Good morning LRBC, it’s great to see you all. Welcome all of you that are joining us online, whether you are watching live with us this morning, or watching at some other time through the week, I want to welcome you and invite you to comment this morning with your favorite worship song, or hymn. You can even drop a link in the comments to a video of that song, then we can all worship later with you. To those of you that are joining us in person, well we have had the great opportunity to worship together this morning and we are hopeful that the worship this morning was a blessing to you. There is a couple of things that I would like to address and make sure we are all on the same page this morning. This past Tuesday I sent out an email to all those that are on the church mailing list. By the way, if you do not receive our emails, then I want to encourage you to reach out to the office and get yourself on the mailing list, you can do that by email, phone, or even send us a message online through Facebook, whatever is easiest to you. Anyway, I sent out an email updating everyone on our new Covid protocols moving forward as a church. There are a couple of of things that I would like to highlight real quick this morning. First of all, on Easter Sunday we will be moving our seating back to a more normal seating arrangement. There will still be some seating available in a social distant manner, but the majority will be a bit closer together again. Although, I have heard that having the largely walkways has been nice, so we may figure out how to keep those…:) Secondly, on April 11th we will be celebrating 20 years in our current worship facility. That is a big deal, and so we will be having a party afterwards! Yes, we are bringing back a potluck meal! You will hear more about that in the coming weeks as the Deaconesses give us guidance on how that will happen. Finally, on April 18th we will be bringing back our Children’s Church time during the services once again. I know the kids are all super excited about that! You guys have got to be tired of listening to me all morning. I know your parents are :). That will be followed on April 24th with the return of all of our Adult and Kid’s Bible Study happening immediately after services each and every Sunday morning. I know we are all excited about this happening and will eagerly step up to both serve and participate in these opportunities. We will have some changing adult classes from time to time, and our kid’s classes will all be unified with Children’s Church and with every age group. I am so excited about the discipleship that will be happening in these rooms every Sunday once again, and I am hopeful that you will be excited about that as well!