7: Our Sabbath Rest (Heb 4:1-11)
Jesus is Better (a Study of the Book of Hebrews) • Sermon • Submitted
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· 8 viewsDoes the New Testament teach that we should obey the Old Testament command to “keep the Sabbath” or is there a deeper meaning? Today we discover how we find our Sabbath rest in Jesus.
Several years ago a friend of mine, a Christian brother of a different denomination who I dearly love, kindly confronted me that we gather for worship on the wrong day. In short, he thought we were breaking the command to honor the Sabbath (Ex 20:8; Deut 5:12) - the 4th of the 10 commandments.
First, I countered by pointing out that the Jewish apostles of Jesus never stressed keeping the Sabbath commands to Gentile converts.
Second, I pointed him to what Paul says to his Gentile audience regarding the Sabbath.
Colossians 2:16–17 Therefore, don’t let anyone judge you in regard to food and drink or in the matter of a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of what was to come; the substance is Christ.
Paul writes that Gentiles are not bound to keep Old Testament dietary laws, festivals, and Sabbath commands because they point to something…Someone Better - the Lord Jesus.
We were at a stalemate. He says we are obligated to obey the Sabbath commands and I say we aren’t. We agreed to disagree, but this issue continued to come up when we met. One day he brought the passage we are about to study to my attention…and it DID get my attention.
We opened the Scripture and he pointed me to this verse:
Hebrews 4:9 Therefore, a Sabbath rest remains for God’s people.
There it was, in the New Covenant Scriptures. Was I disobeying the New Covenant teaching about keeping the Sabbath…and was I LEADING YOU to disobey God too?
Unfamiliar with this specific chunk of this chapter, I backed up in the chapter to catch the context, because we should never read A Bible verse.
So, let’s dig in and discover the incredible, wonderful truth - that Jesus is Our Sabbath Rest.
Catch the Context
Last week we were warned NOT to be like the ancient Hebrews who refused to believe God and consequently found themselves locked out of the Promised Land rather than crossing into it. Chapter 3 ends with these words:
Hebrews 3:19 So we see that they were unable to enter because of unbelief.
And that’s what it all comes down to - if we trust God we will obey God. If we don’t obey, it shows that we don’t trust Him. Said another way, How we Behave shows Who We Believe. We can say we trust God, but our behavior shows if that’s true or not.
Further, genuine disciples of Jesus don’t just START the race - they FINISH the race, “holding firmly until the end” (Heb 3:14b).
Based on those truths, we were challenged to examine our faith to see if it’s legit - to test ourselves - and see if Jesus is IN us.
If you didn’t get a chance to hear that teaching, please go check it out as we were challenged to examine our faith to see if it’s legit. Find it on our website: FOM.life
With that background, we open up chapter 4 of Hebrews.
Hebrews 4:1–2 Therefore, since the promise to enter His rest remains, let us beware that none of you be found to have fallen short. For we also have received the good news just as they did. But the message they heard did not benefit them, since they were not united with those who heard it in faith.
1400 years after the ancient Hebrews were turned away from God’s Promised Land rest, the promise to enter His rest remains for the 1st century audience this letter was written to - as well as for the 21st century audience (US).
So the question is:
Will we be like the crowd that followed the 10 unfaithful leaders who refused to believe God would go with them into the rest of the Promised Land.
OR will we be like Joshua and Caleb, who trusted God and were able to enter the rest of the Promised Land?
At the end of our lives, will we be found to have fallen short of God’s rest?
Hebrews 4:3–5 For we who have believed enter the rest, in keeping with what He has said, So I swore in my anger, “They will not enter My rest,” even though His works have been finished since the foundation of the world. For somewhere he has spoken about the seventh day in this way: And on the seventh day God rested from all His works. Again, in that passage he says, They will never enter My rest.
What REST is this referring to?
As mentioned last week, the Hebrews began their Sabbath gathering in the Synagogue reading Psalm 95 which concludes with the phrase quoted over and over in Hebrews: “So I swore in my anger, “They will not enter My rest” (Ps 95:11). This is speaking of the Promised Land rest.
