Fallible Followers
Faith that Transforms • Sermon • Submitted • Presented • 39:48
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· 56 viewsThe disciples show that they have not yet absorbed the message and values of the kingdom of God.
I’ve noticed that training usually intensifies toward the end. A student reaches his or her Junior Year and suddenly GPA and transcripts become more important as he or she begins to dream about the next step.
Military training commonly has some type of gauntlet or qualifier that must be passed before commencement.
Show animals get a little more attention on their diet and grooming in the weeks before a show.
Similarly, today’s text indicates a change in the way that Jesus focused his attention on his disciples leading up to his crucifixion. The first 6 chapters of the book basically introduced Jesus and laid a foundation for ministry; chapters 7-9 established his Authority; and the next 10 chapters will force readers to choose to respond to that Authority as Jesus makes his way toward Jerusalem for the passion week.
Transition: Today’s text exposes some areas that Jesus’ disciples still needed to improve and to the wise reader we also will find areas for our own development.
Disciples Frequently Fail to Use our Resources (Luke 9:37-43a)
Disciples Frequently Fail to Use our Resources (Luke 9:37-43a)
Missing the Point
Missing the Point
1. V.39 appears to describe epilepsy
2. The problem is identified as a spirit (v.39), a demon (v.42a), and an unclean spirit (v.42b). I also notice the specific manifestation that begins as the spirit within the boy comes close to Jesus—a neurological disorder would be very unlikely to trigger at such a specific time. One characteristic of tremors or seizures is that they are unpredictable.
3. There is no indication that Jesus had rescinded the power and authority He gave the 12 in 9:1-2. Why were they unable to act on the authority they had been given?
4. I see a clue in the description in v.41. Depending upon your translation you see either faithless/unbelieving and twisted/perverted/corrupt as the 2nd adjective.
a. Faith is one of the most common words in the NT (appearing some 243x) the word as we have it in v.41 adds the prefix a- (un- would be English equivalent). Take whatever is your favorite way to describe a true Christ follower, and add the prefix un- to it.
b. Because modern usage of pervert usually focuses on sexual behavior, the English reader may see something in these titles that Jesus never intended. Just to illustrate how hard it is to translate the idea that this word means, the word appears 7x in the New Testament and is translated 5 different ways in the NIV. It carries the idea of to mislead or distort.
c. I don’t think Jesus’ words in v.41 are direct just at the Twelve. I am convinced that the faithlessness and misdirection are descriptive of the great crowd (v.37) but that also included the disciples.
d. Jesus is not saying that they are unusually evil, but that their values are not kingdom values and their understanding is not correct.
Our Abilities vs. His power
Our Abilities vs. His power
1. I believe the son was not healed and the disciples were unable to heal because they couldn’t yet separate the spiritual from the natural.
2. Were the seizures a physical problem or a spiritual problem? They were both, they were a physical manifestation of a spiritual problem.
3. Luke doesn’t say, but Matthew’s account (17:20) of this event says it was their lack of faith. Mark’s telling (9:29) says it is because it only happens by prayer.
I was listening to an out-of state Christian talk show on Thursday AM. The DJ’s were saying that the way to be “filled with the Spirit” is to “exercise your ‘no’ muscle”.
4. It is true that James 4:7 and 1 Pt 5:9 command us to resist the Devil! But that is only part of the equation, because 1 Pt 5:10 goes on to say that it is God who strengthens and establishes you.
5. Paul wrote to the Philippians that it is God who changes our “want tos”
13 for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.
You might be able to clean out all the junk food from the pantry at home. But unless your “want to” changes, you will still struggle at the convenience store, the drive-thru, or wherever you buy groceries.
6. I may be reading between the lines, but think the man crying out in v.38 still had a selfish problem [“my only”]. I believe the disciples were powerless because they were trying to “do ministry” in the flesh. Too many Christian servants start well then begin to “read their own press releases.”
1. One of the biggest obstacles to effective ministry is skilled people. Talented musicians can put on a “worship show”. Creative teachers can deliver a fun children’s event. Trained communicators can build a large audience, all without the power of the Holy Spirit.
2. The most influential resource in spreading the kingdom is not our abilities, it is heavenly power!
3. This is why prayer is so important in our ministries and I am extremely grateful for an Elder board that is not afraid to ask me tough questions.
4. Even though Jesus was God in the flesh, how many times do we see him intentionally choosing to pray and confess His submission to the Father?
Transition: On the tails of this miracle Jesus reveals a contrast between His mindset and that of His closest followers.
Disciples Habitually Elevate Self (Luke 9:43b-48)
Disciples Habitually Elevate Self (Luke 9:43b-48)
The Model of Jesus - surrender (43b-45)
The Model of Jesus - surrender (43b-45)
1. Be delivered (v.44) – Jesus was not taken by force, He submitted to the Father’s plan, that was carried out by Judas, the religious leaders and the Roman government. This was all part of a plan that even the disciples could not rationally explain.
