Essential #8- Evangelism in pursuit of godliness
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· 12 viewsAn effective witness requires us to put the Gospel before our Christian liberties and our natural desires.
Today we will be looking at our last discipleship principle-Evangelism in pursuit of godliness.
Evangelism is sadly something many believers struggle with.
Our excuses come out- “I dont have time”, “I dont know what say”, “Im just scared of what they will say” or “I just dont think about it”.
But I think we need to come clean and be honest today.
Evangelism has never been an optional command
From the outset of the Great Commission in Matt 28 to the Disciples in Acts 4- who testify that they cant be quiet concerning Jesus has long since faded in the majority of Christians.
We know God desires us to share the Gospel and what Jesus has done in our lives but most just dont.
Donald Whitney said “He does not expect all Christians to use the same methods of evangelism, but He does expect all Christians to evangelize.”
“Just as each Christian, regardless of spiritual gift or ministry, is to love others, so each believer is to evangelize whether or not his or her gift is that of evangelist.”
We think we fail if the conversation doesnt work out or they dont believe but thats just not the case.
Whitney says “ We need to learn that sharing the gospel is successful evangelism. We ought to have an obsession for souls and tearfully plead with God to see more people converted, but only God can produce the fruit of evangelism called conversion.”
He also says, “Sharing the gospel is like walking around in a thunderstorm passing out lightning rods. You dont know when the lightning is going to strike but you know what it will strike- the lightning rod of the gospel. And when it does, the persons lightning rod will be charged with the power of God and he or she will believe.”
With the reminder once again that salvation is all God, a faithful testimony is what is required of us
If I asked you right now to right down what the Gospel, could you do it?
So when we opened this series, we discussed 3 methods of sharing the gospel
Core 4, 3 Circles, and the G.B.N.P- are all helpful in letting us get to where we need to with the gospel conversation
But for the majority, we wont get to far in short passing meetings
It will be through intentional conversations- maybe neighbors, co-workers, teammates etc
These conversations begin by something called pre-evangelism.
We have created a relationship, made contact, created common ground and have a stable footing to share the gospel.
Today i think we see a good example of that biblically in 1 Cor 9
We will drill down into the Pauls selfless desire to make the gospel above all else
Before we move into vs 19 Id like to frame this passage some
The Corinthian church was making more of their liberties in Christ than their fellow man
Some would eat meat offered to idols, Jews couldnt stand it, and people would butt heads
In the beginning of the chapter Paul goes through a list of freedoms and rights so to speak that he has in Christ
This is my defense to those who would examine me. Do we not have the right to eat and drink? Do we not have the right to take along a believing wife, as do the other apostles and the brothers of the Lord and Cephas? Or is it only Barnabas and I who have no right to refrain from working for a living? Who serves as a soldier at his own expense? Who plants a vineyard without eating any of its fruit? Or who tends a flock without getting some of the milk?
If we have sown spiritual things among you, is it too much if we reap material things from you? If others share this rightful claim on you, do not we even more?
Nevertheless, we have not made use of this right, but we endure anything rather than put an obstacle in the way of the gospel of Christ.
Pauls point is that he has God given liberties and Scripture to back up his rights but yet he refrains for one purpose- the Gospel
Pauls entire mindset was framed around making sure he made the most of his time for the gospel
So Paul continues in
For though I am free from all, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win more of them.
-His point here is that he is free in Christ and if he would accept payment, eat meat or other things not prohibited by the law that he had every right to do that
-He is saying I have Christian Liberty too!!!
But what I love so much about him and see so little in me at times- he values others more than himself
-Paul says I put myself in enslaved to others
MacArthur says this is the same wording of that used in Acts 7:6 referring to the 400 years of slavery in Egypt, the marriage bond in 1 Cor 7:15, and a believers new relationship to righteousness in Romans 6:18
Its a weighty word that means his primary commitment in life is the gospel and everything he does fits in that primary mission
Thats mindset change that I need to make
We can go on mission trips and sharing the Gospel is the mission objective in all things
We are working, meeting people, sharing goods all for the purpose of the sharing the gospel
But how quick that switch turns off
I think the proper way we need think of things is this- if your hear as a child of God- you are that first and then everything else follows
Christian Father/Mother- so how we father/mother our kids is primarily affected by the gospel first and then everything else
Christian (pick the occupation)- so how we do those daily task are primarily affected by the gospel and then everything else that comes with it
See the difference
Ask a woman about her self and she typically responds about her family
Ask a man about himself and he typically responds about what he does
When they ask believer about themselves, will they ever hear about Jesus?
