Bible Doctrines 2 Class notes


Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Mr. Thomas Overmiller















What is it?

Fundamental principles of Theology (Study of God)

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  1. Theology assumes that God exists. (Gen 1:1In the beginning God)
    1. There is no point in studying something that does not exist.
    2. There is no point in studying something that might not exist.
  2. Theology assumes that Man is made in the image of God (Gen 1:26 – Let us make man in our image)
    1. This image is a physical representation of God.

                                                              i.      Our body is a physical representation of God.

    1. This image is a spiritual reality.(Jn 4:19-24)

                                                              i.      We have as spirit.

                                                            ii.      Man Seeks after God

                                                          iii.      we are made to know God ( seek, understand, know him)

  1. Theology assumes that God may be know through Devine [special] Revelation (Gen 1:28-30)
    1. how men seek to know God                                                               i.      Intuition [searching inside yourself]

1.      Doesn’t work – “the heart is desperately wicked”

                                                            ii.      Reason [Cause and effect]

1.      Doesn’t work – “o the depths of the riches both of the Wisdom and the Knowledge of God how unsearchable are his judgments and his ways past finding out”

                                                          iii.      Personal Experience [a good feeling]

1.      Doesn’t work – Church is a spiritual boost

    1. The true way to seek GodBy his words

                                                              i.      Psalms 19:7-14

                                                            ii.      John 1:1 – in the beginning was the word

                                                          iii.      John 1:14

                                                          iv.      Hebrews 1:1-2

                                                            v.      I John 1:2-3

                                                          vi.      2 Peter 1:19 – we have a sure word of prophecy

                                                        vii.      Ac 17:23 – all of creation is in God

(feb 27 session 2 time 8:24)Theology is a spiritual activity that in volves spiritual men that involves spiritual things that involves the spirit it is not the object of our study it is the source of our study of the object

  1. Divine revelation manifests itself
    1. Religion – the effect that theology is to have on the entire life                                                               i.      focus on mind – rationalism

                                                            ii.      focus on emotions -

                                                          iii.      focus on the will -

    1. Theology – the mind’s reception of Divine revelation

                                                              i.      God changes a man’s life by changing a man’s mind (Romans 12:1-2)

                                                            ii.      God expects a response of faith not merely a response of intelligence

1.      Proverbs

2.      Heb 4:2 – what you learn must be mixed with faith

                                                          iii.      God expects us to exercise faith by excising our facilities.

1.      God gave you a brain Use it!

2.      Psalms 10:4

3.      Luke 19:24

a.       “Doctrine without duty is a tree without fruit, duty without doctrines is a tree without roots.”

b.      God made you to be dependent

4.      Good Theology

a.       Magnifies God  - does not bring God to Man’s level

b.      Motivates Trust – active trust, trust that does something

  1. disclaimers to the Class
    1. We will not attempt to know God’s secrets (Deut 29:29) #. We will not customize doctrines according to pre-approved ideas (Acts 17:11; II Tim 3:16)
    2. We will not discount inspired words because they are controversial (Prov 30:5; Matt 4)

                                                              i.      Predestination

                                                            ii.      Foreknowledge

    1. Will not agree with everything that everyone says, but we will use the Good things that people have said.

                                                              i.      Judge their words according to Scripture

    1. We will not ignore Ironies thinking (Titus 1:9)  


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(Gen 1:1; John 1:1)

  1. The Christ of eternal Glory – in the beginning (Mark 10:6;13:9)
    1. Christ was beginning of time #. Christ was in the beginning of time (John 8:58)

                                                              i.      he was and is always (John 1:3)

                                                            ii.      he could not be created because he was before creation

    1. Christ was With God – he enjoyed a relationship with God (Zach 13:7)

                                                              i.      He is an equal partner with God (Fellow, Associate, Companion) (Jn 1:18; Jn 5:17; Jn 17:24)

    1. Christ was the Creator (Col 1:15-17 Jn 1:3; Heb 1:2)                                                               i.      Christ made the world

                                                            ii.      Christ was the firstborn of every creature – [JW’s claim Christ was created then he created the world.]

1.      Ps 89:27 – David was the youngest (God calls David the firstborn)

2.      Col 1:18 – Christ is the first born Out of the dead

3.      Col 1:16 – he is not a created being but as a creator and sustainer

2.     The preexistence of Christ

a.      Christ existed before His incarnation

                                                              i.      jn 3:13,31 – Christ came from somewhere

                                                            ii.      Gal 4:4 – God sent His son  ( he was somewhere before his birth)

b.      Christ existed as son Prior to his incarnation

                                                              i.      Psalms 2:7

                                                            ii.      Proverbs 30:4

                                                          iii.      Is. 9:6

c.       Christ appeared prior to his incarnation

                                                              i.      Micah 5:2 –

1.      the messiah (the one who would deliver Israel) would be born in Bethlehem

2.      he would be born a king

3.      he would be a ruler for Yahweh

4.      he as appeared already (Whose goings froth have been from old, from everlasting)

a.       Micah 7:14 – previous days in history

b.      Is 51:9

c.       Amos 9:11

d.      Malachi 3:4

e.       God’s eternality

                                                                                                                                      i.      I Cor 29:10

                                                                                                                                    ii.      Ps 3:17

f.       What are the appearances (The angel of the Lord)

                                                                                                                                      i.      Hagar (Gen 16:7-13)

1.      Hagar thinks that she has seen God

a.       The Bible does not correct her

b.      when men give angels worship as God the angels correct them

2.      interchange of names 1st – 3rd person

                                                                                                                                    ii.      Abraham (Gen 22:11-18)

1.      interchange of names between God and the son       

2.      they are the same and yet they are different

a.       there is a stimulatory

b.      there is a distinction

                                                                                                                                  iii.      Jacob (Gen 48:16)

