Sermon 102096
Phi. 3:3 Be Aware of True Brethren - II 10/20/96
I. Introduction and Review 542
A. Watchfulness is a command to & duty of every Christian (v. 2a) - “Beware”
B. There are dangerous people for the Christian (v.2) - False Brethren
C. True Brethren/Christians (v. 3)
Þ Contrasts people in v. 3 (we) with those in v. 2 (dogs, evil workers, false circumcision)
Þ “WE” crosses all human barriers (1Co. 12:12-13; Rev. 5:9-10; 7:9-10)
Þ True circumcision is not external (Rom. 2:28-29; Col. 2:11)
Þ Three dominant & distinctive traits of true brethren: Worship in the Spirit of God, Glory in Christ Jesus, Put no confidence in the flesh
D. Worship/Serve in the Spirit of God
Þ Under Holy Spirit’s dominant, not total, control (1Co. 14:32), desire & power to please God (Phi. 2:13), considerate of others (Phi. 2:3)
Þ Worship is not controlled by outward circumstances (Jn. 4:21-24; Mt. 11:25ff; Ac. 16:23ff)
B. Glory/Boast in Christ Jesus
· Christ is the basis of life, hope & joy (Col. 1:27b; Gal. 6:14; Phi. 1:21a)
· True brethren boast in Christ alone (1Co. 1:30-31; Ps 3:3=shield; 18:1-2=rock, fortress, deliverer, salvation, stronghold; 23:1; 27:1=light, salvation - He is my bread of heaven, King, Lily of the Valley, )
· Christ is the center of worship, life & existence (1Co. 8:5-6; Rev. 5:6)
Be Aware of True Brethren, pg. 2
C. Put no confidence in the flesh for justification & salvation
· human efforts, rituals, ceremonies (Rom. 14:17-18; Col. 2:8, 16-23)
· nationality, genealogy, education, obedience to Law (1Co. 1:26-31)
· how well I sing, memorize scripture, church attendance, position
· how poorly I sing, memorize scripture, church attendance, no position
Do you know Christ today? Can you say with the Psalmist, “Whom have I in heaven but Thee? And besides Thee, I desire nothing on earth.”? Are you alert & watchful for false teachers who attempt to pervert the glory of our Christ & make your life miserable with their twisted lies & perversions of the Holy Scriptures? Are you thankful for true brothers & sisters who hold to the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ? Do you have the joy of Jesus in your soul? Can you say with the Psalmist again, “Bless the Lord, O my soul; And all that is within me, ….” AND “I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul shall make its boast…” (Ps. 34:1-3)