March 7, 2021 - Enjoying everyday life in the upside down Kingdom
It doesn't really matter. Oh, yeah, it matters because we should be known for our love and instead you ask anybody who's not in the church what Christian means to them in? The first word? It's going to come is judgemental.
We need to learn that it. If we got no skin in the game if we've got no dog in the fight, if it's not my circus, it's not my monkey like I got to learn.
There are things that my opinion really doesn't matter.
It's God's opinion. That should matter to me not my opinion and how others think about my opinion.
There is a lot of conflicting seemingly apparently conflicting teaching on judging in this book.
We see in John 3:16. We all know that first. Do you know the next verse John 3:16 for God so loved the world the God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only son so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. Next Brewer's God sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him.
But you got to know he's coming back to judge the world. That's what he's doing when he's coming back. We seen in Acts 10:42 2nd, Timothy 4:1 1st, Peter 4:5 John at 12:48. 1042 says any ordered us to preach everywhere and testify that Jesus the one appointed by God to be judge of all the living and the dead.
More than that, we're told that we have to judge others 1st Corinthians 6. Where we out here to 24, where do you do the four says don't you realize that someday? We Believers will judge the world. And since you were going to judge the world can't you decide these little things amongst ourselves. Do you realize that we will judge Angels? So why should we we should surely be able to resolve ordinary disputes in this life. If you have a legal dispute about such matters, why do you go to outside judges who are not respected by the church?
And we're told to judge ourselves.
1st Corinthians, 11:28 and 21 when we take the cop we take the bread we are to examine ourselves. We are judge ourselves. We are to judge ourselves right leg. Because if we don't that is why many are weak and sick in the numbers are asleep.
We've got the judge the body rightly. Specifically we're told to test out everything and Holster the good first Thessalonians 5:19 222 don't stifle the Holy Spirit don't stop at prophecies, but test everything that is said and hold to what is good. Stay away from every kind of evil.
And just to complicate things were told not to judge by Jesus Matthew 7 don't judge others and you will not be judged for you will be treated that way for you will be treated as you treat others the standard you use and judging is a standards by which you will be judged and why worry about the speck in your friends eyes when you can have a log in your own, how can you think of saying to your friend? Let me help you get rid of that Speck in your eye when you can't see past the log in your own eye hypocrite first get rid of the log in your own eye and then you will see clear enough to deal with a speck in your friends eyes.
We're told not to condemn those in the church Romans 14:4 who are you to condemn? Someone else has servants their Master will judge whether they stand or fall with the Lord's help. We will stand and receive his approval. We're tools what people do outside the church is not for us to judge either. 1st Corinthians 5:12. It isn't my responsibility to judge Outsiders. We'll get to that one there that one yet. We need to read that in context because that is incredible portion of scripture there and I've lost you just for a second. Put up on the screen now 1st Corinthians 5:9 to 12 when I wrote you before I did not I told you not to associate with people who indulge in sexual since I wasn't talking about unbelievers who indulge from sexual sin or her are greedy or cheap people or her worship idols that you have to leave the world to avoid people like that. I meant you are not to associate with anyone who claims to be a believer and yet Indulgence in sexual sin or is greedy or worship idols or is abusive or is a drunkard or cheats people don't even eat with such people. It isn't my responsibility to judge Outsiders. It is certainly your responsibility to judge those inside the church who are sinning. Wow.
What's going on here?
The word that we translate judging in Greek is called Carrino. Carrino is what it is. It's that's how it's spelled. Krino. Krino means to discern to decide. into condemned In context, you know when you see the word krino if it means to discern to decide or to condemn. Discern we need discernment if there's anything we need in this time, it's Holy Spirit to empower us to discern what's going on discernment is absolutely critical for the life of the believer. Absolutely critical were told to eagerly desire the greater gifts. The gifts at the moment is a gift of discernment eagerly desire desire discernment for yourself and for us as a church.
We need to we need to judge when we need to decide. When we make a decision, it's it's judging between two or three or multiple options. We need to make that judgment that decision. We need to judge in that matter.
We need to realize we can never condemned. We are never told to condemn anyone. Jesus didn't come to condemn the world. How can we think we we can do it then?
We're not even told to convict. That's not our job. Sometimes it be easier if it's our job because then we could browbeat each other and have you a conviction fall weekend. It's holy spirit's job picking. Damn. John 16:7 211. In fact, it's best if I go away because if I don't you have a good one, but if I do go away then I'll send them to you and when he comes he will convict the world of it's in God's righteousness in the coming judgment. The world's scene is it refuses to believe in me? The righteousness is available because I go to the father and you will see me no more judgment comes because the ruler of this world already dispensed judged. It's not our job to convict. It's not our job to condemn. It is our job to confront.