After reading Ps 95 in the synagogue, that passage would be followed by Genesis 2:1-3. This makes sense why the author of Hebrews quotes Genesis 2:2 on the heals of Ps 95:11, that “on the seventh day God rested from all His works”. This is speaking of God creating the earth & everything in it, after which He RESTED. God didn’t REST because He was tired. He didn’t decide to take the day off and take a nap. Instead, that God rested means His work of creation was complete.
In other words, both the Promise Land rest and God’s Sabbath rest after completing creation are symbolic of a more complete FUTURE rest that God intended for those who trust Him.
Hebrews 4:6-7 Therefore, since it remains for some to enter it, and those who formerly received the good news did not enter because of disobedience, He again specifies a certain day—today. He specified this speaking through David after such a long time: Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.
Beyond the Promise Land Rest (during the days of Moses) and God’s Sabbath rest (at the end of creation), now the author of this sermon shows the 1st century Hebrews the rest God offers is available to them - TODAY! And the same is true for you and me!
This Sabbath rest is much more than entering into the Promised Land of Israel or taking a day to rest and refocus as we enter the upcoming week.
As we read this part of the passage, you’ll remember my friend quoting from quoting one verse from here.
Hebrews 4:8–11 For if Joshua had given them rest, God would not have spoken later about another day. Therefore, a Sabbath rest remains for God’s people. For the person who has entered his rest has rested from his own works, just as God did from his. Let us, then, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will fall into the same pattern of disobedience.
As I sat with my friend and read this aloud, I asked him, “Didn’t Joshua take them into the Promised Land? Didn’t Joshua have them keep the Sabbath commands to rest every week?” Of course he did. Yet, Joshua was not able to give them the rest that God spoke about coming on another day.
So, here’s the picture: Joshua - Yeshua (Hebrew) brought the people to the Promised Land, but he could not bring them into God’s ultimate Sabbath rest.
Now 1400 years later, a greater Yeshua (Hebrew for Greek Jesus) WOULD bring His people into God’s ultimate Sabbath rest.
This is the Sabbath rest that remains for God’s people means we can rest from our own works just as God did from His. Again, this speaks to the COMPLETION of God’s work.
This doesn’t mean that God isn’t working today. After all Jesus taught, “My Father is still working, and I am working also.” (Jn 5:17)
Entering God’s rest doesn’t mean we sit back and RELAX by coasting through life. In fact, we are to make every effort to enter that rest as we trust & obey, grow & mature, sacrifice & give, share the gospel, face persecution, serve others, and do good works.
So, Entering God’s Sabbath rest is not about being lazy; it IS recognizing that we don’t enter by OUR good works, but by the good & COMPLETED work of Jesus - perfect life & substitute sacrifice for our sins. When Jesus breathed His last He said, “It is finished” - His work was complete - and we can REST in that, as we WORK for Him.
We will face tests in the future, but our rest in Jesus - our confidence in Him, will empower us to DO the good works He has called us to.
As a freshman in high school, my Dad asked if I wanted to take his class or not. I did. He was a wonderful teacher and I learned much. I didn’t get an easy A. If anything, my Dad held me more accountable for the work. I knew I would have to take the tests, but I was confident that my teacher - my Dad - would equip me with what I needed to face the tests. I WORKED hard, but I RESTED in the fact that I knew I would do well because my teacher promised to prepare me. If I trusted him and learned from him, there’s no way I would fail!
So too, we can rest in Jesus, while we carry out the work He trains us to do. Listen to the invitation that Jesus offers to anyone who will listen.
Matthew 11:28–29 Come to Me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take up my yoke and learn from Me, because I am lowly and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and my burden is light.
A yoke was a wooden frame that fit on the shoulders of animals like oxen or donkeys to pull heavy loads or plow fields. This image became symbolic for laws or teachings that others submitted to. Jesus used this symbolism to communicate His frustration with religious leaders who
1) didn’t practice what they preached and who
2) refused to help their disciples with the heavy load they put on them.
Matthew 23:4 They tie up heavy loads that are hard to carry and put them on people’s shoulders, but they themselves aren’t willing to lift a finger to move them.
By contrast, Jesus was offering rest to anyone who is weary and burdened - those who are exhausted and tired of carrying a heavy load - that includes your daily difficulties, sin struggles, unrealistic expectations.
This rest is not retirement. This is NOT a ceasing of work. but a changing WHO you’re working for! We find rest for our souls when we submit to
a Master who is lowly and humble
a Master who has modeled what obedience looks like
a Master who won’t put too heavy a load and leave you to fend for yourself
a Master who lays down His life for His servants.