1.      referred to as God and an angel

                                                                                                                                  iv.      Moses (Ex 3:2-6)

1.      Yahweh sees and calls out of the bush

                                                                                                                                    v.      Israel (Judges 2:1-4)

1.      Claims that he brought them out of Egypt

                                                                                                                                  vi.      Gideon (judges 6:12,14)

                                                                                                                                vii.      Samson’s parents (Judges 13:3-22)

g.      his actions are peculiar to deity

h.      an enigma surrounds his name

d.      How to tell if it is Christ or an angel


                                                            ii.      he has unusual actions

                                                          iii.      an enigma surrounds his name

e.       When Christ was born it was not his first appearance

                                                              i.      his birth was the first time that he would live with his people

                                                            ii.      he submitted himself to the laws of humanity

1.      hunger

2.      thirst

                                                          iii.      this time he came to die

The Incarnation of Christ

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  1. Jesus Existed without flesh
    1. Virgin Birth                                                               i.      Verses

1.      Is 7:14 – liberals debate “virgin” hmle `almah al-maw'

2.      Gen 24:43

a.       Gen 24:16 - hlwtb bethuwlah beth-oo-law'

3.      Ex 2:8

4.      Ps 46:1

5.      Prov 30:19

                                                            ii.      What the NT teaches

1.      Jesus was without a human father.

a.       Matt 1:1-16 – Josephs family tree

                                                                                                                                      i.      makes it clear that Joseph was not Jesus’ father

b.      Matt 1:19 – Joseph was concerned about this birth

2.      Jesus was born within a virgin mother

a.       Luke 1:26-23,27,31,34, 35

                                                                                                                                      i.      this was made possible by the holy spirit

b.      Christ was not created at this point he entered the world at that point

                                                                                                                                      i.      Christ limited himself to the process of human development

c.       Mary’s response Luke 1:38

                                                                                                                                      i.      “I can trust God with whatever impossibilities he wants me to do”

                                                                                                                                    ii.      “I can trust God with what ever God puts in my hands to do”

3.      Christ was born at the perfect time (Gal 4:4)

a.       the coming of the messiah was a fulfillment of timed prophecy

b.      Dan 9:24

Eternality        Prexistence      Incarnation      Glorification            Creation          Incarnation      Ascension

4.      Jesus was fully God (Hypostatic union)

a.       Verses

                                                                                                                                      i.      Jn 1:1

                                                                                                                                    ii.      Jn 5:17-18 – he claimed to be God and the jews knew what he was claiming

                                                                                                                                  iii.      Jn 10:30

                                                                                                                                  iv.      Jn 20:28

                                                                                                                                    v.      Jn 8:40

b.      Jesus is the same essence of God

c.       Jesus was the son of God

                                                                                                                                      i.      Jesus was after the order of God

d.      Jesus is one person

                                                                                                                                      i.      Col 2:9

Hypostatic union - “the union of the Devine and human natures in one person”

e.       Jesus is forever (Rev 5:6)

5.      Errors

a.       Docetism – to seem or appear

                                                                                                                                      i.      Jesus was fully God but looked human

                                                                                                                                    ii.      1st error in the doctrine of the church

1.      Satan choose this avenue first

                                                                                                                                  iii.      Jn 1:14 – he was made flesh

1.      thomas touched him

2.      John handled him

                                                                                                                                  iv.      Denies

1.      bodily resurrection

2.      literal atonement

b.      Ebionism – affirms the humanity of Christ then denies the deity of Christ

                                                                                                                                      i.      undermines all of Christ’s work

1.      when he died on the Cross it was another man dying

c.       Aryanism –

                                                                                                                                      i.      Eternity past was God

1.      God created Jesus before time

2.      that makes Christ a creature

3.      through him everything else came

4.      Jehovah’s witnesses

d.      apollinarinism – affirms the deity of Christ as the true logos of God, but it confused the whole humanity of Christ

                                                                                                                                      i.      it teaches that Jesus had a human body and soul, but said that his mind was the Devine spirit instead of the human spirit.

Devine (from God) Mind
Human Soul
Human Body

                                                                                                                                    ii.       “abridged human nature”

1.      if Jesus was human in his soul and body but not the mind than he could not fully identify with us

e.       Nestorianism – affirmed humanity and deity, but denied an organic union between the man jesus and the indwelling logos, perfecting to describe it as a conjunction of 2 natures implying 2 persons

                                                                                                                                      i.      “Christ is 2 people joined up magically”

                                                                                                                                    ii.      condemned by the council of Ephesus

f.       Eutychianism – affirms the humanity and divinity of Christ, but rather than viewing as two persons he views it as purely one person

Devine person
Human nature
Devine nature

                                                                                                                                      i.      They devine either the genuineness or the completeness of Christ’s humanity or they divide his person or confuse his natures.

The kenosis of Christ

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Philippians 2:5-11

Kenosis: the relinquishment of divine attributes by Jesus Christ in becoming human

we are contrasting his preexistent state with his incarnate state.

Eternal Incarnate
He was a spirit with no human form He had human form
Was in the form (essence) of God He did not think that being equal to God was wrong to be grasped because he was God
He was equal with the father He made himself of no reputation
  Acted only as the Father directs

Emptied himself:

  1. he took on the form of a servant
    1. in addition to his deity ( not an exchange of) he took on the form of a servant
    2. a servant is striped of rights and privileges
    3. Christ became the Servant of God (Jn 4:34; Jn 5:19; Jn 8:28-29)
    4. Christ was dependent upon the father

                                                              i.      he did not do what was outside the fathers will although he could have

  1. he was made in the likeness of man
    1. he became human
    2. he was made of a woman
    3. he was a decedent of David

Baptism of the Spirit/ Christ

  1. the baptism of the Spirit hinges upon the work of Christ
    1. Christ’s ministry is multiplies the work in the Church

Could Christ have sinned?

