Prepare for Revival

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2 Chronicles 28:1-4
One week from today we begin our revival. Every year we bring in an evangelist to preach our revival, however I wonder if it ever works. The sermons are usually fantastic as we do our best to bring in powerful communicators of the Word of God. The problem isn’t too low of an attendance although it is the more the merrier. I have heard rumors of a time when revivals were much different than they are now. I have heard of time where revivals lasts a few weeks long, where all sorts of people from the community would come and participate, where there was a great excitement, where lives were changed, people were converted, sins were repented of and communities were literally transformed. I heard a rumor of a time many, many years ago when this building was so filled with people during a revival when Clarence Greenleaf was here that people were sitting outside the windows. If that is the case, then what is the problem today? Perhaps it is partly because of apathy and hard heartedness. We have people that come and sit through the revival services because that is what they are supposed to do, but they never allow the Word to penetrate into their hearts. Perhaps it is partly because of an unwillingness to give up a lifestyle of sin among some people. Perhaps it is because of pride and arrogance which refuses to admit that one has been headed in the wrong direction.
One particular Sunday a preacher was preaching a powerful sermon on hell and how terrible hell would be. In the congregation there was this one fellow who fell asleep every Sunday. The preacher came to a point where he pounded the pulpit to emphasize how bad hell was, and said if anyone wants to go to hell let him stand up right now. Well the only part that the sleeping guy heard was the "stand up right now part" so he did! He stood there for a few moments and looked around, then he said" Well preacher, I don’t know what we just voted, but it looks like you and I are the only ones for it.”
Revival time is an exciting time, and my plea this morning is that we not let another revival come and go without us being revived. Let us this year intentionally put ourselves in the way of the Word of God. Let us make our hearts fashionable to what is going to be said. Let us take what is said as God’s Word delivered to us. Let this revival be a time of examination of our lives and a time of building upon our faith. The point I am trying to make is that a revival attitude is contagious. I challenge you to come to revival services with a renewed sense of passion and excitement. Let us see how that fire may catch on. If you are anything like me, then throughout the year it becomes easy to lose some of your fire, zeal and passion. Maybe you look at where you are now and you wonder where the excitement has gone. This revival can be a time of rekindling your fire.
With an upcoming revival the question for us is not whether or not we need to be revived or not it is are we going to allow ourselves to be revived? And, how much are we going to allow God to work in us and speak to us through His Word?

I. Why Revival Is Needed

I believe we are in desperate need of revival and renewal. I do not know if there has ever been a time where our nation was in greater need of a national scale revival. Throughout the Bible we see a few of those nationwide revivals and how they changed the society. There was a nationwide revival in the city of Nineveh as the result of Jonah’s preaching, and it sparred God’s impending judgment. There was a nationwide revival during the reign of King Josiah following the discovery of an ancient manuscript of the Old Covenant Law. That revival sparked people to throw off their idols and turn back to the one true God. I want to look at one instance in Israel’s history where revival was greatly needed among the people. I want to look at the evidence that revival was needed. Perhaps there was no more wicked king in the southern Kingdom of Judah than King Ahaz. Let us look at a few of the evidences that they were in desperate need of revival following the reign of immoral Ahaz. I believe we can see a great correlation today. I believe revival is needed in this nation, but let me assure you that a nationwide revival must first begin among the people of God. There is a need for revival even in the church today.

A. Lack of Morality

II Chronicles 28:1-4
Ahaz led the people into the worship of others gods. He offered sacrifices and incense to the false gods. As horrible as that was the latter half of that passage tells us an even greater travesty that Ahaz participated in. Ahaz while participating in the idolatry that he did even offered his sons as a sacrifice to those gods. During this time a god called “Molech” was very prevalent in some of the nations. It was a common practice among those worshippers to craft a giant brazen image of Molech and set it afire. That fire would turn that brazen statue red hot. Then worshippers would come and lay their babies in the outstretched arms of Molech. To drown out the cries of that baby the people would dance around playing their flutes. Israel participated in this travesty and was even led into it by their King. If anyone should have known better it was them. They had been strictly forbidden to offer human sacrifices. They would have been taught something of the value of human life, and that God is the author of life. They should have understood such a vile act as equivalent to murder. What a travesty that the people of God allowed their children to pass through the fire.
I wonder if we as a nation haven’t done the same thing. We have allowed our children to pass through the fire as we engage in abortion. We have allowed _____ million babies to be laid in the brazen arms of our form of “Molech”. This is just one aspect of the obvious lack of morality in our nation. We have glamorized sexual immorality, accepted homosexuality, and have drifted from being a God fearing nation into an unbelieving nation.
Many are unaware that the Declaration of Independence did not come into being until a day of fasting and prayer had been observed. Appointed by the Continental Congress, it was kept by all the colonies on May 17, 1776. At that time in our history, God and the Bible were given more reverence and recognition than they are today. When the nation was finally born, our forefathers rang the Liberty Bell with great enthusiasm, and a legend says that it cracked as they zealously proclaimed their freedom. Years later the White Chapel Foundry of London offered to recast the huge carillon, but their proposal was of course refused. Apparently the symbolic value of the damaged bell, which recalls the religious and patriotic fervor of those early days, is something that Americans still wish to preserve. This in itself is good; but in view of our nation’s moral decline, the crack may also suggest a break in our basic ideals and a serious defect in our spiritual attitudes.
Israel’s immorality peaked during the sixteen year reign of wicked King Ahaz, the needed to be revived and needed a character change. As we slip into a moral decline it is further evidence that revival is desperately needed.

