Facing The Unknown, But Never Alone!
The song that said that I Will Bless The Lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul shall make her boast in the Lord shall hear their oven be glad so my can fly the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together as we stand if you're able to sing our hymn of praise.
Most gracious and loving God we give thanks to you that we had this opportunity to come together in your name father. We pray that our hearts and Minds might be open and we might discern your good and perfect will for us that we might serve and glorify you and now here is his together. We pray in the fashion that Jesus told his father were saying Our Father who art in heaven Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation, but Deliver Us from Evil, but I miss a kingdom And the power and the glory forever. Amen.
Well, it's good morning. We're thrilled to death to see live people those of you who were here last Sunday. I mention the fact that 4:14 Sundays, but I kind of looked at each other and and Dixie hit over there behind the origin and accented. She got a frame to send but certainly added a lot to the service, but it's good to see real life people. And as far as I know most of our people love did very well through it.
Back to mention fact it to I don't know if I should say this or not, but you know Jeanette lost both her husband and her mother during this time, and I'm sure struggling with is so you like to say a special prayer for Jeanette during this time. The only announcement is listed will have a board meeting next Sunday at 8:30 for the first time in. Several months. So if you can make it would be glad to happy are there any other announcements we need to write?
Okay. Thank you.
Today's scripture reading he was his friend on the back of your bulletin taken from the portion to the 30th chapter of the book of Deuteronomy. Moses said I set before you today life and prosperity as well as death and destruction. I command you today to love the Lord your God to walk in his ways and to keep his commands decrees and laws. Then you will live and increase the Lord your God will bless you in the land your enduring to possess. But if your heart turns away and you're not obedient, and if you're drawing the way to bow down to other gods and worship them. I declare to you this day that you will certainly be destroyed. You will not live long in the land. You're crossing the Jordan to enter and possess. This day I call Heaven and Earth as Witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death blessings and curses. So choose life so that you and your children may live and that you made love the Lord your God. May the Lord that his richest blessing to this reading of his word together. Let us affirm our faith and he who truly is the Lord of all life. I believe that Jesus is the Christ the son of the Living God shall we pray?
or God our Father You gave us life. You gave his parents who loved this note to encourage this and pray for us. You gave a significant others who came into our lives at just the right moments and helped make the make us the person that we are. You're allowed to see born into a nation that you had prepared for us. Nation in which men and women had sacrificed not only their Blood Sweat and Tears but many gave their lives for us. You gave us the ability to choose to follow you or turn our backs up on you. You have loved us even when we were not lovable. Now we and all-americans sanded another Crossroads one very similar to the one faced by those ancient Israelites to whom you through Moses issued the challenge to choose life or death Prosperity or destruction. It is our choices now individually corporately and there's a nation. So help us dear God to choose to follow you. And all with all of our beings that we might counter something that we might be a blessing to others and that we might glorify.
In his name we pray amen.
As you know each Lord today, it is our great privilege to be invited to come about his table. Which is still located in the Fourier? To remember Christ in a very special way. She'll remember it's on the last side of his Earthly life that Jesus with gathered with his closest followers in the upper room. And there weren't quite as many of them as there are a few.
But he was speaking to them and after they had remember the events of the past and what their forefathers had gone through. Jesus said to them. from now on every time you eat this unleavened bread. Which isn't very tasty itself. He said let it serve as a reminder to you of my body my physical being that's what you have seen and touched. Or it's about to be broken.
And every time you drink the cup of wine, let it serve as a reminder to you of my blood. Which is about to be shed both of which are for the remission of your sins.
I don't know what they thought. But they had no idea what he was talkin about. It wasn't until after the next days crucifixion. And the Sunday's resurrection that it began to click began to make sense. They had to see him physically resurrected and some even had to touch his body to be sure. He was real. and then they remembered what he said then sell it was that as they gathered together. and behind locked doors for a good while They would break the bed and take the cup and they said it seemed as though he was right there with them when they did so it is our custom then each Lord's day to invite all who claimed him as Lord and savior. To break the bread and take the cup in remembrance of him as you leave. Thank you.
