Refreshed and Renewed mind

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Refreshed and Renewed mind

.Over the last little while i we have been speaking about some of the different aspects of Jesus character, that enabled him to do all he did and are what made his ministry so effective and powerful.
. Today i want to begin by talking about the mind of Jesus, one thing that shows up so clearly to me as i read the bible concerning Jesus in the gospels but also throughout the old testament.
. Is that Jesus/God’s mind always had such clarity and focus on the ultimate goal and the ultimate purpose being the salvation of mankind.
. I have not ever found through my reading of scripture any moment that God or Jesus was confused, or did not know where to go or what to do, or any moment where there was anything but complete clarity in his mind about what needed to be done.
. There was always a clear picture and direction of what was next and what needed to be done and needed to be said.
. How many of us would be able to say the same thing? how many of us would be able to say that we always complete clarity in our minds??
. I believe this is something that God wants for us, his desire is for the minds of his people to be stayed on him that we have complete clarity and focus and vision. however it requires a transformation in our minds!
Romans 12:2 NKJV
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
. The reality is the the world we live in and the enemy who is against wants to fill our minds with all kinds of rubbish, and all kinds of things that take away from the clarity of mind that God wants us to have.
I think most of us understand that the satan will do anything to take our minds of the things of God to take our mind out of his word, and puts things in front of us in our lives that stop us from seeing clearly the picture that God wants us to be able to see regarding our who we are in Christ, regarding our future and regarding the purposes God has created each of us for!
. God has always had and will always have complete clarity of mind concerning his plan for us, and he wants us to have that same clarity!
. I had this picture/vision while praying last week two dials on the sides of heads, one tuned to Gods frequency that he controlled and one that we controlled, his one in always tuned in correctly, its the one we have control of that gets messed up. (follow with thought of multiple radio frequency's
. you see when a clear picture and we have clarity usually our mind is at peace and we could say that we are focused, but its when our minds are filled with all the other rubbish that we begin to play with that dial and that when the picture becomes fuzzy.
. and when things become fuzzy is when we tend to lose our peace of mind
Isaiah 26:3–4 NKJV
You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever, For in Yah, the Lord, is everlasting strength.
. This perfect peace is something we all long for and desire, and something that scripture tells us as we just read is available, so why is it that we don't seem to be able to hold onto it??
. Its because our mind and our thoughts do not stay on God or on his word! his word is our guide, the word of God is what give us peace and firstly if we are not reading it we will not be able to get this peace, and even for those of us who do read it if we don't continue to think of and remember the words that we read that's when we lose this peace.
. When our thoughts drift to all the things going on in the world, when our mind drifts to how am i meant to keep going through all of this stuff, when our minds drift to our struggles, what we are really doing is allowing our minds to be stayed/focused on our struggles rather than the word of God, which is the source of our peace.
.my struggle with this while i was sick! for a time i was able to stay focused, until i then allowed my thoughts to stay on how i felt rather than what Gods Word said and i lost that peace.
. what my heart is that we all understand today, is that just as Jesus always had clarity and focus of mind while he was on earth and as God has always been focused and had clarity of his plan we to can have that, our natural mind would tell us that is impossible.... but!
1 Corinthians 2:16 NKJV
For “who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?” But we have the mind of Christ.
. The mind of Christ that was stayed on the word, on his father and on his purpose.... we to have that mind, but it requires not thinking/living in the natural, but the Spirit part of us being in control… We have the mind of Christ!
. I want to pray for those of you today who know that your mind has not been stayed on God, and you do not have that clarity or that peace which comes with it.
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