Exchanging Wrath for Redemption
vs. 23 all of us have sinned
all of us have exchanged God’s truth and goodness for a lie
all of us have twisted God’s word
for this, we deserve hell (the world may not tell you that)
all of us are in need of redemption
vs. 24 justified - a legal term that declares one righteous or acquitted (no longer guilty). The act of justifying is the act of a judge.
Romans 5:9 describes to us that justification brings an end to hostility between man & God.
“the primary effect of justification for us is peace with God.” -R.C. Sproul
“by his grace as a gift” —> vs. 21-22
vs. 21-22
the law can’t save us, being a good person can’t save you
the OT via the law and Prophets all point towards a Christ who saves
The righteousness of God is for all who believe and put their faith in Jesus.
What is faith?
Hebrews 11:1
How is this all possible? How is our sin satisfied?
How is this all possible? How is our sin satisfied?
vs. 25 propitiation - the satisfaction of God’s wrath, wiping away of sin
OT always had to shed blood to cover sin
The blood of Christ is the only sufficient blood to satisfy the wrath of God against our sin
Jesus Christ serves as the sufficient & eternal propitiation
It is by the price of Jesus’ blood & Jesus’ blood alone that the lost sinner can be redeemed and be declared righteous before a holy, righteous, & just God.