God at Work, Through Us

There was / is something that the Holy Spirit has planted in your life to do. We all are given an empowerment by the Holy Spirit. Fan and kindle that gift that God has given you.
John came home flushed with pride. “I’ve been promoted,” he announced. “I have a new job! They’ve made me an expediter.” “What’s an expediter?” asked his wife. “Well, it’s hard to explain but if you did what I’m supposed to do, it would be called nagging.”
Employee: “The stress my boss puts me under is killing me. I have migraines, my blood pressure is going through the roof, I can’t sleep at night, I just found out I have an ulcer, and as long as I stay in this job, the only question is whether I’ll have a stroke or a heart attack.”
A new employee stood before one of the office machines, looking confused. “Do you need some help?” asked a co-worker. “Yes,” the new man answered. “How does this thing work?” “Simple,” she said, taking his big report and feeding it into the shredder. “Thanks,” the new man replied, “but where do the copies come out?”
Pope John XXIII was a kind man with a marvelous sense of humor. Someone once asked him how many people worked at the Vatican. “Half of them,” he said.