Sunday Service 3/7 /2020
Good to have everyone here this morning. They all kinds of smiling faces. Jim Bakker the song about that it's always a song in my heart but it is good to see you this beautiful day and we've got two wonderful time together and worship. So looking forward to that. Let's open our service this morning as usual where the time of prayer in preparation and then will show a short tub. Annie Armstrong I get the right lady here. I think it's Annie Armstrong video and then we'll get into our service. So again just a few moments or a silent prayer. Just go to your prayer closet spend a moment in prayer and then after a few moments of Silent prayer off open this with the word of prayer show us that spray.
Father good morning to you and wheat again. Thank you for this time that we have to come together and got it. We spend this time recognizing who you are and our relationship to you. And and we pray father that we recognize who we are and that relationship with you and that guy we are unworthy to stand before you but it's only through your grace that we we can stand boldly before your throne lift up our prayers until father. We thank you for this opportunity again to become together and worship and we pray that our hearts are prepared for worshiping a God. You're holy spirit will fill us this morning. I got is where you spend this time and we talk about Pentecost here in a few moments father. That's what we want. We want the Holy Spirit to fill us in a way God that we become powerful in and can do my teeth. Changing your name. We're going to give this service to you. It's in Jesus precious name we pray. Amen.
It's raining. Holy holy. Sarah Lim Penn and Memorial trophy
turn with me, please. They have number 504 we're certainly happy to have her visitors with us this morning.
Strong in the Lord with me be strong be strong be strong be strong in the Lord for the day.
Play She Will Be With You by your password reset.
Be strong.
And being the bad for you will be strong be strong be strong.
Hey, man. Read our regular scripture reader is going to join us this morning and share word with us.
We will be in John chapter 3. And we'll raid 1 through 12.
There was a man who are the Pharisees named Nicodemus a ruler at the Jews? This man came to Jesus by night and said to him rather. We know that you are a teacher come from God for no one can do these signs that you do unless God is with him Jesus answered and said to him most assuredly I say to you unless one is born again. You cannot see the kingdom of God Nicodemus said to him. How can a man be born when he is old. Can I enter a second time into his mother's womb to be formed Jesus answered most assuredly I say to you unless one is born of water and the spirit. You cannot enter the kingdom of God that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born to the spirit Spirit. Do not Marvel that I say to you. You must be born again. The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the spirit Nicodemus answered and said to him how can these things be Jesus answered and said to him. Are you the teacher? Of Israel and do not know these things most assuredly I say to you we speak what we know and testify what we have seen and you do not receive a witness if I have told you Earthly things and you do not believe how will you believe if I tell you Heavenly things?
Let's pray over God word father again. We thank you for your word him and we thank you for the ability to to look into your word and share your word father in and got it is our God it is what we use it is what we have access to to understand your will for our lives and and God we we do thank you again for the opportunity to to read from God's word and God. We just pray that you commit that to her heart and that God will use that and that we will give you the glory for Fortune Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Phone number to 45 News is banned in the NFL.
Neither was great and Grace was free there my burdens.
I got bored at last my saying I love my guild is so lame.
FYI to me for my birthday.
No, I've given to Jesus. Everything is my king. My Raptor so can only see me there was great and Grace was brought to me or my brother Soul Town with a Sean that brought it down to the Mighty Eagle. advance
there was great and Grace was free for my bird and soul.
20 number 37 are there so many times. It's something we sang it Invitational time. I will never get the time to go through all the horses seems like so it's such a meaning.
Hey, I came on my life. We're at please. wherever wherever
Oh my God, I'll go I take my car and we're rabbit logo.
Oh my oils.
Wherever he sold. Wherever you go.
Sarah's going to sing for it this morning, right?
This song I'm saying this morning is nothing new. I sing it over and over but practicing a different song this morning and a downstairs different song of the other song and this song.
Around what year Mazda so much so much so much. Well, he's been so good to me.
You've done for me and just let me know so much.
Anyway, so damn.
Thank you so much Kim.
men Thank you, sir. We do have so much to thank him for don't we?
Good morning again.
