Mark 5:35-43 | Without Faith

The Gospel of Mark  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  52:38
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Last week started a Scripture passage that contains a story within a story—better yet, a miracle within a miracle. We were introduced to a religious VIP named Jairus. We also met a woman who is the opposite of Jairus. This woman is so unimportant; we don’t even know her name. And yet, these two people who are polar opposites have much in common when it comes to learning about faith in God. We defined faith as a constant dependence on God.

Manuscript Without Faith ... Page I of26 Past or Dustin Daniels I River Bible Church Mark 5:35-43 I Without Faith ... November l, 2020 REVIEW & INTRODUCTION: . th . Last\.\JeefZ-"' ~ ~ 'A a scnpture passage at contains a story .thin WI a story- b etter yet, a miracle within a miracle. We were introduced to a religious VIP named Jairus. We also a met a woman who is the opposite of Jairus. This woman is so unimportant; we don't even know her name. She is physically sick, socially despised, and destitute. And yet, these two peo~~ comes to learning abo~ --f- FAITH-A are polar opposites have muc h in common when it God. constant dependence on God. -fe.y,r~\r..") cr-tl"'c. fC..W'~~--ce, ~t We met Jairus briefly from last week, but our narrative quickly turned from him to this woman. She had seen every doctor in town, but was incurable. ' \ w''f":) This left her d""~ l A. ! She# s\r-<... ~e!"\T -4-':l kr ft<Ylt1iY' f'~',C/>"'5. d:j,p poverty . Her medical problem was that she couldn 't stop bleeding. This particular ailment was not just a physical problem, but a spiritual situa tion as well. Page2 of26 WithoutFaith.. . Manuscript Old Testament law declared that someone with this kind of medical condition was ceremonially unclean. (Lev. I 5:25- 33). ,:91-~aw said she could physicalle:9 ~ 0 one/ and no one could physically her. But she had heard about Jesus. rl Bas_~ on what she's heard about Jesus, she makes a radical) bold, l _d illegal dec1s1on. I'~ ~~ t~ es~er way through the crowd-clearly violating the OT laws ~ by touching and bumping into all these people to get to Jesus. ,f" Mark 5:28- For she said, "If I ju st touch His clothes , I'll be made well ." -r KEYPOINT: This woman doesn't let her problems-which are many- prevent her from -~ -r experiencing Jesus. ~~<- f\o<-K't.e.~ I. _ 1 [\f'I-.\ i'-tv ic.--h"" KEYPOINT : She doesn't have perfect faith; she has a progressive faith. And we learned that Jesus said it was e at made her well. Jesus heals her physically and saves her spiritually. "Shalom, go in peace." Now let me ~~this ... how much ~ while he wa~on Jesus? d do you think Jairus was experiencing I Have you found it difficult in your own life to rejoice with others when your worried about your own situation? '?020-11-1 Manuscript Without Faith .. . Page 3 of26 k->~~ u~ fi~-\tr'>~~1~ How patient was Jairus 9 Let 's find out. w~? **PLEASE STAND for the reading of God's Word** SCRIPTURE: Mark 5:35-43 t CSB Mark 5:21- When Jesus had crossed over again by boat to the other side, a larg e crowd gathered around Him while He was by the sea. --f-Ma rk 5:22- One of the synagogue leaders, named Jairu{ came, and wh en he sow Jesus, he fell at His feet _j_ Mark 5:23- a nd ~et! I Come and loy Yo~s 1 -r- Mark 5:24- So Jesus went with him, ond a /~was E9 against Him. 0 Mark 5:25- No~ a woman sufferin -\- • Jesus ea rnestly,t "My little dought r is dy ing. on her so tha t he can get well, /and Jive." following ond • from bleed ing for twelve years i . I Mark 5:26- hod endured much