Stopping False Teaching
INTRODUCTION: Timothy was not in Ephesus because Paul put hi m there. He is there because God has put him there. Almost every Christian worker has wanted to quit at one time or another.
Ray Edman, former president of Wheaton College, used to say, “It is always too soon to quit!” Paul encourages young Tim to stay in Ephesus and keep at the task by reminding him of his position before God and of the fact that God would see him through to victory.
Paul has reminded Tim that he is going on to Macedonia, but he needs Tim to stay in Ephesus. The motive of this letter is to provide Tim with a written memo of previous verbal instructions, especially with a view to novel speculations about the laws which steal the vitality of the gospel, the root of which is sincerity and love.
Tim is to instruct the believers in several areas: false teachers are busy ministering their own program and not God’s. Paul tells Tim to be a good steward … A stewards first responsibility is to his master (1 Cor 4: 1-7). These in Ephesus are trying to make a name for themselves.
Men are not to teach strange doctrines – heterodidaskaleo – another of a different kind – not just a different kind of doctrine, but a doctrine that is contrary to true doctrine. This is not false doctrines from other religions, but doctrine which poses as true Xn doctrine. Doctrine that is diametrically opposed to the true teachings of Xity. In Pastoral Letters, 32 references to “teaching, doctrine, teaher, teach, teaches”..It is important that Xns be taught and learn biblical doctrine.
Men are not to pay attention to myths and endless genealogies – To pay attention, to give heed to, to give assent to … fables (muthos) this could be referring to allegorical interpretation of the genealogies or Jewish miracle stories, Rabbinic interpretations. These might be genealogies that fabric fantastic stories about men in the OT. These were often used to develop nationalistic feelings and pride of the Jews over the Gentiles. ENDLESS – without termination, limit…
These items only lead to speculation – questions – ekzetesis – an investigation, laborious inquiry or speculation.. to the point of exhaustion…
Men are to be built up by true doctrine and faith.
Paul desires believers be nourished by the things that build faith – to be built up… oikos – house … nomos --- the law or household economy.. the administrative affairs of the house .. Here = the scheme or order of salvation as devised and administered by God, the method of operation of God’s salvation in the life of the believing sinner. “Which is the faith” indicates faith is the sphere or element in which salvation operates. Don’t debate on the things God has provided for salvation, but embrace salvation by faith.
True Doctrine is based on love = those who follow Paul and Tim’s advice will find themselves excersizing a careful stewardship of ministry and preaching in such a way that sinners will be saved. God works through His word and this should be characterized by love. John 3:16 shows us the love of God has for the lost; Rom 5:5 shows us the love that is shed abroad on the hearts of the yielded believer by the HS. This allows those hearing to see the love of God in a practical manner. These want to be teachers of the law, but do not have lives that back up their teaching. True faith emphasizes the love of God towards sinners, not how believers feel they are doing in relation to others. God wants believers to have the clear facts to believe, not just to debate over.
True Doctrine is buttressed by a pure heart & good conscience = good = a that which has as its goal, the well being or pleasure of something. A good conscience is one that leads its owner to obey the Word of God. The word, “unfeigned” is the translation of “anupokritos”. The simple verb means “to judge under” … the actor on stage who plays the part of what he is not…one who is unfeigned, undisguised… here it is genuine, spurious, assumed, pretended faith, a mere intellectual assent that poses for a heart acceptance.
True Doctrine is bolstered by understanding the Knowledge =
These have turned aside … ektrepo – a medical term meaning to “turn or twist out” used of limbs which were dislocated… This is no light charge, but a serious change of position doctrinally… vainjuggling – mataios .. devoid of truth, success, that which is useless or of no purpose..logos … useless talk … futile chatter. They desire to be teachers of the law, but … these do not understand .. no comprehension … They don’t know what they say …the false teachers announce their error with a bold assurance … with confidence … They aim at being professional teachers of the law.
The Value of the Law --
Paul is not putting the Law of God down or saying it is w/o value. The true use of the Law is not what these false teachers are after. The law is good (kalos) which refers to goodness as it is seen from the outside…Cremer says the Greeks brought kalos into close connection with agathos, so that the basic meaning of each is the same, although goodness is looked at from different angles. The law was not given to save people, but to show people they need to be saved. There is a lawful use of the law (Rom 7:6). Here Paul shows how the law can reveal those that are lost:
The Vocabulary of the Lost – 14 words to describe people who are condemned by the law … one of several lists in NT (Mk 7:20-23; Rom 1:18-31, Gal 5: 19-21). The Law reveals one’s sinfulness…it exposes, reveals, restrains, and convicts the lawless… lawless (anomos) – recognize no law …
Anupotaktos – Better unruly, disobedient is too specific … those who will not come into subjection …closely allied with lawless. In one case, no legal obligation is recognized .. in the other, subjection is refused. Ungodly (asebes) is destitute of reverential respect towards God. Bebelos (profane) is from belos … a threshold and has the primary sense of that which may be trodden…A profane person is one who has made himself accessible to evil influence. Not kept himself for God. He is common, unhallowed territory. He is secular in contrast to religious, so far as his relationship to God. Murderers – unnatural treatment of parents .. arsenokoites – sodomites, one who lies with men as with a female. Menstealers (andrapodistes) .. a person taken or sold into slaver, a slave dealer, kidnapper, man stealer…reduces men to slaves and steals the slaves of others. Those who exploit men and women for their own gain.
Sound – hugianio – good health, well, sound .. complete freedom from casuistry and quibbles in theory .. Look close …
5 of 10 commandments:
5) Honor father and mother (disrespectful to father and mother ) 6) no murder of father and mothers … murderers 7) Thou shalt not commit adultery – fornicators, those who defile themselves with makind 8) thou shalt not steal … men stealers, kidnappers
9) not bear fulse witnesses --- liars, perjurers,…