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1.     how can we know that Christ did not Sin

a.      The Bible Says so

b.      he was a sinless high priest

2.     Impeccability Vs. Peccability

Impeccability Peccability
“not able to sin” “able not to sin”
He could not sin if he wanted to He was able to choose not to sin
(Jesus was God – God cannot be tempted by evil) (Jesus was man – he was tempted in all points like us)

a.       Were Christ’s temptations real

                                                              i.      Temptation implies the ability to sin.

                                                            ii.      Jesus was God – he could not be tempted

1.      he was our high priest – he speaks to God for man

                                                          iii.      Jesus was a God man (there is a indissoluble bond between Christ’s two natures)

1.      because he was the God-MAN he could be tempted

2.      because he was the GOD-man he could not sin

b.      Christ was tempted

1.      Mat 4:1

2.      Heb 2:18

3.      Heb 4:15

4.      James 1:13-14

a.       Christ was sinless

b.      Christ was tempted

c.       James is speaking of the temptation that comes from man’s inner desires.

                                                                                                                                      i.      Jesus never went through the fall

1.      God did not create us with a sin nature

2.      we inherited our sin nature

                                                                                                                                    ii.      Adam lived prior to the fall

1.      they were human

2.      they were tempted

                                                                                                                                  iii.      His temptation were made for the God man

Sotearalogy (So Great Salvation)

We are not expected or able to know everything.

We are expected to know what is told to us.

We need to know what the Bible says.

  1. Wrong Views pertaining to the importance of Christ’s death
    1. Ransomed to Satan Theory -Origin’s theory (father of modern day allegory) –– God had to pay Satan to let us go.
    2. Moral influence theory (the love of God theory)from peter Abelard – Christ’s death shows us how much God loves us and should cause us to be grateful
    3. Example Theory by Faustus socinus – I Peter 2:21 – Christ’ death is how we should obey God regardless of the cost.
    4. Governmental theoryby Hugo grotious – Christ was not exactly paying our penalty for our sins he was suffering to demonstrate to us that God is the supreme law giver and we broke his law and we can’t get away with it.
  2. How our theology can be effected
    1. perspective
    2. Controversy (Reaction)
    3. Your thinking must conform to what the Bible says
  3. Biblical Teaching
    1. Christ’s death was a substitute for our sins

                                                              i.      uper - in the place of

1.      Romans 9:3

2.      Philemon 13

                                                            ii.      we do not need to do it ourselves

1.      Galatians 3:10-13

                                                          iii.      we were delivered by a payment

1.      What are we redeemed with (mark 10:45; Eph 1:7; I Peter 1:19; 1Co 6:20; 1Co 7:23)

2.      what are we redeemed from – the curse of the law (from every lawless deed , through death might destroy them

3.      what are we redeemed to – Titus 2: 14; gal 4:5

    1. Propitiation – what does it mean?

                                                              i.      some say – the cancellation of sin and the reparation of wrong

                                                            ii.      it is the appeasement of Devine wrath (Ps. 7:11)

1.      we cannot appease the wrath of God

2.      there is an offence party

3.      offended cause

4.      appeasement for the offence

5.      The result of the appeasement is reconciliation

a.       we deserve to die as the penalty for sin

b.      Christ was our substitute

c.       we are in bondage to sin and the kingdom of Satan


God’s Sovereignty Man’s Responsibility
- Foreknowledge - Faith
- Predestination - Repentance
- Election - Conversion
- Calling

Interfacing God’s Sovereignty and Man’s Responsibility

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1.       Defining Terms

a.       Foreknowledge

                                                              i.      occurs nowhere in the Old Testament / appears 7 times in the New Testament

1.     Man’s foreknowledge  

a.       Acts 26:4-6 - From the beginning of Paul’s life the Jews knew him.

b.      2 Peter 3:16-18 -  The beloved brethren knew these things (Doctrine)

2.     God’s foreknowledge

a.       Acts 2:22-23 – God is foreknowing the crucifixion of Christ

b.      I Peter 1:19-21 – God foreordained Christ’s work of redemption

c.       Rom 11:2-4 – God foreknew the people of Israel

d.      I Peter 1:1-2 – God foreknew Peter and the strangers scattered throughout the world (Most likely Jews)

e.       Romans 8:28-29 – God foreknew me to be conformed to his son.


                                                            ii.      Pre – Science ( from the Greek)

Science – knowledge

Pre – before

1.      Knowledge before hand based upon past experience.

2.      When used of God’s foreknowledge it implies almost a decisive knowledge.

3.      When God foreknows people, he only foreknows believers.


  1. Elect always talks about saved people
    1. Unsaved are never called elect.                                                               i.      John 15:16

                                                            ii.      Joshua 24:15

    1. saved people are chosen

                                                              i.      to bear fruit (John 15:16)


  1. to mark of before hand
    1. verse

                                                              i.      Acts 4:28

                                                            ii.      I cor 2:7

                                                          iii.      Eph 1:5 – we are predestined to adoption

                                                          iv.      Eph 1:11 – we are predestined to an inheritance

                                                            v.      Rom 8:29

    1. we are predestined to conform to the image of Christ Calling
  1. 2 kinds of calls in connection with salvation
    1. General – the word of God as it addresses all men with the invitation of the Gospel #. The effectual Call –

                                                              i.      John 6:44; John 12:32; II Tim 1:9; II Peter 1:10

  1. The Vocational Call


            Romans 8:29

            I Peter 1:2

            Romans 11:33

            Isaiah 55:8

Selections from… “HANDOUT on ELECTION” (by Layton talbert)

Principles of the Right Approach

  • Reverent attitude – this truth is holy ground; do not be flippant or dismissive about it.
  • Humble attitude – a right understanding of election may breed arrogance; a proper application of it never can.
  • Preserve Spiritual Distinctions – do not confuse biblical terms; be Biblically precise.
    • Terminology
      • election; God’s choosing of individuals to salvation[1]
      • Predestination: God’s appointment of individuals to certain destiny
      • Foreknowledge: God’s predetermination[2] of a special event or special relationship
      • Biblical Theology vs. Systematic Theology


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Works Vs. Faith

Jas 2:14 ¶ What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?    
Jas 2:15 If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food,    
Jas 2:16 And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?    
Jas 2:17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.    