But there's two things we need to remember.
We confront. Because we're in relationship. And because there's real Sin.
There has to be sin. And we need to be in relationship.
If the church is a whole could understand this this concept this was what was revolutionary to mean. That I know we're supposed to judge Christians. I know that we're going to judge the angels. I know we need to judge. I need to be in relationship with that person to judge. If I'm not in relationship, I got no skin in the game. I got no dog in the fight. I got no monkey in that circus.
Let's think about this pastor who's in jail right now.
First off is it sin? Has he send to be in jail? Well, the Bible does tell us to obey the authorities to honor the king because it's for our own good the Bible says that
The Bible also tells us to obey God instead of man.
I don't know if you don't if you're not in relationship with him, if you don't know him, if you don't know his heart you can't make a judgment on that. I am sorry, it's not it's not your circus. It's not your monkey.
Our society changes when people go through the court system and the court changes rules. It evaluates the rules based on what had taken place. This church has not had this church that church the pastor Pastor that didn't have one case of covid-19 it.
They had a couple of cases of people from that church get it outside the church and they shut down the church. So nobody in the church we get it. They shut it down for 2 weeks. They didn't force anyone to come into the church. If they didn't want to come there was a space for them to people to sit if they wanted to wear masks and sit up by themselves they could
We have a team of 10 lawyers leading the who are the Constitutional lawyers. Who are we are on their on them defending them?
I don't know this man. I can judge what God told them. I I know for myself. That's not the hill. I'm going to die on. The I don't believe God called so, you know, I I would let me tell you where I am breaking the law. I am breaking the law because I am.
Going to my parents house to visit them regularly if they're quarantined and I'm quarantine and I'm healthy and they're healthy. I will die on that Hill. I will go to that's where you'll see me arrested. I don't care you like to see me the live streaming if they come to arrest me because I'm going to make a big deal out of that.
It will all of us are going to break some law. That we either get tired of or don't see the reason of or don't see don't find it adjust law.
And if you're not you're going to have another six or eight to 12 months to Fig to see if that's true.
We can't.
It's not for us to judge.
Unless you're in a relationship and unless it's in.
If you're in a relationship and there is sin will guess what you do have skin in the game. You do have a dog in the fight. It is your circus and it is your monkey.
And if we understood that and confronted real Sin.
I think some relationships would be stronger. I think marriage is 1p falling apart. I think if we understood that it matters. It matters how we treat each other as husband and wife and matters to the greater body. It matters to us.
Good news is for most of us.
We can leave the really big things to the Pastors in the leaders of the church. So Ernie cringe, that's their job.
But it is our job. When we are in relationship and when there is sin. to know how to confront
there's been an even more public. Painful ridiculous situation taking place and I don't know if you've heard of it.
butts You probably have heard of Ravi Zacharias. gifted teacher wonderful apologist
Apparently I have not seen the evidence. I don't know what's going on. But I It looks like he's been doing incredibly dumb things and painful things and hurtful things to people.
one of his friends who calls himself a friend is Josh McDowell?
I believe he's handling it. How do you handle a situation with a guy is dead? What do you do? I think Josh is done the best you can he's there's an interview online with his son Sean interviews him. I've taken that and I've convinced that and I want us to see because this is how you got to secure the heart. And you got to know how to deal with these kind of things in your own life.
Because if you've had any influence by Ravi Zacharias, you should be more than shocked. You probably should be offended. What do you do with that?
the interview starts off with Josh talking about talking to Anne about the victims here. And he he wants it he I've cut all of that out because it's not the point. I'm trying to make but it's it's in the Big Mo long interview. So watch it on YouTube, but can we play that video we pick it up there and I got the big it is culturally in ways. We didn't understand the past. Let's just and talk more particular about the Ravi Zacharias Scandal. A lot of people want to know what you think, but tell me the first time some of your first memories of just ever meeting him. How long ago was this? What were your impressions gives all the history of the relationship? Your mom could is it you could answer a few things like this every time I went to the Northeast. Boston further north whatever and spoke for two or three years this yummy Indian man always showed up and he would always come right down front and he had some really profound question and I remember several times it went back to hotel with dining I said it.