und er many doctors. She had spent everything she had and was not helped at all. On the contrary , she become worse. -r ,& Mark 5:27- Ha yiQfJ...._ about Jesus, she came up beh ind Him in the cro wd and ~Hi s clothing. l -t- Mark 5:28- For she said, "If I just tou ch His c lothes, well." I Mark 5:29~~h body that sl'le-~ f'v1 }/'IIbe made • ark 5:30~09tely er flow of blood ceased , and she sensed in her ~Jed of her affl iction. Jesus reali zed that pow er had gone out from ~020-11- 1 Page4 of26 Without Faith... Manuscript Him. He turned around in the crowd and said, 'Who touched my clothes? " 7 Mar t: 31- Hisdisciples said to him, 'You see the crowd pressing against You, ~ nd yet You say, 'Who touched Me? "' --(- Mark 5:32-But He was looking around to see who hod done this. -{- Mark 5:33- The woma,t:}f th fear and trembling ] ~ ~hat had happened to her, came and fell down before him, an~ him the - whole truth. - - I ~ -r- Mark 5:34- "Daughter," he said to her, "your faith hos saved you. Go in peace and be healed from your affliction. " Mark 5:35- Wbile he w still speaking, people come fro h~ synagogue leader 's house\ond said, Your daughter is dead. Wh bother fi e teacher 7 anymore?" I ~ Ma rk 5\- 6-When 1 Jesus overheard what was said, he told the synagogue leader, \Don't be afraid. Only believe." 1 t Mark 5:37-He did not let anyone accompany him except Peter, Jomes, and John, Jomes 's brother. 7 Mark 5:38-They came to the leader 's house, and he sow a commotion - people @ -t ~ ond @ ---C-- loudly . Mark 5:39-He went in and said to them, 'Why or[_ you making a commotion and weeping? The child is not dead lbut ark 5:40-They ~ at him,\ but he put ~~ them oil outside. He took the • Manuscript Without Faith ... Page 5 of26 child 's father, mother, and those who were with him, and entered the p lace where the chi ld was. 1 Mark 5:4 1-The n He took the child by the hand and said to her,, 'Talitha TA\ koum " (which is translated, "Little girl, I say to you, get up'J.. - --/-Ma rk 5:42-/mmediat ely (he girl got )'!?__~d began to walk. (She was { twelve years old.) At this \hey were ~ astounded. _/.--M ark 5:43- Then He gave them strict orders that no one should know l 7 about this and told them to give her something to eat. PRAY: EXEGES IS: j).,s TA1(v"::, 1 --l--M ark 5:35- While.:He wa{ still speaking , people came from . .,......,__- I "@Ttiii='r 's house /and said, l'Your daughter is dead. Why bbth er he teacher -C anymore? " This delay that was caused by the woman r as ~t to die. ~~Jes clothes. long enough for Jairus' daughter us stopped the crowd to ask who touched His The disciples thought it was a rtdicu~ question. The woman who had been healed l hought it was a ~ Jairus ~ ought it was a ~ question. uestion. His gut was right. His fear manifested into a reajjty. The delay, had turned deadly. W20-ll-l Page6 of26 WiihoutFaith... Manuscript This delay was~~ 08- or Jairus. And this tesAled to tragedy. = \ Jairus did all that a loving father could do. But it was8 enough. The life of his little girl was out of his control. Wb other he teacher anymore? ~ --- The insinuation in their question was that Jesus had beeCastin~with woman, and now it was too late. _ ___., The family and friends are hopeless. Nothing can be done-She's I this dead. Maitha said the same thing to Jesus about her brother Lazarus. --\- cf. John 11:21 CSB~~n Hadba said #7>/sst1s, "Lor& here, my brother wouldn 't have died. . ou had been What's Martha's insinuation?y ou were wasting time. Notice what Jairus' friends call Jesus- "Teacher." The hidden message here is that Jesus is only a teacher. Death marks the limit of whatever power He may have. --t"Ma rk S~When afraid. ~ Jesus overheard what was said, he told Jairus, "Don't be believe. " Jairus has a decision to mak~ igh7'now] Is he going to give in to a fea1 that leads to despair? '-- Manuscript WithoutFaith... Page 7 of26 Fear is the antithesis of faith. -t KEYPOINT I : .