Is Anything Too Difficult? Abraham
Life of Abraham • Sermon • Submitted
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Genesis 18:1-15
In this week’s passage, Abraham is met by three travelers.
Hospitality towards guests was a very important part of the culture in that time, so Abraham spared no expense.
The food he provided showed that he was a very generous and wealthy man (there would have been enough bread and meat to feed at least twice as many people).
The heart of this story is how Abraham’s actions contrast with the next chapter – how are these same guests treated as they enter the gates of Sodom and Gomorrah?
You will see the parallels of that shortly. For now, look at how Abraham was rewarded for the hospitality he provided.
After the guests had eaten, they confirm the promise Abraham had just received a little while ago: he will have a son by Sarah.
What’s surprising is that Sarah laughs, just as Abraham did the first time he heard.
That seems to indicatethat, for whatever reason, Abraham had not yet shared the news with her.
But God, in disguise as one of the visitors, answers Sarah’s doubt: Is anything too difficult for the Lord?
That last phrase is the key of both Sarah and Abraham’s stories.
Time and time again, they are faced with difficult circumstances and seemingly impossible situations.
Yet every single time, God makes Himself present and asks the same question, whether explicitly or implicitly: Is anything too difficult for me?
Which is a way of asking…do you trust me?
God asks the same question of us during every trial we face.
Financial problems, work issues, family drama, health scares – is anything too difficult for Him?
The One who formed us in the womb can repair any broken body.
The God who designed your exact gifts and personality knows why He made you that way, and He will give you work that gives you joy.
Over and over again, we’re faced with situations bigger than us, and the temptation is to complain to God.
Why are You letting this happen?
Why aren’t You doing anything?
He is doing something.
He is watching out for you.
Remember that He is the God Who Sees
And it is not hard or stressful for Him.
He knows exactly what He is doing.
Your struggle is no surprise to Him and Your doubt does not slow Him down.
Once Sarah had Isaac, she had a daily reminder that God can do the impossible.
Let God’s provision do the same for you.
Takeaway: Nothing is too difficult for God.
Prayer: Lord, help me to remember that You have my best in mind and that no matter what I am facing, You are infinitely bigger than my struggles.