Church without Walls

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42 They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
43 Everyone kept feeling a sense of awe; and many wonders and signs were taking place through the apostles.
44 And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common;
The Church is designed for:
Teaching of the Word (the Apostles Doctrine) giving instruction, A biblical church is founded upon the Scriptures and is marked by that teaching. The early church held fast to the doctrines of Christ. (Acts 2:22-24). Biblical church is Biblically Based, Teaching is a priority! Don’t be mistaken, not only priority but is a priority
1. Gathered together in a central place for instruction. Assembled together. Temple (church building) a launch point for all other work
a. Converts needed the instruction (teaching) to become effective witnesses
b. Devoting – eager to learn teaching – took a pripority
c. One mind – ACTS 1:14 Spirit gives unity!!!
2. Hebrew 10:25 – let us not forsake the gathering –why
a. To encourage one another –
b. The day is drawing near
Fellowship –– koinania, fellowship, participation
1. Act of sharing in the activities or privilege of an intimate relationship. Used of marriage and the church
a. Intimacy in our earthly relationship
2. Intimate relationship made possible through the blood that binds, by the indwelling of the Spirit
a. 1 Cor 1:9 God is faithful; through whom you were called into fellowship with His Son Jesus Christ our Lord
b. Philippians 2:1-2 Fellowship with the Spirit – for one purpose
Breaking of bread – probably referring to the Lord’s supper (contextually)
1. Prioritize worship
a. What is important to you. - For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Matt 6:21
i. It is reflected in our time
ii. Our attitudes
iii. Our Worship
iv. The cheapening of western worship - The term ‘worship’ is misunderstood if it gives the impression that the major element is what human beings do or offer to God.
v. Worship. Ps. 95:1-11 – our response to what God has done for us
b. Sharing a meal – Intimate act - figuratively
i. Allowing others into our lives, our homes
ii. Sharing in what we own
iii. Giving up what is ours to give to others
iv. Building community
1. The need for community
The young family that joined a church
Prayer – The gathering bathed in prayer. If we aren't praying, then we are relying on ourselves.
Prayer is worship! We worship God when we adore, confess, praise. It is the highest activity that we can participate in. To think that the human spirit can have communion with God by His divine nature!
Vs. 44 – All those who believed were together
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