Agape Bible Study - Micah
Context of Micah
Context of Micah
Late 700s B.C. (~735-690), in the southern Kingdom of Judah.
Contemporary of Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, and Jonah.
Micah’s name means “Who is like YHWH?”
Micah prophesied during the reigns of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah.
Of these, only Hezekiah was a righteous king, who set out idols and restored the Passover celebration in Jerusalem.
Micah prophesied mainly in the time between the fall of Israel (around 720 B.C.) and the fall of Jerusalem ~100 years after his death (586 B.C.)
Structure of Micah
Structure of Micah
1-2: the transgression of the people, with the hope of redemption at the end
3-5: God will come and reign, He will reign from a king born through David from Bethlehem
6-7: Where is God? Who is steadfast as He is?
Each section begins with “Hear”
Discussions From Micah
Discussions From Micah
What is the text saying in Micah 2:6-11?
This is a part where the people raise objections and doubts about Micah’s teachings, they ask “would God really be like you say?” in v6-7. But Micah reminds them of the vastness of their sin
What does it mean that this section in immediately followed by Micah 2:12-13?
What is the hope of the people in Micah?
Jesus, in Micah 5
We flow from Micah 4, where God makes peace in the land among His people, into Micah 5 where the new king comes into play.
Shepherd imagery for the coming savior Micah 5:5
Reflections of the great commision Micah 5:7-15
Interesting contrast in the imagery of the dew and the imagery of the lion. How are we like the dew and the lion? How can we be both?!