as I am Told you last week, but maybe I didn't clarify that right before I got up here to preach about 5 minutes before I got I got a call from the president of our company and said they had a fire and explosion down at Eldorado Lionel Refinery. We need you there. Now I said, well, can I at least preach my charming before I go? He said yeah. I said I guess God comes before this incident investigation. So yeah, you can do that. But anyway, I did run down to El Dorado. We spent a week down there and ask you to pray for those victims of that fire and and there were seven of them and only four of them now remain in the hospital and they have a long road third degree burns on a lot of bodies, but I do appreciate your prayers and continue to ask for your prayers and it's been a long week. And so I got a call again yesterday and says OSHA will be there Tuesday. Can you be there Monday? So I guess I got to go back tomorrow and meet with OSHA on Tuesday to go over the investigation with him. So I'm going to travel back down there tomorrow and take care of ocean there always a pleasure to deal anyway, but do covet your prayers and appreciate your support and all that. And so this morning we're going to Start a buy think it's for parts title at the miracle of Pentecost. This is part 1 and so what part 1 is. waiting on the edge of a miracle and so these four parts are going to be focused on the Miracle of Pentecost in you know, for the for the past two messages we kind of
Looked at the preparation for Pentecost. We talked about Acts chapter one and all is a Pentecostal preparations that were being done by those folks who were in The Upper Room in other places as they waited these several days for the arrival of of the Holy Spirit which was promised to them. And and so we are probably start this morning with a little discussion about what Pentecost really is. Some of you probably know and understand much more about it than I do, but just just kind of a refresher here this morning Pentecost technically the word refers to the 50-day the Passover feast and the Feast of Weeks. Now those up. those two are two of the three annual celebrations that the Jews recognize the Feast of Weeks is the second of those in it's it's celebrated because it occur 7 weeks following the day after the first established for Passover literally 7 weeks, which is 7 so it's a week of weeks and that's how they refer to it as the
the Feast of Weeks now
Pentecost is the term that was given to the festival by the Greek speaking Jews. So we recognize that we're talkin about Jews who were in that. Of time where most of them spoke Greek and so Pentecost Pinta is 5 in in any way that word was given by the Greek speaking Jews the Jews. It was the Feast of Weeks and he was brought about and so the question really is was Pentecost what the followers of Christ We're waiting for. Is that really what they were waiting to receive the answer to that is no and like all faithful Jews. They were gathered to celebrate the Feast of Weeks. For Pentecost as they were calling it and they were preparing for that fees, but they were also they're preparing for receiving the arrival of the Holy Spirit. And that's what they were gathered for but Pentecost really had nothing to do with the arrival of the Holy Spirit until that's when the Holy Spirit showed up. And so that's the term that we use for the day of Pentecost because that's the day that God chose to have Holy Spirit show up, but that's not what they were waiting on. They were waiting on Pentecost. They were waiting on the arrival of the Holy Spirit. And so that's looking or text this morning and it's a short text just look at Acts chapter and verse one which reads when the day of Pentecost had fully come. They were all with one Accord in one place. and so that term text before we move on. I want to make two quick lunch and will not spend much to have it fully come which that term says when the day of Pentecost had fully come when you really look at the translation of that. It really means that it is literally being fulfilled. And so the day of Pentecost had a ride that it was well into that day of Pentecost at first day of that but festival and so it's it's being fulfilled and you can look at that it in many different ways, but I and II were there witch in a wall one Accord. It's not a Honda all people want to talk about but that word really means that they were simply all together. So they were all together during this Festival week, which all good Jews would be and so They were gathered together celebrating Pentecost and they were all in one place. And so my first point I want to talk about this morning is the title of this part which is waiting on the edge of a miracle and I guess I need to get that bigger somehow the other and so
this part one waiting on the edge Pentecost was a miracle and as we think of it was a miraculous intervention in a probably I can't hardly read that back there but was a miraculous intervention of a supernatural power that supersedes the law of human nature. That's simply what we think of as Pentecost. It was a miraculous intervention by a supernatural power. And so our laws human laws are statements of how things have been observed to work. We have laws, you know, we just think about the things that we have observed as human being and from our observation. We postulated facts example was Isaac Newton Isaac Newton saw an apple fall out of a tree and he observes that apple and thought what it has to be some reason that Apple fell down and not up and so the observation of that led him to populate some the laws of physics that we understand and what we what we call gravity. In addition our environment air conditioning our training all shape who we are and our personalities. We all go through life. We in an environment all of our environments are different from each other our conditioning the the things that we are faced going through life and things that that we deal with all condition who we are some of his train for certain things in life. All these are what shape are personality talents and our intellect or thought also to define the limits of our performance. And so we know you always conditioning always training but then we have limits to our performance by our our talents and in our intellect and all those things that we think about I'm so you know, we are kind of inclined to think it is a miracle when a personality is transformed or a person is able to think right beyond the limits of their ability and I read an article recently. About Colombian fisherman that set the record. There's not a record I'd want to set but he was a Colombian fisherman him and another guy went out to fish got caught in the storm in and he ended up being the longest Survivor of a ship lost at sea and told that he was lost at sea for 14 months. And survived. He had a small 23 foot fishing boat. Is the guy that was with him ultimately passed away and he survived and the headline of this was a miracle fisherman found alive after 14 months at sea. The story went on to tell about him surviving on fish and sea turtles and rainwater.
