Remaining True to God in The Wilderness: Overcoming the Enticement of the World

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Our defense in every Temptation is to put God's Will First in Worship and Service.



entice- attract or tempt by offering pleasure or advantage
My brothers and sisters it is satan’s job to draw us away from God by any means necessary. Nothing seems to draw us away better than the enticement of having everything at our disposal. We are a microwave people with what we can call microwave needs. We have the Burger King syndrome and we want it our way and fast. Many will give all that they have or sell their souls for the opportunity to have the world as their oyster now rather than in God’s time. We fail to realize that right now is not always God’s time. There are instances where God is saying yes but not now and we must show Faith and Confidence that God can and will provide in His time. We have seen in this Series of Sermons if you have been with us the last couple of weeks we have been preaching and teaching on how Jesus our Lord and Savior handled temptation in a most vulnerable time by rebuking Satan with God’s word and not giving in to the temptations of the Wilderness. I have preached that to over come temptation in the wilderness 1st is overcoming physical temptation, 2nd is overcoming the temptation to put God to the test, and now thirdly is overcoming the temptation to reject God's Timing therefore not making God a priority in your life. How many can say that God is the priority in your life everyday. Not just Sunday and Bible Study night, not just when it’s my turn to do at the church but at all times you are seeking to do God’s will no matter how inviting the opportunity before you is? Are you really resisting Temptation?


As we look at this pericope we see that Satan uses all that is at his disposal to entice Jesus to disobey God and fulfill His purpose outside the time frame set by God. Here Jesus we find satan doing just that again he has tested Jesus in the realm of placing physical needs and wants above spiritual (turn these rocks into bread),when that didn’t work he sought to cause Jesus to force God’s Hand in a situation that was outside God’s will for His life (throws yourself down and let God save you). In each one of these temptation Jesus used the Word of God to deliver Him from it. Here now in this the last Temptation of the lesson Jesus is tempted with the World and all that it has to offer. Imagine being offered it all. All that you could even imagine not later or on someone else time line but right now Satan does just that let us follow as Jesus teaches us a lesson in recognizing fool’s gold


Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;

Satan offered Jesus something that he could offer because at that time and now Satan is the “ruler of this world” John 12:31 who is allowed until the return of Jesus to run to and fro
The Bible Exposition Commentary Chapter Three: The King’s Credentials (Matthew 3–4)

The devil offered Jesus a shortcut to His kingdom.

Many times we are offered a shortcut
quick money by selling drugs
promotion by scandalizing the person in front of you instead of putting in the work
cheating on your homework instead of studying
stealing instead of working for what you want
Satan always presents and offers the pretty things but with holds the consequences


9 And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.

Matthew Satan Tempts Jesus in the Wilderness / 4:1–11 / 18

Luke records Satan’s words at this temptation as: “To you I will give their glory and all this authority; for it has been given over to me, and I give it to anyone I please” (Luke 4:6 NRSV

Satan offered to give Jesus dominion over the world before God made it possible
the offer challenged Jesus obedience to God’s timing and will
Satan was saying why wait when I can give it to you now. all you have do sell your soul, renounce your allegience to God and and worship me
Satan said Jesus there is an easy way rather than that hard way that your Father has prescribed for you- take this gift from me and avoid the suffering, heartache, disappointment, shame, the death of the cross.
Satan is saying to you why suffer the ridicule, the disrespect, the hurt feelings, the having to curb your desires, the struggle when I can give you a way to feel good now
Matthew Satan Tempts Jesus in the Wilderness / 4:1–11 / 18

Satan hoped to distort Jesus’ perspective by making him focus on worldly power, not on fulfilling God’s plans. In addition, Jesus would have to denounce his loyalty to the Father in order to worship Satan. Satan’s goal always has been to replace God as the object of worship.


10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. 11 Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him.

Matthew Satan Tempts Jesus in the Wilderness / 4:1–11 / 18

Jesus dismissed Satan with the words “away with you.” The temptations boiled down to a choice between God and Satan. No one can worship and serve both.

Matthew Satan Tempts Jesus in the Wilderness / 4:1–11 / 18

For Jesus to take a shortcut to the goal, ruling the world by worshiping Satan (4:9) would be to break the first commandment, “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength… . You shall fear the Lord your God and serve Him …”

Matthew Satan Tempts Jesus in the Wilderness / 4:1–11 / 18


The devil offered the whole world to Jesus if Jesus would only bow down and worship him. Today Satan offers us the world by trying to entice us with materialism, sex, and power. The devil would like us to believe that “life is short, get all you can!” Even Christian leaders find themselves tempted to build empires here on earth. But Satan requires people to pay for such success by selling their souls to him. We must resist temptations in the same way that Jesus did. If you find yourself craving something that the world offers, quote Jesus’ words to the devil: “Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.” Then follow that advice, with the support and prayers of Christian friends.

For your faithfulness God sent Jesus ministering angels
Jesus dealt with real temptation and overcame it with the help of the ministering angels that God sent to minister to and encourage Him through out the the temptation and at its end.
Jesus knew something about Angels
Matthew Satan Tempts Jesus in the Wilderness / 4:1–11 / 18

These spiritual beings were involved in Jesus’ life on earth by (1) announcing his birth to Mary, (2) reassuring Joseph, (3) naming Jesus, (4) announcing Jesus’ birth to the shepherds, (5) protecting Jesus by sending his family to Egypt, and (6) ministering to Jesus in Gethsemane.

we have angels watching over us the
The Gospel
Matthew Satan Tempts Jesus in the Wilderness / 4:1–11 / 18


Jesus was tempted by the devil, but he never sinned! Although we may feel dirty after being tempted, we should remember that temptation itself is not sin. We sin when we give in and disobey God. Remembering this truth will help us turn away from the temptation. Hebrews 4:15 says that Jesus “has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin” (NIV). He knows firsthand what we are experiencing, and he is willing and able to help us in our struggles. When tempted, turn to God for strength by a short prayer, make a phone call to a Christian friend, or find a quiet place to pull out your Bible and read a psalm.

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