( \ Fear is a self-centered\ rather than God-centered,J@o life's tragedies. j L Losing a loved one is the kind of fear that turns people away from God. -r KEYPOINT 2: weSear orfaith. It's a choice. Choosing fear or fai~ is a ~at more chances in life r pro~ spiritual muscle. ~ 1-~w- p ~ i~ M"Nr,J ~~n--"5-ft"'V>-t".J -J\E"~rb~ l~ will either prevent Jairus from taking any into a new chapter with God that will build This is~ '\.~hen Jairus may turn his back on God because he's too afraid of any more disappointment. 1own /.' ~ This is a~.o,th at life has at Jairus, and it's only in the decades ,of 1 1 4 knowing and experiencing God hat he'll be able to press through:-!\,~.few.:clc}..,t-,+- ,~-r If Jairus' faith is based on a ~c~relationship capacity to believe. N-lcl-1 -e> irfrjekl. with God, h wouldn't ave the He'll reject all hope in the future because he can't face the additional pain of having hope crushed again. Life is like this, isn't it? One day you wake up mioding yo"' own businoss ,nd, ~A~ ,u Sell breaks loose. And you have a split second to l. ake a life-altering decision that will change the course of your life for the better r spiral out of control. 1 Page 8 of26 WrthoutFaith ... Manuscript So what is it Jairu~ do you choose fear that will lead to despair/or faith that enlightens? Just as the desperate woma~ _last week overcame her fear with faith, Jesus tells Jairus, "Don't be afrai ; keeP, n believing." - • Jairus, you showed faith an hour ago. Now you muse believing in Me. You mu st walk by f flilh, not by sighl (2 Corinthiaps 5:7) ~~N-"k{h.~ Q--- ~~ ~ -½·11-\...J,,~ '<.,_, ,l What's going through Jairus' head? "' ·,,_ .,..r-i \,~'- \...-..f But Jesu s, I don't understand. How can faith help now? My daughter is dead. It :S over. From a human perspective, all hope for the girl was lost. We can reach that point, the point where we say to ourselves: "Why should I bother God anymore?" Everything 1feared e happe , has happened. Why should 1 bother praying now? My husband died. My child died. I'm dying. Whytrouble God now? Notice here thae ignored their comments.r ~s ':f=:\; Cl}ef 1 did not. Jesus said, "You trust Me, Jairus. Not them. You remember what you've heard. ~~ :?020-11-1 ~ Manuscript Without Faith .. . Page 9 of26 '{01,;11e._ seer-. f/le.. ~, Youremember what~~ Don'~ -r Youbelieve in Me and only Me. fear. All you need to d1 is to keep on believing." KEYPOI NT 3: Jesus _didnot ask Jairus to do anythina -believe. r than what he had already been doing Jairus had shown a small amount of faith when he $. feet earlier. ~ own himself at Jesus's He has the faith of a mustard seed. Jesus told Martha ... ....J-cf. John 11:40 CSB-Didn 't I tell you that if yoSyou J glory of God? wou ld see the The father whose son was demon -possessed once told Jesus ... ,r cf. Mark 9:22 CSB- Bu@ ou con do anything ( have compassion on us and help us." + cf. Mark 9:23 CSB- J~ s said to him,@ou for the one who ~" So Jairus, €9, \ bot whe,e did it go? can 'Z L Everything is possible ' ~ ;"i:~ e~1;.1':y-,~ 1\'\ He needst{: build upon th; fai~ that he currently has. Jesus is saying, "Get your eyes off the situation Jairus, and get them on Me. 1020-11. 