The Threat from Within Numbers 22 - 25:18
The defeat of the Amorites and Bashanites suggested the way was clear for Israel’s conquest of the promised land. Before entering the land, Israel would, however, face obstacles to God’s promise of land. The first obstacle was external—the threat of curse from Balaam (22:2–24:25); the second, internal—the threat of compromise to the sexual standards of the Moabites (25:1–18). Dockery, D.S. ed., 1992. Holman Bible Handbook, Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers.
1) We are called to be faithful and focused when we face life’s obstacles
This time, burning with rage, Moses struck the rock rather than speaking as the Lord had instructed him. Numbers later describes Moses’ sin as a failure to respect God’s holiness (27:14). Moses’ rash act resulted in a blessing for Israel—abundant water—but a curse for Moses—rebuke and exclusion from the promised land (20:10–13).