Revelation 13
The First Beast
The First Beast
Again, we are looking at the details of what is happening at the Seventh Trumpet. We are seeing a picture of the antichrist, the world ruler who will arise in the end time and have a reign of evil. This chapter discusses two terrible rulers that will arise during the end time, the antichrist and his cohort. We know the background of the antichrist, but this cohort is the worldwide religious leader who will help the antichrist (first) get, and (second) maintain control over the world. Because their reign and rule will be so terrible, scripture refers to them as “beasts”. Millions of people will be slaughtered all over the world, and evil will be so terrible that God will not allow man’s evil to continue any longer. The actions of the antichrist will be the last straw that causes God to destroy the world as we know it. In Chapter 12, we got to see a glimpse beyond the evil in this world and were shown the great spiritual evil fighting to lead man away from God, the struggle to get people to live ungodly and evil lives. But, what most important is the understanding that evil loses in the end! The dragon, the old serpent, the devil or Satan will be cast out of heave to earth. During this time he knows his time of influence is extremely short and He does the only thing he knows to do - cause chaos and turmoil. How does he accomplish this? Through a world leader, one who gains control without ever being questioned or challenged. The antichrist. Satan will raise up a man who is the definition of evil - everything that Satan could want out of a man. This chapter is a warning about the terrible works of the antichrist, the political leader who will rule the whole world. It also reveals that there will be a revival of the Roman Empire during this worldwide rule.
1 And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, with ten diadems on its horns and blasphemous names on its heads.
2 And the beast that I saw was like a leopard; its feet were like a bear’s, and its mouth was like a lion’s mouth. And to it the dragon gave his power and his throne and great authority.
Here we see the origin of the antichrist, he arises “out of the sea”. We see the interpretation of this in
15 And the angel said to me, “The waters that you saw, where the prostitute is seated, are peoples and multitudes and nations and languages.
The waters are all the nations across the world, and arising from the water may indicate that he will be a Gentile. We will see an increase in world violence, terrorism, wars and rumors of wars, and natural disasters such as famines, earthquakes, and diseases. This “leader”, the antichrist, will rise because of the people and the nations trying to find hope and help. He will be ready to offer this hope, but it will come at a price. The wicked will search for hope and peace, but will find more turmoil and upheaval.
20 But the wicked are like the tossing sea; for it cannot be quiet, and its waters toss up mire and dirt.
21 There is no peace,” says my God, “for the wicked.”
Everything said about the antichrist is symbolic of the enormous political power that he will gain.
1. The antichrist will have seven heads. This means at least two things.
a. The antichrist will have enormous ability, a most unusual genius. The number seven in the Bible means complete and full. The antichrist will be full of ability. He will be a supernatural genius, possessing complete knowledge and wisdom. He will be able to think, plan, act, respond, and react to situations quicker and more efficiently than any man has ever been able to do. Think how far a person could go in political circles and in gaining power if he had what we might term perfect ability—if he was full of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. He would be head and shoulders above all others, able to maneuver and manipulate power and people as no man has ever been able to do. Think of the greatest leader who has ever lived and compare the antichrist to him: the antichrist will have seven times the ability of that leader; the antichrist will have full and complete ability.
b. The seven heads and ten horns also refer to the ten nations he will rule over. In the beginning there will be ten nations, but he will take over or be given the power and rule of three which leaves seven. The heads of these seven will most likely surrender their governments to his rule. Therefore, the beast or antichrist has the power of seven heads, seven heads of state. (See Deeper Study # 1—Re. 13:2 for chart and full explanation of this point.)
2. The antichrist will have ten horns. This is the same number of horns that the dragon (devil) had. This again points to the antichrist being the representative or embodiment of the devil upon earth. The horns mean power, and the fact that there are ten horns means a confederated power of ten nations. He will be the political head over ten nations. Horns, of course, pierce, rip, and tear in the most fierce and vicious way. The picture is that of a confederation of ten nations that will be frightening and strike terror in the hearts of the world.
3. The antichrist wears ten crowns upon his ten horns. Crowns, of course, mean authority and power: he will be the leader and ruler of these ten nations. He will hold the reigns of power and authority over the confederation of ten nations, nations that are pictured as so frightening that they are called the horns of beasts, horns that are able to rip and tear open the heart and bodies of other nations and people.
4. The antichrist will have ten blasphemous names on his seven heads. This means that his blasphemy against God and believers and against the people of the world will be complete. He will be the very fulfillment and embodiment of blasphemy.
⇒ He will be the abomination of desolation who will stand in the very holy place of the temple in Jerusalem and blaspheme the name of God. He will demand that people give their first loyalty to the state.
