Covenant with Creation
Intro: Why should we study this? Often we see ourselves in the narrative. In the people at work. Sometimes it is how not to be, but we see ourselves and the propensities of our hearts, many times.
Noah Worshiped God
Noah Worshiped God
Noah built an altar and sacrificed.
Is this our response?
God’s response.
He would never destroy everything with water.
Even though He knew man would be evil.
Man still had this sin nature.
The New King James Version Chapter 7
18 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me, but how to perform what is good I do not find.
ii. In the flesh nothing good dwells, we have the flesh to contend with as long as we live.
1. But what about the spirit of humans?
2. What about the core of who we are?
3. Romans 8. In Christ. This is the great difference.
a. Not in flesh but in the Spirit.
God gives this classic promise in vs. 22
What is needed for humans survival will be there as long as the earth exists.
There is terrible wars, and people are suffering.
But there is still the seasons.
Most starvation and malnutrition is the result of the actions of humans.
Read Isaiah 54. Focus on vs. 9.
When we have history with someone we trust them more.
We are like yes, this is how he handled that situation.
He or she kept their word there.
God said, this is like the waters of Noah.
Vs. 10 God’s kindness.
His covenant of peace.
Vs. 17 The heritage of the Lord.
Often we see so much trouble in the church etc.
But this is really how it should be.
Our righteousness is from God. This is how we can be in this position.
Jeremiah 33:10-25. God is drawing on this covenant with day and night and saying His covenant with David is just as strong.
God Blessed Noah
God Blessed Noah
God went on to bless Noah.
God loves people.
God told Noah and his sons to multiply and fill the earth again.
The same as was given to Adam.
God gave everything into their hands, with the exception of one thing.
Eating or drinking blood was prohibited.
vs. 4 shall not eat flesh with it’s life.
The New King James Version Chapter 7
26 Moreover you shall not eat any blood in any of your dwellings, whether of bird or beast. 27 Whoever eats any blood, that person shall be cut off from his people.’ ”
The New King James Version Chapter 12
23 Only be sure that you do not eat the blood, for the blood is the life; you may not eat the life with the meat. 24 You shall not eat it; you shall pour it on the earth like water.
In our culture we don’t think about this much, but people around the world still do.
It sounds repulsive to us.
Taiwanese have pig’s blood cakes. (Congealed blood).
In parts of Europe they have blood sausages. Blood mixed with grains, meat, and fat.
Is this prohibition still for us today?
Acts 15:20
This was for the gentiles as well.
Some said this was simply to not offend the Jews.
I don’t see this, they were not holding them to other parts of the law.
The early Christians thought this was for them.
They were tempted with blood sausages.
What can we gather from this.
Blood was for atonement.
Life was valuable. Especially human life.
The Kindness of God.
The Kindness of God.
This passage is wrapped up with more on this promise by God.