  • Practical faith acts out
    • when you are not living out your faith you will doubt your salvation
    • you do not loose your salvation


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Is justification To declare righteous or to make righteous?

  1. OT References
    1. Deut 25:1 – the judges do not make people righteous they just declare them righteous
    2. Ex 23:7 – God will not justify the wicked but he will justify the innocent and the righteous
    3. Job 27:5
    4. proverbs 17:15
    5. Is 5:23
  2. NT References
    1. Romans 8:33
    2. Romans 4:5
Positional Practical

Roman Catholics – they believe that we must work out our justification

God said we were made righteous we don’t need any more

Regeneration and faith

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  1. Is regeneration a supernatural preparatory work of God for a man to be saved? Must you be regenerated in order to be saved?
    1. Acts 16:14-15 (Lydia got saved)
    2. John 6:44-45
  2. Is regeneration the preparatory work?  NO
  3. Does this mean that faith and repentance is a gift from God or a response from man
    1. Is faith a gift of God?

                                                              i.      Eph 2:8

                                                            ii.      I Tim 1:19

                                                          iii.      Faith is the response of Man

1.      Acts 16:31

2.      Romans 1:16

3.      Romans 10:17

4.      Acts 4:4

                                                          iv.      Faith is a gift of God

1.      Philippians 1:29

2.      Acts 16:14-16

3.      John 6:37

                                                            v.      Is faith different from repentance?

1.      no – this idea comes from people getting saved and not turning from their sin

2.      Faith and repentance are aspects not steps.

  1. Can I ask “pray” for faith?
    1. Acts 11;18
    2. 2 Tim 2:25
    3. What is the Gift of God?

                                                              i.      John 4:10

                                                            ii.      Romans 5:15-18

                                                          iii.      Romans 6:23

                                                          iv.      Hebrews 6:4

                                                            v.      Salvation is the gift of God

1.      we had nothing to do with it

2.      it is free to us

3.      it was costly to God

    1. salvation by grace through faith is a gift from God, he did not haft to, we would not be able to take it if God did not provide it.
    2. we don’t ask for faith

Calvinism vs. Arminianism

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  1. History of the debate                                                               i.      came from a Duch Jacob Arminius

                                                            ii.      his student’s compiled the 5 points from his teachings after his death

1.      these refuted came from the beligic and hilburg confession

2.      they took it to the Dutch parliament

a.       the Parliament met at Dort

b.      they sat there for 7 months 154 sessions and discussed it

c.       they rejected it

d.      they chose the teaching of Calvinism

                                                                                                                                      i.      the 5 points of Calvinism are not from Calvin

                                                                                                                                    ii.      they are complaining of his teachings            

b.    Calvinism

5 points of Calvinism
T Total Depravity
U Unconditional Election
L Limited Atonement
I Irresistible Grace
P Perseverance of the Saints

a.       Definition of his terms

                                                       I.      Total depravity ( Total inability)

                                                                                      i.      logic

1.      man is totally dead according to the fall

2.      man is totally unable to gain or attribute to his own salvation

3.      therefore faith is a gift of God

a.       you did not exercise faith God gave it

                                                    II.      Unconditional election

                                                                                      i.      logic

1.      Man is unable to save himself – he has nothing to do with your salvation

2.      God alone can saved

3.      Not all people are saved are saved

4.      Therefore, God has not chosen to save all

                                                 III.      Limited Atonement (Particular redemption)

                                                                                      i.      logic

1.      God chose some to be saved

2.      Christ died to save

3.      Therefore, Christ only died those who were saved.

                                                 IV.      Irresistible Grace

                                                                                      i.      logic

1.      Men cannot save themselves because of their fallen nature

2.      God purposed to save them

3.      Christ has accomplished their salvation

4.      Therefore, God must provide the means for calling them to salvation

a.       General call – broadcast (everyone hears it)

b.      Effective call – it goes farther in certain people because God wants them to be saved

                                                                                                                                                              i.      “It is not just that man can resist the gospel, man must resist the gospel therefore God must overcome the resistance in our wills himself.”

                                                                                                                                                            ii.      you will always resist the gospel until God will change your will.

                                                    V.      Perseverance of the saints

                                                                                      i.      logic

1.      Man cannot save himself

2.      not all are saved

3.      so, God must have not saved all

4.      Christ has atoned for sins

5.      (the sins for the ones that were saved)

6.      God intends to reveal his salvation in the hearts of the ones that he chooses

7.      God provides the ability to be saved

8.      God preserves the salvation of those whom he chooses

                                                                                    ii.      Sanctification is automatic

1.      if you are saved you are a spiritual man

2.      they don’t have a easy time with a carnal person

We are not to figure out God’s mind

We do not need to know what He did not tell us.

We are to Flesh out his mind!

