The Great Tribulation

Intertextuality  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Fifth in the series about intertextuality.

Before I get in my car to take a trip I check the weather report, especially if it’s already snowing. If I hear that the driving is bad then I usually plan on making the trip on a different day.
There are exceptions. One time I drove into a terrible snow storm in upstate New York because my a family member was in college, and the campus was being shut down, and she had no other way to get home. All the trains and buses were not running because the storm was so bad. When I drove to where she was in upstate New York, we saw cars that had run off the road, and one car even spun 360 degrees right in front of us. But somehow, we made it.
So, sometimes we know trouble is ahead, but we choose to go right into the middle of the trouble. We do that because we choose to do something that is very important to us. What we want to do matters more to us than the difficulty we will face.
In the Bible, tribulation comes to believers. It can come for many different reasons. Whatever the reason for the tribulation it is usually a test to see if we will remain faithful to God despite the hardship.
That leaves us with a question, “How can we stay faithful in the midst of devastating tribulation?”

Tribulation’s Twisting and Churning

Tribulation is a type of chaos

The flood of Noah’s time – the flood was a tribulation, and Noah and family endured it. They also endured ridicule while they built the ark.

The plagues in Egypt sent by God came just before the Israelites were set free from slavery, and were free to leave to begin a new creation in the Promised Land (cf. Gen. 13:10; Deut. 8:7–10; 11:8–17) where the Promised Land is described using words similarly used to describe the Garden of Eden).

The people of Israel being taken into captivity in Babylon before God started a new covenant with His people (see Isa. 45:18–19; Jer. 4:23–28). Israel will become like a new Eden (Isa. 51:3; Ezek. 36:35; Joel 2:3; cf. Isa. 65:21–23 LXX).

One Great Tribulation

The Great Tribulation is different because it is the final assault and test of Jesus and the church, which will culminate in His final return.

Daniel 12:1 – the final phase of the tribulation will be worse than any that came before it.

Daniel 12:1 is cited in several New Testament prophecies about the Great Tribulation - Dan. 12:1 in Matt. 24:21; Rev. 2:22; 7:14,

AD 70 destruction of the Temple
The church age, as a whole
The beginning and end of the church age

A greater clash between God’s people and the people who are God’s enemies.

The anti-Christ has entered the conflict with the people of Jesus - 1 John 2; 4; 2 Thess. 2

At the end the anti-Christ will have a greater incarnation than ever before Daniel 7-12.

Satan’s attack on the believing community will be greater than ever before (Revelation 12:7-17).

Has anyone ever told you, “You’re testing my patience.” That’s not the kind of test where you give the person an “A, B, C, D, or F.” It’s more like pushing the limit, so see how far you can go before everything blows up in your face. A test of faith is not a test that receives a grade, but through tests of faith we learn just how far our faith will go before it fails.

Withstanding Tribulation’s Tests

It could mean that God is at work and Satan is angry, so don’t throw in the towel before God has completed the work He has begun.

1John 2:18 - antichrists have come, showing this is the last hour. This is an allusion to Daniel 8:11&12, which is clearly about the final Tribulation. John is saying that the tribulation is underway. It will get much worse, but it has begun.
Those who believe in Christ should be clear that the struggle against sin is both internal and external. It comes from our own sinful desires, but also from the opposition of the Enemy, Satan.

Conflict between good and evil is normal, and should not drive us off course in our obedience to God.

Satan will have his place in heaven (Revelation 12:8).

There was a place in heaven given to Satan where he could accuse God’s followers (Job 1:6-11; 2:1-6; Zechariah 3:1-2).

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