separate us,

            1 John 1:9, God’s love toward us is not moved by our behavior

Love is doing His commandments, 2 John 6

John 3:16-17  salvation not condemnation was His plan, salvation with an exhibition of

            His joy

Psalm 30,  joy cometh in the morning, giving thanks in verse 12 is expressing joy

Nehemiah 8: 8-12, the joy of The LORD is your strength, and understanding His Word

A praising and joyful heart releases the power of God in our lives, praise and joy are

            our strength, Psalm 8:2 connects with Matthew 21:16, we still the enemy with

            His words out of our mouth, joy is that key with praise and strength released

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