Summery of the 5 points of Calvinism
T Total Depravity You cannot respond to the Gospel
U Unconditional Election God only chose some people
L Limited Atonement Christ died but only for those he called
I Irresistible Grace You cannot resist God’s call
P Perseverance of the Saints Calvinists struggle with their salvation

c.     Considerations

1)      Verses

a.        Lu 22:22            And truly the Son of man goeth, as it was determined: but woe unto that man by whom he is betrayed!

b.      Mt 23:37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!

c.       Joh 6:37  All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.

d.      Joh 6:44  No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.

e.       Joh 6:45  It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me.

f.       Ac 2:23   Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain:

g.      1Co 3:6   I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.

h.      Acts 13:48

i.Acts 16:14

j.I thess 1:3-4

k.      II thess 2:13-14

2)      Does salvation involve Gods grace or mans free will, Yes it does

3)      did Christ die for the sins of the world or the elect, yes

4)      will the elect be sovereignty converted or do we need to proclaim the gospel, yes

5)      are the events of human history organized by Devine decree, or is there an element of human ability to effect circumstances, yes

Trials of Christ handout[3]

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Trial Officiating Authority Scripture Accusation Legality Type Result
Annas, ex-high priest of the Jews (A.D. 6-15) John 18:13:23 Trumped-up charges of irreverence to Annas. ILLEGAL! Held at night, No specific charges, Prejudice. Violence Jewish and Religious Round guilty of irreverence and rushed to Caiaphas.
2 Caiaphas, Annas’ son-in-law and high priest (A.E. 18-36), and the Sanhedrin. Matthew 26:57-68Mark 14:53-65John 18:24 Claiming to be the Mesiah, the son of God – Blasphemy (worthy of death under Jewish law). ILLEGAL!Held at night. False witnesses. Prejudice. Violence Jewish and religious Declared guilty of blasphemy and rushed to the Sanhedrin (Jewish supreme court).
3 The Sanhedrin – seventy ruling men of Israel (their word was needed before Jesus could be taken to Roman officials). Mark 15:1aLuke 22:66-71 Claiming to be the Son of God – blasphemy. ILLEGAL!Accusation switches. No whitnesses.Improper Voting Jewish and Religious Declared guilty of blasphemy and rushed to Roman official, Pilate.
4 Pilate, Governor of Judea, who was already in “Hot Water” with Rome (A.D. 26-36 Matthew 27:11-14Mark 15:1b-5Luke 23:1-7John  18:28-38 Treason (accusation was changed, since treason was worthy of capital punishment in Rome ILLEGAL!Christ was kept under arrest, although He was found innocent. No defense attorneyViolence. Roman and Civil Found innocent… but rushed to Herod Antipas; mob overruled Pilate.
5 Herod Antipas, governor of Galilee (4 B.C. – A.D. 39).    Luke 23:8-12 No accusation wasmade. ILLEGAL!No grounds.Mockery in courtroom. No defense attorney.Violence. Roman and Civil Mistreated and mocked; returned to Pilate with out decision mad by Herod.
6 Pilate (second time) Matthew 27:15-26Mark 15:6-15Luke 23:18-25John 18:39-19:16 Treason, though not proven (Pilate bargained with the mob, putting Christ on a level with Barabbas, a criminal!) ILLEGAL!Without proof of guilt. Pilate allowed an innocent man to be condemned. Roman and Civil Found innocent, but Pilate “washed his hands”and allowed him to be crucified.

Resurrection of Christ (1 Cor 15)

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        I.      verses on his appearances

a.       Mat 28:1

b.      Luke 16:3

c.       John 20:1-2 – Mary arrives to discover the tomb

d.      Mat 28:5-8 – other women find the tomb empty and go to tell the diciples

e.       Mark 16:9-11 – Christ met Mary at the tomb

f.       Mat 28:9-10 – Jesus appears to the other women at the tomb

g.      mat 28:11-15 – report of the soldiers

h.      3rd appearances of the lord to Peter

i.        John 20:19-25

j.        I cor 15:6appeared to more than 500 at once

k.      he appears to James his half brother

l.        appears to the disciples on the sea of Galilee

m.    Mat 28:16-20 – the 11 on the mount 

n.      ascension

o.      Acts 9:4 – to Paul on the road

         II.      importance of resurrections

a.      it displays his power

                                                              i.      Bible verses

1.      John 2:18-19

2.      Acts 2:22-24

3.      Ephesians 1:19-20

4.      Philippians 3:10

b.      it declares his person and position

                                                              i.      Bible verses

1.      Acts 5 :30-31

2.      Romans 1:4-5

3.      col 1:18

4.      I Peter 3:21-22

5.      rev 1:5

6.      Rev 1:17-8

c.       It validates his work

                                                              i.      Bible verses

1.      Acts 2:32-36

2.      Acts 13:30-39

3.      Rom 8:34

d.      It assures believers resurrection

                                                              i.      Bible verses

1.      Romans 6:8-9

2.      I Cor  6:14

3.      john 11:25-26

4.      I Thessalonians 4:14-16

e.       Ensures the Believers justification

                                                              i.      Bible verses

1.      Rom 4:24-25

f.       It impacts the believers present life ( the point most emphasized in the NT in relation to the Resurrection)

                                                              i.      Romans 6:4-5

                                                            ii.      I cor 15:58

                                                          iii.      Philippians 3:10-14

                                                          iv.      II tim 2 8-10

                                                            v.      I Peter 1:3-21

g.      It guarantees the Lords return

                                                              i.      I Thessalonians 1:10;4:14

h.      it affirm the future judgment of all men

                                                              i.      John 5:25-29

                                                            ii.      Acts 10 40-42 ;17:30-31

                                                          iii.      Rom 13:9-12

Terms and definitions

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1.   Adoption

a.      God’s placing you into his family as a Mature son

                                                            i.      Jewish culture

1.      a son’s father would determine when his son was ready to carry on the family name

2.      with that came blessings, privileges, and rights

3.     as children of God we are adopted

                                                         ii.      Us Today

1.      we have all the rights and privileges of God’s son in his family

2.      when we pray we can pray as mature children of God

3.      we can walk into the throne room anytime we want as his child

                                                        iii.      When does this occur

1.      when you trust Christ for salvation

2.      before salvation you have no rights or privileges with God

a.      unsaved people cannot just walk into the prayer room and talk with God

b.      they have no relationship with him

c.       they can talk to the heir but not to God

                                                        iv.      Key verses

1.      Romans 8:15

2.      Galatians 4:5

3.      Ephesians 1:5

                                                           v.      When does this culminate

1.      Rom 8:23 – at the resurrection

2.   Atonement

a.      at-one-ment with God (Covering over of sin as a legal reparation for it)

                                                             i.      examples

1.      Ex 30

2.      Lev 17 Leviticus

                                                           ii.      What is the extent of the atonement?