1 Without Faith... Manuscript Page 10of26 Stop listening to the world, and even your well-intentioned friends , and listen to Me. It's like Jesus took Jairus by the shirt collar and said, "Do not give in to your ten-or. Just trust Me. This is not over." Think about it; it was only moments ago, Jairus witn essed Jesus heal a woman with no hope and no future. Jairus @ hat woman experience God . So what's happerung now? Jairus is ee God for h~. 0 He's going to learn that he can't Jive off another person's faith. Jairus must be enlightened. That's what his name means, "YWHW Enlightens ." Jairus must come to terms with who Jesus truly is. Is Jesus just a teacher? Just a prophet? Just a good man with good morals that we lump into the collection of religious leaders? Or is Jesus,\ he Son of God, who came to take away the sin of the world? ls Jesus still- after all this disappointment - Jairus only hope? '-.J Manuscript ,,.,......_ ~ Without Faith ... Page 11of26 YPOIN T4 : Jairus was calle8 to a ~e act of faith { but a consistent tenacity of faith. Faith is not necessarily something Jairus has. Faith is something that has Jairus. His faith in Jesus must carry him from despair to hope\ and hope to life. -II Mark 5:37-Jesus did not le t anyone accompany Jam es, and John, Jam es's brother. Him except Peter, -{- Mark 5:38- They came to the leader 's house, and he saw a commotion people weeping and waifing loud ly. l'4>L~\.>JSI \ Jairus must have believed (because he's sti ll walking with Jesus to his house . We don't know how long this took. 'i'\tyNT'Ve_, But Jairus' faith is again chailenged by all the noise. C"-CE'. This is tht{second tim~ we see Jairu ~ faith confronted. Jairus knows precisely what this uproar is all about. -- t\-\'i:. Because of the commotion at home, $ts little girl's death is common knowledge. 'thtfY\.~ '\ 'h,f\tl~ Let's talk about funerals ... Our funerals today are much different than ancient Jewish funerals. Ours are solemn and quiet affairs; ancient Jewish funerals were nothing of the sort. Page 12 of26 Without Faith... Manuscript \.._.,,- This wi II sound bizarre, but professional mourners were hired to vocalize and broadcast feelings of sadness. The families agony ~ as magnified, not silenced . These professionals had mastered the art ~ f howling and groaning. The funeral included flute-players . ·~ Like thJ!t oumers, they would play loud, off-key sounds that symbolized the emotional pain associated with death. According to Jewish tradition, even the poor were required to have at least two flute players and one wailing woman. So, wh~n Jesus arrived at Jairus's house, the scene was chaotic1 oud,k nd depressrng. l And because Jairus was wealthy and well known, the number of itland musicians was probably large. f '-. mourners Mark 5:39- Jesus went in and said to t'J: !j ' "Wh~ are you making a commotion and weeping? The child isV deod [bufos/ eep." Jesus asks a rhetorical question. It implies that their mourning was out of place. Jesus stops the funeral. He brings it to 8 bait. The mourners stopped their wailing, and the musicians put down their flutes. 1020.IJ.I Manuscript WithoutFaith... Page 13 of26 Suddenly, the silence (intensified the drama of the moment. It's in that silence that . .. t t".,s Mark 5:40-They laugh ed at~, but He put them all outsid e. He took the child's father, mother, and those who were with Him, and entered the place where the child was. They laughed a Jesus-The professional mourners had seen many funerals. Thee death when they saw itl Jairus' daughter was dead. So, they ridiculed Him. They ~~t Jesus with contempt. They ha~ espect for Jesus. L " - ''-> ,,.