Joy 030208
Joy 030208
John 3:8 We know that the wind listeth to blow where there is a vacuum. If you find a tremendous rush of wind, you know that somewhere there is an empty space. I am perfectly sure about this fact: if we could expel all pride, vanity, self-righteousness, self-seeking, desire for applause, honor, and promotion—if by some divine power we should be utterly emptied of all that, the Spirit would come as a rushing mighty wind to fill us.
My Utmost February 16, when we are dead, God says arise, we come to the end of us,
withered hand – Luke 6:6-10, first stand up and then stretch out your hand, this
was the charge of Jesus to that man at that moment
Jesus walked in love and joy, and He fulfilled His Father’s charge to him, Zech 3:7
the charge was His place, His ordination or where He was put, charge is those
who guard or an obligation, service or where He has called us, note Zech 3:9
We are to standup and be HIS anointed ones, and bring forth HIS kingdom
Without the knowing of God’s love toward us, we take Him and the circumstances
around us and interpret them in our own understanding, Dt 1:26-32, His love
and His covenant brought them out of Egypt, they thought He hated them
To allow ourselves to focus on the circumstance adheres us to that situation, and cuts
us off from His Spirit, Proverbs 23:18 surely there is an end, expectation comes
Biblical faith is faith in the love of God, once confessed our sin cannot separate us,
1 John 1:9, God’s love toward us is not moved by our behavior
Love is doing His commandments, 2 John 6
John 3:16-17 salvation not condemnation was His plan, salvation with an exhibition of
His joy
Psalm 30, joy cometh in the morning, giving thanks in verse 12 is expressing joy
Nehemiah 8: 8-12, the joy of The LORD is your strength, and understanding His Word
A praising and joyful heart releases the power of God in our lives, praise and joy are
our strength, Psalm 8:2 connects with Matthew 21:16, we still the enemy with
His words out of our mouth, joy is that key with praise and strength released