⇒ He will be the man of sin who opposes all religions, all that is called God and that is worshipped.
⇒ He will speak great and boastful and terrible words against the most high.
⇒ He will demand that all worship him and his state.
5. The antichrist will combine and embody three of the world’s most powerful empires, that is, empires that had conquered and controlled most of the known world of their day. This is what is meant by his being like three animals: the leopard, bear, and lion. The picture being painted is that he will embody all the desire and lust for power, all the characteristics and traits of these three empires. Imagine! Take all the lust for power that existed within three of the greatest empires to rule the known world and combine that lust for power in one leader and government. The intensity of so much lust for power will be such a driving force that it will reek havoc and horror all over the world. No nation will be spared from the fright and terror of such a drive and lust for power. Who are the three empires that will be wrapped up in the beast? Note that the antichrist is said …
• to look like a leopard
• to have feet like a bear
• to have a mouth like a lion
What four world empires do these animals represent? And what are the traits that will characterize the antichrist? He will possess characteristics and traits of three world empires and he will come from a fourth, and possess characteristics from them also. When we look at Daniel’s dream of the four bests and John’s vision, we see the lion definitely being the empire of Babylon (Now day Iraq). The bear is symbolic of Medo-Persia (now day Iran), the leopard symbolizes Greece, and the dreaded strong beast represents Rome. Notice this representation goes from the eastern most to the western most empires.
The Traits of the Metals of the Image or of Its Empires - The Antichrist Will Combine All the Traits of the Four Empires
⇒ is valuable and desired … which means that …⇒ the antichrist will be desired by the world.
⇒ has a high lustre that attracts and appeals to man… which means that …⇒ the antichrist will be attractive and appealing to the world.
⇒ is extremely inactive, that is, it is unaffected by nature: air, heat, and moisture… which means that …⇒ the antichrist will be unfeeling and unaffected by the sufferings of the environment and of people.
⇒ hold’s heat and electricity; it is a volatile energy when pressed… which means that …⇒ the antichrist will be volatile, wrathful, vengeful.
⇒ is malleable and easily beaten into all shapes and forms:… which means that …⇒ The antichrist will have great ability to compromise and give and take
⇒ is easily tarnished… which means that …⇒ The antichrist will be easily corrupted.
⇒ is the most superior of all metals in conducting heat and electricity… which means that …⇒ The antichrist will be a strong commentator, able to pass on his ideas and wrath to others.
⇒ harder than most common alloys (except steel)… which means that …⇒ He will be hard and indifferent to others.
⇒ strongly resistant (often used in bearings, fittings, etc.)… which means that …⇒ He will resist and stand against opponents, strongly so.
⇒ is easily magnetized… which means that …⇒ He will have a magnetic appeal; people and nations will willingly follow him.
⇒ is easily combined with other metals… which means that …⇒ He will be able to combine others into a confederation of states, one world government.
The Traits of the Four Beasts
The lion.
The antichrist will have a mouth like a lion:
⇒ A ferocious roar that will sweep worldwide and will shout blasphemies that will strike fear in both nations and people
⇒ Sharp teeth that will drive deep into the flesh of the world, tearing, chewing, and eating up the nations and peoples of the world
The bear.
The antichrist will have feet like a bear:
⇒ Big and tough feet that will cover a large area and pursue its prey of people and nations without giving up
⇒ Strong claws that grip the prey of nations and people without letting them go and possessing the power to rip them apart
The leopard.
The antichrist will have a body like a leopard:
⇒ Sleek and beautiful and attractive, a nature that appeals to the nations and people of the world.
⇒ Full of spots that symbolize an evil, sneaky, ferocious, and wild nature
The dreadful, terrible, and strong beast.
The antichrist will combine all the traits of the old Roman empire.
3 One of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but its mortal wound was healed, and the whole earth marveled as they followed the beast.
The antichrist will be healed from a mortal wound. It is important to see what is being said here. The mortal wound to the antichrist is mentioned three times in this chapter and also elsewhere in Revelation.
There are three possible interpretations of this.
a. The death of the beast refers to the political death of the Roman empire. Remember the Roman empire was the beast who had feet of iron and clay mixed. But the iron empire could not last because it had clay mixed in with it. Therefore, it was doomed to crumble and be divided. However, the iron continues on; that is, some of the traits and elements continue on in the world. Therefore in the end time, the old Roman empire will be revived and the spirit of Rome will dominate the world once again.
b. The antichrist will actually be the return of some evil ruler who has lived in past history. The devil will raise him up and send him back to earth (see Re. 17:11).
c. The mortal wound is an assassination attempt or some accident that happens to the antichrist, probably at the beginning of his rule. The false prophet (the second beast) performs a miracle and heals the antichrist. Remember: the false prophet will have the power to perform some outstanding miracles. It will be these miracles that will help him to gain credibility and the support of the masses of the world. This possibility sounds reasonable in light of what is said about the false prophet.