-(•"' They scoffed, they jeered . They made rude and mocking comments back to Jesus. Interesting, isn't it? How the mourners became mockers latthe flip of a switch. J,.eat1is.h,as no patience with superficial mourning, so teUs them to get lost. w, what's Jairus thinking? if they don't believe in Jesus. Why am I? If they 're being so disrespectful and laughing at this Jesus, what am I doing? :!010-IJ- 1 This is the Page 14 of26 Without fa ith .. . Manuscript tesj of Jairus' faith. The hits of doubt and fear just keep coming one after the other. .u_e.. ~G:"<y::, 1t-\\'t","'"'~ ~1\ OIV0w."~(/IOJ1>lov-t-c~ h;i--. Jairus, can't catch a break. Things are not letting up. With every step he takes, his anxiety rises. -r KEYPOINTS: The longer Jairns walks with Jesus, things -- orse. S::!3!1 toge X2..- ''--- Back to ... ~ Ma rk 5:40- They laughed at Him, but He put them all outside. Jesus takes complete control of the situation. But he threw them all outside. ---- Unbelievers and mockers don't get to experience th Jesus is on mission. He doesn'B his time. -{- his time with people that are going to waste .,,--- Mark 5:41- Then He took the child by the hand and said to her, 'Talitha koum " (which is translated, "Little girl, I say to you, get up "). In essence, Jesus referred to her as a "little lamb," an expression of endearment and kindness. Mark, our gospel writer, includes the translation from Aramaic, "~~~ /ll'tl-" 1020-11-1 Manuscripr \Vitbour Faith ... Page l5 of26 h.~~clear for us that Jesus does not utte r some mysterious mumbo Mark jumbo\""~~ This is not magic. Jesus doesn't use formulas. t Mark 5:42 ,.;,m;diat el"""'he girl got up and began to walk . (She was twelve years old. At thi they were utterly astounded. Astounded literally means "to stand outside oneself. " In other words, there was no human explanation for what had just happened. KEYPOINT6: -{- Jesus' authority extends beyond the grave. Jesus told Martha regarding her brother Lazarus ... -4-ct. John 11:25 NLT......::les~lo,V t,e-i~ the resurrection and the life. Anyone wh~in me will Jive, even after dying . -t .ftSv) Mark 5:43-Then'Re gave them strict orders that no one should know about this and told them to give her something to eat. ,, ? Here we see Jesus telling the parents, don't tell anyone about the miracle. The miracle will say enough by itself. Jesus doesn't need a larger crowd. • The crowds are only going to hinder Jesus' mission of preaching the gospel. :W.!0-11 ·1 I Without Faith ... Manuscript ... told ~~ give her something to eat. Here we see the u§b Page 16of26 compassion of Jesus . This little girl might have been suffering from a terminal disease, for a long time. It may have been weeks or even months since her last full meal. Her parents are so stunned. They can't even think right now. So Jesus steps in as The Rock r nd a Loving Savio~ o take care of her physically. Secondly, the offer of food also proves that she is really alive. This is not an illusion. She is not a spirit ofu9 ~ t$ emonstrated that she was complete ly restored to life. The girl had immediately regained her full strength, just like everyone that Jesus heals. There is no rehab and no physica l therapy. @ I • Jesus makes all things new. W20- ll -1 Manuscript Without Faith... Page 17 of26 Faith is a struggle. There is a tension between fear, doubt and faith. It's supposed to be difficult. It's something you will always wrestle with. i ,_ _.4- KEYPOI NT 8: I ( '"7 \j Faith shows persistence in overcoming t,_kstacfesft$e/4 ,·e ~ X.C Both Jairus and the woman took significant risks~ approaching Jesus. These risks were rewarded and they were healed. That's great, but why doesn t Jesus heal me? Short answer: I don 't know. But l do know that God's ways are the best ways. Cancer? Loss of a spouse. Loss of a child. You9i,--5>.,..,-r, - ,.........., You don't actually believe that do you? Yes, I do. We all need to believe it because God tells us through this Book of Life t3J( _}-,c slsaia_!Jfi5j9 CSB-For as J s~are heaven is higher than earth, higher than your ways, . ~ Page 18 of26 Without Faith... Manuscript *(~~ and my thoughts than your thoughts. $.)