and while we understand this to be A fact that we may think is amazing. It is hardly a miracle because he survived by stretching the limits of his human ability. He took what he learned. He took the things he was conditioned for he took all these things and survived it because he was kind of superhuman Miracle happens when a higher power exercise is a higher law and makes the impossible possible. That's a miracle when people do extraordinary things out of their own power. That's not a miracle a miracle is when a higher power does something that you cannot do on your own if you can do it on your own it wouldn't be a miracle. And some people can do things. I can't do might be a miracle if I did it, but it wouldn't be America about it because he's you know kind of a Superman but the fact is it we look at Miracles. We we remember in the change that occurred in Peter Peter went from denying Christ 3 times to becoming a champion of the face, even on the threat of death. That was a transformation that happened at Peter couldn't have done on his own a supernatural power had to fill him with an understanding when Paul went from persecuting Christians had his on Damascus Road experience and he ended up being the Apostle of the Gentiles. That's a miracle. He could not have done that he could not have seen the Risen Lord on his own. The Risen Lord had to do is Supernatural work in his life. and so
You know, I was some.
Judy share with me this morning some of you may be aware of this is not part of my notes. I'm going to I'm going to try to share it. But if and get the Carson to try to pull up and try to get back to my so
the miracle that we talked about in Pentecost is encapsulated in that story things happened that we got great doctors. We got great nurses with those doctors and nurses said your son won't survive. We've done everything we know how to do and we are the church and probably thousands and thousands of other people around here been praying for Bradley for 2 years now and God performed a miracle in his life. That's something that we couldn't have done. That's the definition of a miracle. That is the miracle of Pentecost 120 frightened impotent self-centered willfully discourage men and women were transformed in the new creatures.
They were infused with Supernatural power intellectually emotionally and physically in the Greek miracle and power come from the same word. Jesus explain this power long before Pentecost This higher spiritual law was explained by Jesus long before Pentecost. Jesus himself was the one through whom all things were created.
He is the Eternal Word or low-cost. He came to recreate mankind as a born-again child of God and a new creation.
Jesus revealed the higher law in his life and message there many places we can read that but this morning I wanted to look at John 4:24. It says God is spirit. And those who worship Him must Worship in spirit and Truth. God is spirit. And those who worship Him must Worship in spirit and Truth. These are the words of Jesus. We are we are created for a spirit to Spirit Union and a communication with our spirit and God Spirit. Our spirit can be fulfilled with his spirit. Can only be fulfilled with John 4:23, which is the previous verse to what I just read says but the hour is coming and now is when the true worshippers will worship the father in spirit and Truth for the father is seeking such to worship Him.
The word worshipers here is from the Greek word cross candidal which literally means to Bow the knee and your prostate oneself prostrate oneself in total openness. That kind of worship. When one is willing to recognize our positional relationship to God and fall on their knees that kind of worship results from a recognition of God seeking us when God Spirit invades our spirit a miracle takes place. The simple is at Our spirit is the entry point. forgotten Spirit when he answers a human being
the mine is transformed. That's the computer as the computer of our body and our brain and it's reprogram.
Our will is released from the bondage of sin? His will becomes a channel. of Supernatural energy through us
What happened at Pentecost? the coming of the Holy Spirit
ushered in the age of the church the higher Supernatural spiritual law Jesus taught of was made manifest in the lives of Believers God's spirit filling the spirit of man produced a potential Beyond human limitations The Impossible became possible.
What Jesus brought two men in his flesh and promise to his followers was here? The Fulfillment of Prophecy. That's what we talked about in the first chapter of of Acts. And so it was here. That was the miracle of Pentecost.
It is clear.
Let the greatest need in the church today.
is for a modern-day Pentecost
when we listen to what people today need and desire we find that it is a fresh filling of the spirit.
Our spirit with the holy spirit that Union of spirit and spirit the way that God says Jesus himself says we're supposed to interact spirit-to-spirit. We are a spiritual people not a flashlight people when it comes to our relationship with the Lord people today just like any other age for that matter are looking for answers are looking for peace there looking for a sense of purpose. They're looking for a sense of worth. They're looking for someone to love them as they are. They're looking for security. They're looking for all kinds of things. and people today the needs of people today match the mood of Jesus's followers in that upper room. We may not see the correlation. But as we look at the preparation for Pentecost that we talked about Acts chapter one. We see that the followers of Jesus were frustrated with the daunting task of living the life Jesus taught without Jesus present in their life. Jesus just left them there and follow him. They were obedient Disciples of his and now he was gone and they were faced with what are we doing? Now? Are they going to be christ-like without Jesus there to teach them? How are they?
Where one point they do not have the New Testament and we think about God's word and we read God's word this morning and and we failed remember sometimes it's they didn't Jesus was gone and they couldn't go pick up a book and read what he said. They didn't have a new testament. All I had was the Old Testament and so they couldn't read a book and they were sitting there floundering around trying to figure out how in the world. Are we going to live like Christ when Christ is not with us?