Now, which of these interpretations is correct? It is difficult to see how either one could be true without the other. A government has to have a leader, and a leader has to have a government. Daniel’s prophecy definitely says that the antichrist is going to arise from the crumbled Roman empire and combine the traits of it and the other worldwide governments of ancient history. This is clearly pointed out in the visions of the image and the beast, and it is clearly pointed out in this vision of John when it is compared with Daniel. Again, a quick study of the chart shows this (see Deeper Study # 1—Re. 13:2). And as stated, the healing of the antichrist from a mortal wound seems to be what Scripture is saying (Re. 13:14).
The antichrist is to rule over the final government of the earth. Man’s dream of a one world government will become a reality. But the government will have a leader, one man who will be emperor, king, or president, whatever the world will call him. Note that Scripture also points this out.
⇒ The antichrist will be cast into the lake of fire. Nations and empires are not cast into the lake of fire, people are.
⇒ The antichrist is said to be a man.
⇒ The antichrist will stand in the temple of God in Jerusalem and proclaim himself as God. A nation cannot do this; only a man can do this.
⇒ The antichrist will come as a false leader even as other antichrists have come as false leaders.
There are numerous Scriptures showing how the antichrist will be a man and not only a revival of great empires of the past. As stated earlier, the great empires will be revived and embodied or combined into one political government. But that government will be headed up and led by one leader or one head of state, the head of state whom the Bible calls the antichrist - what we hear today as a one-world order.
4 And they worshiped the dragon, for he had given his authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?”
5 And the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months.
6 It opened its mouth to utter blasphemies against God, blaspheming his name and his dwelling, that is, those who dwell in heaven.
7 Also it was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them. And authority was given it over every tribe and people and language and nation,
8 and all who dwell on earth will worship it, everyone whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slain.
There are nine methods listed in this passage that the antichrist will use to gain worldwide dominance.
1. The antichrist will secure power because of the worldly and ungodly living of people (v.4). Note the statement about the people who live in the end time: “they worshipped the dragon,” that is, the devil. To worship the devil means to walk in the way of sin and evil and ungodliness, not just what modern man calls devil worship and witchcraft. In the last days people will become more and more sinful, worldly, evil, and ungodly. They will become more and more secular and humanistic.
“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away” (2 Ti. 3:1–5).
2. The antichrist will secure power by personal ability and appeal (v. 4b). They worship the beast and say “who is like unto the beast?” By worship is meant loyalty and allegiance. The antichrist will …
• be full of knowledge
• be an unusual genius
• be intelligent
• have unbelievable insight
• be magnetic
• have supreme charisma
• be a wonder to behold in ability and appeal
Remember: the world will be undergoing catastrophic disaster after disaster such as earthquakes and famine. In addition, there will be an enormous increase and intensification of wars and rumors of wars, military brush fires, uprisings, and terrorists attacks. On top of this will be the increasing sin and evil, drugs and immoralities raging across the world. The last days are anything but a pleasant picture. But the truth has to be faced, and we can see the trend by the way the societies of the world are deteriorating. Even the world leaders recognize their inability to stop the onrushing mad trend of lawlessness. Therefore, sometime in the future, when a certain leader comes upon the scene, and he has the answer to some of the problems, the people of the world will be ready to listen. They will exclaim: “Who is like unto this man.” They will readily give their allegiance and loyalty to him. There will be a movement among the citizenry of the world toward him even as the citizens of Europe moved toward a more democratic government in the 1990’s. The citizens will demand that their government leaders listen and follow this man who seems to have the answers.
⇒ All the world will wonder and be amazed and admire the beast.
⇒ He will be full of ability and understanding.
3. The antichrist will secure power by military and economic strength (v.4). At first when he enters upon the world scene, he and his government will conquer three nations and he will completely absorb those three nations into his. Then seven others will subject to his rule and government peacefully. He will then be powerful, a mighty government with which the rest of the world has to contend. He will be so powerful that the Scriptures describe him as a beast with seven heads (governments) and ten horns (nations) over which he rules. The governments over which he rules will be some of the nations of the Middle East and of Europe and their great reservoirs of wealth. The nations under his control will be so wealthy and militarily strong that people will ask: “Who is able to make war with him?” Who is able to stop him militarily?