1.      Christ Died for the sins of the world, but not everyone receives that

3.   Calling (Traditionally divided General & Effective)

a.      General Call – God calls to everyone

b.      Effectual Call – there was a special supernatural dynamic because we were chosen before the foundation of the world

c.       Distinction: there is a call to all prior to salvation and there is a call to the saved person to be holy

                                                              i.      Lost man’s precall

                                                            ii.      Saved man’s recall

d.      Mr. O’s def 3:00 session 3 on march 7

4.   Conversion

a.      Man’s Choice to turn from sin (to Christ) ( it involves faith and repentance)

Your response, your turning

                                                              i.      God’s responsibility – Regeneration

1.      John 1:13

2.      Titus 3:5

3.      I Peter 1:?

4.      James 1:18

                                                            ii.      Man’s responsibility – chose to turn

5.   Election

a.      Gods choice of believers to accept the Saved life (Not just God’s choice of blessings, but also God’s choices of believers)

                                                              i.      God chooses – God chooses who has been saved

                                                            ii.      Purpose is for God to Glorify I cor 1:27-31

                                                          iii.      we were chosen not based upon our merit

                                                          iv.      Goal

1.      personal holiness

                                                            v.      question is faith a work

1.      Paul’s writings put a stark contrast between the two

2.      faith is not a work

6.   Faith

a.      Dependence – reliance (belief & trust)

                                                              i.      Content – God’s Word

                                                            ii.      Faith is the means not the Cause

                                                          iii.      Faith is not a work it is the antithesis to works

7.   Justification

a.      a legal term for declaring righteous

                                                              i.      Justification means just as if you didn’t sin – no, you did sin

                                                            ii.      you are a sinner

                                                          iii.      Romans 1:1-10

8.   Predestination

a.      our preplanned destiny

                                                              i.      this is only for the saved

                                                            ii.      to conform to the image of Christ

9.   Propitiation

a.      the appeasement or satisfaction of God’s wrath through the substitutionary death of Christ

                                                              i.      verses

1.      Luke 18:13

2.      Romans 3:25

3.      Hebrews 2:17; 9:5

4.      I John 2:2; 4:10

                                                            ii.      God does not need to be angry for you because of you sin because it was paid

10. Reconciliation

a.      Restoring the relation between God and man (reconciliation of God and man)

                                                              i.      Man is reconciled to God – man is the offender God is the offendent

                                                            ii.      Verses

1.      Romans 5:10-11

2.      II Corinthians 5:18-20

3.      Ephesians 2:16

4.      Colossians 1:20-21

                                                          iii.      we can come to the Lord just like Adam and Eve did

11.      Redemption

a.      God’s buying back of believers

                                                              i.      Verses

1.      Ephesians 1:7

2.      Colossians 1:14

3.      I Peter 1:18

4.      Revelation 5:9

                                                            ii.      We are Bought By God

1.      We were bought with the blood of Christ

2.      we are owned by God

a.      I Corinthians 6:20

b.      Titus 2:14

c.       Revelation 5:9

                                                          iii.      We are bought from the bondage of the law

12. Regeneration

a.      the impartionation of spiritual life by God

13. Remission

a.      God dismisses you from your sin and puts all things in the past never to be brought back up again

                                                              i.      2 kinds of forgiveness

1.      human

2.      Devine

                                                            ii.      this is based upon the substitutionary death of Christ

b.      verses

                                                               i.      Ephesians 1:7

                                                              ii.      Colossians 1:14

                                                            iii.      Matthew 26:28

                                                            iv.      Hebrews 9:22

14. Repentance

a.      a change or turning of the mind about sin and dependence

                                                              i.      verses

1.      Acts 3:19;17:30

15. Salvation

a.      the overarching term for deliverance

                                                              i.      we are saved not only from the penalty of sin but

                                                            ii.      we are saved from the power of sin

16. Sanctification

a.      God’s work of setting believers apart for Christ Likeness

                                                              i.      it is positional

1.      I Corinthians 1:2; 6:11

2.      Ephesians 5:26

                                                            ii.      it is progressive

1.      Ephesians 1:4

2.      I Thessalonians 4:3; 5:23

3.      I Peter 1:15-16

17. Substitution

a.      verses

                                                              i.      Isaiah 53:6, 11-12

                                                            ii.      Romans 5:8

                                                          iii.      II Corinthians 5:21

                                                          iv.      Hebrews 9:28

                                                            v.      1 Peter 2:22-24; 3:18

b.      Christ died for us to take our place our place literally

                                                              i.      not just that he did to show his love

                                                            ii.      election without his substitutionary work does not mean anything

                                                          iii.      Because Christ took my place my position with God is totally different

                                                          iv.      2 works

1.      active – fulfilled law

2.      passive – took the penalty for us

                                                            v.      Verses

1.      Is 56:6-12

2.      Romans 5:8

3.      II Cor 5:21

4.      Hebrews 9:28

5.      I Peter 2:22-24;3:18


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Our age is marked by much ambiguity and questions over the matter of the Holy Spirit. Why is that?

