What is a biblical worldview?

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We’ve used this word “World-view” before
It describes how you see the world
What you believe to be true, what is your purpose, big big questions
Whether or not you realize it, you have a worldview
For most students, their worldviews are a mash-up of a lot of different things
What your parents say, what your teachers say, what your friends say, religious experiences/associations, what the music you listen to says, what celebrities you follow say, etc.
There are a lot of different influences in your life
Why does a worldview matter?
What you believe about the world leads to how you act in the world
If I believe that pepperoni is the greatest pizza toping in the world, every time I order a pizza it will have pepperoni on it
Silly example, but it shows my belief leads me to act
If I believe that school is stupid and pointless, I’m not going to try very hard on my assignments, I might get bad grades, I might not even show up.
If I believe that my worth and value as a human being comes from what I can achieve in the world, how successful I am in what I do, then when I don’t succeed and I fail at something, I will feel worthless
What you believe to be true about the world, leads you to make the decisions you are currently making
Even if you say “I don’t know what I believe about the world” that informs your decisions because you don’t have anything firm to build your life on, so you do thinks and hope they are right, or make you feel good, etc.
Four parts
Humanity (Where do we come from, why am I here, do I matter?)
All humans are created in the image of God
Not that we ARE Gods, but that we are created to reflect who God is to the world
World- Humans are meaningless, society is the one who decides who matters
The Problem of our world (Why is our world broken?)
Human sin: Everyone on this earth is a broken sinner, who apart from God cannot do anything ultimately good
World- Government systems, political ideas, the wrong people are in charge
The solution to the problem (How do we fix it?)
Following Jesus
Accepting the sacrifice of Jesus as a payment for our sins
Walking in obedience and learning to reflect God to our world as we were intended
Not just trying harder, following rules better, but actually allowing God to change our hearts
Getting the right people in charge, changing a society’s political identity
The trajectory of our world (What is the future like?)
Jesus is coming back to set all things right in the world
Restore creation to how it should be
It doesn’t depend on us in any way
The world is going to end because humans are destroying it
Do you view the world as the Bible presents it?
Do you know how the Bible presents the world?
How do you view the world?
What is important to you, what do you value, how do we fix our world
“I’m just a kid....Why does it matter how I view the world, isn’t that for adults?
The longer you believe a certain thing, the more stuck in it you are
The decisions you make now impact your future
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