Multiplying Church

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Welcome and thanks to all in attendance and those livestreaming
· Thanks to the Heights Foundation for use of the building
· Special thanks to everyone who helped bring this day together
o Don Lear and his team
o Creative Sound and Light
o Carol Ruby and our nursery team
o The ushers, our Session
Heights Outreach Initiative
· Wednesday evenings April 7 through May 12
o Right here at the Heights Center, we’ll work our way through biblical mercy ministry
o More info in the coming weeks
o We ask that you sign up as soon as possible if you’re interested in being part of this outreach initiative
o Childcare will be available for children of all ages
§ Teaching/catechism
· If you can’t make the Wednesday trainings, we will offer two full-day Saturday trainings on May 22 and May 29. We would love for you to join us for either of those options!
Mark your calendars for Sunday March 14 – Dr. Ligon Duncan, Chancellor of RTS will be joining us for worship and preaching that morning.
Now Pastor Justin will come and lead us in prayer.
Invocation/Adoration – Justin
Call to worship – Randy and Lori
Confession/Assurance – Justin
Mission Spotlight w/Kathryn and Mark
Sermon text – Byron/Randy/Lori/Justin
Morning prayer – Justin
Benediction – Byron
Psalm 107
Multiplying Churches
Well, once again, good morning. It’s great to be with all of you here, and welcome to those of you joining us via livestream today. Randy, Lori, and Justin thank you for reading for us this morning, and Justin, thank you for your prayer.
Why are we here today? Specifically, in this location, yes, but why are we here talking about church planting?
FCF: God multiplies churches through his redeeming work.
Four years ago we began an intentional revitalization process at Westminster. Following the biblical paradigm laid out in Revelation 2 with the church in Ephesus, we sought to remember the work of God in our history, repent for losing the focus of our first love, and to recover the biblical mandate of being a gospel-centered church through Gospel-driven and Christ-centered ministry, Personal Gospel Formation, the Ministry of Prayer, Ministry of the Word, fierce fidelity to our mission and vision, leadership multiplication, small group discipleship, and a Great Commitment to the Great Commission.
· We exist, as a church, to worship the Lord, evangelize the lost, and develop and deploy maturing disciples. That’s our mission and has been for the past 4 years. But really, that is the mission of the church, and has been forever.
· Why this mission? Because we believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ revealed to us in the Word of God has the power to change lives. You’ll hear Jim Lee often use the vernacular, “We’re seeking to be a life-development church.” In other words, our vision is to be a church characterized by life-change, because that’s what the gospel does. It changes lives. Not just in conversion – when someone comes to faith – but every day. The gospel changes your marriage, your parenting, your finances. The gospel is about total life transformation. So we want to be a church characterized by life change, maturing disciples, and ministry deployment.
All this talk about church planting – what business does a church like Westminster have planting new churches?
· First, every church should be engaged in church planting. That’s the purpose of the Great Commission.
· Second, church planting is the best way to reach new people. More on this later.
· Finally, church planting is the best way to renew older, established churches.
o Tim Keller – New churches are perhaps the best way to renew older churches and enhance all ministries. By showcasing new ministry forms and ideas that would never have been adopted in older churches, new churches help the entire body of Christ. In addition, new churches provide new converts in the city that find their way to older churches…Church planting helps an existing church the best when the new congregation is voluntarily birthed by a more established “mother” congregation. The daughter church affords the mother church contact with new groups of people and pioneers new programs that the mother church may have been too traditional to try. Though there is some pain in seeing good friends and some leaders go away to form a new church, the mother church usually experiences an influx of enthusiastic leaders and members. Together, the two churches usually see a major increase in numbers, joy, and confidence.
Why? Because FCF: God multiplies churches through his redeeming work.
Multiplying churches are worshiping churches. (v. 1-3)
We spent the month of January looking at worship, so I don’t want to spend a ton of time here this morning. Instead, let me encourage to go back and listen to the sermons from the month of January that outline biblical worship. Let’s take just a quick look at v. 1-3 before moving into the heart of our text today. Multiplying churches are worshiping churches.
Our top priority
· Oh give thanks to the Lord for he is good
o ki – because he is good
· WSC 1 – We’re working our way through the catechism as a family this year – so far we’re two questions in, aiming to hit one question per week
o Man’s chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever
§ Why? B/c he’s good
§ Spurgeon – See, loving heart, how he delights in you. When you lean your head on his bosom, you not only receive, but you give him joy; when you gaze with love upon his all-glorious face, you not only obtain comfort, but impart delight.
· This is the purpose for which we gather, week by week, until we reach eternity.