B. Lack of Truth

God had clearly revealed certain things to His people. They were expressly told what moral code they were expected to live by and they were expressly told how the worship in the Temple was to operate. Slowly though through the years they drifted from the pattern given to Moses on Mount Sinai and began to come up with their own ideas. They began to deny God’s truth as revealed to them
II Chronicles 28:21-25
Ahaz knew better. He knew God has strictly forbidden the worship of other gods. He knew what the Law says, and furthermore so did the people. One may wonder how the people allowed such practices to take place. One may wonder where the priests were and why didn’t they stand up and object to what was taking place. One may wonder where those were with the priestly courage of Samuel to rebuke King Saul for performing the priestly task of offering sacrifices. One may wonder where the priests were with the dedication of faithful Zadok. One may wonder where people were like Azariah, who opposed King Uzziah’s abuse of the Law.
II Chronicles 26:16-21
Why didn’t anyone stand up and oppose Ahaz? Probably because things slowly progressed and were tolerated until people became immune to what was taking place. Is that what is happening in the church? Have we become immune to evils that are taking place? Can we not stand up against vile acts against our God? The more we tolerate now, the worse it will be for our children when they are older. This is why false doctrine and immorality abounds. If someone would have stood up when the false teaching of faith only was gaining ground, then maybe it wouldn’t be so widespread. If someone would have stood up when people began accepting and tolerating other false teachings and said we will not allow God’s Word to be abused like this then perhaps it wouldn’t abound so much. If people would have stood up when television and sitcoms took a turn for the worse and immorality started being glamorized then perhaps we wouldn’t have what we have now. Perhaps a little bit of opposition would have gone a long way.
There was an absolute lacking of God’s truth among them.
Ahaz orchestrated two things that evidence the absence of truth in the southern kingdom of Judah during this time.

1. Removed the Temple furniture

II Chronicles 28:24
The Temple furniture was not just meaningless pieces of furniture that sat there in vain. The furniture served a purpose and furthermore was planned by God. When he removed the Temple furniture he was in direct defiance of God’s Word. King Ahaz showed his arrogance. Although the instructions for the set up of the Temple were revealed by God he thought he knew better and that his way was better and contained more authority than God’s way.
The Scriptures teach us that the Temple and its furnishings served as a pattern for what was to come. All those pieces of furniture served a purpose to the Jews worshipping in the Temple, but also pointed to something much greater. The structure of the Temple served as a foreshadowing of the church. The structure of the Temple was deliberate. The first piece of furniture one would come to would be the brazen altar. Before any priest could enter the Temple a sacrifice had to be made on the altar. Then was the laver, which was a big pool of water. The priests were commanded to wash themselves in that laver before they could enter the Temple. Then as they entered into the holy place one would see three pieces of furniture. First was the table of showbread, which was a table containing twelve loaves of bread of which only the priests could partake. Then there was the lampstand, which served as the light in the Temple. Lastly, there was the altar of incense, which was fueled by fire from the brazen altar. Then a veil separated the holy place from the most holy place, which contained the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark symbolized the presence of God to the Jew.
Then we look at the church and we realize that before we can enter God presence a sacrifice first has to be made, and that sacrifice was made 2,000 years ago at Calvary. Then we realize that we must be washed, the laver the priests washed in symbolized and foreshadowed Christian baptism. Then was the table of showbread, symbolizing the Lord’s Supper, which only has value to the Christian. The altar of incense which is fueled by the fire from the altar represents the prayers of the saints which are fueled too by our sacrifice. I fear that some today have removed carious pieces of that furniture. When they do they are changing the message of the Gospel. Those pieces of furniture were significant and were set up in the shape of the cross, when a piece is removed that is changing the message of the cross.
We have some today that pick and choose what they accept and what they reject. They have removed some of the Temple furniture.

2. Replaced the Temple Furniture

II Kings 16:10-14
King Ahaz not only removed some of the furniture, but he also replaced some of it. As he looked at an altar he saw on a journey he thought it was more attractive and better than the one designed by God. He thought his way was better than God’s way. I wonder if some today haven’t come back from looking at the world and thought we can do it better. Perhaps we have looked at the world and thought we have a better way, perhaps with our character, perhaps with the church, perhaps with other aspects of our lives. Many today are looking at the world and going to the world to try to determine what they should go to the Word of God to determine. Ahaz had a pattern for an altar and he should have been content with that, but he wanted to model himself after the nations. I wonder if we haven’t replaced Temple furniture today because of convenience sake or because we feel it works better. Let me assure you that God’s way still works and ultimately His way is still binding upon us.
Our society has rejected truth. Most people believe that truth is not absolute and that your truth might not be the same as my truth, but let me assure you that there is one truth, there are absolutes, and there are rights and wrongs. A lack of truth is further evidence of our need of revival. Let us return to a love for the truth.

