Sabbath Healing.
Matthew • Sermon • Submitted
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· 6 viewsJesus heals a man on the Sabbath and the Pharisees plot to kill Him for it.
Introduction of the Text:
Reading of the Text:
Jesus Is Lord of the Sabbath.
Jesus Is Lord of the Sabbath.
Jesus Heals the Man with the Withered Hand.
Jesus Heals the Man with the Withered Hand.
a. Is it Lawful to Heal on the Sabbath?
a. Is it Lawful to Heal on the Sabbath?
They ask Him this to trap Him.
The Pharisees did not have an understanding of the Law.
Jesus, the author of the Law knows not just the law but the heart of the Law.
Jesus knows the heart of the Law as the author of a novel knows the intent behind their literary choices.
Jesus uses the example of rescuing sheep. (Ex 23:4-5, Deut 22:1-4)
It would be unlawful to refuse to rescue your or even your enemy’s sheep on the Sabbath.
There is no Prohibition for performing miracles on the Sabbath. It is prohibited to work. It is lawful to do good.
b. It is Lawful to Heal on the Sabbath.
b. It is Lawful to Heal on the Sabbath.
Jesus is not breaking the Sabbath.
Jesus is not breaking the Sabbath.
Many have claimed Jesus to be breaking the Sabbath, and in doing so He is doing away with it.
Jesus is not doing away with the Sabbath. He is condemning the Pharisees and their wrongful interpretation of the Sabbath.
To say that Jesus is breaking the Sabbath is to accuse Him of sin.
Jesus did away with the dietary restrictions. He did so by declaring it. He did not do it by eating bacon.
This angered the Pharisees greatly. They knew He was correcting their flawed and heretical theology. Because of this they left in rage. It is at this point that the Pharisees begin to plot to kill Jesus.
The Pharisees Begin to Plot to Kill Jesus.
The Pharisees Begin to Plot to Kill Jesus.
Jesus does not do away with the law. He clarifies it and corrects those who have twisted it.
The pharisees, as the teachers of the day had twisted and manipulated the Sacred Scriptures in order to benefit themselves and gain power.
Jesus directly corrects them and angrily corrects them. (Mark 3:5)
The Pharisees were terrible teachers.
If we are not careful we can buy into the lie that the Pharisees were correctly teaching the Law, and Jesus came and was saying “Away with the Law!”
If we do, we will view the law as bad and corrupt. The Law is not evil in any way. It is the Holy Word of God. It is in no way wrong or evil.
The Pharisees were the evil ones. They were twisting God’s Law for their own gain. We should be filled with passionate anger at their manipulating of God’s Word..
Jesus comes and corrects their evil manipulation of God’s Law.
Then Scripture tells us that Jesus knew of their plot. Again we see Jesus’ divine nature in knowing the thoughts and intents of man. Nothing is hidden from Him. But instead of speaking out against the Pharisees, Jesus healed many.
Jesus knew the extent of the plans of the Pharisees to have Him killed and did nothing to stop it. Why?
He did nothing to stop it because it was the reason He came. He came to suffer and be crucified.
We see here the omnipotence and sovereignty of God. The pharisees plot to kill Jesus but they are merely playing the part in God’s plan that He had set them to play. (Prov 16:4, 9, 1 Peter 1:18-21, Acts 2:23-24)
Because Jesus was following the plan of God the Father, He simply moves on and continues His mission in peace.
He does not make a stir, or come in as a conqueror. He instead tells people to remain quiet. He is gentle and peaceful.
Two weeks ago I preached on resting in the sovereignty of God. Here we see Jesus enact this lesson for us.
He knows the plot of the Pharisees to kill Him, and proceeds in peace.
He continues on in His divine mission from God.