The antichrist will apparently have under his authority the strongest military machine the world has ever known. And people will know it. Therefore, nation after nation will give their allegiance and loyalty to him. They will peacefully surrender to him. Keep in mind other prophecies that tell us that he will be able to bring peace and safety to the earth for a while. Few, if any, will be able to make war or to rebel under the control of his government.
⇒ Other nations will fear him.
⇒ He will control enormous amounts of money and wealth.
⇒ He can set up rulers and leaders as he likes.
4. The antichrist will secure power through speech, oratory, persuasion, and blasphemy (v.5). He will have a mouth that can speak great things. He will offer hope to a world that is facing catastrophe after catastrophe and that is crumbling under unsolved problems of drug addiction, alcoholism, famine, disease, homelessness, terrorist actions, and war. He will be able to bring peace and come up with some solutions to some of the problems. He will appear to be the savior of mankind. Remember: he will be strong enough militarily to bring peace to the smaller nations of the world that are so often suffering uprisings and terrorists actions. And he will be extremely wealthy, ruling so many nations with wealth that he can help solve some of the economic problems of the world mentioned above.
5. The antichrist will secure power for three and one half years (v.5). He will be able to offer the world peace and prosperity for three and one half years. But note: his power is not his own. It is a given power, a power given to him by Satan.
6. The antichrist will secure power through atheism and humanism (v.6). He will reject and deny God, and openly blaspheme God. And he will do it in the famous Jewish temple (to be rebuilt) in the most famous religious city of the world, Jerusalem. The thing to note is his atheistic and humanistic belief. He will live and proclaim what man wants to hear in a scientific and technological world, a world that wants all the pleasure and possessions it can experience. He will push the philosophy of man and the state, that man and the state are the ultimate in life—that man can solve his own problems. And many in the world will applaud what he is able to achieve in peace and in the economy of the world. They will gladly follow him in his idolatrous worship of the state and blasphemy of God. (See pts.2, 3—Re. 18:2–7 for more discussion.)
7. The antichrist will secure power through religious persecution (v.7. See notes—Re. 7:13–14; 11:1; 11:2; 11:3–13 for discussion.)
8. The antichrist will secure power through conquering many nations (v.7). He shall be able to extend his power over every tribe and people and language and nation. Note the word every. How will he gain world authority? Some by war and military might, but most nations will most likely follow willingly and peacefully—offer their allegiance and loyalty—to a government …
• that can definitely protect them and assure peace
• that can help them with great economic aid
Thought 1. America’s ability to do this is one example. Many nations willingly follow and are loyal to this great nation for these very reasons. However, in the end time, the picture is that the antichrist will offer to do even more. Keep in mind that he will control many of the nations of the Middle East and of Europe—nations that are so rich, both in oil and other products and resources. Remember also: oil is an absolute essential to all the economies of the world. Nations and people will do anything for oil and its wealth. This is certainly one way the antichrist could demand and gain control over the nations and peoples of the earth. This is especially true if he was to appear benevolent and to offer peace and aid to a world devastated by natural disasters, social ills, and human suffering.
9. The antichrist will secure power through imperial worship (v.8a). All the ungodly and evil people upon earth shall worship him. This points toward worship of the state in the end time. Just think of the vast numbers of people with so many different languages and cultures involved in a world government. Some unifying principle, some common spirit, will be needed to hold the people together. This principle, this spirit, will be wrapped up in the government and leader of the government (the antichrist). Remember: he and his government will bring peace and economic help to the world, and will have solutions to some of the problems raging within society. The antichrist and his government will be represented, honored, and worshipped far more than any emperor of Rome or any Hitler, Mussolini, or any other leader in past history. It will be a small step from the honor of the people over to being idolized by the people. In order to keep and hold the world together, the antichrist and his government will institute the same thing the old Roman empire did: the worship of the state. Every citizen will be required to honor and give his first loyalty and allegiance to the state. The people may possibly be allowed to worship their own gods as well, but the state will demand the first loyalty. Keep in mind that the state (the antichrist) will be the central thing to the people of the world, the very thing that brought them peace and prosperity. The antichrist, of course, sits at the top of the state and all attention focuses upon him as the god of might and provision.
Remember: the worship of the state will probably be launched in the middle of the tribulation period. At that time, the antichrist will enter Jerusalem and march into the temple and declare that he and his state are to be the first objects of worship (gods). Whatever the case and whatever happens, Scripture definitely says that the antichrist will be worshipped, that is, given the first loyalty by the people of the earth. (See note—Re. 13:13–17 for more discussion.)
