Jesus Recieves You!
Wednesday Recap
Wednesday Recap
The FOUR Groups Jesus is Talking to...
The FOUR Groups Jesus is Talking to...
(v1-2): The mindset that we have when we approach Jesus means so much
Pharisees/Scribes- Their entire livelihood is spent trying to obtain perfection, and they know the scriptures VERY well (again, its their job); were often portraying themselves as better than others because of their knowledge/achievements
Tax collectors/Sinners- People who are known by their community as evil/wicked people
Pharisees and Scribes came COMPLAINING
What were they complaining about?
This man RECEIVES sinners
ουτος αμαρτωλους προσδεχεται
What does it mean to recieve sinners?
What does it mean to recieve sinners?
Whats the difference between receiving guests and welcoming guests?
You can welcome guests without receiving them BUT the act of receiving means so much more...
- By being friendly and considerate I can be welcoming
- To truly receive guests I must prepare
Maybe you’ve never thrown a dinner party like this but maybe youve thrown a football
The catcher must anticipate the football before recieving the ball...
The act of RECEPTION requires a mindset of ANTICIPATION
We do not worship a savior that merely welcomes us!
YES! this is amazing and uncalled for (because we are sinners) but He does so much more than welcome us.
WE MUST DIG DEEPER...Jesus won’t mean anything to you if you dont know what he has done for you:
Because we serve a holy and just God, sin MUST be accounted for
To provide a way for us to experience the divine love of God, God sent his son to receive us sinners
Those that also recieve him also recieve a new life
Jesus receives us, how do we recieve Him?
Jesus receives us, how do we recieve Him?
The act of RECEPTION requires a mindset of ANTICIPATION
As Christ-followers we should particapte in spiritual anticipation.
Lets talk about the three C’s
Lets talk about the three C’s
We should be CONFIDENT in the Lord
Be willing to learn, because with knowledge comes power
Knowledge helps us fight temptation
We should be CONISTENT with the Lord
We should exhault God in our daily lives
Relationship building (me and my wife)
When we are consistant with good spiritual habits, we are more often reminded of our GREAT God
We should find our COMFORT in the Lord
No matter how confident you are, or how consistent you are… You WILL still be exposed to the evils of this world in some way
Having a deep trust in the Lord will grant us peace and understanding in times of trouble
What are you running towards in your life when things get tough?