The content of worship
· Because his steadfast love endures forever! Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, who he has redeemed from trouble
o The content of worship is the song of redemption
Gathering for worship
· v. 3 – gathered in from the lands, from the east and from the west, from the north and from the sea
o English translations follow the compass directions (NSEW), but the Hebrew actually says that God’s people are gathered from the east and the west, from the north and the sea.
§ This should be the way we take the passage because the portraits of salvation line up appropriately
§ NICOT – East of Palestine lies a vast desert that separates it from the eastern side of…Mesopotamia. Few travelers in the ancient Near East dared and attempt to traverse this terrain.
§ The west is the place where the sun sets, the deathly place of darkness in which the sun dies every night as it makes its journey over the earthly realm.
· In Egypt, the western lands were thought of as the place of the dead.
§ The people of the ANE associated sickness with foolishness or sin and understood it as God’s punishment for both foolishness and sin. The prophets often depict the north, the third direction the direction from which the punishment of God came to the ancient Israelites.
§ Finally, the sea is the fourth direction mention and represented another real threat in the ANE. Merchant ships sailing out of Phoenician ports across the Mediterranean Sea often encountered difficulties in its unpredictable waters.
· What is implicit in verse 3 becomes explicit in the following 28 verses – namely that all people in all places encounter difficulties of various kinds, are not in control of their circumstances, and God alone is the true sovereign rescuer of mankind, and moreover, it is the privilege of the redeemed to share that story again and again and again as we invite others to “consider the steadfast love of the LORD” (v. 43).
Multiplying churches are evangelistic churches. (v. 4-32)
This is where we will spend most of our time this morning.
Pattern of redemption
· People experience trouble, they cry out to God in their trouble, they are rescued, and they are invited to give thanks for God’s unfailing love demonstrated in their deliverance. (Futato)
o Evangelism exists b/c worship does not
o In other words, why do we engage in evangelism? B/c people refuse to worship
Portraits of redemption
· Here, the psalmist gives us four pictures of God’s redemption, four vignettes that are representative of the human condition
o Wanderer – aimless and without purpose in life, always searching but never finding
o Next are those imprisoned for their wrongdoing, in this case literally, but certainly representative of those in figurative bondage due to disobeying the Lord
o Third, we see those who suffer because of their opposition to living under God’s rightful rule and reign
o Finally, the psalmist shows us those who are at the mercy of life’s circumstances; they may very well have been minding their own business, v. 23 – doing business on the great waters – when out of nowhere the storms that so easily surprise us in this world overtake them.
· And what are we to do when faced with these predicaments?
o Some turn further against God, running from him, hating him
o Some people are staggered and left like drunken sailors
o Some become sick to the point of death
o Still, some continue wandering chasing a city which can never be found
Process of redemption
· There is only one way in which lost souls, whether in active rebellion or caught in the hurricanes of life, can find the peace they so desperately long for
o v. 6, 13, 19, and 28 are all identical – Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress
§ Salvation is offered to everyone, but it is not automatic. We are not universalists, though we do function as such
· Theological exclusivists and practical universalists
· Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved – it’s an invitation to the whole world
o But how are they to call on him in whom they have never heard?
· Not only is each situation of salvation met with the words, “Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble,” but I believe that there is a singular object which brings them to the point of calling.
o v. 7 – He led them by a straight way till they reached a city to dwell in.
o v. 14 – He brought them out of the darkness and the shadow of death, and burst their bonds apart.
o v. 20 – He sent out his word and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction.
o v. 29 – He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed.
o So what’s the common thread? Once verse makes explicit what the others only hint at.
· It is God’s Word that brings redemption in each situation.
o For those wandering in the desert, he led them by a straight way – Psalm 119:133 (NIV) – Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me.
o Those in darkness and the shadow of death, Psalm 119:105 – Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
o It is the third vignette that explicitly directs our attention to God’s word – He sent out his word and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction.
o v. 29 – He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed. Where do we see this? Jonah. But also with Jesus – He spoke “Peace, be still,” and the wind and waved died down.
o Redemption is impossible apart from God’s Word.
§ Faith comes from hearing, and hearing comes from the Word of Christ (Rom. 10:17).
· The Word can be impeded or enhanced through our lives, but our lives our not a substitute for the Word.
Our part in redemption
You and I have a part to play in the story of redemption. More than just contributing our sin to the equation of salvation, which is true, we are God’s active agents of redemption in the world. In other words, if you and I keep silent about the saving work of Jesus, others will not come to faith. At the same time, we’re not responsible for the salvation of others. We have no control over someone else’s response, but we are responsible for ensuring the message of salvation is spread throughout the entire world including right here in our own backyard.