9 If anyone has an ear, let him hear:
10 If anyone is to be taken captive, to captivity he goes; if anyone is to be slain with the sword, with the sword must he be slain. Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints.
There are the adversaries of the antichrist, the true believers. True believers will not worship the antichrist. Every believer can be loyal and can support his government fully, one hundred per cent. But no true believer can give his first loyalty to anyone other than to God. Therefore, true believers will not worship the antichrist nor his state. Note four statements made about the believers, the adversaries to the antichrist.
1. They are secure in the Lamb’s book of life (see notes, pt.2b—Re. 3:4–6; 5:6–7.)
2. They are the hearers of this message, the people who heed the warning of the judgment to come and who repent and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ.
3. They are the ones who know that God truly judges the evil and ungodly. The true believer knows …
• that if he leads others into captivity (whether of sin or prison), he himself shall be led into captivity
• that if he murders, he shall be judged by God and put to death eternally
The true believer knows that God judges and that His judgment is just—that we reap exactly what we sow. Therefore, the true believer repents of sin and turns to follow God. True believers are the ones who will be the adversaries to the antichrist.
4. The true believer is steadfast and loyal to the faith. The true believer will be easily known in the end time. He will be the person standing fast for Christ. There will be droves denying Christ, but there will also be millions turning to him, an innumerable number (Re. 7:9). The Spirit of God will be as active as He has ever been. He will infuse believers with the strength to stand fast for Christ. As a result millions will be martyred in the worst holocaust in human history. The scene will be both tragic and glorious at the same time. For many will be giving one of the strongest testimonies ever given for Christ: they will be suffering persecution, but standing fast in their faith for Christ.
The Second Beast
The Second Beast
11 Then I saw another beast rising out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon.
12 It exercises all the authority of the first beast in its presence, and makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose mortal wound was healed.
13 It performs great signs, even making fire come down from heaven to earth in front of people,
14 and by the signs that it is allowed to work in the presence of the beast it deceives those who dwell on earth, telling them to make an image for the beast that was wounded by the sword and yet lived.
15 And it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might even speak and might cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain.
16 Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead,
17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.
18 This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.
Zeal, devotion, allegiance, loyalty, dedication—there is a desire within man to commit his life to something. Every person, no matter who he is, must have something that interests and motivates him, something that stirs him to arise in the morning and function and move and act throughout the day—something about which he can speak with excitement and commitment. It may be a job, family, school, sport, girlfriend, car, house, land, money, or power. Man has to have something to drive and motivate him, something to which he can devote himself and give his loyalty.
The great problem facing a world government—the government that will embrace every nation and people on earth, the government of the antichrist—is this: How do you get everyone on earth to be loyal to the government? Think of all the tribes, languages, peoples, and nations upon earth.
⇒ What can bring them all together?
⇒ What can be used to bind their loyalty and allegiance to the state?
⇒ What unifying principle, what unifying spirit can be found to focus the support of the people for the government?
This will be the problem facing the antichrist and his government in the end time. But remember the chaotic mess of the world in the last days: there will be natural disaster after natural disaster. Earthquakes, violent storms, and famine will be sweeping the earth in record numbers unparalleled in human history. There will be diseases and pestilences unheard of. In addition, nation after nation will be wrecked with war and rumors of war and violent overthrowing of governments and terrorist actions. Then there is the sinful and evil behavior of man. There will be an enormous increase in drugs, assaults, murders, rapes, immorality, divorce, stealing, witchcraft, and on and on. The world will be in a chaotic upheaval. There will be a social crisis all over the world. People will be frantic for some answers, for some leader to appear on the scene who can help and bring some order.
There will be such a man—the beast, the antichrist. This was the discussion of the former passage. But note this passage: the antichrist is going to have help. There is a second beast, a beast who is going to help the antichrist find the unifying principle to hold the loyalty of the people. This second beast will understand the spirit of man, that man must have something to which he can be devoted, something to which he can be attached. The second beast will give the antichrist that something, that devotion—the very thing that will hold the people of the world together. This second beast will become the worldwide spokesman and propaganda chief for the antichrist. He will become the right hand man of the antichrist. This is the second beast that will attack the earth and its people in the last days, the false prophet.
11 Then I saw another beast rising out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon.
There is the origin and description of the second beast.
1. He comes out of the earth. This means that he comes out from among the common people of the earth. He will be from among the masses, yet he will hold a high office and be the second most powerful man in the government of the last days. This will, of course, give him a strong identity with the masses of the earth. It will help him wield influence and secure their support for the programs of the antichrist and his government.