Paul says my purpose in life has shifted and I know see the world through the eyes of gospel so should we- so that many more will hear the Good News
To the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to win Jews. To those under the law I became as one under the law (though not being myself under the law) that I might win those under the law. To those outside the law I became as one outside the law (not being outside the law of God but under the law of Christ) that I might win those outside the law. To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some.
Keeping festival days, eating food offered to idols, family practices and general beliefs would vary widely among Jews and Gentiles- those under law and those without the law
Paul says when I am in a more Jewish setting, I operate more in line Jewish society
Same for the Gentile
He would not sin, he would not compromise the truth but he would change his approaches to reaching them
Paul takes vows in Acts 18 and 21 for the Jews sake
Paul has Timothy circumcised in Acts 16 for the Jews sake
In acts 19, Paul reasons in Ephesus in halls of Tyrannus everyday for two years for the Gentiles sake
In Acts 17- Paul speak to the Athenians about many pagan gods and also about their unknown God but also daily in marketplace with people for
Now all the Athenians and the foreigners who lived there would spend their time in nothing except telling or hearing something new.
Paul made himself accessible to all people for one purpose- the gospel
To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some.
To weak, those who were easily offended or stumble in regards to dietary and ceremonial law- he to became weak
He would go above and beyond for their sake
for one purpose--- that he might win some to Christ
Notice it didnt say win all, but it did say by all means
The Gospel is offensive enough without us making it worse
If some doesnt like Gods truth their issue is with Gods truth but if we are unwilling to move to them or wiggle on some gray areas that bible doesnt speak to then the offense is with us not the gospel
If the Gospel offends, thats one thing, but if I am offensive, then they will never get past me to hear the gospel.
See the difference?
Pauls mindset was to be unwavering on Biblical truth but realized it had to be done different in other places
That may require us doing some work
We may need to do a little digging to hold a conversation about current events, science, social matter and how the gospel address this
Its called apologetics- which may be the next big thing we address on Wednesday nights
Why? - So by all mean we might save some
When I looked back over my intentionality this week, I am ashamed.
I can and should be so much better but it requires a mindset change
I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings.
Pauls makes it clear- all he does is for the gospels sake
I have it said “Its the great commission not the great suggestion”
No greater joy than seeing someone who is lost be found
If that meant his personal rights, individual preferences- had to be set aside then he was willing because in light of the Cross, Jesus deserves better
Paul his blessing to be sharing in their blessing of knowing Jesus
Jerry Clower said this way- If you go down and witness to some one in the community and they come to Jesus and the next Lords Day they make a public profession of their salvation- he said 99 and 17/100th of your nitpciking will be gone
May our blessing now be, to see others come to Jesus- It has a way of putting to death our preferences
But it will require a mindset change and discipline
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable.
MacArthur notes that the Greeks had two big sporting events- Olympics and Isthmian games
Olympics needs not intro- but the Isthmian games were held in Corinth
10 months they trained and one month they trained in Corinth under supervision
Even now, if you want to succeed in athletics- you will must put in the work and make sacrifices
Stories like Micheal Jordan- being the first one in the gym and the last to leave
And they did all this for a wreath or in our time a medal or fame that will all fade away
You can buy those medals on Ebay or auctions some times
They lose there zeal and even after the celebration is over they begin fading
So Paul appeals to this understanding in comparing the discipline in our witness
Just as they train, we discipline ourselves spiritually not for wreaths or medallions but towards godliness which has profit in this life and the one to come
So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.
Paul mission isn’t aimless or wasting time- its deliberate
He isnt shadow boxing- he fighting a real fight and he running a real race
Some translations hav vs 27 as “I buffet my body and make my slave”
I think that really captures what is going here
Paulis willing to take black eyes and put himself to loss if it meant that others would see a faithful effective witness of the gospel in and through his life
Personal liberties die at the feet of gospel- Christian liberty has no ground around weaker brothers
May we be like Paul and live out the message we declare
He didnt ask the Corinthians to do anything he hasnt for the gospel
Today, God calls us to do the same