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Amen, if you got your Bibles tonight.

We're just a few minutes. Google turn over to the book of Titus.

Titan the book of Titus is not a real long book. So you don't you don't I mean you don't hear it mentioned like you do any one of the four gospels. I mean, it's a it's a small book with three chapters in it to me. It's a book that goes right along hand-in-hand with 1st and 2nd Timothy. The reason that I see that is the old Apostle Paul. I was always encouraging his young son in the gospel Timothy. on on on how to fight a good fight on on what to what to do going forward as far as the continuing furtherance of the gospel and and he was even though you don't see him referring to Titus as much as you do Timothy the message that he hadn't for Titus is a message we find in Titus is is along those same lines and tonight we're going to read a few verses and and I do not think the older I get the more I preached the more. I feel like a broken record. Sometimes that I sometimes think, you know both probably think that you only about three messages and and if you say that I'm saying you're pretty generous. I thought it was like to but but none the less. It seems like here lately is just had my mind said in a certain place and has he led me into Titus? No doubt. He's he's not letting me a escaping set my focus on a different avenue, but I'm thankful for that. Amen. And So let's just read the word tonight and we'll let the Lord fill in the the blanks for sale. Amen. Amen. In the book of Titus Chapter 3. We're going to begin reading with verse number one.

This is the Apostle as I mentioned earlier. given given some instructions On what to do?

He says put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers to obey Magistrate's to be ready to every good work. The speaking evil of no man to be no Brawlers, but gentle showing all meekness unto all men. For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish. disobedient deceived serving divers lusts and Pleasures living in Malice and envy hateful and hating one another and you know, probably everyone of us sitting in here tonight can say yeah. I remember being there. I remember is feeling some of those things.

But after that you're by same man, but after that the kindness and love of God our savior toward man up here not by works of righteousness, which we have done. But according to his Mercy he saved us. By the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the Holy Ghost which he shared on us abundantly through Jesus Christ Our Savior that being justified by his grace. We should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life. This is a faithful saying and these things I will that dial-up firm. keyword constantly that they would have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable and everybody say unto me. Father we love you. We praise you. We thank you Lord for a beautiful day today Lord with just thank you for the way you have just ministered to our hearts Lord through song. Tonight Lord. We thank you for your word. Will God. We just pray that your word would just bless our hearts tonight Lord that it would Speak Life unto us draw service or close them to yourself and for all the prayer request tonight Lord, and and even those that may not have been mentioned father. We hold each one until you just bring the night father that you would undertake is only you can do and Lord. We just we would give you praise as long as we have breath in our lungs in the name of Jesus Amen and amen what a beautiful reading and go back and try to break down everything that we read our or are you show you what this meaning is or what that mean? It is. I think that he Nails it down perfectly. I think that he reminds us in his word. Who we used to be and in and I will say this I don't live in the past but I don't I don't I don't forget my past and I tell you whine and brother. Ronnie said it very well over there this evening when we had prayer with him is is is I keep it fresh in my mind where God has brought me from because it it it it it it reads A Renewed appreciation for what he has done for me a Manning and in these vs. He he listed a lot of things and some of those things you may not have ever been a victim of or you may not ever took all of them or so forth. But what he covered just about everything that every Avenue where every road that you and I might have ever gone down and and and what I love about it. Amen is is is he brought them about 2 to bring them? Anna remembers in our minds, but he didn't want you to stay there.

Matter fact I like the way he said it and I mean this is just so good. He said but after that, I don't know about you three words mean so much to me is yeah, when all that stuff happens, right? But after that then then then we got to say it like that down to the good stuff. Amen. He said it this way he said but after that the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man up here and and while he made me speaking about the moment for all of mankind, I only really know about my moment I preach about the moment that that that love was should have brought for all of mankind, but I can only testify in a good way about the moment it here. It appeared unto me in the moment that I seized that blessed invitation. He offered in Des and I mean it is so beautiful. And I guess before I can get to where I want to go. I just got to stop in and say a few things about it and Paul did reminded. Amen Arsenal versus he said hey, he said not by any righteous in your work that we might have done it and I said this the other day and I don't know how you're going to feel about me saying this but I'm just firmly believe this is is there's nothing righteous about Brad Noble apart from Christ Jesus with my greatest effort that I could put forth. I could be religious but I just can't see when in myself there could be any good righteous thing about me, but praise be to God Amen that that why would the word says How we were yet sinners. Amen. God showed his love unto us in that what and that he gave his only begotten son or in that Christ. Jesus offered his life a ransom for you. And I and what it says right there this that that that there came a moment. Amen when when I righteousness it was made obvious. It was no good in it, and that's when God truly Shed his love Upon Us in that cry synonym in the verse Luther that died for you. And I that we might have one that we might have life and we might have it more abundantly in the righteousness. Amen that you and I walk in today is the righteousness will close with in Christ Jesus. Amen, absolutely. Well, I feel good this evening. Praise the Lord. I feel so good. I got two pair of glasses this evening. born

Estimated Doublemint gum. Amen.