2. He appears to be a lamb, for he only has two horns like a little lamb. No person is ever afraid of a little lamb. There is nothing about this beast that seems wild or evil. The little lamb symbolizes at least three things.
a. This beast will appear innocent, harmless, mild, meek, attractive, and lovable. Most people will be attracted to him; no one will fear him. There will be absolutely nothing about his appearance to frighten anyone. People will be pulled to him and want to touch and embrace him just as onlookers feel pulled toward a little lamb.
b. This beast will appear to be a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. He will appear to be one of God’s little lambs or sheep. That is, he will be a religious leader. Just like a lamb, he will appear to be religiously clean, free from evil and violence and wrong and ungodliness. He will appear to represent the Lord Jesus Christ and peace and love and joy. People will think that he can do no wrong, or at least not any serious wrong.
c. This beast will speak as a dragon. His voice is going to betray him. What he has to say will reveal that he is not a prophet of God, but a false prophet.
⇒ He will not be teaching God’s Word, but the word of the antichrist and state.
⇒ He will not be speaking the truth; he will be speaking a lie.
⇒ He will not be the spokesman for God, but the spokesman for the government of the antichrist.
⇒ He will not be speaking for people to support God, but for people to support the civil power.
⇒ He will not be promoting the Lord Jesus Christ; he will be promoting the policies of the antichrist.
The second beast will become the spokesman, the great motivator of the masses for the antichrist. He will be the person who will come up with the unifying principle, the motivational spirit that will hold the loyalty of the people to the antichrist and his state.
Note this: we know that he will be a religious leader, for after this passage he is called the false prophet whenever he is mentioned (Re. 16:13; 19:20; 20:10). Keep this in mind: he will hold the second highest position of authority in the world. The antichrist will promote him to be second in command, to be the chief executive officer of the government. But note his origin and background: he comes from religion, from Christianity itself. He is a prophet, a priest, a minister who professes to be a follower and teacher of the Lord Jesus Christ.
12 It exercises all the authority of the first beast in its presence, and makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose mortal wound was healed.
There is the objective of the second beast or false prophet. His objective is to secure the devotion, loyalty, and allegiance of the world to the antichrist and his government. Note two most significant points.
1. This second beast will exercise all the power of the antichrist. The antichrist will give the false prophet the right to speak and act for him. When he speaks and acts, he will do it with the full authority and power of the throne. He will be the chief executive officer of the antichrist, the second in command, the chief of staff, the full representative of the antichrist.
2. But remember: this beast is a prophet, a prominent religious leader. He comes from the root of Christianity and from the church. He is either a minister or a priest. He will represent the Lamb of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. But the antichrist notices him and entices him to use his religious position and influence for the state. This means a significant thing. It means that the false prophet …
• will hold some high position in religion
• will be very influential and probably already known by many in the world
• will be very charismatic, able to effectively speak and communicate with people face to face, in meetings and in mass, over television and radio or whatever visual and sound media will exist in that day. This would be the only conceivable way he could mobilize support from around the world
Now, what is the objective of the false prophet? To secure the devotion, loyalty, and allegiance to the antichrist and his state. As stated in the introduction, the end time government will have to come up with some way to hold the support of the people of the world, people with so many diverse backgrounds and cultures, needs and wants. This will be the objective of this beast, of the false prophet. He will become a part of the civil government, of the state itself …
• He will use his high office in religion to rally people to support the antichrist and the state
• He will focus worship, that is, the devotion and loyalty of people upon the antichrist and his state
• He will do what he can to lead people to be loyal and devoted to the state and its leader, the antichrist
This may seem repetitive, but it is essential to see the objective of the false prophet. In the end time, the government and its leader, the antichrist, will have to solve the problem about how to hold the support of so many diverse people throughout the world. A worldwide religion—one great spirit focused upon the government and its leader—will be the answer. Everyone in the world will be expected to give his first loyalty and allegiance to the state and the antichrist. Everyone’s second loyalty and allegiance may perhaps be given to any religion of their choice, but their first loyalty will have to be to the state and its leader, the state and leader that has brought peace to the world and provided so much for the people of the world.
13 It performs great signs, even making fire come down from heaven to earth in front of people,
14 and by the signs that it is allowed to work in the presence of the beast it deceives those who dwell on earth, telling them to make an image for the beast that was wounded by the sword and yet lived.
15 And it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might even speak and might cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain.
16 Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead,
17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.
There is the means of securing the loyalty and devotion of the people of the earth. The false prophet will use four things to secure the people’s loyalty.
