Who We Are | Gathering UPDATE

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Hey, man. Hey, I was Michael Sher we are taking a pause from our study and Matthew and we are going to take a moment to talk about fundamentals Basics missions values of who we are and why we exist as a church how you're going to get a very very condensed version which can be really good cuz unlike writing 10 pages. I wrote three pages. That's the good news or the bad news is sometimes like and then go off track quite a bit. So I'm going to try to move through this and talk about this in a timely manner, which will then allow for us to bring Michael and Joel back up on stage and cannot discuss some things that are going to go further. But if you happen to ever go to our website from day one when we were getting ready to go to church and pray about what this church was going to be about Matthew 28 has really been V steam or the motivation or the purpose of this church and it stemmed from a pastor get away that I done prior to You planting a church where I want to toss your said we should just feed all about the mission of Jesus. And the question was what is that mission? Well, it says in Matthew 28:18. Jesus came and spoke to them saying all authority has been given to me in heaven and on Earth go therefore and Make Disciples of all Nations baptizing them in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit teaching them to observe all the things that I have commanded you and lo I am with you. Always even to the ends of the Earth been in the house that you can flip. If you want a few three gospels over in to ask them which is that first long church history narrative or says it acts 2:46. They continue to Dick together day by day and the temple and breaking bread and soap from this we have developed a mindset of mission about redeemers is about first and foremost. We are about Jesus and then and then we're going to talk about Jesus worship Jesus. I love Jesus share Jesus with other people. That's what he commands us to do in Matthew 28 part of Matthew 28 is we are then involved in this type of s*** this following arching closely learning being just that tight-knit relationship as were transformed by him and finally, Unity Community we say this often that is gathering with the Saints on a weekly basis in our homes in this place as well. And as I shared this morning as we share every week we exist to spend time with Jesus learn from Jesus and do the things that Jesus and of course, we gather We Gather We Gather We Gather and we're not just building but people in relationship with one another we truly are you look around this room and if you've been here for maybe six months or longer if probably been in somebody's home or they've been in your home from this church you made it and ask to go out to lunch or down to the park to hang out or to get involved in life with one another. We are people who come together. What I want to do is come to resent her some of this for each and everyone of us, but have you turn to Revelation? But before you get too excited Revelation 2 1 through 7, not the weird stuff. Okay, so Listen to 137 someday. Maybe I'll make an evening. We've already done an evening of eschatology that John Piper hosted that was four years ago. Maybe we'll get into all of this and you can crucify me then for all the different things we talked about but but Revelation 2, I just want to read this to you. You're probably very very familiar with this passage get stalked on a lot. First one to the angel which is the messenger is a cryptic language that's being used there by John of Patmos being given this Revelation to the angel of the messenger of the church in Ephesus write the words of him who holds the Seven Stars in his right hand who walks amongst the seven golden lampstands lots of cryptic language. We should do this Sunday. I know your Works your Toil and your patient endurance and how you cannot bear with those who are evil. Would have tested those who call themselves Apostles and are not and found them to be false. I know you are enduring patiently and very not for my namesake and you have not grown weary house this church doing pretty good. That's awesome. Yes, pretty good that you gon. Listen. If God were to look down and speak to me in that manner and say Here's the message. I have seen that you guys have been faithful and you teach truth in the scriptures. I know that you are a people that are active in serving and loving and caring in the community. I would do, you know, we're getting something right? This is excellent. This is perfect species are Works. He sees our toil if he even sees our endurance and long-suffering. But the narrative doesn't end there says but I have this against you you have a band. You have abandoned love you had it first. Remember therefore from where you have fallen repent do the work you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place unless you repent yet this you have you hate the works of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate ear. Let him hear what the spirit says to the churches to the one who conquers I will grant you eat at the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God really unique because this group of Jesus followers of the church. You had a really really excellent beginning you can read about it in Acts were Paul plants this church in Ephesus. It's got a gnarly beginning or he's preaching in the temple. I'm going to make a note of this in a little bit but they take one of the temple leaders out. It was beginning to follow the words of Paul and they don't beat Paul, but they beat his name was Gaius and they just given out of him. Whipping a lashing. So what is Paul do they go to the school of Terranea send it again for the next 18 months to share and talk about the gospel. And if you read the letter to the church at Ephesus that Paul wrote to them that he talks about in chapter 1 verse 15 their faithfulness and their loved one for another enough what they are known by But as time slowly went on. direct Shiva t Becomes Her identity their activity becomes our identity. This is not activity that stems from Identity. This is I know what you guys are about your great in the community your work to your toil in your Doctrine. You guys have got it down. That is excellent. But the problem is is that is what is all about you now and you've abandoned this first love but you are actually called to and often when we talked about this. That's first love that first place begins with Cheese's and then goes forward or goes out horizontally to others and when we misplace our first love we can get involved in all kinds of incredible causes brake costs. causes that might benefit our community our neighbor causes that we deeply believe in but when those causes Eclipse our love for Jesus or like we talked about last week, we have a priority that's up here and instead of Jesus being on top begins to skew how we can view life and so we're being