He's going to go places. She would always say well, how do you know he asked the right questions? He asked the right questions. And so I got to know Robbie through him following me around in the Northeast. And so when he would have some challenges he would call me and later on in life. I would call you and then I think the relationship changed a little when you remember this we were at the Olympics in Atlanta, and I called up robbing said hey, my family's here and you why don't we get together and have dinner together. I'll pray you pay he said, okay, and so we met in that restaurant we sat around the table with How to be a sudden two daughters, I'm not sure but you were there in one or two of your sisters were there and we spent about 3 hours and mainly was Robbie talking which we wanted. We just asked him a lot of questions. And after that, I'm more of a personal relationship and if anyone would have asked me. He's the one person in the world, you know. would be the last person this would ever happened to I wouldn't even hesitate I would have said Robbie Zacharias. Wow, and not only me I think many. In the world many professors at Oxford mini leaders all through Asia. Everything would say the same thing. I've never been so taken by surprise. And I'd have to say hurt.
And when it came across my plate. And I didn't want to believe it and I checked it out and I've been was one of the saddest day should of my life when I had to admit. It happened. It happened. And I wish Robbie were alive. Not to defend himself. a to explain himself
I'd like to know if you had any remorse.
If you struggle do that. I don't think he did. because one of the women he raped and a couple other said every time he finished he would always say let's pray together and thank the Lord for this opportunity. Oh my gosh, so it pretty well shows it was no room. No remorse. And if my heart goes out to anyone, it's not just the victims. It's his wife and children. I cannot even. begin to imagine
what you're going through what they feel their questions their doubts defending their husband defending their father with all these accusations. I've so wanted to call each one of them, but somehow I've been hesitant to I don't want to say wow. You just want to take advantage of a situation if I could minister to him and encourage him and that would be mainly just listening to him. so I say anyone listening now, if you come across someone who's been a victim anything like that, listen, and then when you finish listen again, then when you finish listen again,
I so wish you were alive.
Because I would have probably flown in and met with him whether we wanted to meet with me or not.
I would have probably forced him to met with it. But I think Robbie the relationship we had everything he would have met with me. Here's the point. It's not a private Affair. It's a public.
And people say to me, I'll start address it. Look it sure is something private or do I come up with that? I said, no, it's not. It's public with the ministry you're having the people exposing everything. It's a public Affair not a private Affair. What would you say to those who are either led to Christ through his ministry or strengthened by it and I've gotten emails and tweets and people just saying things like this is Rock keep my faith on a deep emotional level what encouraging their wisdom. Would you get to those? First of all Ravi Zacharias didn't leave you Jesus.
Ultimately you through Christ.
This is a good warning. To be very careful where you place your faith. untruth now you look in Hebrews. There was a Hall of Fame. I think it's important for people to look up to people that administer to do and this is why I be those people in that position have such an awesome scary.
Robbie was read more real than life.
He administered to a lot of people in a powerful way. started loxford University and all Gyros some incredible books that is really lost. A lot of people he's helped me in my life and Ministry.
And I've always looked up to Robbie, but it's important in discipleship in the church everything. To make sure that we understand our ultimate not celebrity the ultimate person we place our vision on our trust in our faith is Jesus. is Jesus
so that interview goes on for an hour or those are just some Snippets from it if you search for it Josh McDowell Robbie Zacharias on YouTube. You'll be able to find it if you want to watch more of it.
The bride can't make herself ready? If we don't learn to confront each other. When there is sin. And we are in a relationship.
We've done a really good job like the world to do drive-bys on social media with opinions that really shouldn't matter cuz they're ours not gods. I've been guilty of that myself.
I've been trying to stop.
Sometimes it just it is it going to react the stupid right never works out. Well, this kind of Confrontation does not work on social media. It will not work in my experience over the phone. If I do I will agree in my twerking letters because that's why we have most of the New Testament but
For me and my experience. It's got to be face to face. It it's got to be we're going to sit in and pass this out. In the first church. I was at we we we had a work connected to a lot of different churches. Basically, we sponsored their pastors would they were under us? I was 24 years old ahead of thority over all these bastards whatever that meant. But what it meant to me. I had one experience where I didn't after my first experience of going into place without having any relationship with that Pastor. I made it my mission. I met every single Pastor that I had that was under there and I got to know them well, and I got to like them because why situations we were called into I couldn't be there as anything but a friend
like when all my goodness
the pastor calls you up and says I don't know what to do because my son's been charged with molesting the kids in the Sunday School. You don't want that to be your first call with him.
I'll tell you there is great. Joy on the other side of those things.
When we learn to let debatable things be debatable things.
When we let opinions only have the worth of they have which basically are useless.
But when we take sin seriously. And we know how to confront.
I got a tool for you.
Tips for confronting other Christians in their sin will call it care. What's the hint there people care? It's also the acronym care. So the C stands for confront we confront Sins Not faults not debatable issues. Ephesians 4 1 2 3 says therefore as eyes a prisoner for serving the lord beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling for you've been called by God always be humble and gentle be patient with each other make allowances for each other's faults because of your love make every effort to keep yourself United in the spirit binding yourselves together with peace. How's that for something to put over your screen when you're on social media?