1. The false prophet will deceive people with great miraculous signs, especially with fire (v.13). The false prophet will face a problem: How can he possibly convince the masses of the world that God will understand their act of showing loyalty and allegiance to the state? That God would approve an occasional act of worship and expression of devotion to the state and its leader? There will be only one way: the false prophet must prove that he is truly of God, that he has the approval of God in preparing the new worship. How can he prove his credentials, prove that he and his proposal for a new worship are of God? By signs, miraculous signs. Remember: the two great witnesses of God—the witnesses who will be in Jerusalem preaching the gospel—will be able to work miracles and to call fire down from heaven. The idea is that this miracle will cause people to fear them long enough to keep the government from killing them, at least for three and one half years (Re. 11:3–13). This miracle will be duplicated by the false prophet. The devil will empower the false prophet to duplicate the miracle. People will then think that the false prophet is a true prophet, as much a prophet of God as the two witnesses in Jerusalem. Just what the miracle involves is never said, but the idea is that it will be awe-inspiring and assure the people of the earth that the false prophet is definitely a prophet of God and is speaking for God. Therefore, whatever he suggests must be acceptable to God. Think how believable he will be if the mortal wound to the antichrist (some assassination attempt) is actually healed by the false prophet (Re. 13:3). To the masses of the world both the antichrist and the false prophet will look like the next thing to God Himself. The masses will be ready to follow the declaration of the false prophet, ready to worship or occasionally to show their support and loyalty to the antichrist and the state.
The point is this: the false prophet will prove that he and his declarations are ex cathedra, of God, by performing miracles. This is one way he will deceive and gather the support of the world’s masses.
2. The false prophet will use universal religion to secure the loyalty of the people (vv.14–15). This is what the Scripture has been building up to, the worship of the antichrist and his state. We must remember that the worship of the state and its leader is not a far-fetched idea. In every generation there are dictators and leaders of government who insist upon the first loyalty and allegiance of the nation’s citizens. Religion is subjected to the state and expected to support the state totally or else it and its followers are persecuted and often killed. Of course, each of these is on a small scale compared to the whole world; nevertheless, they provide a small scale example of what the end time world government will do under the antichrist.
An even better example is the old Roman empire. Rome instituted the worship of the state and emperor as the unifying principle to hold the people of the vast empire together. William Barclay has an excellent discussion of this that shows how easily the situation can arise. This is especially true in light of the fact that it has already been done on somewhat of a worldwide scale. The leaders of the end time government will certainly not be ignorant of history. They will know exactly what Rome did, and the history lesson will not fall on deaf ears. In fact, Scripture teaches that the government of the end time will be a revival of the old Roman government; that is, the end time government will have many of the traits and characteristics of the old Roman empire.
But more important than any of these factors, there will be one thing above all others that will stir a universal worship of the antichrist and his state. What is it? The peace and economic recovery the antichrist will bring to the earth. The political unrest and economic crises and chaotic mess of the world in the end time will be ready-made for a leader with some answers. As stated in the introduction to this passage (what is said in the introduction to this outline is being repeated here because of its importance to this note):
Remember the chaotic mess of the world in the last days. There will be natural disaster after natural disaster: earthquakes, violent storms, and famine will be sweeping the earth in record numbers, unparalleled in human history. There will be diseases and pestilences unheard of. In addition, nation after nation will be wrecked with war and rumors of war and violent overthrowing of governments and terrorist actions. Then there is the sinful and evil behavior of man. There will be an enormous increase in drugs, assaults, murders, rapes, immorality, divorce, stealing witchcraft, and on and on. The world will be in a chaotic upheaval. There will be a social crisis all over the world. People will be frantic for some answers, for some leader to appear on the scene who can help and bring some order.
The antichrist will be that man. Remember how he arose from a small nation, from the East. He conquers three nations and then seven willingly come under his rule. He will at long last bring peace to that area of the world and possess enormous wealth and one of the largest military machines the world has ever seen. Somehow, some way, he will be able to propose some solutions to some of the problems of the world and to offer peace; and he will be made the supreme chief of some organization that has enormous influence. From that post he will be able to maneuver and make power plays to secure more and more power. And all the time his idea and program for world peace and economic prosperity will be succeeding. He will be so successful that people will begin to say: “Who is like the beast? Who is able to match him or to oppose him?” (see Re. 13:3). The point is this: the antichrist will bring peace and prosperity to the earth, and the people will be thankful and hold him in the highest of honor and esteem. They will be willing to follow his policies and programs.
