Genesis 1:1-2:3: In the Beginning God...
Pictures from congregation - Psalm 19:1-4
Bible makes a radical claim: the earth didn’t happen by chance - random molecules and atoms colliding together in a Big Bang - man didn’t evolve over millions of years from lesser lifeforms - instead - a glorious God created everything we see and know, and because of that He is to be honored and worshipped.
Genesis - a long book. An old book. A confusing book. BUT a necessary and foundational book.
Context: Hebrew people delivered by God from Egypt.
In the wilderness, two questions:
1. Who is this God who rescued us? Genesis not written to convince the Hebrews that there was a god… They knew that, but who was their God? In Egypt, the Hebrews were exposed to many gods. What makes the Hebrew God distinct from all the other gods?
2. Who are we? We were slaves for 400 years. Why did our God wait to rescue us? Do we not matter to Him? Do we have any purpose? As they wandered the wilderness aimlessly
You have those same questions…
Hebrews familiar with some of their history - oral tradition - stories about Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Jacob and Esau passed down from generation to generation, but now, Moses, inspired and led by the Spirit of God, writes down the ancient history of God’s people.
This is Israel’s story. This is our story.
We’re all interested in Genesis because we want to know our origins. We want to know where we came from. Genesis doesn’t answer all the questions we have. No info on how old the earth is, existence of dinosaurs, etc.
Not a science book or history book even though accurate when it speaks to science and history. Genesis is a GOD book. Moses wants us to know who Go is and how God relates with the people He created.
How do I should I live in response to the God who created everything? 3 Ways
I must pay close attention to God’s Word.
I must pay close attention to God’s Word.
In the beginning - Eternal God...
In the beginning - He created - all we see and know. vs. 2 - earth formless and empty - darkness and deep waters - The earth in its “not yet” state awaiting the creative Word of God - God saw the earth as a raw mass of potential.
God about to bring order out of the chaos. His Spirit hovered over the earth… (Trinity in Genesis 1… Gen. 1:26, John 1, Colossians 1). Deuteronomy 32:11 - Spirit like a momma bird - ready to nurture - ready to act on the Word of the Father.
Creation ex nihilio - “from nothing.” Didn’t collect molecules and atoms and started forming. From nothing, He spoke, and what He commanded came into existence (Psalm 33:6).
God is purposeful in His creative work - in complete control. 6 days - 8 creative acts. Days 1-3 God forms the earth to make it habitable. Days 4-6 God fills the earth.
How long is a day? How old is the earth? Most natural reading is a 24 hour day. BUT… the age of the earth or how long’s a day is not the point. The point is that the God who rescued the Hebrews from Egypt is the one true God, and He is POWERFUL!
Day 1 - God spoke and there was light. Doesn’t create the sun until the 4th day. Likely that Moses wants us to know God is the ultimate source of light, not the sun… we’ll see why in a few minutes. . Darkness = night. Darkness is not to be feared. It’s created by God for His purpose - a rhythm to life - day and night.
Day 2 - Separation of the waters - an expanse - the sky above and the waters below. The sky holding back the waters (rain.) Think of an ancient describing the rains.
Day 3 - Land - a place for vegetation to grow - fruit trees. (Already has the Garden of Eden in mind - a place of provision - lush fruit for Adam and Eve to enjoy.)
Days 4-6 God fills his earth.
Day 4 - Sun and Moon - Note that Moses doesn’t say “sun” and “moon” but “greater light” and “lesser light” “as well as the stars.” Why? Two powerful Egyptian gods that the Hebrews well aware of: Ammon-Ra the sun god and Khons, the moon god.
Genesis 1 an apologetic against false gods. Hebrews exposed to gods in Egypt, and when they entered the Promised Land they would be exposed to the gods of Canaan. Moses: There’s only one God - and it’s not the sun god or the moon god. God created the sun and the moon - and the stars too. The lights in the sky are not gods - they are a part of God’s creation.
Day 5 - fish and birds - the creativity of God - 34,400 species of fish - 250 new species a year. 18,000 species of birds.
Day 6 - animals and man - 6,495 species of mammals - and man - intelligent - created with the ability to create and achieve.
All of creation points a creator - a powerful and majestic God. (Staci in Asheville… “What do I get to do for fun?” You get to see God’s creation…)
The universe is the result of a powerful God who has ordered His creation for His purpose - not random molecules colliding in a Big Bank or are humans the result of evolution.
I must pay close attention to God’s Word.
God’s Word reveals His power (creates everything with the sound of His voice.)
God’s Word reveals His character. (Jesus present at creation - (John 1, Colossians 1 - Jesus “the Word” - the ultimate revelation of God is full of truth and grace - John 1).