reprimanded innocence the church's being told the guys you're missing it because you're all about your activity, which I love it's great. That is not your identity. And what we need to keep first and foremost for a church is the main thing is Jesus that might lead us to certain causes that might lead us to do in speak about certain things in the community. But our main thing who redeemers is all about is King Jesus. We talked about Jesus we worship Jesus we sing about Jesus. We teach your kids about Jesus Jesus we trust you guys get it. It's all about Jesus and I applaud people who I'm not get involved in many different causes, but they should never overtake what we are about Paul takes on and Ephesians in his letter when he's preaching. Great job. You are faithful commend you you can read an ax 20 the church have been planted Paul Lackey comes back to spend time with the elders and there's a sincerely Encouragement the Paul experiences but they receive correction here because they lost sight of the name thing. We are church about Jesus number to we are disciples and we care about discipleship. We talked about discipleship. We had this whole series whatever whatnot on discipleship big lots of different meanings, depending on your contacts to come to church as you were brought up. Everybody has a different way of defining it. It's like nailing Jell-O to the wall. It's a little tough to do today. That's what it's like when we discussed and talk about discipleship. One of the way they can simply Define discipleship is finding and identity in Christ or the most fundamental problems that exist in the world today is that we don't know who we are. Probably every 5 to 10 messages, but I give it to church I talked about this. This should be ingrained into us that we live in a world in which you're trying to find ourselves and we go down all different kinds of Roads, whether it's travel or sexuality or work or family to get an identity that we want to assume for ourselves in which has been accepted in the world around us and we work very hard at gathering this identity for ourselves. What ends up happening is becoming credibly empty. Even if we reach out and grasp the very thing we've always desired and wanted What's think of the story in Genesis if there's numerous ones you can pick up just like give me this thing.

or else give me give me God or else I'll do it on my own terms. Just go ahead and go with Abraham and Sarah doing it to us where to go outside of you to get what we want. The scriptures are clear that our identity is called Saints. Why don't you if you want to turn the Romans 1 chapters are chapter 1 verse 7.

How do I put that one in there and I'll bring if I did and it's totally fine with all came in late to all those in Rome. It is your identity to all of those in Rome. You are loved by God.

He had a lot of things today. Did you not hear that? You've missed everything you are loved by God. Yes you yes you miss you miss you miss you but my past and present like a faithfulness and trusting God for the future. Yes, you you are loved by God and listen called to be Saints. Who you call to be? Thanks, Jay Vernon McGee. Anybody heard Jay Vernon McGee. I like to read Jay Vernon McGee by listen to Jay Vernon McGee. I'm just done but you either a saint or your age and if you are an ain't you ain't to Saint like