Jesus said he would come and make his home with them.
John 14 verses 20 through 22 and 23 Jesus John a Judas not Iscariot said to him Lord, how is it that you will manifest yourself to us and not to the word to the world Jesus answered and said to him if anyone loves me. He will keep my word and my father will love him and we will come to him and make our home with him. What did this mean now that Jesus was gone. Do you said left you taking his rightful place in heaven with his father? So without the presence of the Holy Spirit, they were limited to the concept. of a simple preposition found in the words of John 14:23 Jesus's words when Jesus said and we will come to him and make our home with him Jesus that preposition there is with by the way its italicized if you can see that but Jesus was about to change that preposition. To the awesome mysterious preposition that result in an abundant life. They were going to go from people who were with Christ to people who work in Christ and Christ was in them. This is the miracle Pentecost. The preposition of true Christianity comes by not being with Christ. And him being with us. But it is being in Christ and Christ being in US simple word with versus in but a dramatic difference Jesus left and he wasn't with them physically anymore. But now through the power of the Holy Spirit. He was about to be in them until that transformation occurred at Pentecost the disciples waited on the edge the edge of History's Greatest miracle. Transformation of human personality and the beginning of a new humanity and a new age the age of the church.
the truth is
On this same Edge, it is on the same page that we find so many people today. They're on this Edge. People are truly living on the edge.
Have a miracle and all they have to do is let Christ dwell in them.
The transforming power of the holy spirit is waiting for them. They're sitting on the edge the edge of a miracle that transforming power of the holy spirit is waiting on them. Every human being comes to that point in life where they are literally on the edge.
It is like being on the edge of a mountain. There are two ways down. One Way leads to death and eternal separation from God the other to life eternal filled with the presence of God 1 results and living with God the other without God. to live with God in eternity requires one to allow God to live in him in this life and for them to live a life in Christ. What takes? and so the question this morning, I guess or are you sitting on the edge of America?
We talked about this Hoosier one who is sitting on the edge if you have received. the miracle of Christ and he is truly living in you and you're in him. Then you have the supernatural power today to leave lost people to Christ. That's part of what comes with Christ Living in you.
All we have to do is share the indwelling power that comes from Jesus living in us with those on the edge.
And so I leave you with this question this morning. Who is your one who has God put in your path? For you to use the indwelling power of the holy spirit that came at Pentecost and came to you when you accepted Christ.
To help someone else make that decision.
Which way they're going to go from being on the edge. I've only got two choices. 1 separation from God and never being with God the other being filled with God and eventually being with God for eternity.
We all have to make that choice. And that is the miracle of Pentecost. We're going to talk about other miracles of Pentecost. But that is the miracle of Pentecost the Holy Spirit the thing that fills us and gives us the comfort that was promised by God. He said I'm going to send you a comforter. One who will help you? And this is the holy spirit that is about to come up on these folks at Pentecost and we're going to look at those next week. And so the question is who's your one? I just asked you to search out who God is putting your path to share the awesomeness of the indwelling spirit of God in you. And help them make that decision. Let's go to the Lord in prayer father. We thank you so much for this miracle that occurred at Pentecost and God for us being able to have access to that access to your Supernatural power that comes only from the indwelling of your Holy Spirit in our lives. And God is we look at this receiving of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. We are reminded that that's the same Spirit father that we receive when we accept you into our heart and you come and dwell in us and Us in you and father. I pray that everyone here this morning has that and wailing of the Holy Spirit and that father you are firmly planted in their lives. And if not father, I pray that your holy spirit will fill them. They will come to understand the need. But they are on the edge the edge of a miracle cuz I just have to make a choice father. Just going to give this invitation time to you now fort in Jesus precious name we pray. Amen hymn number 439
newsman live
Miss Me jeans
Play Duran board game.
next song
Praise God from whom all blessings flow Praise Him.
Amen, thank you so much for being here this morning and we will meet tonight or a lesson and church history as we continue down that track and then encourage you to come and join us for that and I do have a treat for you possibly.
Got a couple treats for you actually, but if I don't make it back on Wednesday night, I have a reformed Pentecostal preacher that's going to come in here in the film I plot. Judy's Brother David Ansell, he's a good guy Believers Outreach. How many of you know David is a good brother-in-law I have to admit but he was talking to Judy the other day and he said you called me. He said I want outside of Baptist Doctrine. I promise you any way they used to be involved with some Pulpit swapping stuff when we were different pastors with but they haven't done that in a while and he always love doing that. And so if I don't make it back with chances are it'll be here and y'all get to share some time with him. So I would encourage you to show up Wednesday night. I might surprise you that might be back. Anyway, if not Brother David will be here the other thing before Christmas. June and I decided we'd be very Christmas spirited lot. Can we would buy all of you all Christmas present?