Untitled Sermon (2)
shrink back
what do/what time does the former days refer back to?
Enlightened refers to salvation right?
“Being partners” what does that refer to? What does that infer about their relationship?
How is compassion on those in prison connected to the plundering of your property?
Better possession - heaven, Christ, eternal salvation? (It is qualified as abiding)
Confidence, what is this confidence in?
How does this confidence lead to great reward?
What is the will of God in this passage?
What is promised to us? heaven, eternity in the presence of Christ?
“Yet a little while”, is this the same idea as the “last days”? In that we are living in them now, we are in the midst of tribulation, and the return of Christ is immanent?
Coming one - Christ?
How is the return of Christ no being delayed if he does not return now? (Easiest answer, “yet a little while” predicates a time where it will be right before the return of Christ, then Christ will not delay but He will return. The thing for us though, is that we are not at that little while yet, we still have to wait a little longer.
“righteous one” - is this still referring to believers? Is it just singular because of the passage it is quoting from?
What does “shrinking back” look like?
The soul of God?
“No pleasure in him” Is that person unsaved then? Or receives no/fewer heavenly rewards.
“Shrink and are destroyed” How does that enlighten our understanding of what shrinking back is referring to?
“Preserve their souls” Do we preserve our souls? Does our faith preserve it? Can we loose our salvation?
I think this passage is introducing us to the idea of faith which it will expound on in chapter 11. How is it setting up for chapter 11 then?
This passage is in contrast. You see this from the “but.” It is in contrast to sinning deliberately and trampling underfoot the Son of God.
“but remember the former days” does this infer that they have now fallen into what vv. 26-31 are warning about? Is the author calling them back to their previous reality/relationship/way that they related to Christ?
vv. 26-31 seems to be a warning and not an indictment against the Hebrews. Warning them of the danger of sinning deliberately.
Flow of vv. 19-39
Stir up one another to good works
Danger if you don’t and remain in sin
But remember how you have suffered and endure shame for the Gospel. Remember what God has already brought you through and continue to be more faithful.