Our heavenly father we come before you this morning grateful grateful for the opportunity of being allowed in your house. Yes, Lord, it is we come before you this morning you bless our ministry as he brings your message to it. We ask your blessing on the cover our congregation. We thank you Lord for church family. We ask that you be with the members that could not be here this morning bless. Those that in Four Hills. We ask these things in Jesus most. Holy and precious name. Emily father we thank you for this day and many blessings you give us a recipe with us this coming week and have it to the right thing where I should be with those resumes the gift and The Giver in Jesus Christ name we pray. Amen.
on February 1st What began as a challenging adventure for a 48 year-old Texas lady? Ended abruptly 6 days. And 260 miles later.
when she took a final detour
Gartrell Rodriguez had been a runner all her life. Her latest goal was to run across Texas beginning near El Paso. To a bridge across the Sabine river that led into Louisiana the distance of more than 800 miles. All went well for about 260 miles. Until about 7 a.m. On February 7th Running alongside the the road a car veered onto the shoulder. Hit her. And continued on its way leaving the mother of two dead. Where are friend in the trading car found her a few moments later?
And by the way, they still have not found the car and driver who killed her.
as you well know we're Just finished the first year of our involvement in a while. They're calling pandemic which has circulated the worldwide and claimed the lives of approximately 1/2 million persons in the United States according to the best information I can find and I don't always trust it. But since 1200 BC. Which is a long time. 3221 years this is the 243rd recorded epidemic or pandemic that has claimed lives to this measure. So let's just think about the fact that in life we all face. uncertainties We Face the unknown. But I want to assure you that it's not unknown to God and we certainly don't do it alone.
the first example of Told you about. Is just that it's an example of things that happen.
All over the world, but especially we hear about it in the United States. Sometimes it's accidental. Sometimes it's like this purposely. We don't know the circumstances but these things happen.
Second one the course is a catastrophe which seems to happen periodically in our fallen world. Both of these illustrate that we are on this life Journey with unknowns and only one way can we be prepared for these things that that happened to us and be able to face them Yo, there are things in life that happened that we can have an umbrella to help us or put on coats or new roofs on their houses, but that doesn't cover all things.
The land of the New Testament years ago. the for a short. Of time about a hundred year. Of time the people of Israel. And Galilee from The Gather. We're a free Nation. for about a hundred year. And then They were conquered by Rome now Rome at its at its highest point pretty well occupied all of Europe and parts of North Africa.
now they provided some benefits for some of the nation's but certainly detriments for others. There are those who in the biblical lands who resented the fact that they were present. But others welcome to the piece that it seemed your brain that they were not under threat of some other great nation. Now one benefit I guess was the fact that that Rome seem to at least accept and tolerate the Jewish faith. They some in some lands they conquered they changed a lot of the customs and so forth of the people's the only real thing that they changed for the Jewish people. Dallas shooting say that it's more of a change on their part. They they remove the symbol of Caesar from the shields that They Carried because they thought of them as graven images y'all this is an image of their God and that upset the Jews so they accommodated them. They actually removed it. But still they despised these these Romans. We don't want to be a dominated people. but overall
Rome was accepting of the Jewish faith and as such when Christianity became a long they were judging called Christianity the end but the beginning of Christianity they thinking it was just an outgrowth or a part of the Jewish faith. So why not?
About 30 years after Jesus was crucified.
There was a Roman Emperor. by the name of Nero now
different every Roman Emperor like every American president is a little bit different had their own characteristics.