Amen, he says not by works of righteousness, which we have done. Aubrey and tonight do you understand? You have been a recipient of a gift? blessed gift he said but according to his Mercy he saved us. By the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ Our Savior. That being justified by his grace better. He says that we may be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life. You know, I've never received a phone call. And said, hey, oh such and such passed away and we're fixing to read his wheel in your named in it. I mean I've never in it and if if I ever get that phone calls probably going to be there. I got to pay this bill or something. I mean to be my luck. You leave me a tractor that got burnt up years. I mean to be something it probably won't be profitable. Are you inside never got that phone call, but when I read this in and I think about the scripture verse that tells me that we become joint heirs with Christ Jesus into an eternal inheritance. I don't know about you but man I get excited when I read the word where he speaks of me being an air Amen on to an eternal promise and they several things that I love about it and are she recognizes ownership? And when you do the talkin about promises a mental problem from Christ, Jesus isn't internal one and and and I don't know how much better. I promise you can get the one that will last throughout time a man in the end. And we sang that she sang the song tonight about heaven sounding sweeter all the time. Amen. And we're able to sing that song we're able to feel that song that song Amen because Christ Jesus has has showed us amen through through through the inspiration of the Holy goes what's to come? He's giving us a little feeling a little a little Glimpse. Amen and Dad and then threw his worried about what's waiting on a slow. I love the fact that the Apostle is sitting here and in and I love the way he's bringing this thing up. He's I'm going to just to just convinced that he's basically said, you know that was you back then but but in the fullness of time or he said but after that, Amen, that that that God has called you into a a a higher calling in and he's shed his grace and his mercy upon you through Christ. Jesus to the point that now you are an heir of an eternal promise. I don't know about y'all, but I'll leave that sounds great in tonight. If those words don't excite you find most mosio Woods is your cornbread ain't done in the middle if that don't excite you or your firewood is wet It excites me. Listen what it says.

Now he's quoted that in that silver. She said that being justified by his grace. We should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life. This is a faithful saying.

and these things I will or or I want

You to affirm amongst yourselves constantly.

What did he what did he mean by that?

He's saying that the role that Christ Jesus has played in purchasing mining your Redemption. He's saying don't ever don't don't ever come to a place where that is not consistently priest talked talked about sharing with others. Do you realize that you can't you can't witness salvation unto someone is lost without reflecting on on that. You can that you can love on women in insurance and things with him, but when it comes down to Salvation coming into their life, you got to go by the way of the Cross and another way of person and he said no and he said you need to constantly reaffirm. This thing amongst yourself constantly don't know what these words grow cold. Don't put them on the Shelf. Don't let them grow. Don't let them grow them amen. But but but you only think I want to meditate on them matter fact, he started

There's a lot of sayings that that float around. I've got a ton of them that came from my grandfather. Probably the first one that comes to my mind is if you can't say something good about somebody don't say nothing at all. Probably second say it is is he used to tell me early in the morning time sun? We're going to lose a crop if you don't get out of the bed and that was a faithful saying that he said to me all the time. I never could understand why you had to pick for you before you can even see outside. I mean, let's get up have a big breakfast. And I mean, my mother was us wait until it's 104 outside to go do it. No wonder Papo said that to me in and he said it was so meant to say is he said in and he used to say son. Don't don't believe half of what you see and nothing that you hear a lot of sayings that float around that people adopt over the years. But my goodness this saying that he's referring to he's he's referring to this truth. And what he's saying is is is the truth contained in the message of the gospel of Christ. Jesus is is faithful and solid. And sound and an m and it's that message a man that that he saying. Hey you hang on to that and you affirm that concert. Let's just move on if we're going to get where we want to go here. Just a minute maybe. He said this is a faithful saying and these things I will that dial affirm constantly.

And I just got to see one more thing before I finish that verse.

If you ever see yourself.

I want to make sure I say this right. And it'll probably come out wrong. But but if you ever see yourself. Rachel place

where the work that Jesus did for you personally on the cross.

begins to fade in your conversation Or the repetitiveness of it in your conversation begins to diminish and become less and less and it and it begins to not move you as it did once upon a time. You better stop. And let it go back to the cross. And ask him to show you again who you used to be.

So did that make politicians and shine up your appreciation for where he's brought you. You say I can't believe nobody would get their. Hey you looking at a fella right here that that

as a young Christian

yeah, we talked about growing in the Lord, but I think sometimes I'm not going to say I think sometimes I know for me. I got a little too big for my britches religiously.

And I'm so thankful that all my knees in my bedroom one night.

The Lord open my eyes and and show me what actually the real problem was and you know what it was. It was it was me. It was me somehow another somehow another I had gotten too smart to wise to knowledgeable and and he had outgrown is so to speak to Simplicity. I was worrying and what he done for me and and I I don't I can't hardly recall another time that he's ever broke me down like he did that night and it was beautiful. You said was beautiful. They broke it down. It was a beautiful of what It produced in my life. Amen in in in in and I'm going to be I'm going to be honest with you today. I said I was going to quit saying that because when you say that it's like what what have you been been? But Imma Be Honest right now is the longer I serve him.

that's true, but

But the more I see just how I missed the mark.