By doctor Tim Berry

  1. Reaction to the Charismatic movement
  2. He does not emphasize himself in the Bible

Person of the Holy Spirit

1.     He is a person with intellect will and emotions

2.     Use a masculine pronoun (the Greek noun for spirit is neuter)

a.      if it is to be referred to by a pronoun it must be a neuter pronoun

b.      When the Holy Spirit is referred to it is given a Masculine pronoun

                                                              i.      John 16:13

                                                            ii.      Ephesians 1:13-14

  1. He is presented with relational qualities
    1. no force, aura, or presence has these qualities

                                                              i.      Isaiah 63:10 – he can be rebelled against

                                                            ii.      Ephesians 4:30 – he can be Grieved

                                                          iii.      Luke 12:10 – he can be blasphemed

                                                          iv.      Acts 5:3 – he can be lied to

                                                            v.      Acts 5:9 – he can be tested

                                                          vi.      John 14:26 – we are taught and reminded by him

4.     He is known for 2 key works ( not including man)

a.      Creation                    

                                                              i.      Genesis 1:2 – he moved over the waters

                                                            ii.      Psalms 104:30

                                                          iii.      Ps 33:6 /Job 23:13 decorated heavens

                                                          iv.      Gave life to man

b.      Inspiration

                                                              i.      Old Testament inspiration

1.      II Samuel 23:2-3

2.      Jer 1:9

3.      Hebrews 3:7

                                                            ii.      New Testament inspiration 

1.      I Cor 2:15

2.      I Thessalonians 4:2;15

3.      II Peter 3:16

5.     He of the same kind of Christ

a.      John 14:16 – the Holy Spirit is the comforter

                                                              i.      he is another of the same kind

6.     His attributes

a.      Ps 139:7 -

b.      Luke 1:25 -

c.       I Corinthians 2: 10-11 -

d.      Hebrews 9:14 – eternal

7.     He is refried to interchangeably with God

a.      Acts 5:3-4

b.      Hebrews 10:3-17

  1.  he is equal with God
    1. Is 63:7-10
    2. II Cor 13:14
    3. Matt 28:19

Holy Spirit and the Old Testament

1.     he had a ministry of enablement to fulfill a specific calling ( it is slective and not universal

    1. he came upon

                                                              i.      Exodus 31:3 – craftsmanship

                                                            ii.      Numbers 11:25-29 – prophecy

    1. he enabled for leadership                                                               i.      Judges 3:10

                                                            ii.      I Samuel 6-7

                                                          iii.      I Samuel 16:13

                                                          iv.      Judges 14:6 – physical strength

    1. his presence could be forfeited                                                               i.      I Samuel 16:13-14

                                                            ii.      Pa 54:11 – take not the Spirit from me

    1. conditions                                                               i.      it is for a specific task

2.     His presence was with them

    1. Nehemiah #. Is 63:10-11
    2. Habakkuk 2:5
    3. John 14:17
    4. his ministry was with dwelling in the old testament and indwelling in the New Testament

3.     Regeneration

    1. John 3:5-10 –giving of new life New Testament working
  1. conversion
    1. he gives us our new life in Christ #. Baptism – neither Christ or John were baptized with the Holy spirit
    2. predicted by john the Baptist in Matthew, mark, Luke, and john

                                                              i.      Matthew 3:11

                                                            ii.      Mark 1:8

                                                          iii.      Luke 3:16

                                                          iv.      John 1:33

                                                            v.      Acts 1:5

1.      about 54 references to the Holy Spirit in the book of Acts

2.      about 20 references to baptism of the Spirit

    1. 4 stages concerning baptism

                                                              i.      Disciples Acts 2:1-4 – the disciples were baptized with the Holy Spirit

                                                            ii.      Samaritans Acts 8:14-17 – conversion of the Samaritans

                                                          iii.      Gentiles Acts 10:43 - conversion of Cornelius

1.      baptism of the spirit

2.      Acts 11:15 – like what he did at Pentecost

                                                          iv.      Disciples of John Acts 19:9-6

    1. I cor 12:13 Interpreted by the New Testament epistles                                                               i.      baptism into Christ’s body

                                                            ii.      includes Jews and gentiles

                                                          iii.      past and one time event

1.      Romans 6:3

2.      Colossians 2:12

                                                          iv.      Application: for every New Testament spirit baptism occurs at salvation, baptism is not something a believer should seek and pray because they already received it.

1.      we receive this baptism at conversion

a.     part of our endowment at conversion is the power to prophecy

b.    our response should be to tell others

  1. indwelling #. sealing
  2. gifting
  3. Filling of the Holy Spirit
    1. Be filled with the Holy Spirit

                                                              i.      Luke 1:41;67

                                                            ii.      Acts 2:4;4:8-31;9:17;13:9

                                                          iii.      it is always to a person and normally done on a special occasion or an answer of prayer

1.      Luke 1:41 – unbelief caused silent toung

2.      Acts 4:8

3.      Acts 4:31

4.      Acts 13:9

5.      it is a special filling of the spirit given as needed

    1. Being Filled with the Holy Spirit

                                                              i.      Acts 13:52

                                                            ii.      Ephesians 5:18

                                                          iii.      describes the spiritual experience of the disciples at  iconiounm

                                                          iv.      Summery: this is the ongoing filling of the spirit to be enjoyed by the believers for all times

    1. full of the Holy Spirit                                                               i.      Acts6:3-5

                                                            ii.      Luke 4:1

                                                          iii.      the characteristic trait of someone’s life

1.      Christ was full of the spirit

                                                          iv.      Summery: this is the characteristic filling of the spirit in the life of some believer and should be in all believers it is the results of the life of all believers.