many say Nero was was a little bit of a lunatic and certain that he exhibited kind of weird characteristics, but One of the things he sought to do was to get rid of Christians. Now. The reason was at this time, I shouldn't really two reasons they They were growing rapidly and he saw them as a threat to the Jerome itself over here was a people at work who are actually multiplying Christianity was growing rapidly under the Roman Empire because of the peace and so forth that it afforded so they began to see it as a threat. Now at the same time. Libra wanted to he was a bit of the egotist. He wanted everything to kind of point to him. And so he he he said about trying to get rid of the other Christian and part of the reason part of the way. He did it. He saw him say something that he set fire to the city of Rome to destroy it while blaming the Christians for it in order that he could rebuild it to his own Glory. Now that makes any sense. You can see how the real assault. how to take out a tried to kill to Soldier for invert he did have his ways but even went further than that, it was under Nero that Christians were being persecuted very open. They they were being used in the Colosseum to as Gladiators to fight each other or to fight wild animals. he also Use them as human torches in his Gardens he would have them tied to stakes and set him afire ball. He raced through the through the Garden in his Chariot Stark naked y'all. He was he was quite a genius and his time. He was a little bit little bit weird. But now we have to remember that it was during this time that important things happened. It was under the leadership of Nero that both Peter and Paul were first of all Races are riding zebras during this time that their letters and so forth were written. In fact, all of the the New Testament was written. during the. Of Roman domination but Nero was the one who took the life of both Peter and Paul Paul was beheaded in 66 ad and Peter was crucified upside down about 1 year. Later. So he was an important figure in the happenings of the early church. It's hard for us today to imagine what life was like in early for those shower today Christians, but Certainly Christianity was spreading even it seemed as though the more pressure that was put up on the church. The more people would grow.
Kind of like somebody I've said like a modern-day cancer kind of spread. Doubt, I don't know how much persecution this going on in the world today. Depends on what you read. I read the documents from I forget the name of the organization that stalker something about the the persecution of end of Christians throughout the world. And in many places thousands are being killed so far. So far in America, we have not really felt persecution. We felt to government pressure to not hold Church publicly in and saying it's because of the Cove in it remains to be seen what will happen there. But certainly we live in the world of uncertainties.
Atrocities Wicked Ways. We can all see that all you have to do is listen to the 6:00 news. But we also exist in the body. That is made to not be permanent. It's subject to all kinds of illnesses and accidents. That's the way were made. So, how do we face the future? and try to survive well
first of all, we have to realize that the future is unknown to us. You're the past is past is past. This is the moment we have what lies ahead we don't know.
But as a Christian we can say God knows what lies ahead. Any kind of tries to guide us through the present so that we can be prepared for the future, but certain date we do not know it.
Where did young lady? Graduated from our high school in 2010. Then say that long ago soon be 11 years. She was an outstanding young lady. Start me an outstanding athlete. outstanding scholar beautiful young lady very outgoing very active in her church. She was one of these people that never met a stranger. She was in the encourager too many others and she had she had her following, you know, just mentioned her name and and people's faces with light up.
She had unlimited potential one moment. And she was a dead mangled lifeless body the next. She was involved in an automobile accident in the twinkling of an eye. things change
Recently, I've known to young ladies. Whose lives were both cut short, I would say they were not in the prime of their life, but they were on the cusp of entering the prime of their lives Savor one was 22 and the other was 19. Who are diagnosed with a brain tumors inoperable brain tumors? Neither one lived more than two years. In fact, one of them lived in 11 months after diagnosis.
This is only to say that.
life is tedious life is is a precious
life is fragile. Yeah, there's no guarantee. So how do we live in a world? Yet remain saying and able to work and walk in the world knowing that. We are terminal. We are human subject to all kinds of things.
When I lived in Fort Worth in seminary. I became friends with the lady that. She had bars on all of her windows and their doors. And she never went out of her house.
and course I asked about it and she lived in the neighborhood of that had lots of break-ins and so forth and I said why don't you move? I've lived here for X number of years. This is my home. But she was a prisoner in her own house.
There are those who are prisoners in their own bodies.
Life can be different and scary for many people.
You know when? when the Israelites left Egypt
under the leadership of course of BOCES They cross over the the Red Sea and headed toward Canaan their home to be there holding that God had promising.
They are they could have a ride there in 11 days. I'm not sure give or take a few days. They got there.
And they looked across and Moses said this is the land that God has given us.
All we have to do is cross the Jordan River. And go in and settle down.
and there were those who said What about those wall cities? We see over there.
