"Do You See this Woman?": Lessons from a City Girl

It is Women’s History month and I’m excited to celebrate the contributions of Women to history, Black History, and the history of Christianity. And just like with Black history, we need it.
In 1964 at the Democratic Convention the newly organized Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDC) stood before the Credentials Committee to request to be the official delegates of the at the National Democratic Convention. They had the support of the Studen Nonviolent Coordination Committee SNCC under the southern leadership of James Forman, NAACP Aaron Henry, SCLC Martin Luther King, Congress of Racial Equality James Farmer. And while at the convention Dr. King was able to give a testimony as to why he felt the MFDC should represent the Mississippi democrats at the convention. Fannie Lou Hamer sat before the Credentials Committee and told her story. (President Lyndon B. Johnson)

Her Faith is Bold (v.36-39)

She shows up unannounced and uninvited.
She offers Jesus all of herself. She is able to worship Jesus without any shame of her reputation because Jesus doesn’t care about where you come from and what you have done.
She is crying. Why? We don’t know because Luke doesn't say. But, I have a few ideas as to why she may have been crying. As a person who has both been forgiven by Jesus and experienced his Love.
Her faith is bold, while Simon’s faith is missing. First of “If this man were a Prophet...” already lets me know he does not know who Jesus is. Simon makes some projections.

Her faith is Loving (v.40-46)

Jesus knows what Simon is saying to himself. And that is reason enough to believe Jesus is the Christ. “I have something to say to you.” Then he proceeds to lay out a parable to Simon the Pharisee.
Do you see this Woman? Jesus is drawing to the attention of the Pharisee that what he supposed about the woman initially was not the current reality. (Preach) You cannot judge someones heart. So, the limits we can evaluate someone is by their fruit. But, we can always see someone. And the first thing we need to recognized when we are looking at a person is knowing that they are 1. Created in the image of God. 2. Created for God’s Purpose
Then Jesus now uses this woman's faith and works a spiritual mirror over and against Simons false projections.

Her Faith is Saving (v.47-50)

Her sins, which are many, have been forgiven. And take note of this Jesus doesn’t deny that she has many sins, he denies that she is a sinner. As evidenced by her affection, sacrifice, and charity towards Jesus.
Your sins are forgiven. This statement is confirmation of something she already knew. He is not informing her, he is reminding her. (Preach)
“Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” Her faith had saved her.
Go in peace. eirene=shalom: Peace with God, Peace within her self, but for a Jew such as Jesus peace also meant “peace, harmony, wholeness, completeness, prosperity, welfare, blessings and tranquility”
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