Second Coming of Christ Matt. 2441
Matt. 24:41-Second coming of Christ Sunday School 11/02/08
Matt. 24:29- Immediately after the Tribulation. The Rapture issues in the Tribulation period. Suring this period man heart gets harder and harder against God.
24:36- no one knows the exact time of his return. Although the righteous Angels have intimacy with God they will not know the exactness of his return. Even the son knows no when he will return. How is this? Although Jesus was fully God as well as fully man (John 1:1,14),when he became flesh there were some attributes that he voluntarily restricted (John 4:34, 5:30; 6:38). Jesus had some self-imposed restrictions (John 15:15).
Jesus learned many things while on earth just as we learn them, from circumstances (Luke 2:52).
24:37- The attitude that prevailed during the times of Noah (Noe) will prevail just before his return. John MacArthur explains “They will not be expecting His coming and will not care about it. Despite the perilous signs and wonders, they will simply be unconcerned about the things of the Lord, especially the prospect of His imminent return to judge them.” Though many will try to explain the terrible happenings they will just chalk it off as nature and some other explainable happening. They will look everywhere except the word of God. John MacArthur- Sinful, materialistic, hypocritical, godless mankind is willfully blind to God’s truth, no matter how compelling that truth may be. And when God’s truth exposes their wickedness, they make every effort to oppose and condemn it.
During the Tribulation period mankind will be hardened to sin as never before. Evil men will get worse and worse. Unbelievers will be deeper and deeper into their sin of course the Holy Spirit is gone as we know it so there is little restraint of evil. Marrying- people will go on with little regard for God and the things of God. They will heed no warnings they their forefathers did during the time of Noah when he was preaching and building the ark.
Also, during the Tribulations they will be many won to Christ (Rev. 7:9-14). There will be a marvelous revival in the Nation of Israel (Rom. 11:26). But, that time as a whole will be dominated by ungodliness and wickedness.
24:40-41- When Jesus does come in his second coming judgment. One will be taken away to judgment and the other left to enter the Millennium kingdom. This is the same as the Sheep and Goat judgment in 25:32-46