It looks like there. Gyro fortified it would it would take a struggle? They don't I don't we believe that they would welcome us to just walk in and make ourselves at home and most said well no real have to conquer them. But keep in mind that God is with us. The same God that that worked all of these Miracles back in Egypt to free us from our slavery and to set us free that we could leave that country remember him.
and they said we don't want to go we'd rather go back home would rather go back to Egypt the only life we've ever known. And make bricks and be slaves.
And so it was that they and their ancestors spent the next 40 years wandering around in the wilderness until they all died off and they're Children didn't grandchildren then were used under the leadership of Joshua to go in and take over the land.
Which points out a second thing that God is willing to give us the opportunity. The guy that has the backing to do these things, but we have to be willing to accept his leadership. And accept him at his word.
It was in that vein many years later.
That they had a contest. Do you remember one of the one of the highlights I guess of the Old Testament? Is many years after the people were finally settled in the land of Canaan? In fact, they became so settled they went through three kings and then they divided so they became two separate Nations. And they forgot all about the struggle said that they had been their ancestors had been through but God brought them through. And now they were worshipping other gods, especially in the Northern Kingdom of Israel. And so God sent Elijah. He said about you to go and talk to my people remind them of who made are and whose they are.
And so God started Elijah started posting posters all around the towns. Show the contest it's coming up. We're going to have this big Superbowl. And it's going to be a contest between God. and Satan
So they gathered doubt have to remember that the Israelites the occupants of the northern kingdom. their Church They thought it in order to worship God you had to get as close to him as possible. So they had to go to the highest mountain in their land which was Mount Carmel you get on top of the of the mountain you're closer to God then and he can hear you and you can hear him. Sorry, Elijah said we'll go to your church. They're on the top of Mount Carmel and we'll have a contest.
Part of Elijah's pep talk I guess he said we have choices to make.
You said how long? How long do you intend to vacillate between these two choices? You have to decide are you going to serve God? Are you going to serve Satan? Serve God or sin. It's up to you.
If if the Lord is God then follow him. but if Baal then follow him. Michael Choice one way or the other decide today. It's that important and then he put on this big demonstration. Showing how God was much more powerful than bail. choices have consequences
It's important who we choose as our leader.
Shortly before Moses turned over the reins of leadership to Joshua. He knew his days were numbered and he gathered the people together and he said to them. In our scripture reading I set before you life. and prosperity or death and destruction I gave you a choice. You choose. But I would hope that you will choose life. For you and your children to truly had life. That's up to you. You have to choose. I think God's is says the same same thing to us today. It's your choice. You can choose to follow the ways of the world. Or you can follow God's way.
Now they're both filled with unknowns. One way is not total Clarity, you know, it's not too everything is is just laid out that everything's going to be perfect. If we choose God is our Lord that doesn't guarantee that we're not going to have struggles. We could be just a subject as the young lady who was run over while she was running.
ice life that's one of the problems we have is filled with unknowns and with dangers. but I'd rather have God on my side and fear no evil. Then to be out on my own with not knowing what happens next. I've known people that.
Reminded me of a story.
I read this many years ago supposedly a factual thing. You know, I've never understood the life of a monk. monks lived in castles for closers and in some cases they they never spoke a word. They never went outside. the castle door closer They are very strange lifestyle. But in this particular one, no one ever spoke a word. They had no kind of everything was pretty dark in there. They put candles on the toes of their shoes.
And just remember just like oh how much light a little candle puts out. Their faith was demonstrated by following in that darkness that little circle of light. That's all they could see so that was supposed to say to demonstrate the amount of Faith. They had of in a dark world. Just stressing that little circle of light.
I'm so glad that God is bigger than a little circle of light.
God's not going to tell us what the next moment hose. but if we trust him if let's pray. Most gracious and loving God father. We rejoice in knowing that you are greater than any force on Earth. That you're more body than any power that we know of. Help us to trust you father help us to place our hands in yours and say my heart is yours use me lead me as you see fit in Christ's name. We pray. Amen. our closing hymn is number to 65 Shelby Sanders who received the first verse only number 265
How did the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be very gracious and to you. May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace now and forever for on me.