210306 - Go Out with Joy & Be Led Forth In Peace - S47 (2)

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Welcome. the Church of the Messiah

I love to show slides that demonstrate that we love God's word. This this piece of Papyrus and back of the word welcome is cold Papyrus rylands Papyrus p52 is kind of like P-51 which is easy to remember but it's p52 in the reason that I've chose. This particular piece of Papyrus is it has a new testament verse on it that I'm going to share with you today from John. John 18 33 and 34 title of the sermon the blame game. Subscript go out with joy and be led forth in peace. They don't seem congruous. Do they? There's a tension here, right? You feel it? I felt it from the word go. This is been a hard week to prepare a sermon. I thought I knew where I was going. I had a plan God changed it and then I had a plan and God changed it and I had a plan and God changed it and each of these plans. Include a lot of prayer before I planned. I think it's appropriate to pray and then plan and so I thought it was tracking pretty good and he goes not quite right Rob. I'm glad you're doing this study, but you know.

Slow down back off. So I did so it's been a tense week for me in this regard. It's been an unusually. Powerful week for me in another regard. I happened to be Roberts Dick Wilson the 4th. John Wilson named his son Robert the first because he liked Robert Burns poetry. Robert Burns. Poetry is pretty on non conformist Scottish poet not in compliance with the Brits so to say And he named his son Robert the first Robert the first had two sons Roberts and the second son was named Ralph Erskine Wilson and Ralph Erskine. If you go back through the history of Scotland was a very very outspoken non-conformist. pastor

didn't conform with the likings of England again. So he was a little bit non-conformist. I'm not trying to be non-conformist. It's just in my blood through late. That's too much information. Well, what happened this week is

John was my great-great-grandfather. And I knew my grandfather his name was Ralph and he named his first son Robert II and his second son Ralph. He was the second son. So he he was he got the lower lower name. So Roberts the

patriarchal name of the family that I'm in and Ralph is the second patriarchal name of the family. I'm in and when my uncle Ralph died in Korea His wife had three children Ralph Susan and Steven and the sisters in the family decided that they should have the family house when the grandparents died. And so they took over the family house the homestead kind of of the Wilson family and my grandmother Mabel passed away at a hundred last year and they're they've decided they need to get rid of the family Homestead. So it's a big deal to unload. Several lifetimes that are packed into this house and they're digging through all this stuff and throwing out stuff and selling stuff and everything else and they come across this book. They had not seen before. About this big about that thick printed in 1866. a Holy Bible

and my cousins Asked if I would be the one to keep the family bible.

So is male to be this week. I don't bloat Away by that.

I have John Wilson's Bible.

Blown Away by I don't know why.

but I am Thank you for letting me share that with you.

Yes, okay. We're going through an ancient lectionary cycle that buys the Torah reading the book The reading from the Books of Moses with the prophetic reading which this week. It's Isaiah 55. That's the Torah reading Exodus 4 and then we have gone to Great trouble to try to figure out some good New Testament verses that go with that in a in a word manner in a word link Manner and we've given you those verses on the sheet that you have for your using you'll notice that I don't have any of the New Testament verses here because God was messing with me. This week but 222 versus in particular came out, but I'm not going to go there right now. So so go out with joy and be led forth In Peace So if you go back to the beginning of this story kind of pharaoh is saying who is the Lord the most holy name of God Adonai printed in capital letters that I should listen to his voice and let Israel go. I don't know. I don't know this guy. I don't know who he is sort of sounds like a fair rose. That didn't know Joseph. Annie Rose you didn't know Joseph either because he didn't know that he forgot about it. You didn't read about it. It's impossible Joseph given the Pharaohs all the power and glory and money and everything that they had. So how could they not know about Joseph he chose to not know about Joseph. So two weeks ago. We talked about cancel culture on Joseph. and cancel culture on Joseph Scott I don't know Joseph. I don't know Joseph Scott. What's the challenge to us as Christians when we walk into a community? We should be seen for what we are. We're followers of the Living God.

