The Grace to Be Humble 02/28/21
The Grace to Be Humble 1 Peter 5:1-5
Slide Two 1 Peter 5:1-5
Slide Three Submit to Human Institutions
* Civil Authority
* Workplace
* Home
* Church
* Community
Slide Four 1 Peter 5:1
Slide Five 1 Peter 5:2
Slide Six 1 Peter 5:3
Slide Seven Authoritative not Authoritarian
Slide Eight 1 Peter 5:4
Slide Nine 1 Peter 5:5a
Slide Ten 1 Peter 5:5b
Slide Eleven
"Christianity made humility a major virtue. It is an attitude of mind that realizes that one is without any reason for distinction in God's sight." Charles Ryrie
Slide Twelve
"God Resists the Proud"
God Gives Grace to the Humble"
Slide Thirteen
GRACE "The dynamic force of the living God alive in me that gives me the desire and the ability to live in harmony with, and obedience to, God and His Word.