Sermon 122996
Ps. 27 In the Day of Trouble 12/29/96
I. Introduction 552
We all face trouble at various times in our lives - situations & circumstances that are dreadful & even frightening. This Psalm gives us a look into the heart of a saint facing trouble. What can we learn? What benefit can we gain from this saint who lived centuries ago? …MUCH! 1Corinthians 10:11.
II. The Reality of Adversaries & Enemies
A. Natural (Jn. 15:18)
B. Supernatural (Eph. 6:12)
· Attempt to cut off communion with God & other saints (v. 4)
· Attempt to cut off other relationships (v. 10)
· Tell slanderous lies in attempt to destroy saints’ character (v. 12)
III. The Reality of a Sovereign Lord (to the saint/believer - THE LORD IS REAL!)
A. He is Light (v. 1) - reveals life & circumstances in truth! “my light”, not the light
B. He is Salvation (v. 1) - saves mightily & eternally (Blessed Assurance = “my salvation”)
C. He is a Refuge (v. 1) - the Omnipotent God (Ps. 93; Dan. 4:35) “my life”
D. He overrules the enemies’ schemes (v. 2) - Balaam, Daniel, Elijah, Israel
E. He grants courage & confidence to saints (v. 3)
IV. The Saints Heart in Time of Trouble
A. Undistracted desire for fellowship with God among the saints (v. 4)
· trouble makes times of worship & praise precious & desirable
In the Day of Trouble, pg. 2
B. Desire for the Lord’s presence & security (v. 5)
· God is the Sovereign One, the Almighty One (Is. 46:9; Mt. 28:18; Rom. 8:31)
C. Confidence in the Lord produces expressions of joy & thanksgiving (v. 6) 2Co. 2:14
D. Produces sincere prayer (v. 7-12)
· promptness in response (v. 8), honest pleading & petitions
E. Prayer produces courage & patience (v. 13-14)
· faith is renewed when we pray the truth/Word/His will (1Jn. 5:14-15)
Where are you in relationship to trouble today? Are in troubling times right now? Have you recently come through trouble or can you see trouble on the horizon - about to come? Trouble is an inevitable part of the Christian life - we live in a world that hates us, we face an unseen enemy that wants to destroy us, we have unbelieving neighbors, co-workers, classmates, relatives, spouses, children - we suffer from the effects of sin in our own souls & bodies; this world in which we live is drunk with greed, lust, covetousness, envy & every form of evil - TROUBLE CANNOT BE AVOIDED!
(2Tim. 3:12). But we are not to lose heart because of trouble, because we have an Advocate, a Deliverer; our Lord overrules enemies (seen & unseen), co-workers, spouses, neighbors, etc. His throne is high above man & all creation…..And we can hasten to His throne! If you don’t know Christ, then you are in the WORST OF TROUBLE…..Call upon Christ now, plead with Him. If you are a Christian facing trouble, do not lose heart - v. 5; you can testify with the saints of old “The Lord is my light and my salvation….The Lord is the defense of my life” WHOM SHALL I FEAR?