We're saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. That should be seen. Anyone should know. That were fully into this. truth We're committed. like a marriage maybe more than a marriage. I don't know. Anyway, I don't know Joseph is so this is what Pharaoh says who? Who is this? Yahweh. I don't know who you're talking about. This reminded me of a new testament verse so pilot went back into the headquarters and he called just you and said to him. So are you the king of the Jews?

Are you gone?

And Jesus being a good Jewish boy never answers a question with an answer. He asked answer the question with a question. Are you asking this on your own or have other people told you about me? Where'd you learn this truth? The same question who is Yahweh. Are you the king of the Jews? Had to share that link critical so back to the beginning of this week's reading this is Exodus 4:18. I'm reading from the Tree of Life version, which is a Messianic version. That's real big in the union of Messianic Jewish congregations tree of life version. How many of you have seen the tree of life version how many of you are reading a book on Psalms that Paul Wilbur Road in some of you yeah I know someone gave it to us, so. Yep, it's Tree of Life or if it's not a bad versions pretty good. I often quote from it and I often quote from the complete Jewish Bible by David Stern another Messianic Jew and I quote from a whole lot of other Bibles. So if you see tlv that's what that is. If you see CSV, that's what that is cjb. That's what that is. Back, so Moses return to his father-in-law Jethro and said to him, please let me go so I may Return To My Kinsman who are in Egypt and see if they're still alive.

God told him they were alive. This is not making much sense. The only way this makes sense is if he's trying to demonstrate. Deference to his father-in-law he did he'd like to go and tell his father-in-law. Hey, God told me to go back to Egypt. So I'm leaving. I'm out of here bro, but he's not that kind of a guy he's going to show respect for his dad. His father-in-law how many people think it's important to show respect for your father-in-law. Yeah. so he says I'd like to go back to Egypt. I'm not going to tell you all about God and the burning bush and all the rest of that stuff cuz you might put me in a hospital.

I just want to see if they're still alive. Is that okay? Jethro says go in. Peace. Go in peace. Play Shalom go in wholeness and completeness. Don't feel you need to do anything here go in. Peace. That's the tie-in with the Seder. And you shall go out with joy and be led forth in peace.

What a weird connection for Blame Game and praising wildly. That's it going piece. For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace the mountains and the hills they break forth before you shall be in the shall Break Forth into singing I'm singing the song instead of reading and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.

Okay, we have reached the point of technical difficulty and I'm somewhat prepared for this.

This is connecting the two versus you can't see it on the slide, but it's there if it were really there so we have peace and we have peace. And that's what that slide demonstrates.

So right before the seder this week.

Moses is fighting with God and asking him all these questions and we talked about that little bit earlier. Thank you very much. And God is a anger the anger of Yahweh was kindled against Moses. So that actually means His nostrils flared it doesn't necessarily mean he was angry mad. It literally is off his nostrils flared.

Kind of like that you're done that.

My wife does it all the time?

I don't know what it means.

Sometimes it means she's angry.

I'm having too much fun.

In fact, he says the anger anger was kindled against Moses and he said so in fact are in the levite is your brother. I know he can speak. Well, he's a great speaker moreover. He's on his way to meet you. And when he sees you his heart will be glad his he will be glad in his heart.

Go out in Joy be led forth in peace. Gluttonous heart you can kind of begin to get the get the word play here. Now, then you must take the staff in your hand and do the sign of the staff that I told you throw on the ground and it turned into a snake and you picked it up by the tail which is the dumbest thing to do never pick a snake up by the tail ever unless God tells you to Minutes, okay, right cuz he knows what he's doing. So I picked so anyway, this is no longer Called Moses staff. This is now called the staff of God. Yes.

Yeah, you don't do that.

Does does does it hurt when you do that? Don't do that? I got bit by a garter snake once I was bad enough. Nothing that I don't want to talk about nevermind.