10 Yet it was the will of the Lord to crush him; he has put him to grief; when his soul makes an offering for guilt, he shall see his offspring; he shall prolong his days; the will of the Lord shall prosper in his hand.
2. This supreme humility to the point of death was something that even those closest to Christ could not fathom.
3. V.45 says that they did not understand.
Transition: To show how much they didn’t understand, the next verse describe an argument about greatness.
The Path to Greatness (46-48)
The Path to Greatness (46-48)
1. I had a discussion yesterday with one of our members who related how hard it is to invite others to a church meeting with all the fears of large gathering during Covid.
2. When “come and hear” evangelism becomes less effective, we need even more to “go and tell”.
3. Greatness in Christ’s kingdom is not about padding your reference list with popular or powerful people, it is about looking for and receiving the ones that others consider least.
4. Watch this 75 second explanation from Tim Keller, and author and former preacher in NYC. Play video of “Greatness in the Kingdom”
Transition: In another discussion Jesus commanded to love our neighbors and his audience tried to narrow the breadth of “neighbor.” In the final verses of our text this morning Jesus includes in “least” some whom the disciples wanted to exclude.
Disciples Commonly View Others Wrongly (Luke 9:49-56)
Disciples Commonly View Others Wrongly (Luke 9:49-56)
Other Denominations (49-50)
Other Denominations (49-50)
1. Three illustrations are given in Matthew’s gospel about our attempts to separate before God does the separating.
· MT 13:25 begins farming illustration – wheat/weeds
· Mt 13:47 begins fishing illustration – the dragnet
· Mt 25:32 begins ranching illustration – sheep/goats
2. There are other churches in our community that understand and emphasize some doctrines different than we do. But as long as they believe that faith in Jesus as the only way of salvation, we don’t need to try to stop them.
I was walking across a bridge one day, and I saw a man standing on the edge, about to jump. I ran over and said: "Stop. Don't do it."
"Why shouldn't I?" he asked.
"Well, there's so much to live for!"
"Like what?"
"Are you religious?"
He said: "Yes."
I said: "Me too. Are you Christian or Buddhist?"
"Me too. Are you Catholic or Protestant?"
"Me too. Are you Episcopalian or Baptist?"
"Wow. Me too. Are you Baptist Church of God or Baptist Church of the Lord?"
"Baptist Church of God."
"Me too. Are you original Baptist Church of God, or are you Reformed Baptist Church of God?"
"Reformed Baptist Church of God."
"Me too. Are you Reformed Baptist Church of God, Reformation of 1879, or Reformed Baptist Church of God, Reformation of 1915?"
He said: "Reformed Baptist Church of God, Reformation of 1915."
I said: "Die, heretic scum," and pushed him off.
Unbelievers merit Tolerance (51-56)
Unbelievers merit Tolerance (51-56)
1. When James and John’s first instinct was to annihilate the enemy, Jesus rebuked them.
2. A Tolerance scale
Partnership * Support * Acceptance * Tolerance * Silence * Ambivalence * Correction * Denunciation * Opposition
a. Tolerance over Condemnation
b. Tolerance does NOT equal approval.
c. Tolerance provides opportunity for the Holy Spirit to convict.
I have a dear friend in our church family who (how can I say this accurately?) hates/loathes/despises tomatoes.
On the other hand, I have greatly enjoyed tomatoes on sandwiches from at least 4 of your gardens, not to mention salsa and pasta sauce that some of you have canned.
3. Tomatoes are an issue where we can agree to disagree
4. Sometimes we move to quickly to “be not unequally yoked”, “what fellowship does light have with darkness”; or “not even to eat with such a one”; when God wants us to think in terms of weeds, fish and goats.
1. Rather than jump straight to “Thou Shalt Not” or “Fire to come down from heaven and consume them”
2. Perhaps more often we need “rebuked them and they went on”
3. I’m convinced that we need a lot more activism on issues, while being more tolerant of people. We can reject unbiblical ideologies without condemning the image-bearers who promote them.
Transition: My devotions this week brought me to Mark’s telling of the greatest commandments. When our “love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind and strength” ignores “love your neighbor as yourself” our discipleship has been hijacked.
I mentioned in the introduction that training gets more intense as it approached the end. I’m convinced that we are closer now to the Lord’s return than we have ever been before!
I believe the Holy Spirit wants to use these fallible followers to train us in our Christ-following. Here are 3 reminders:
1. Our discipleship fails when we do not rely upon heavenly resources.
2. Our discipleship fails when we elevate self.
3. Our discipleship fails when we exclude others.