love me. I think the first commentary set ever given to me. It was so classic and obviously impacted my life. Your st. Paul says to Corinth we spent if you're new here the better part of a year in this letter to the church at Corinth was at a church. You'd want to be a part of. That's not a church. You want to be a part of it was a horrible mess that was going on and there's all kinds of chaos and problems and priorities and agendas and all the rest and his first words to the church at Corinth is to the Church of God that is important to those Sanctified in Christ Jesus that simply means you are set apart in Christ. Jesus called called to be Saints. Listen to what he said to gather you're called to be Saints together. This is not just some individual decision. Although there's a moment and tell me what you said. Jesus has touched my heart. Jesus touched my life. He has told me I'm his I'm going on record. I'm being baptized. I am a follower of Jesus your place together in the body. Christ with all those who never played call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ both of their lord and hours. Before you were saying you were in a before you were a saint you were in a thank you. Awesome. Or Paul says once a slave to the passions of your flesh once seeking out and identity for yourself to be significant valued and deemed important in this world. I desire to be approved you not have approval from others. You are a saint so you are. You are not your political stance or not. You are not your upbringing you're not you're not rich. You are not poor you are not middle class. You your Christian or saint that is who and what God has called you and determined upon your life. You're not your shame. You're not your guilt. You're not yourself. You're not your 6 staff. You are a saint you have been radically changed from the inside, which is identity Christian influences. How you live on the outside as well. This is what God has done in our life and we live out of that identity. What happened to this church in Revelation they lived for that. And we're busy and were involved in more engaged great. You've abandoned your first love comes back to that discipleship is rooting your identity in Jesus Christ. All sorts of disciplines we can participate in and we can Community all the rest but it's being routed to 3. We have the church are all about daughtery all about Gathering. If you want you can turn over to Hebrews. I think this one is going to get put up there. Chapter 10 verse 24 and 25 says let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works. You can do this sitting by yourself and your mommy's basement. Throw it out there my love this because we have a basement in my kid sit in it. And so some David to be very applicable to them that you're not going to stir yourself up to good work, but in community coming together, we stir one another up listen to this is not primarily about me and this message or Michael in the ability to teach or sing or do or accomplish this the Gathering what's happening from the moment. You walked in here till the last few people trickle out. Is there as an encouraging aspect in which is going on. Yes, there is instruction. Yes, there's encouragement that comes from up here and there's corporate singing and prayed that we are actually called to all participate. Love that but the Gathering begins at 8:45 on those first few people come here in the back and begin to pray and encourage one another and speak to each other and here were encouraging now look not neglecting to meet together as The Hobbit us some but a courage in one another and all the more as the day is Drawing Near. We are church that deeply cares about the Gathering of the Saints. You were with us before March of last year, like everybody in the world. There was a two week or two month. Sorry. Just kind of low we remodeled this whole place it was epic ironed the floors right here that you spit on walk-on spill on Okay, so From the steer Barn from fifth Sunday breakfast. So here's the deal we were talking about the soonest that we can get back together and early on early adopters and may we said we so deeply gather are deeply sorry put important on the Gathering of the Saints. We're going to meet in 3/4. If we have to we're going to come together and we're going to be with one another and we're going to Worship the Lord with each other we highly value. This has been a battlefield in a sentence for me personally in a deep conviction that stand out of that little that came. We need to be gathered and it look different because of circumstances.

We said this is what we value not even in the scriptures. What are you look at Act II they were gathering in an upper room X1 and X2 acts 2:46. They gathered at the temple at 2:46. The Gathering houses acts 19:9 the Gathering at this hall or the school to rainiest they gathered in church history according to church history in the catacombs. They've gathered underground above ground and I think Elon Musk wanted to put a church on Mars of the space station. Okay, so there was literally at The Babylon bee anybody followed up either is like a church planting pasture for Mars, Sol.

We're going to find ways to gather and that is incredibly important for us though. It can't look differently or shapes and the Gathering as we speak to one another as they come together and sing songs and hymns and spiritual songs with one another and it can take on many different forms and shapes. So it what I'm going to do right now is going to bring up Michael going to praise their coming up so father. Thank you for your truth in your word and this reality of who we are but you for what you're doing in our church and what you want to continue to do in this church. So today I just asked that they can be mercy and Grace. understanding inability for just your spirit to work and move in here with one another in Jesus name. Amen. Amen. So I'm done preaching. Alright, I can do it in 20 minutes of promise. I know right? It's amazing. So next week won't be that short. I promise. Lucky you guys coming to turn this over to Joel at this point. I guess I can so I just wanted to come up here and you guys a little context, you know, you could tell with Michael sico and and in the room, so we wanted to do with all these things you obviously want to be as transparent as possible and let people know what's going on. So I just so you know that the world is changing. There's a global pandemic and so we started to meet as an Elder's team and leaders and and I remember our thought was was exactly what what right was preaching with. How do we keep this church focused on Jesus and building his kingdom as the world is changing so and the big one of the big issues and all this has been the other FaceTime. Do it whether we don't and we thought in that how do we how do we know whether you're someone who wears a mask driving by themself in their car? Like cool. We love you and we want to grow with you in Jesus. And if you're someone who hasn't put on a mask ever we love you. That's cool. We want you to grow in Jesus and it's like, how do we how do we use a church in as a leadership team? Keep that and have that be the message so that was kind of where we started and then back after our Christmas Eve service. I think a couple weeks later. We got our our first call from OSHA sweet-bitter. Merry Christmas tasked with enforcing rules at grocery stores business is so warning. We we work better. We wrote a response and I we we shared some information for a letter just at this point. We're going to continue to focus on Jesus Jesus. Oh that was in December and then January January. So we we pulled back together and it's it's a predicament. It's it's a tricky. Predicament and Michael if you guys know it's hard leaving a church in normal times you throw in a global pandemic and things get real Harry and if you know Brad and he wears it he holds this he he takes this lady this is his life. So we've been just praying and thinking and what whenever you have a predicament like this, there's a difference between a predicament and a problem problem. You got like hey, here's a solution. Let's do you like split do the solution with the predicament you got past and and sometimes you know, you got different different actions. You can take there's no perfect solution to all of this. So what we've done through through prayer is is come up with at least a path through predicament and through this it's just all about Jesus and that's what we're going to continue to do and that's the message and that's Our hope is that we can look back a year from now and say man, that was a divisive time of the church. Some people left some people stayed and we just got more isolated divisive our prayer our hope. Is that a year from now, we look back at this time. And we save this is where redeemers group. This is where redeemers said, we're about Jesus and we're not going to let these trivial things disrupt our path. So that's what we're looking at this so we have not been signed yet. But my phone call from OSHA was your your letter out your second letter is in the mail and the next step for us is to show up and find you. So I just want to be incredibly clear on that. We are not facing like Florence $17,000 to businesses in in science.