I could probably have it pop up on my phone make every effort to keep yourselves United for 5 minutes. Finding ourselves together. with peace
You know something we need to realize about something about knocking someone else off their high horse. You have to get on a high horse yourself to knock someone off their high horse. Look at it in history. Like if you've ever been around horses, you're not going to do much with a pointy stick. You got to get up. And it's ironic and irony is just ridiculous. It is hard when you're on your own high horse not to judge. Somebody else's servant.
The A and Carries you need to be aware of your bias. You wish your bias Romans 12:3 says be up because of the privilege and Authority. God has given me I give each of you this warning don't think you are better than you really are be honest in your evaluation of yourselves measuring your cells by the faith. God has given you jeans for 12 11 and 12 says don't speak evil against each other your brothers and sisters if you criticize and judge each other and you are criticizing and judging the law, but your job is to obey the law and not judge whether it applies to you got a loan who gave you the law is the judge he has the power to save or destroy. So what? So what right do you have to judge your neighbor? What what I've learned? When I've had to confront someone is is I need it gotta hurt need to confront them. If it's not hurting me to confront them, it's not time for me to confront them. If I want to go and put someone in their place, I am definitely not in the right place.
The are in care is you got to remember it's the kindness of God that leads people to repentance. Romans 2:4 don't you see how wonderfully kind and tolerant and patient God is with you. Does this mean nothing to you? Can't you see that? It's a kindness is intended to turn you from your sins.
You're never in the right place if you enjoy putting another Christian in his or her place. Number for you need to do is Engage The E engage in love? Ephesians 4:15 instead we will speak the truth and love growing in every way more and more like Christ. Who is the head of the body his church? You need to be in a relationship you need to engage in love.
Imagine what it would be like if we would learn.
to engage in love
Collette debatable things be debatable things let people be wrong if your opinion you're allowed to be wrong. I don't need to correct you.
When there's sand when there's real Sin.
I need to First make sure that I'm I'm God's wanting me to confront you.
And it's never on the spur of the moment. It's never you fly off the handle. It's it's always in my case. It always works best when it's face to face. Not even over Zoom like forget it. Got to be face to face.
You want to understand them?
It's it's good for the it did them you want to understand how they interpret scripture the year. B singer sent on
I want you to also imagine what what it's like.
When you can turn someone and it's not you it's Holy Spirit. He's the one who's leading to the giving the conviction to them. He's the one who's transforming them more and more to the image of Christ. He's the one doing the work. You are simply going to eat your Eero being what he's telling you to do.
An injured his partner in that it it's amazing. Like look at what it says James 5:20 and you can be sure that whoever brings the sinner back from wandering sees that person from death and brings the Forgiveness of many sins. There is a joy that happens when true repentance takes place.
The bride has made herself ready?
I don't know what that means to you. But for me that is judging the body rightly.
And it's judging win their sin, and I have a relationship and I do it out of love bouquet. I could for your sake not mine.
because the wounds from a friend are good in our life giving
challenge for us is to do nothing with don't be selfish. Don't try to impress others think humble be humble thinking of others better than yourselves.
Not look after your own interests, but also for the interests of others.
We need each other.
We need each other because you can see things in me that I don't see in me.
And I got to tell you I'm mainly it's a gentle rebuke and that's enough to change. Toyota it's best if it could be handled in private. Keep it private.
It's got to go public you leave it for the elders in the pastor. That's their job.
But most of it is just simply us loving each other really really loving each other.
Not like avoiding difficult situations because it's going to be awkward.
What I found is if you go seeking explanation, like why why are you saying this?
You you learn? if they're not nearly as far off as you think they are because they just said that
be gracious to each other tone excuse in.
Let's pray.
Heavenly Father you want to pray for? Everyone who's been affected by this news about Ravi Zacharias.
The Lord is It would heal those hurts that have taken place.
From the person who is read a book and then now is questioning what they've read to the ones who actually suffered the abuse in Robbie's family themselves and all of his friends and board members and everyone who should have seen it happening, but didn't see it happening. Lord I do pray for everyone involved that Lord that you would be glorified in it and in true repentance would take place where it needs to
and I pray for us Lord God.
When we have to have difficult situations because their sin involved.
I pray that we be able to do it graciously and in love.
And Lord for all of those other things that just come up and it's personality and it's this or whatever to help us to be gracious.
And let you Holy Spirit finish the work. You're going to finish the work you started in me. You can finish the work you've started in them.
So Lord, I pray most of all right. Now that your peace would be a for us and upon us and innocent through us.
And that we could have peace at all times and in every situation even when we need to confront sin.
Jesus name we pray amen.
Thank you Professor tour.