Hope Steady as She Goes
Heb 10:23
good works,” and thus conduct ourselves becomingly as in His house.
The order in the three parts of this exhortation calls for our closest attention. The first, treats of our relation to God: the worshipping of Him in spirit and in truth, and in order to do this, the maintaining of a good conscience and the separating of ourselves from all that pollutes. The second, deals with our conduct before men in the world: the refusal to be poisoned by their unbelief and lawlessness, and this by a steady perseverance in the path of duty. The third, defines our responsibility toward fellow-Christians: the mortifying of a selfish spirit, by keeping steadily in view the highest welfare of our brethren and sisters, seeking to encourage them by a godly example, and thus stirring them up unto holy diligence and zeal both God-ward and man-ward. Thus we may see how very comprehensive is the scope of this exhortation, and admire its beautiful arrangement. How much we often miss through failing to carefully note the connection of Scripture!
“Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering: For He is faithful that promised” (v. 23). There is some uncertainty as to the Greek here: some manuscripts having “faith” others “hope”; both the R.V. and Bag. Inter. have “the confession of our (the) hope.” It seems to us that the A.V. is to be preferred, for while it is true that if we adopt the alternative, we then have “faith” v. 22, “hope” in v. 23, and “love” in v. 24, yet this is more than offset by the weighty fact that perseverance in the faith is the theme which is steadily followed by the apostle not only throughout the remainder of this 10th chapter, but also throughout the 11th. We shall therefore adhere to our present version, excepting that “confession” is preferable to “profession.”