God’s Word reveals His love. (The cross - Jesus, the Creator, said, “Father forgive them...”)
“And God said...” Ten times… Another time God spoke ten times in the Torah - Ten Commandments (Ten words) - The One who gave you His law created all things by His Word. The One who speaks to you is powerful… Moses to Hebrews - This God who has spoken His creation into existence has spoken to you (Ten Commands). Listen to Him!
Genesis 1 screams: Take God seriously!
He is NOT the Big Man upstairs.
He’s NOT out there somewhere.
Do you take God seriously? Biggest problem in your life is that you don’t take God seriously enough… Biggest problem in our church… Biggest problem in our culture…
I must represent God well on this earth.
I must represent God well on this earth.
“Let us” vs. 26 - The Trinity
Question of ancient Hebrews: “Why am I here?” To fulfill God’s purpose for your life.
Made in His Image. John Calvin: a mirror - made to reflect the glory of God throughout the world. You are His representative on this earth.
Created for relationship with God - In His image implies that you now the One you’re made in the image of.
Created for relationship with each other - male and female - distinct image bearers but complementary. (Good word for our gender sensitive culture.)
Created to rule - God is King who invites you to rule with Him. Tremendous responsibility to care for His creation. NOT enslaved on this earth but furthering God’s glory on this earth.
Genesis 1 - HUGE for Ancient Hebrews. “You’re not slaves living a meaningless existence for some cruel master! You are loved by God, the true Master, and you are given divine responsibility. The earth is yours to care for and cultivate. (Think Promised Land) The earth is yours to fill with the glory of God as you multiply the image of God throughout the earth.” God brought Hebrews out of slavery for divine purpose: to be a great nation (Gen. 12) that would bless the earth by pointing people to the very Creator God who rescued them from Egypt. Genesis 1 screams GRACE!
HUGE for you.
If you’ve ever questioned if your life matters, these verses are for you.
See yourself as God sees you! See people as God sees them!
You have value and worth in the eyes of God (You are not an afterthought, and you were not created for slavery. Don’t settle for it!)
You represent God by reflecting His glory. (You represent God - In your work - when you give your best, you represent God who gives His best, when you work creatively, you represent God who works creatively, when you put the needs of others of others above your own, you represent Jesus who laid down His life for us. Representing God gives you an opportunity to talk about God.)
Why do I question my purpose? Why do I question my value? Why do I not live out my responsibility? Broken mirrors - stained by sin - BUT God desires to restore His image in you. Col. 1:5 - Jesus is the IMAGE of the invisible God. We can’t represent God perfectly, but Jesus did.
God puts the mirror pieces back together and gives us rest…
I must rest in the goodness of God.
I must rest in the goodness of God.
“It was good...” six times. “It was very good...” seventh time.
7th day - God rested - ceased from His creative work. It was finished, and it was good.
You know who rested in ancient days? Conquering kings… A king rested when he had no enemies left. Pharoah rested - he was the most powerful man in the world. Later on, King David rested “…the Lord had given him rest on every side from all his enemies” (2 Sam. 7:1).
Moses: “Here’s your king. He’s done far more than winning a war. He’s created everything you see and know. No one has power over God. He is good! He has rest on every side.”
Seventh day - completion and pattern - a rhythm. You need to take time to rest - to enjoy the fruit of your labor - to be refreshed spiritually - to enjoy God. Many of us never take the time to rest.
Take a nap. In our culture we shame people who rest and idolize people who work all the time. God says, “Rest.”
Mt. Sinai - 4th command - Rest - Remember the creative work of God, but also, remember your redemption. He’s brought you out of Egypt. He’s freed you from your enemy. Rest! (Deuteronomy 5:15)
For Hebrews - Rest? 400 years of slavery - never rest. Now, one day a week - rest and remember. Rest! What a gift!
What a gift for you! REST! So many of us feel RESTLESS - But, the God of all creation says, “Rest in me. I’ve created you for me. I’ve defeated your enemies. I’ve set you free from slavery. Trust me. Rest in me.”
What keeps you up at night:
Your fear.
Your worries and anxieties.
Your shame and guilt.
An invitation to cease striving and know that He is a good God.
BUT, you need something better than a nap. Ultimately, an invitation to a better rest - Hebrews 4:9-11. Jesus IS our sabbath. He gives us real rest. Rest from guilt and shame. Rest from condemnation. Rest knowing that our lives our secure in His hands.
Have you trusted in the ONE who gives you rest? The Gospel: The creator of all stepped into His creation. God created a good world, but we stained His creation with our sin. We rebelled and deserve punishment. But, Jesus, the King, stepped into His creation to rescue us from sin and death - to give us rest, to restore the image of God in us, and renew our purpose. Turn from your sins and turn to Him.