We Are Never Alone
Emotions • Sermon • Submitted
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· 13 viewsThe emotion of loneliness is a gift from God because it is an alert that we need more relationships with others or a deeper relationship with God.
TITLE: We Are Never Alone
SPEAKER: Pastor Bob Griffith
SERIES: Emotions
Big Idea: The Emotion of Loneliness Is a Gift from God
TEXT: "Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it." (1 Corinthians 12:27)
DATE: 3-14-2021
Next Steps:
1. Start a relationship with Christ – Following Jesus class – www.jrnychurch.com
a. Water baptism
b. Following Jesus
2. Start new relationships with others
a. Growth Track - JRNYCHURCH.COM
i. Life groups online/in-person
ii. Start serving in a church program or outreach
3. Start praying for God to open doors of authentic community
S. "Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it." (1 Corinthians 12:27)
O. We are part of something bigger than ourselves. We were created to be part of a body and that body is the body of Christ. As members of the body of Christ we benefit and serve each other. We are individuals as a part of the body, so we get to be who God made us as people with our spiritual gifts and our unique personality. All of who we are was created to benefit and serve others in the body of Christ.
A. When we are lonely, we need to respond by intentionally seeking out the Lord and other members of the body of Christ who truly know us or who can develop into a friend who eventually does. It’s our job to intentionally seek out relationships with others and the Lord.
P. Lord Jesus, we thank you that you have given us the emotion of loneliness because it helps drive us back to the relationships we were created to have. An authentic relationship with you and with others. Help us in our times of loneliness to seek you more and take steps to connect with those who would know us for who we really are.
Introduction: (5min)
a. Is loneliness a good thing or a bad thing?
b. Well, if you have ever been lonely…you will want to hear this message because it will help you actually leverage loneliness to accomplish God’s plan for your life.
i. The truth is: The emotion of loneliness is a gift from God. How can that be? I have never heard anyone say “man, I am really lonely, and it is awesome.” What we know to be true is that loneliness hurts. It’s painful. But pain is also a gift from God.
ii. Think of it this way…This summer, I tore my rotator cuff, and I was not driving to the ER saying, “This is great! I love this pain!” No, I was saying please doctor – what can you give me to make the pain go away? I need answers and I need them now!
iii. God designed pain to help us know something is wrong. Without pain, we would never know what to take care of. The pain lets us know where the problem is and how bad it is. It’s kind of amazing when you think about it. You can say – “The problem is right here – and it’s really bad! Without any x-rays or medical school. So, pain is actually a gift from God to help us know when things are not right and where.
Problem: (5 Min)
In the same way… The emotion of loneliness is a pain that alerts us of a problem in our lives that can be dangerous if left alone too long. We can be burned by being alone for long periods of time. The emotion of loneliness is an indicator that something is not right in our life. Loneliness is a feeling that speaks to our deep hunger to belong and be known. Because of loneliness, we desire relationship with others, and with Christ.
This is because we were created for relationship.
We are not designed to be lonely
c. There are lonely CEOs of successful companies – There are lonely Seniors in High school - 11-year-old middle-schoolers can be lonely – 30-year-old men with a family can be lonely, stay at home moms can be lonely – Actually, everyone at points in their life – are lonely. What makes today unique, is that in addition to normal cycles of loneliness in life, Covid increased the impact of this emotion to a much higher level.
d. Personal story: I had a conversation with my doctor last week and he told me that he does not hardly take sick appointments anymore – it’s almost all appointments for anxiety, fear, stress, loneliness, and other mental health issues. That’s how things have changed in our current season of life.
2. Brent seabrook retired. Biggest thing to miss is getting up in morning and going to the rink and being around all the guys.
Here is what the bible offers as a solution
Answer: (10 min)
1. Relationship with Others
"Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it." (1 Corinthians 12:27)
Here's what Paul Tripp says in his book, Whiter Than Snow, "We weren't created to be independent, autonomous, or self-sufficient. We were made to live in a humble, worshipful, and loving dependency upon God and in a loving and humble interdependency with others. Our lives were designed to be community projects.
a. We have a hunger to have intimacy with others and be known by them. God designed us to be known by each other not just to be around each other.