("'le ~ cf . Romans 8:28 CSB- 'We k~ I /1"-,tjJ¼A~_s ha all things work together for the good of those who love God, Wnoar e called according to his purpose. ro/:r ~ ven in tragedie~ -::~ ally in tragedies. fi~~ 1 ~~~i\'6t (\f\.f(MV('S, l" '\1-tl$tk.Nt (l~ ,'1c¥MTllt. Where else can a child of God go? How are you not to run into the arms of your ~:;.~'5 ~ Heavenly Father? ~~ ~~i\ ''~ \ 1 t\\1:,.,,,._ :t_901""- <\ociolOV WC I J J fif)_ 'ii 11,.Cvor!l i, (-i('. We should all believe it because God knows first hand what it means to suffer. Let us not forget that God the Father r atched sinful man beaJ humiliate\ spit onl and nail God the Son o the cross. l God the Father \ ~ws what it looks like to\ 10s\ a son. -...J God the S01 e what's it like to~ And God the Holy Spiri~ unjustly. ~ su_!eri~s as well. And it's the Holy Spirit who helps with the builcfulgof our faith4u~ 1 0 WLG\-"-'l° ~.j_1 't:i\f~~ CAA-'d•~ 'Sv+fe(i'1 •1\,,r-;. ~ -r 0 edies. "t:> KEYP NT : \0 Faith a/lo ~ to participate in God's healing power. r, Wheth" its , physic,!,~ motional spi,itu,I h"ling ~\,__ Sv#r') Some wrongly believe that God must answer our prayers and can never say no. This is a false religion.~\.~~ \.X\-\tv~ Because God the Father said "no" to Jesus. ~010-11-1 Manuscript Witho ut Faith ... Page 19 of2 6 On the night of Jesus ' betrayal. .. cf. Mark 14:36 NLT- "Abba, Father! 'All thing are possible for you. Take this cup away from me. Jesusis s,ying,1 don>want to go throughthis suffe, the,e ony othe, woyy?:: r~> God the Father said, ''No." KEYPOINT ~ Our faith ~~ q ILQ; \\ does not tell God what to do. is sovereign and has the right to say no to our prayers and give us what we rather than what we want. Please know that if we are not healed physically, the reason is8 \~<L_ ~ was lacking ... ~ 7\._~~I~ ~ ( "- ~ But that God has sovereigp.ly8 that healing i(§ t best that our faith r~.v at this time. Faith allows us to participate spiritually in the healing ~, control God. but it does not ~,..c-\y When God answers, "No" or "Not now," it is r ot that ~e"'lack faith-oAhfil mkkies • 1 ~ - Instead, God has a better plan. .-3:_,'\. t" bec!l.l,\L ~ ~ ~ ~Ol' -..l(j'>!'!Tit t,.,\vv--- IA~ ~C'\\-\.Y \~vt.~OJ , 6o 1 h Remember, Go~;J His love for you on the cross. '{:',v,i, l ~ And it'~ of the cross~hat we must e~ This is not your best life now. This life is filled with suffering. '' ''y\u I\ ce God's plan. )_ ir~\\J.J('~v":: Page20 of26 Without Faith... Manuscript A, children of God w,ore nottoo run from sufferin~ but Much too often we or God's be~t because w@ And when we refuse to suffer, w& Faith is how you~ ti~ ,:'I-';s-1"'> I'·)-)' o be~__:d. ou are a child of God. . \ ~\t-te'>t suffer. J .... (Hebrews 12:7) k~> God tells us that we will be tested and then when~ we act like we had no idea that it was coming! ~tfl.l;. p,,-.i"iCF6t1'\ ~ 1~.c.-KR. \.,1t,f(',-. 6,\5S<>vtrt,r--.