God's Wonderful Grace
This is the nature of God’s grace. It has no end, it knows no bound, but evermore is on the advance to greater things, which in human things is not the case—John Chrysostom
God’s grace is wonderful—wonderful the matchless grace of Jesus
God’s Unmerited Favor
God’s Unmerited Favor
Grace has been defined variously:
God’s goodness to those who deserve only punishment
God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense
Unmerited favor
What we merit: death (Rom 6:23)
Jacob—the recipient of unmerited favor (Gen 32:9-10)
A Free Gift (Eph 2:5-8)
A Free Gift (Eph 2:5-8)
Gift of God was through Jesus (Eph 2:7)
Rom 5:15-16
Not earned, not deserved.
Not even a free trial. 14 days and then 9.99 the rest of your life.
Heaven will not be our because we God’s grace saved us and then we did enough good to get there. His grace is sufficient 2 Cor 12:9. If you could convert enough people, give enough to earn your way, why would Jesus have had to die on the cross?
It Has Appeared to All (Ti 2:11)
It Has Appeared to All (Ti 2:11)
Abounded unto many (Rom 5:15) may be used by some for “limited atonement” but the idea is all (Zerwick)
Gospel is for all (Rom 1:16)
Should Be Preached and Understood
Should Be Preached and Understood
Balanced preaching demands we preach the grace of God (Rom 11:22; Jn 1:17)
We have needed more sermons over the past year on grace
Any time we preach the Word, we preach Grace (Acts 20:32)
It Teaches (Ti 2:12)
It Teaches (Ti 2:12)
Godly living (Ti 2:12)
Look for the Savior (Ti 2:13)
It is the heart of the good news
It is the heart of the good news
Because of God’s grace,
We’re alive (Eph 2:5)
We abound (2 Cor 9:8)
We rejoice (Rom 5:2)
Should Never Be Misunderstood And misapplied/It is Coupled with Faith (Eph 2:5-8)
Should Never Be Misunderstood And misapplied/It is Coupled with Faith (Eph 2:5-8)
God has brought salvation through a system of grace, faith, and obedience
Not grace alone, faith alone, or works alone. 3 legged stool—without one, it falls down
Always been the case—Noah—Gen 6:8; Heb 11:7; Gen 6:22)
It will see us through (Jam 4:6)
It will see us through (Jam 4:6)
When we struggle with guilt, worry, doubt, remember he gives more grace.
His grace is more abundant than the most heinous of sins
He gives liberally (Jam 1:5); perfectly (Jam 1:17), and abundantly (Jam 4:6)—but one must be humble
God’s grace is free, but it isn’t cheap—have you received His grace?