We're not taking off any of this the amount of time that I've spent sitting with people on both sides of the issue. I'm not getting back in November the day when we got another shutdown order. I had about five to eight phone calls and it was extremes on both sides. I'm not getting that we need to do this. We don't do this and and so just so you know, this is not I just easy easy thing to navigate and it's something that we have no learning education on having spent time reading fully aware of all of the things and pouchy and the rest have said and whatever you want to go down that we have read both sides and spent much time in this as well. And we are also trying to navigate something for an entire body of people not Just myself or my family and general but a body that is diverse in politics. I body that is diverse in views of how the stuff should play out and work self. You've got to remember you're not the only one or your group is not the only one in here. I just I know I need to share that. I know that's no and I know you know that but just to remind us of that as well. I'm also when I was at Liberty University, there was no Global pandemic Seminary type class if it was 5, yeah, you know, like we are way more advanced than that. So that's just I just going to throw that one out there. Our primary goal will always be to gather our primary goal is to church even as we packed you in today is to have one Gathering even if you continue to invite your friends to our church, they might have to stand In the back they so we loved one job during the tween loves would prefer. But obviously we found ourselves in a position. I'm even when we're at 3 Gatherings last spring for the world has changed. There's an online digital which I am like so I've been so anti that. All right don't know if ants are right, but that's just been like that and yet it has been beneficial and encouraging and it's making an impact of some families are gathering together and they're able to participate with communion with hearing the word and sings with actually open my eyes so I can grow and I can accept that is something that we can be doing. I want you to hear that the truth is this ship has sailed of all being together eight months ago and it just house and everybody from Oregon to Other parts of the world that had to make Transitions and churches were friends with many church leaders many of them. And so there's how did how did each just changes and adjustments that have taken place? So once you guys to know that we're thankful that you've been very flexible with us and kind with us up to this point. So not a long-term Vision, but but we love in the sense of being multiple Gatherings or things like that, but we really really love the idea of the Saints getting together regardless, finally and Itachi from my heart personally how many find a church some degree or another for better for worse in American Western Christianity become somebody in the face of the church for Sunday church. I'm kicking back against that with like getting more people up here speaking teaching just so you know, this is intentional because one voice and one Community from a 37 year old white male is not the best thing for any but okay just want you to hear that very loudly. And clearly but I also realize that there is Jesus there is an elder team but to some degree or another I do shoulder and bear a lot of responsibility of the decisions made OSHA does not call these guys they call me a lot of letters and emails they get addressed to me. Okay. I'm just going to end up five like that's what we signed up for said. Yes Lord. And amen. I need you to hear this The Mask has never been a hill for Brett Anderson to die on their elders meeting in July shirt with these guys again this maybe some of your battles but this has never been my he'll have we been passive in our approach sure. We've been in our approach and I realize that and understand that when I flew back to Illinois, I wore a mask on a plane for 6 hours, right? This is not my battle. But if we don't do something it will end up being my battle it'll end up being what this church is known for and this church is not going to be known for that. It's going to be known for Jesus just going to share that with you. This is my eye Define. We could probably have the money raised in 5 weeks. Like I'm not doubting that if not the money. I don't want to leave the charge on the Mass Christmas is not what I want to do. This is coming from my heart your pastor that's been here for almost eight years a decade in Ministry almost in Redmond loves you pray with you pray for you and time with you. Who would absolutely imperfect his mishandled things at times. He messed up. I'm being honest and real with all of his let you down. I wear that I feel that I know that I'm not asking for your sympathy or empathy. I'm fully aware of my shortcomings. I need you to hear that I am not your guy to lead that movements. Not my Hill. I am very set on your gallery. So Michael is going to divulge our plan. Okay, and there with me there's some time to process. Don't worry. We're going to go to two Gatherings. We're going to have a 9 a.m. So half an hour earlier here indoor face coverings required and then we're also going to have an 11 a.m. Outdoor gathering at American Legion Park in their Amphitheatre. And now the question that I know you guys are all wondering right now don't panic they will be Donuts at Birth Gathering, okay. can't guarantee coffee yet, but I know if I like coffee, so it's probably going to be coffee to

