In our present-day age of customizable personalized experiences, we don’t like ANY restrictions on our preferences or actions. Yet, as the LORD begins to amplify His law, he tells the people HOW NOT to worship as a means of pointing them to Him. How we worship matters…because the one we worship told us so
Today many scholars deny that this is the case. They argue that the story of the exodus is not fact but fiction—a story the Israelites made up to explain where they came from. In the words of one popular rabbi, “The story of the Exodus did not happen the way the Bible depicts it, if it happened at all.… Archaeology and biblical history have demonstrated that the Bible is not intended to be taken as literal history. It is a spiritual history, and that is the way modern [people] ought to relate to the biblical text.”
1. First and Foremost
Ancient idols were made in the form of things up in the heavens, down on the earth, and under the sea. They represented various celestial objects, as well as birds, animals, and fish. But here the emphasis falls not on what idols represent but on how they are made. In those days most idols were made of silver and gold. Some were cast entirely of some precious metal; for others, a thin overlay of metal was pressed down over a wooden figure. Either way, the precious metal was part of the attraction. Idols were something to look at; they had a visual appeal.
2. Simple Worship
An altar of earth you shall make for me
you shall not build it of hewn stones, for if you wield your tool on it you profane it.