· So let’s take a little pressure off without abdicating our responsibility. The Word of God is where the power of God resides.
o Already we’ve looked at Rom. 10:17, and the Word of Christ provides the gospel – the good news that Christ is king over all. Rom. 1:16-17, Paul said, I am not ashamed of the gospel for it is (what?) the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes. Where is the gospel found? In God’s Word.
o Evangelism is simply an extension of the ministry of the Word within the church, and who is responsible for the ministry of the Word in the church? We are.
§ This is why I’m such a proponent of Christianity Explored. It’s longform evangelism, but more importantly, it’s intentional Bible study. Whether you’re a believer in Jesus, questioning, skeptical, or an avid denouncer makes no difference. Explore the claims of Christ from an eyewitness account. Then make an informed decision about Jesus.
· I don’t know if you’re aware, but everyone has an opinion about Jesus. Let’s help inform and shape those opinions.
· My encouragement to you, for those of you who have gone through Christianity Explored, consider leading a CE group, or one-on-one study through Mark’s gospel. Gather friends, neighbors, co-workers. Meet for lunch in your breakroom/conference room over a period of 2 months and study the life of Jesus.
· Roz’s story – What are your early impressions of Jesus? “Everything Jesus does is good.”
· Psalm 107:2 – Let the redeemed of the LORD say so.
Multiplying churches are disciple-making churches. (v. 33-43)
Again, we’re going to look more in-depth at discipleship next month, so I won’t linger long here. Let’s just quickly examine a few key principles from the final section of this passage.
Disciple-making churches are fertile soil for multiplication
· God’s gospel turns the world on its head. That’s what we see in v. 33-38. God turns wastelands into fertile farmland.
o Look at v. 38 – By his blessing they multiply greatly, and he does not let their livestock diminish.
§ It’s a fearful thing to think about sending folks out to plant churches. “We can’t afford to lose members.” “What if our budget takes a hit?” Everything we have is by the blessing of God, and we will trust him to replenish, and even prosper the mother church in the process of church planting.
Disciple-making churches magnify the grace of God
v. 1 – Oh give thanks to the LORD, because he is good, because his steadfast love endures forever!
v. 43 – Whoever is wise, let him attend to these things; let them consider the steadfast love of the LORD.
· The more we come to understand the grace of God, the steadfast love of the LORD, the more can’t wait to give it away and invite others to share in his love.
Final thoughts as we close today
1. Church planting is the single most effective strategy at reaching non-Christians with the gospel
a. Tim Keller – “New churches are by far the best way to reach new generations, new residents, and new people groups. Studies show that newer churches attract new groups six to ten times better than older churches do. When a church is new, younger and newer people can assimilate more readily into leadership positions. When a church is new and without underlying tradition, it can afford to experiment. When a church is new, its main goal each week is…to reach new people. As a result, new churches are much better at reaching new people in a city.”
i. What’s he saying? That older/established churches are bad? No, not at all. What he’s saying is that when you have a flood of new people into an area, or when you have unreached groups (and we have a lot of them) the single most effective strategy for reaching those people is through church planting.
2. Church planting is not the goal in and of itself. It is the vehicle to reaching a greater goal which is lost people coming to faith in Christ.
a. Fast forward 18 months, and Lord willing we will have a new PCA church plant in Fort Myers. We’re not raising a mission accomplished banner at that point.
b. FCF: God multiplies churches through his redeeming work.
i. 195,000 people live within 8 miles of Westminster Church. 350 single family homes and another 300 or so apartment dwellers right here in Harlem Heights. If the statistics hold true in this neighbor as they do in the 8-mile radius, 61.5%, roughly 125,000 people, have no religious affiliation. That means that they are headed for a Christless eternity called hell. Then you compound the net 270,000 new residents coming to Fort Myers in the next 9 years, and friends, we’ve got the opportunity for a church planting movement to take off. Why? Because we want to reach people with the gospel because the Word of the gospel, Jesus Christ, is the only thing that can provide true shelter, that can break the chains of sin, that can heal the deepest longings in our souls, and that can save us from the storms of this life. Let’s pray.
God, we pray that you would ignite a church planting movement in Fort Myers and Lee County. There are literally hundreds of thousands of people in our midst who are headed for a Christless eternity, an eternity in which your unquenchable anger and wrath burn against them. And yet you have provided the way of escape, the road of redemption if they will only believe. But how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they hear without someone telling them the good news? And how are we to tell the good news unless we are sent. And that’s who we are – that’s your church. The called-out ones from the world, sent into the world with the song of redemption – the steadfast love of the Lord endures forever. Amen.
Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it.
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