You see...
Our Sabbath Rest is found in following Jesus.
Shape O Toy Remember this toy? Certain shapes are designed to go in certain holes. Try as you might, they don’t fit anywhere else. There is a God-shaped hole in your soul, and NOTHING ELSE will fit. What are you trying to plug in here?
The purpose & hope you are searching for won’t be found in your next purchase, your next relationship, your retirement or financial gain, your next trophy, or your next exciting experience.
The freedom from guilt and shame you long for won’t be found in alcohol & substance abuse nor by continuing to trying to replace that God-shaped hole with sinful actions.
God’s Sabbath Rest won’t be experienced by religious rituals, showing up to church every Sunday…or every Saturday (Sabbath). You won’t experience God’s rest by giving money, being nice, or opening your Bible every now and then.
Augustine, a 4th century Christian leader, got it right when he wrote this now-famous phrase: “You have formed us for Yourself, and our hearts are restless till they find rest in You”.
Our Sabbath Rest is found in following Jesus.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to REST in the fact that you are forgiven by the One who formed you and knows you best?
Wouldn’t it be worth getting up everyday, to live with purpose and passion as you work to please Jesus, the One who has given you REST?
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to know that you have brothers and sisters to walk with you on the journey of life?
And wouldn’t it be satisfying to know, that if you died today, you would be in the Presence of the ONLY ONE who can give you REST?
The Gospel Finds It's Mark
Kent Hughes tells the story of visiting Park Street Church and making a point to look for a bronze plaque bearing the inscription, “Joseph S. Olzewski S.K. 2/c U.S.C. Lost February 3, 1943 North Atlantic.”
The day after Pearl Harbor, Emery, like thousands of others, another man by the name of Allan Emery enlisted in the Coast Guard. He was immediately put to work in his hometown, Boston, given the Friday night duty of guarding one of the wharfs. On one particular Friday he had wisely decided to get some sleep before duty and was in his bunk resting when one of his new acquaintances, Joseph Olzewski (OlZ-zay-ski), came by in dress blues and spit-shined shoes. He gave his biggest smile and asked Emery how he looked. Emery replied that he looked great and asked what the big event was.
Joe excitedly explained that at the USO the previous night a wealthy girl had invited him to spend the weekend at her apartment. She was going to take him to the opera that night and had plenty of records and alcohol. He didn’t have to be back until 0700 Monday morning.
He ended the story by saying, “This is going to be the greatest time of my life.” Emery replied that he would be praying for him. His friend walked out but immediately reentered asking, “What did you say?”
“I said I’d be praying for you,” replied Emery.
“Why will you be praying for me when I’m going to have the first great weekend in my life?”
“Because, Joe, Monday morning you’ll be back aboard ship and you will not be the same person you are tonight. Sin leaves its mark.”
Joe cussed at Emery and went out into the night.
Emery prayed for Joe as he prepared for guard duty, but was startled a few hours later when an unsmiling and agitated Joe suddenly reappeared in the guard post floodlights.
Joe approached and said, “How can you have a good time when someone’s praying for you?”You’ve ruined my weekend. I stood up my date, and I’ve been waiting until you came on duty. Now tell me how to find God.”
That night JOE heard for the very first time in his life the promises of God—and he believed. The change was immediate. He joined Park Street Church, spent his free time on the Common inviting other servicemen to services, prayed with his buddies at St. Paul’s Cathedral which was always open, and grew in his knowledge of the Scriptures under Dr. Harold Ockenga.
Then on February 1, 1943 he volunteered for sea duty on a mine sweeper headed for Iceland, and just a few days out of New York a torpedo found its mark.
[holding Shape O Toy] After all you’ve done to plug that HOLE in your SOUL, have you found real REST? Or are you still trying to plug the hole with stuff, people, & experiences that never quite fit? If today were YOUR LAST DAY this side of eternity, could you say you are…right now…AT REST?
Listen to the words of Jesus one more time.
Matthew 11:28 Come to Me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Turn from sin and turn to Jesus.
Open the Scriptures & obey what Jesus says.
Seek like-minded Christians to journey together. Growth Groups at 10am and Ladies and Guys Group Wed @6:30.
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