God's Amazing Grace
Reveling in Grace and Living in His Power, without abusing the gift he gave us.
God’s Amazing Grace
The subject of grace is like that—a big subject to try and get your arms around or to get a hold on.
G.R.A.C.E. - God’s - Riches - At - Christ’s - Expense - Chuck Swindoll
It’s Free Grace or No Grace At All
Crepe Myrtle Tree on DOGWOOD LANE
This passage should help us balance the Costly and Cheapened Grace. We should never take Grace for Granted - we have to see that though God takes the Church Kid, The Father, Mother…He also takes the Crack Addict, the Prostitute and the Murderer - with the same Extravagant, Magnificent, Freely Given Grace.
Certainly Paul was a man of rich Christian character because he permitted God to mold and make him in the painful experiences of his life. When you walk along the shore of the ocean, you notice that the rocks are sharp in the quiet coves, but polished in those places where the waves beat against them. God can use the “waves and billows” of life to polish us, if we will let Him.
Paul’s thorn in the flesh was given to him to keep him from sinning. Exciting spiritual experiences—like going to heaven and back—have a way of inflating the human ego; and pride leads to a multitude of temptations to sin
In the Christian life, we get many of our blessings through transformation, not substitution. When Paul prayed three times for the removal of his pain, he was asking God for a substitution: “Give me health instead of sickness, deliverance instead of pain and weakness.” Sometimes God does meet the need by substitution; but other times He meets the need by transformation. He does not remove the affliction, but He gives us His grace so that the affliction works for us and not against us.