Now, note something: note how all this focuses upon the antichrist and his government, upon who he is and what he can do for the people and the world. This alone borders on adulation and worship. It is close to what he and the state will want: the constant and permanent loyalty of the people to the state. The government and antichrist will have to seal the loyalty of the people; they will have to come up with some way to assure the people’s continued support.
This is where the second beast comes in; this is where the idea of the universal religion enters. All the antichrist and the state need is for the people to show every so often that they do support and give their first loyalty to the state. Rome had the people make only one act of worship a year, and when they bowed in worship to the state before some local authority, the people were given a certificate to show that they so honored the state. Now with this as background to show us how it can easily happen in the end time, note two points.
a. The universal worship will center around an image to the beast. The false prophet will suggest that the people of the world make an image of the beast. Note two Scriptures, the first from Christ Himself:
The temple of God is the temple of the Jews at Jerusalem. It is prophesied that it will be rebuilt in the end time. The false prophet will convince the people …
• that the world has been blessed with the peace and economic recovery wrought by the antichrist.
• that the antichrist is the one who is bringing the utopian kingdom to earth, the utopian society where there is going to be perfect peace; and he is the one who is solving the problems of society and providing plenty of food and housing and jobs for everyone.
• that every one needs to show their support and loyalty to the utopian state that the antichrist has wrought.
• that the only way to keep the movement going and continuing is for everyone to honor the state and give their first loyalty and allegiance to the state.
• that the best way to show one’s loyalty is to have an image of the state (symbolized in its leader, the antichrist) in the great religious center of the world, and then on a local basis to have everyone express their loyalty (worship) to the state before some state authority. Of course, the person would receive some certificate showing that he had expressed his first loyalty to the antichrist and his government.
The false prophet will have to convince the world and its masses that a state religion—symbolized in the leader of the state—is the best way to keep the utopian state continuing. And he will be successful, for this passage says that the prophecy of Christ given above will come about. The false prophet will set up the image to the beast of the antichrist and his government, and he will set it up in the temple of God.
b. But note a second thing as well: the universal worship will center around some supernatural power that will enable the beast to speak (v.15). Just as there are all kinds of shrines and places where miracles are supposed to have happened today, there will be a spectacular miracle in the end time. Satan will cause a miracle to happen; some people, worshipping in the shrine built to the antichrist, will hear the image speak or else it will speak periodically. Remember: the end times will be a day of mass deception and counterfeit religion for the ungodly and evil of this world. God is going to allow the world to be deceived and deluded as part of the judgment for their ungodliness and evil.
3. The false prophet will use religious persecution to secure loyalty to the antichrist and the state (v.15b). Very simply, anyone who does not worship the state and the beast or antichrist will be slaughtered. Of course, no believer can confess loyalty to a person or government above God. The true believer can be loyal to his government, one hundred percent loyal, but he cannot put anything above God, not even the state. Therefore, the worst holocaust ever known to man will take place in the end time. True believers and all other people who have strong religious faith—including Jews, Moslems, Hindus, and others—will be slaughtered in the holocaust of the antichrist. (See outline and notes—Re. 7:9–17; 11:1; 11:2; 11:3–13.)
4. The false prophet will use economic controls to secure loyalty to the antichrist and the state (vv.16–17). The Scripture is self-explanatory. There will be some mark placed upon the head or forearm of people to show that they are loyal to the state. Food and supplies and other purchases—the whole economy—will be based upon this mark. A person must have the mark to buy anything. If he does not, then he is a traitor to the state and antichrist. The person will have no choice: he either gives his first loyalty to the state or else be killed or starved to death or be forced to flee to the wildernesses of the world for safety and survival. Many believers, of course, will do the latter, and God will keep a remnant alive as a testimony to his name. (See note—Re. 12:6; 12:13–17 for more discussion.)
18 This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.
There is the number of the beast or antichrist. It is the infamous number that is more well known in literature than any other number: 666. What does it mean? No one knows. Scripture does not say what it means. All we know is what Scripture says: “it is the number of a man.” In Scripture the perfect number is seven. Therefore, since man’s number is six, that means that man is incomplete and short of God’s glory, short of God’s perfection. The number of the beast is the same, and the spiritual man is to count it such. The beast is not God—far from it. He, too, is mere man, short of the triune God. His days are numbered; he will do what all other human leaders have done—die and pass on to face the eternal judgment of God.
Thought 1. This is critical: we must never forget that all men—no matter how great they may be nor how much they may do for us—will die. And they will all face the judgment of God. This will be true of the most powerful of all leaders, the antichrist of the end time. How critical it is for every man to be prepared to stand up for Christ when the end comes.