~-A.J..,,11"...,_5 fCSf>o'-s~\11j, ilflR=lyour;f elationship with Goc@det ennined by your faith. ~ ~~~ I When G ~ d s eaks to you through His Wor~ His Spirit or godly counsel, what we do nex roves"what we believe about God,lregardless of what we say. f~1'\\... ,p.scJ;..rr-;, i~ \ ~()IC" ~-ti •r-S . When God gives you an assignment, what's your first response? Do you sai ye{ and immediate!Y,,fulju~our life to God's calling- no matter the C7 cost to youf-~ Or do you try to modify God's Word to find an interpretation that seem~ to you? When Go~ives you an§; ossibl<ltask, the only thing preventing that task from being done is your disobedience. - ___.;; See, when God gives you an assignment, it's as good as already done. It's an absolute certainty. But what happens many times? ..._ Manuscript Without Faith... Page21 of26 Fear kicks in because we know that there )<no ~0rus ~ ourse Ives. task can be done by Moses did this. He argued with God about his task. And that argument hindered Moses' ministry the rest of his life. (Exodus 4) -{-ct.Hebrews 11:6 CSB-Now & ro; 1;, ;/,;,;;;;;bl to please God, It is by your faith that God's mighty power is revealed to you. Your faith doesn't eliminate your problems . Your faith keeps you trusting in God in the midst of your problems. - -t-~ ~ ~F:-.; _a~it '.{'~~ e~ ~::,ith your r~ crrcumstances. ith Go j than it does your \ I What about doubt? Doubt reveals your brokenness before God. God never c~ anyone in their doubt. Jesus consistency rebuked those who did not believe in Him. , I l~ He didn't coddle them . o+-fw?di>J'), Doubt should bring you to your k:nees\ so that you may confess your sin and choose to believe. \ The moment you do that is the moment God gives you a new revelation of Himself, which will strengthen your faith. 1020-11 -J Page22 of26 Without Faith... Manuscript Remember Doubting Thomas? When Jesus revealed Himself to Thomas, every doubt vanished. __._,, "li'YPOINT ?; J] You can only resolve your doubt in God's presence. '(_ 2 This life is a series of choices. Day by day, hour by hour, breath by breath. Are you going to trust i~~ you going to trust ciple f aith 8 if edwh1,.,n, in the If you are struggling in your faith, this is not the time to / ·"'.;;:; hr..., ·t _,....,. •- ·--0,... ~ ~ You will never increase your faith by Jl~~j~ t!i';;! ' Many times we say we ~st ~od our actions prov~ otherwis<r.- )f1f1~ W<...1-'A-'\ '-\¼r-~ ~-t v., ....,.... cri,,.--w o\ l:PJ)w\\ \, "'f-1 11\ YC~~ o-lf {'f'I God will use certain people, ~ ertain events and circumstances in your life to show you that you are kicking against the goads. We learn this from th~~e Paul>who as an 6'"1iev as a fire breathing Jewish Pharisee who hated Christi;:;J: ~"> 'fJ\~ ~"\ V'-l':> ~c. r cf. Acts 26:14 CSB- 'Sau/, Saul, why are you persecuting me? It is hard for o\.\ \-.t~ \i~r ~' you to kick against the goods.' Goad is metal spike to control oxen. IT moved them along. Jesus is asking Saul , "Why are you fighting against my will?" , 1 Manuscript Without Faith ... Page 23 of26 Many · e do this, and we ask God to do something, but we refuse to our JUStoui-life for the prayer we are praying for! Why do we do this? -:Y (,\ IL·\r---{~'i\\,-- Because we've already made up our mine we went to prayer. We give God a token prayer. But in reality all we've done is ask Him to bles~ f,r\l- That's not ~r, u that's deception. plans. Let me give you an example. If you're praying for revival for the whole country& How are yot~ and r~~our are you preparing for it? life~ or this supernatural awakening? God can't bring revival if you're not prepared because ·s pres~will crush you. One of the best stories about faith is in Daniel 3. ~ fd<J\k -\.1.c~~'-v ""'~IF> Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego expressed tp.e 6liy kind of faith that carries us 1¥,Aa~~ -thre~~~~~~e!gf~;lbei:rtt!