Urgency pt10
The journey of faith with Jesus has its mountains and valleys. When we are at our lowest, that is when we must rely more on God than ever.
The crowd’s wholesale shift of attention from the scribes to Jesus once again accentuates his authority over the scribes, who are cross-examining the disciples. The crowd’s dissatisfaction with the disciples is offset by its hopes and satisfaction at seeing Jesus.
the word “generation” is applied to unbelievers who oppose Jesus, but here it probably refers to the disciples. Jesus soon would be gone and then his disciples would take his place and do what he had been doing. This they had failed to do during a temporary absence. Having previously been able to exorcise demons (6:13), the disciples assumed they could do so whenever they wished. They failed, however, because of their lack of faith. Spiritual power is not something which once possessed will always be available. It must be maintained and renewed. Disciples then and now must constantly learn and relearn this lesson
Mark offers no explanation as to why they should be arguing with the disciples, since Jesus’ question—‘What are you arguing about?’—is answered by one of the crowd (the child’s father) in terms of his own dealings with the disciples; perhaps we are to understand the scribes to be arguing (as happened in later disputes) about the authority and power of Jesus—an authority and power which on this occasion the disciples had been unable to demonstrate
A confrontation between Jesus and the scribes is preempted, however, by a desperate father who brings to Jesus his son “possessed by a spirit that has robbed him of speech” (similarly, 7:37). The father’s description of the malady carries all the pathos of a parent’s fear and dismay for his child’s safety. His son is not simply ill but assaulted
The sole bridge between frail humanity and the all-sufficiency of God is faith
True faith takes no confidence in itself, nor does it judge Jesus by the weakness of his followers. It looks to the More Powerful One (1:7) who stands in the place of God, whose authoritative word restores life from chaos. True faith is unconditional openness to God, a decision in the face of all to the contrary that Jesus is able.
He is the typical disciple: he has the faith to respond which is the essential first step—yet this faith is never complete and must continue to grow, and precisely because it is response to Jesus, it depends on him and is a gift from him
Salvation is a process in which things must sometimes become worse before they become better
Prayer is the focusing and directing of faith in specific requests to God. Both faith and prayer testify that spiritual power is not in oneself but in God alone, and both wait in trust upon his promise to save