God Deserves Your Best
God Deserves your Best
God has been Good to Me/But Have (Raise Hands)
Genesis 4:3-5
3 And in process of time (Harvest Time, Pay Day) it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground (Leftovers/Trash) an offering (Gift) unto the LORD. (Treated God)-(Don’t Look Strange at Cain)
4 And Abel, he also brought (Gift) of the firstlings (First Born) of his flock and of the fat (Best Parts) thereof. And the LORD had respect (Pleased) unto Abel and to his offering (Accepted Him + What he Gave):
5 But unto Cain and to his offering (Him + his Gift) he had not respect (Rejected). And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell.(Exceed Angry, Offended, Sad, Depressed), (He Treated God)
Proverbs 3:9-10
9 Honour (Respect with Admiration) the LORD with thy substance (Money)-(Time, Talent, Treasure), and with the firstfruits (First Part is the Best Part) of all thine increase (Produce):
10 So shall thy barns (Storage Places) be filled with plenty (More than Enough), and thy presses shall burst out (Overflowing) with new wine (Ya’ll Don’t need a Overflow of Wine)-(Love, Peace, Kindness, Understanding, Forgiveness, Patience)
Malachi 3:7
8 Will a man rob (Steal/Cheat) God? (Question) Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? (In What Way Do we Steal from You?) In tithes and offerings (You Withheld It or Spent it On Something Else).
9 Ye are cursed with a curse (Under a Spell)-(Until you do Right by Me, Everything you do go Fell): for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation.
-When You Don’t Give God What He deserves. Everything You Do Go Fell
Hebrews 13:21
21 Make you perfect (Complete-Ready) (Equip you Everything Good) in every good work to do his will (Obey) (Eager to do Right), working in you (God Himself) that which is well pleasing in his sight (His Sight), through Jesus Christ (I Can Do All Things); to whom be glory for ever and ever.