®ent~n,-3-:-1:7 - 18): cf. Daniel 3: 16-17 NLT-0 Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God whom we serve is able to save us. He will rescue us from your power, ~ ~ - cf. Daniel 3:18 NLT-~t you, that we will b hav e set up ." even if he do sn't,,we want to make it clear to serve your gods !or worship the gold statue you 1 ~020-11·1 Page24 of26 Without Faith... Manuscript Your Faith has the power to stare death in the eye, and smile A+ ¥ &,\. ~ 11-~ _SAM i7t1 cf. J n 5:24 CSB-'Truly I ell you, anyone who hears my word and elieves im w e has eternal life and wi~ nder judgmen but has passed rom death to life. 1 Corinthians 15:54 NLT-Then, when our dying bodies ..,~,_...,..,.., een ed into bodies that will never die, this Sr-ri,,,,+rire will be fulfilled: where is your victory? nthians 15:57 NLT-But thank God! He · s us victory over sin cl death through our Lord Jesus Christ. Jairus learned an important lesson today. His buddies told him that his daughter was dead, that he shouldn't trouble The Teacher anymore. But Jesus, in his compassion and mercy for Jairus and his family, proved to them that nothing is impossible with God. ~\.w ,,._~~"1 v-.z.~~~t ot even dea . bv,'I.\ ~ ~ ~ , \ ~IV o-rt~!'S °'-- vS."'-'\l\ ~,~c. or--- ~l'-- ---=------:------ S(pAA~~(1---\..l----~~, ~-, PRAYER: ~{r~~t-- BENEDICTION: Romans 15:13- May the God of hope fill y ou with all joy and peac e in believing,) so that by the po wer of th e Holy Spiri iy ou may abound in hope. ~020-11-1 1 Manuscript Without Faith.. . Page 25 of2 6 Sermon Biblio,:raphv Blackaby, Henry; Blackaby, Richard . Experiencing God: Day by Day. Nashville, TN: B&H Publishing Group , 2016. Blight, Richard C. An Exegetical Summary of Mark 1-8. Dallas, TX: SIL International, 2012. Blum , Edwin A., and Trevin Wax, eds. CSB Study Bible: Notes. Nash ville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2017. Edwards , James R. The Gospel according to Mark. The Pillar New Testament Commentary. Grand Rapids, MI; Leicester, England: Eerdmans; Apollos, 2002. Fn1chtenbaum, A1nold G. Yeshua: The Life of Messiah from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Vol. 2. San Antonio, TX: Ariel, 2017. Gaebelein, Frank E., D. A. Carson , Walter W. \Vessel, and Walter L. Liefeld. The Expositor's Bible Commenta,y: Matthew, Mark, Luke. Vol. 8. Grand Rapids , Ml: Zondervan Publishing House , 1984. Garland, David E. Mark. The NN Application Colillnentary. Grand Rapids , Ml: Zondervan Publishing House , 1996. Kemaghan , Ronald J. Mark. The IVP New Testament Commentary Series. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2007. MacArthur, John. Mark J-8. MacA11hur New Testament Co1nmentary. Chicago , IL: Moody Publishers, 2015. McGee, J. Vernon. Thru the Bible : 1 Corinthians - Revelation. Vol. V. Nash v ille, TN: Thomas Nelson , 1983. Manuscript Withoutfaith ... Page26of26 The New Bible Commentaty Revised. Edited by D. Guthrie, Motyer, J.A., Stibbs, A.M ., Wiseman, D.J. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1970. Oden, Thomas C., and Christopher A. Hall, eds. Mark (Revised). Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture. Downers Grove , IL: lnterVarsity Press, 1998. Osborne , Grant R. Mark. Edited by Mark L. Strauss and John H. Walton. Teach the Text Commentary Series. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books , 2014 . Sproul, R. C. Mark. First Edition. St. Andrew's Expos itional Commentary . Orlando, FL: Reformation Trust, 2011. Simpson, Albert B. The Christ in the Bible Commentary. Vol. 4, 6 vols. Camp Hill, PA: Christian Publications, 1993. '.!020·11-1 _./
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