b. For instance, have you ever been to a dinner party where you don’t really know the people? You mingle, smile, eat, visit, but you can’t wait to get home and spend time with your spouse, your children, or your friends. You want to be where you can put your elbows on the table and just talk and laugh. The people who know you already accept you as you are, so you leave that situation highly replenished. Even if you are at a banquet as the recipient of an award, you may be more replenished by eating with your buddies than you would
c. So how do you find people that will really know you? You think…The people around me just don’t connect with me. It could be because the people you think about connecting with are just like you. So, consider this: Revelation 5:9 “…because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation (NIV) When Jesus came to earth, He brought some of heaven with Him so when we gather together in diverse groups of people, the Spirit of the Lord dwells with us. Why? Because He died for everyone – so that everyone could be together with Him in heaven. A diverse body of Christ represents heaven on earth and advances the Kingdom of God. So Be intentional about being with a group of people that is different than you. Get in a life group that is different than you – And when you do, you will experience heaven on earth.
In fact, the emotion of Loneliness is meant to lead us to a place of blessing. As Henri Nouwen writes in his book, The Inner Voice of Love, we may find our “loneliness not only tolerable,” but even fruitful. Loneliness is God’s gift that drives us into relationship and enlarges our hearts to love. Without it, we may never marry or deal with the problems of friendships. In short, loneliness enlarges your heart for love.
10 min Interview –
Introduction - To help us talk through the emotion of loneliness - I would like to introduce to you a friend of mine here at Journey Church. Her name is Becky Zarletti. Becky’s husband Larry suddenly passed away several years ago and she has had to lean on her relationship with God as well as her family and friend through the waves of loneliness that are normal following the loss of a loved one. I have asked her to share a little bit today about her response as a Christ follower to the emotion of loneliness she has experienced. So, let’s welcome her on stage with us today! Thanks for joining us in this important message today on a topic that all of us experience in our lives in various ways. First of all, I want to say thank you for being willing to share some of your life’s journey with us today.
A. When did you begin to feel the emotion of loneliness – what was that like?
B. How did you lean on others and Jesus during this time?
C. How are you today with this emotion?
Well, I truly believe what you shared today with us will help many people today respond to the emotion of loneliness in a way that brings them closer to others and the Lord. Thanks again! Let’s thank her together today!
Let’s talk about more about her comment about Jesus…
2. Relationship with God
a. Jesus wants you to focus on His desire to have a relationship with you because when you remember this, you are reminded… “YOU ARE NEVER ALONE”
b. Even when you feel alone - Gideon – God gave him peace as he sent him into battle – Think about that – he was alone – not popular for his decisions, He trusted God but clearly was standing alone in his trust with God. Yet because of his relationship with God, he was never alone. We are never alone! Even when we are in the storm – even when we are in a battle – When we have Jesus in our life, we are never alone! Our father promises peace from him because that’s what comes from our relationship with him.
God actually sent gideo into battle with peace - Verse - Then the LORD said to him, “Peace be with you; do not fear, you shall not die.”(NKJV)
The word of God has promises in it for us that remove loneliness and connect us to the Lord. In fact, according to a study by the Center for Bible Engagement, reading your Bible four times a week lowers loneliness by 30%
The Devil wants you to focus on your lack of physical relationship and when you do – take on a victim mentality/identity – it’s a focus of what you don’t have. But God has the last word on that!!! Listen to this…He says in…
(Band cue to come out as I read these verses)
(Gen.28:15)” I will not leave you”
(1Kings 6:13 NKJV) ” I will … not forsake My people”
(Psalm 94:14 NASB)” The Lord will not abandon His people”
(Deut. 31:6 NIV)” God…will never leave nor forsake you”
(James 4:8) “Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.”
How do we draw near to Christ? We do like Christ did! We read the Word of God and pray.
Jesus needed the Holy Spirit (Refilled with his relationship with the Holy Spirit)
Luke 5:16 says, “Jesus withdrew into lonely places and he prayed.”
A relationship with Jesus answers a kind of loneliness that can never be completely filled, answered, or quieted as long as we live in any other way. This loneliness for Christ awakens us to our emotional and spiritual longing for God.
Salvation prayer
Please stand -
Dream – Did you know God’s plan for you was to be in community with others and have many relationships? Loneliness is not his plan – so if you feel this way – take action. It’s your responsibility to respond to the indicator - In fact, with God’s design – churches are meant to be places of relationship. Sign up for a life group, join a serve team with other people, Get involved and draw closer to Christ because you are not alone when you have Jesus and the body of Christ!
The emotion of loneliness is a design trigger to draw us closer to God and to each other – It’s a good thing because if we are never lonely – we don’t care – ultimately we are created by God for
Closing song