Manna from Heaven sermon
16 Manna from Heaven
Exodus 16
There are unsearchable riches in this chapter, because it is so full of Jesus Christ.
Like Him, the manna was:
(1) Divine in its origin
(2) Indispensable
(3) Undeserved
(4) Suitable
(5) Sufficient
(6) Satisfying
(7) Free.
Taking a look at the whole chapter, we observe the—
I. Depravity of Man. “They murmured against Moses” (v. 2), “Against the Lord” (v. 7). Consider what He had done for them. Like the prodigal they loved the gifts more than the giver. “The whole head is sick, the whole heart faint, there is no soundness” (Isa. 1:5, 6).
II. Mercy of God. “I will rain bread from Heaven for you” (v. 4). Amazing grace, “rain” bread upon murmurers!
Why not rain fire and brimstone?
Grace delights to pour blessing upon the undeserving (Rom. 5:8). “He delighteth in Mercy.” His own arm hath brought us salvation.
“God is love,” and out from the depths of His own infinite goodness comes the stream of saving power. From Heaven the bread of life must come. This thing is not manufactured on earth.
III. Abundance of Supply. “An omer for every man” (v. 16). The manna which fell from Heaven was sufficient for every man in the wilderness.
In Christ Jesus, as the gift of God, there is enough for every man. “He tasted death for every man” (Heb. 2:9). His atoning blood is sufficient for “the whole world” (1 John 2:2). Yes, “an omer for every man.”
What are we doing to carry to every sick and heathen man his omer of Heaven’s blessing?
As in the miracle of loaves, so with the bread of life. After multitudes have been filled it will be found in the resurrection that there was much more to spare. The atonement of Christ, like the “fragments that remain,” will have a tale to tell. [unclaimed salvations]
IV. Need of Appropriation. “They gathered it” (v. 21). The Manna was rained from Heaven, but it was not poured down their throats.
(1) It had to be GATHERED. God has freely given His Son up to the death for us all, but that gift must be definitely received (John 1:12).
(2) They gathered it EVERY MORNING. It was daily bread, Christ must be daily trusted.
(3) They gathered according to THEIR EATING. Some were able to receive more of it than others. “According to your faith so shall it be unto you” (Matt. 9:29).
Remember the blessedness of the hunger in Matthew 5:6.
V. Disappointment of Unbelief. “Some went on the seventh day to gather, and found none” (v. 27). It is the height of madness to expect to find the gift of God when God says it shall not be found (v. 25). The children of these infidel Israelites are still among us, who hope for salvation after the day of grace is gone. There is a time that is too late (Matt. 25:12; Luke 16:25). “Behold, NOW is the accepted time.”
VI. Life of Faith. “They did eat manna until they came to Canaan” (v. 35). The bread that saved them was the bread that kept them alive during all their wilderness journey. “I am the LIVING BREAD (life-giving): he that believeth on (or receiveth) ME shall never humger {die}” (John 6:35). They believed that to-morrow’s bread would come with to-morrow’s need. “God is faithful that hath promised.” “My grace is sufficient for thee.” “Because He lives we shall live.” “Only believe.”
Smith, J., & Lee, R. (1971). Handfuls on Purpose for Christian Workers and Bible Students, Series I–XIII (five-volume edition, Vol. 2, pp. 83–84). Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.