The two Gatherings I'm kids classes to be really honest. We're going to need a lot of help. We going to need people that are just ready to step up and get involved. However, it looks like and that's just another important thing that you are on the E weekly because we'll be giving divulging that information sometime during the week, but we do need help. So if you already like I'm ready. I want to help out. Please come talk to us or talk directly to Sandy afterwards. So we want to do kids classes, but we need your help.

If you're joining us outside, it's important that you bring your own chairs and blankets how we're going to do our best this week to provide some of that ourselves. Of course, the outdoor Gathering is going to look the exact same way as the indoor Gathering. So it's going to be the same same songs and worship might actually have more fun out there. So it's going to be all the same stuff but you can help us out by bringing chairs. Yes. Okay. I'm going to process that one for a little bit. Go to see you. Trust me. My boss just asked me to dance Moore. Okay. Now we realize when you guys leave here today, I you just need time to process this like we get that there's going to be a lot of emotions. There's going to be a I would say a very interesting conversation with your spouse or your friends on the way home. And that's okay. Just remember this what you need to know is your fight is not with us your pastors. Like don't make this your Battlefield. And especially for those of you that have strong opinions, please come to us with kindness with patience and help us create a space a different sides can seek Jesus and his kingdom together and I'm being redundant but please have mercy on us spreadshirt and others probably a hundred and twenty different views and opinions and thoughts and values and they don't always align right. I know this first hand sew a try to find ways to live out that Ephesians 5 Apostle chapter 521 respecting and evaluating your brother and sister regardless of where they land on this issue that said we are asking three things of you really just three things one. I'm process all this please think about it talk about it talk about your family and friends and please don't be afraid to talk to us. We've had this conversation. The last year but don't be afraid to call us. Okay, we want to hear you out. We want to be there for you and have this conversation even if you feel like it's an idea that we haven't thought of yet. Brett came to me with the funniest idea this morning. He was like, okay what if we just fire ourselves then OSHA can't do anything cuz we're not employees.

Thank you, Brett.

Let's think about that. One of the new one. I hadn't heard that one. It was 5 minutes before I went on stage prop. So processed it. It's okay sweet. We've had 72 hours. You were just hearing this. All right now, I'm second thing commit to Mercy and flexibility. It's not a proverb. It should be but blessed are the flexible for they shall not be broken glass are the flexible for they shall not be broken. And so we're asking you to extend Mercy to be flexible and the last thing and I think this is probably the most important that you would join us in prayer that you would join us together praying for healing for salvation for restoration for Redemption. And for us Redmond in the entire world, right join us and prayer because the reality is while there's not a fight. There's not a battle against us there is a battle going on. And the way that we step into the history of the church is by doing it by first and foremost prayer and worship right where we need to ask where we need to do something but it starts from prayer and worship. Yes. Okay, cool. Yes, and just to add to that. We do not battle against flesh and blood but against myself trawler bread, but against a very real spiritual Kingdom kingdoms and powers that want to divide us as a church. Of course our first goal is unity and we're going to respond that way. We're actually going to make time right now to respond that way with singing and coming together. So this next like 10-15 minutes is really important for us. I know again, there's going to be time to process this after the Gathering but right now we get to come together we get to pray we get to sing together we get to come to the tables and share a meal together guitar to you is one that we were just talking about in our group text actually about all of this and Joel brought up and then 1st Corinthians 9:22 says to the week I became weak when the week. I become all things to all people that by all means. I might say some I do it for the sake of the gospel and I may share with them and its blessing do it all for the sake of the gospel music really want you to know and here to Gatherings not like I still wanted to pack.

alright, so so this is an opportunity because we had a disruption in Baton that not too long ago disruptions happened and we're trying to create an opportunity out of this encourage you help us if you are willing and able to serve at 1 and come to another to just participate and be involved for Joel offered to teach 1st through 5th multiple weeks in a row, so let's not throw it out on

so so weak we definitely care and want to be there. and just serve well, and so we don't you process we're going to get

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