So Exodus 4 19 through 20, we read this already the Lord told Moses in Midian, so he's an idiot. He's way over here. Go back to Egypt the man who are seeking your life or dead Moses went back to Egypt with his wife and his sons and Moses took the staff of God in his hand. So follow the Commandments of God has given him he took the staff with him making bricks. We talked about this they dig dredge mud, which is sand silt and Clay it's now Delta. So this is alluvial mud sand mud and clay sand mud and clay sand silt and clay and the mud is a key thing if the mud. The clay is key cuz clay helps make bricks harder. It's kind of how they stand up when they dry out. And you mix with your feet tools livestock and carry mud to the forming. Are you feeling packed the forms or move the form and rinse and dry and bake them for two weeks and then you build stuff what kind of stuff all kinds of stuff they build ramps with these things. They built walls with these things. They built pyramids with these things there mud pyramids Still Standing today so many years later. build stuff

that's a picture of the video. I showed earlier. Thank you for being able to get the video to work. I couldn't get it to work. bricks

This is a picture of the bricks. This is a picture of the wall.

So Israel's Foreman came.

Crying to Pharaoh when you go into the verse Exodus 5:15 through 23. We read it like Israel's Foreman to decided to have a meeting with Pharaoh. So they went down around lunch time and they got him to talk with him briefly right now. You don't approach Pharaoh that way. We were talking earlier about how you approach the Living God you've approached very carefully. They would not have casually done this may have taken months. For them to gain the audience of pharaoh. They came crying to Farrell. And you don't come crying to pharaoh. This is after a lot of cruel hardship that they would try to deliver such an argument to the king. Why do you treat us like this? We can't meet the quota with no straw you beat us but it's your fault. Now who in their right mind is going to tell Pharaoh. It's their fault. Not me not unless it was really serious. This is a this is a deep heavy grievance or they wouldn't have offered it. They would have just been silent. This is not trivial. This is huge water time built into this happening. Pharaoh said, I'm paraphrasing grossly. You're a liar you're idle and just want to vacation. You want to go have a feast?

We're not sure if we have a feast someone says why do you have a feast without a feast?

Nevermind, it's always funny. They expect a lot of food. And there's a lot of food. But anyway. Sofera says get back to work. No straw will be given to you and you must meet the brick quote up the form and knew they were in trouble. That's a gross understatement. I think they knew they could be in danger of dying at any moment.

I'm a carefully went out. They didn't like run out. It's like okay, we're not going to talk to you anymore. We're going to leave that's how we read it in English, right? That's not how it would have been they would have gone out very carefully probably be going as they went out. Where did they go out to to Moses? And Aaron that we read that like Moses and Aaron are standing outside having a cup of coffee at the local Starbucks or something like that. No. This would be out. So it's possible Moses and Aaron of going all the way back to Midian. Some of the Jewish commentators say that's where he was. All the way back to Midian so they went out that's a few days journey back to Midian. The Moses and Aaron and Moses and Aaron were waiting the expected them. But it wasn't like a immediate meeting this was. a while to get there As they came out they said so we're talkin about maybe a month. As they came out not immediately. But over a. Of time. They said you've made us a stench to Pharaoh. He can't stand to be around us because we stink to him World. Foul loathsome smell it's really strong in the Hebrew. He's raised a sword to kill us and Moses return to the Lord. So wherever they were talking Moses then goes and sort of says he turn to the Lord and ask if they didn't just turn he had to go somewhere. This is another thing where the text fall short of what must have happened the Hebrew authors the ancient Hebrew authors who wrote about this indicated. They probably went back to Canaan the elders and such and I Moses is gone. Canaan, but Midian and now the nun Moses is going from Meridian to Mount Horeb to the Mountain of God to talk to God. So this isn't a small thing to do. So he goes to the Mountain of God. And he says oh Lord. Why did you do evil to Israel? Now it's bad enough that the taskmasters. complain to pharaoh

Moses who apparently God's been angry with a few times in the last few episodes here. Says, why did you do evil?

The Israel and why did you send me? Why didn't you do evil to his real and why did you send me are you the dumbest God in the world or what? You shouldn't have sent me I can't handle this. I'm an idiot.