C. Lack of Evangelism

II Chronicles 29:7
The lamp in the Temple was snuffed out. It was the source of light for many, but it was snuffed out. I wonder if our light has been snuffed out as well. Jesus teaches that we are the light of the world. I wonder how much light we as providing. A lack of evangelistic zeal indicates a need for revival. Do you still have a passion for reaching your lost friends and loved one? Or have you become complacent and apathetic? The lack of evangelism in the church is clear, as statistics show that most people claiming to be Christians do not even attempt to share their faith with anyone. I wonder why it is we can so readily talk about sports, politics, and other news that occurs in our lives, but we are reluctant to talk to others about the greatest and most important thing of all. Our lack of evangelistic efforts indicates our need for revival. Let us be revived and gain a renewed sense of urgency in sharing our faith with others.

D. Lack of True Worship

One of the sins we see in King Ahaz was that he shut the doors of the Temple. You may not think this seemed like that big of a deal, but then it was like cutting the people off from their God. It prohibited
the people from true worship of the true worship of the true God. If you remember, temples were set up all along the street corners of Jerusalem. The people had an option to worship the false gods, but they could not experience true worship of the true God.
I wonder if we too haven’t closed the doors avoided true worship of the true God. Perhaps better said, we have reduced worship to a once a week ritual rather than a lifestyle that we live. This lack of true worship indicates a need for revival.

II. The Proof of Revival Taking Place

Things had gotten bad after 16 years of King Ahaz’s rule. Following his death his son became king. His son’s name was Hezekiah, and Hezekiah was a good king. In fact, Hezekiah was the best king that Israel had. A great revival took place during Hezekiah’s reign. The text tells us that in the first month of the first year of Hezekiah’s reign he sought to fix what his father messed up. Hezekiah immediately reopened the doors of the Temple, destroyed all the false idols throughout the land, and removed all the things his father brought in. he called in the priests and gave them a great challenge to get to work, I find it interesting that before any revival could take place Hezekiah took some responsibility. He admitted that their fathers had done what was evil and admitted that a change was needed. We see a great change did take place, a revival began. Let us see the evidence of this revival.

A. Sanctification

II Chronicles 29:15-19
Ahaz had defiled everything. It once again had to be purified and made holy for service of a holy God. This is what we see the priests working towards. They purified the Temple. When it says that they consecrated it, it means they cleaned out all that defiled it and that they again set it apart for us to the Lord and Him alone. By the way we are consecrated. When we sing, “take my life and let it be consecrated Lord to thee.” We are stating that we are willing to remove from our lives the things that defile us and set ourselves apart for God’s service. Everything in the Temple was sanctified and consecrated once again for the Lord.
When revival takes place people are consecrated for service in the Kingdom. Personal sanctification is a requirement for revival. To the Greeks sanctification was a term used this way. The Greek people admired and appreciated fine works of art. Those artists would take their time to select just the right piece of marble to sculpt. At times an artist would be chipping away at that rock and a large piece would fall off rather than a small piece. What had happened was the sellers of those pieces of marble would have detected a crack. They knew that because that piece was cracked it wouldn’t sell so they would fill the crack with beeswax to disguise the imperfection. The word sanctification became knows to the Greeks as, “working out the beeswax or the impurities” so that the rock could be readily sculpted. We too need work out the beeswax so that we can be readily sculpted by God and used for His service. This process of consecration or sanctification is a evidence that revival is occurring. Let us be willing to initiate revival by sanctifying ourselves, by removing the impurities, by repenting of and removing habitual sin from our lives, then we will be ready for service.

B. Sacrifice

II Chronicles 29:20-24
While we do not have offer animal sacrifices today, we still are required to sacrifice. Perhaps before revival can begin or spread we have to sacrifice our time or our energy. Perhaps the sacrifice of hospitality. Perhaps it means sacrificing what we want to do for the sake of others. Sacrificial living is evidence of a revival. The difference between successful revivals of years gone by to today may be directly related to the levels of sacrifice being made by God’s people. I understand people lead busy lives, but have we no time for revival? I hope that revival is not a onetime event that we are left with at the end of next week, but that it is something that lasts. Perhaps for revival to take place we must be willing to give something. Perhaps we must be willing to sacrifice. Perhaps that means sacrifice a little sleep; maybe it means to be inconvenienced a little bit. Sometimes I think we expect great results with little sacrifice.

C. Song

Or praise, or worship. Song is the natural overflow of a heart in a right relationship with God.
II Chronicles 29:25-30
II Chronicles 29:36
Are you prepared to be revived? Because God can bring about change, if you allow Him and He can do it quickly. He can change our homes, our churches, our families, our workplaces, our nation and our world.
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