The more I see just how unworthy I am with such a blessing of such a privilege of of just how how big of a failure. I actually am.

You say that's completely opposite of what you should be saying. You should be saying the longer you serve him the greater your becoming all gonna snow. Cuz long as that I've served in the more out I realized. That there was nothing righteous about me that there was nothing good about me and the more I realized that that this this blessed are ship that he spoke of in here has been given to me in in in this is the one I think that keeps this refreshing are our minds and our hearts has been given to me simply as a is an unmerited favor and that I didn't learn one thing to earn it.

Not one thing and guess what you haven't neither.

And we could combine our efforts together. to earn it and our combined efforts together wouldn't be enough to even get one person in.

But praise be to God.

We don't have to earn anything.

We simply we simply win by giving up. You say we win by giving up? I don't get that. They meant you gain eternal life by surrendering this one. Amen, now, let's finish that verse. Just don't ever don't ever let this blessed gift.

Don't ever lose your excitement over your salvation.

He said this is a faithful saying and these things I will that dial firm constantly that they which have believed in God. That is you and I would you say Amen.

Might be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable unto you and I you say preacher you wanted to focus on those on those those that those ladder sentences in nose vs. You just read yet because I believe that the he sent he sent the table a man on on those first 7 versus to bring some things back into remembers it if you stop thinking about him, he read our mail Force he told us who we used to be and then he told us why we're not who we used to be not because of us, but because of Jesus in the work that the beautiful Calvary for you and I and so I love that and men and then he he ties it all together when he says this he said then those things right there. You need to reaffirm them constantly a men amongst yourself a man. You need to keep them fresh in your mind. You need to you need to turn them over. Amen all the time and and why he said that you Continue a man in good work. We on our way in heaven. No, sir. Not at all. And you don't ever hear me talk a whole lot about words. Amen because I don't ever wants to focus on work and lose focus on relationship. But when we read in hear the words he's talkin about are produced by that relationship and the desire to be found pleasing in the eyes of the Lord. Amen. You take Kevin Francis over there. He wants to keep Kayla happy and so is like Games like why is he picking on me? I'm not picking on him. But I bet there's a lots of things that Kevin does and goes out of his way that she don't ask him to do just to send her little messages. Apparently Mark does to he just reminding Michelle with his elbow that he does but do those things. Why do you want her to know you are special to me? He wants her to know I do care about you and I want you to be happy this same thing for you and I and I relationship with the Lord. Amen. When when we when we want him to know that. Hey man. I Am Lord, I'm crazy about you a man. And then you mean so much you've done so much to me. Guess what my actions. Amen my daily life the things I say Amen the things I do they're going to reflect that on to him and and and that falls in line with that maintaining. Amen good worst and an n and I love the fact that he done that because he wants us to be mindful of this truth right here. Amen is a life in Christ. Jesus extend beyond Calvary. Hey, man, we come we made him a man and we will be coming to know him at the cross. Amen. And then there's life beyond the cross. I'll always reflect the phone the work he's done upon the cross amen, but my relationship with him doesn't stop there if it just begin. Amen, I don't know about you tonight, but when I read this.

when I read

when I reach you got it on the board when I read that.

It says this is a faithful saying I want you to catch tonight. This this is something that he wanted us to to grab. And be mindful of he said this is a faithful saying and these things I would. That that you're always.

Either talking about him. You're thinking about them your reflected upon them. Are you shared? Sometimes with people you meet that you may not even know what for sure amongst each other.

That you and I who have believed in God might be and he use not only he used the word careful. To maintain good works. And why did he say that cuz he's throwing caution in the Wind. that that that those things that he mentioned in those first 5 versus the first 6 verses Did those things don't become loyal to our ears and to our our hearts? That we who have believed on God might be careful to maintain good works are to continue. And good works to continue bringing forth fruit to continue loving people to continue sharing to continue being compassionate Amen to continue being an encouragement to sit like this to continue to let the light of Christ Jesus Shine through our lives into a dark and lost world Amen. And if you need anything else to help you by the way, he said, oh, yeah, these is not just a good and faithful saying, but it's profitable unto you. I'm glad today. I'm glad the day that that old often called Paul salty Paul. I called him that because

Well, cuz he was soft he was to the point he was he was rough in his words sometimes. What do you know why it was? Because he loved people because he wanted an end and I I don't I don't know him other than the Paul off come to knowing scripture. But I can bear witness on this is is just as he loved to see God's people.

Growing become profitable in the gospel for the Lord say I do too. I love to see I moved to see that in you. I love to hear you. Tell the stories of the you know, pretty sure I went seen this one the other day or I I stepped out of my comfort zone and called that one right? I said this to that person or I just you know, what? However the Lord leads you and that's those good words in it and it's just my friend tonight that as we've read that It is rekindled that truth of who we were. the truth praise God Of Who We Are Amen in our hearts and that and that and that we constantly reaffirm the truth of Christ Jesus to a world that's lost and die.


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