Since I've come to pharaoh to speak in your name, he is done nothing but evil to this people and you haven't delivered your people at all.

Can you picture this happening? I can't. You got a lot of gall if you can picture this happening.

Huh? He's Young.

Yeah, I don't know if I knew who God was and I went to God and argued with him like this. I I'd be afraid of not being around anymore.

No Moses knows who he is

I think he does is getting a hint. more hints to come Is a nice blank slide?


So we're up to blame.

And we go. Have you ever felt that God has asked you to do the impossible.

Have you ever felt that God wasn't doing his part.

Have you ever felt he wasn't acting fast enough?

Have you ever felt he's putting delays in the timetable for no good reason.

My next slide says actually. We blame God.

For all these things we do. And if we don't blame God, we blame ourselves never blamed yourself.

Don't do that. Don't blame God. We blame her friends ever blame your friends.

Yeah. We blame the church. The church has let us down.

Church of the Messiah has let us down. Now you're meddling.

Barb Barb Meriwether one-time Sid Roth and gone past preaching and now you're meddling.

Barb and I had a lot of fun. My favorite one was she said I don't get this Laban Guy. What's with this Laban guy? And I said well bar Barbies black. Barb just think of Laban is the white boy cuz that's what Laban means White.

She'll after about 5 minutes.

Then consider that Medellin now and we blame others. What others do we blame we blame everybody else we blame we blame the political opposition. We blame anyone we want to blame. our parents our kids are cousins.

Bottom line God doesn't want you to blame anybody.

That's hard to get ahold of. Particularly in this area that we're in right now cuz it's really easy to blame a lot of people for a lot of things. And say these are the people who are causing the problems. These are the people. Okay well, but you go, well, whoever voted and whoever didn't vote and we blame everybody we're so caught up in blaming. We don't know how not to blame. But God doesn't want us to blame. What's he want us to do? He wants us to do whatever it is. That's right. Blaming people is not right blaming him is not right blaming others is not right blaming ourselves is not right. If you have a spirit of blame at all in your and whatever is going on, just stop it.

Don't do that. Does it hurt when you do that? Yeah, don't do that.

So every time I get to this thing about blame I go back to this Deuteronomy verse justice justice shall pursue. This was Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Probably famous bible verse. I don't align well with Ruth Bader Ginsburg. But I know people who do and this was her favorite Bible verse one of her favorite Bible verses and it's one of my favorite Bible verses. Justice justice, you must pursue pursue Justice make sure that Justice is executed. Make sure that Justice takes place. Okay. Now we have to read the Hebrew. Cedric Cedric Southdale pursue What's ethic? It's uprightness.

The pursued Justice isn't for someone else. It's for you. Be upright be upright. pursue that do what's right. Whatever that is figure out what God wants you to do and just do it. I'm quitting. Solomon

the sum of the matter is this after I've given you the whole book of Ecclesiastes figure out what God wants you to do and do it. That's all there is.

Why is this man who ever live justice justice shall pursue and this way you will live and possess the land the Lord your God is giving you. amen The time is always right to do what is right. Martin Luther King I believe he did. What was right when he went to Birmingham for that peaceful demonstration. I believe his response to the leaders in the letter from the Birmingham church was right. He responded appropriately balanced careful honorable yet, right. He wasn't going to Shirk and what was true? He spoke the truth is spoken as clearly as he could. We're supposed to speak the truth were supposed to be so evident to everyone around us that we followed Jesus that they get it. They see it. They know they Steve Joseph. They see the god of Joseph in US. The time is always right to do what is right. The time is never right to do what is wrong.


Pharaoh asked who is the Lord? Pilot said are you the king? and Moses in reply to both of these questions at the sea proclaims who is like unto thee Yahweh me, Holloway baleen Who is like unto thee among the gods? No one is like you. There is no one else like you there's no one like you Lord. There's no one else like you Son of God Son of bad. Call awesome and Praises doing wonders. Hallelujah amen Thank you.

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