    1. Spirit at work in the believers life                                                               i.      examples of being filled

1.      Acts 8:29 – the Holy Spirit communicated to Philip

2.      Acts 10:19 – the Holy Spirit speaks through your thoughts not feelings and emotions

3.      Acts 13:2-4 – when the Holy Spirit speaks to you, you will know it

4.      Acts 16:6-7 – we must obey when the Holy Spirit speaks to us

  1. Ways the Holy Spirit is pictured through symbols Typology of the Holy Spirit

From material by Layton Talbert

Symbol Reference Significance
Dove Matthew 3:16Mark 1:10Luke 3:22John 1:32 Intrinsic purity
Fire Acts 2:3 Cleansing necessary for service
Wind Acts 2:1-2John 3:8 Invisible, powerful influence
Water John 4:14;7:37-39 Invigorating refreshment
Clothing Luke 24:49 – “endued” Literally means to be clothed Equipping for service beyond normal human capabilities
Earnest II Corinthians 1:22;5:5Ephesians 1:14 Guarantee of divine promises
Seal II Corinthians 1:22; Ephesians 1:13; 4:30 Ownership (security and safety)
Oil Luke 4:18; 10:38Hebrews 1:9II Corinthians 1:21 1 John 2:20,27 Illumination and empowerment

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Ordo Salutis (Order of Salvation – not steps)

1.      Foreknowledge

2.      Predestination

3.      Calling

4.      Justification

5.      Glorification

Key terms

  • election – Ephesians 1:4
    • Salvation is based in election
  • foreknowledge – Romans 8:29
  • predestination – Ephesians 1:5


Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit

  • essence of the charge (Christ and Satan were working together to deceive people and make them think he is the messiah)
    • Galilee
      • Matthew 12:24-37
      • Mark 3:20-30
      • Matthew 9:34
    • Jerusalem
      • Matthew 9:34
      • John 7:20, 8:48, 52
    • Judah
      • Luke 11:15
  • 3 Views of the Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit
    • some reject the ministry of Christ and claim that it was satanically empowered therefore it cannot be permitted today
    • some regard it as rejection of Christ of ministers in any age saying that it was satanic in origin
    • Some say that is the rejection of the Gospel
  • folks were deliberately putting a difference between Jesus and the spirit in which he worked ( they saw Jesus and did not think that he was the messiah, the could see spiritual things going on, they claim He was from the devil)
    • this was a blatant statement of unbelief
    • it showed that the heart was corrupt
    • Why is this sin judged with such severity and finality?
      • not because there is a spiritual difference between the members of the trinity.
      • it may be because of the degree of evil involved
        • what could be worst than calling God Satan
      • best – this sin may never be repented of
        • when people step up to the plate and claim that the spirit by which Jesus work is the devil we never see it repented of
      • anyone who is fearful that they have committed this sin hasn’t
      • can this sin be committed today – yes

Spiritual Gifts

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Spiritual Gift – a gift of Grace, it is God’s enabling for ministry to the body of Christ

  • the church is not a organization it is an organism.(it is living and alive, it is a body and not a building
  • I Corinthians 12:4-7; 14:1>
    • edification of one another
    • the gifts make you unique and important to the building
  • Romans 12
    • Spiritual Gifts starts with total surrender
      • in reality your body is now a member of Christ’s body
      • your place in the body of Christ is important
    • God gives us things to believe him for
    • the gifts are different according to grace
    • the key is not to know what your gift is but to be surrendered
    • God gives every believer spiritual gifts to some degree, but not everyone gets the same measures of each gift
  • Spiritual gifts are sovernly given
    • they are unmerited ( anything that has to do with grace is unmerited)
    • God does not give to all believers any one gift, but God wants the believers to be dependent upon one another.
    • spiritual gifts are different from spiritual calling
  • verses
    • Romans 12:6-8
    • I Corinthians 12:8-10
    • I Corinthians 12:28-30
    • Ephesians 4:11
    • I Peter 9:4-11
  • A Gift is not natural talent it is supernatural
    • often the people God calls to preach who do not have the natural ability
    • Natural talent can be developed educationally but spiritual talent can only be explained supernaturally.
  • Spiritual gifts only work for the body of Christ
    • it does not work in the business world
    • a talent can be a foundation of a spiritual gift but God is not bound to move with the talent
  • a less talent can have a grater effectiveness in the Lords ministry
  • it is not a office
    • it is given at salvation
    • it is much more effective when Spirit enabled
      • Samson
      • Balaam
      • Saul
    • spiritual gifts to not produce blessing through carnality but they do function


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1.    Ekklesia

    1. How often the word is used

                                                              i.      New Testament 114 times in 111 verses

                                                            ii.      in the Gospels it appears 3 times in 2 verses

                                                          iii.      in Acts it occurs 23 times in 23 verses

                                                          iv.      In epistles 68 times in 67 verses

                                                            v.      in revelation 27 times in 19 verses

                                                          vi.      In LXX 77 times in 73 verses (LXX = Septuagint)

                                                        vii.      in the Apocrypha 26 times in 22 verses

    1. Meaning of the word                                                               i.      Old Testament – the gathering of the Israel cogeneration

                                                            ii.      New Testament – the gathering of the Church congregation

                                                          iii.      an assembly (political) group of people

    1. Acts 7:38 This is he, that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel which spake to him in the mount Sina, and with our fathers: who received the lively oracles to give unto us: – is the church part of the Old Testament                                                               i.      this view takes out a literal view of Scripture

                                                            ii.      What is the difference between the Old Testament and the New testament use

1.      I Corinthians 10:32 Give none offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God:

a.     the Jews are different than the church

2.      Christ work of building his ekklesia is presented as future from His standpoint in the gospels

a.     Matthew 16:18 – I WILL build my church

b.    Luke never used the word in his gospel, but he uses the word all over in the book of Acts. (he was a historian)

3.      The New Testament is a result of Christ anointing work in which he reconciles Jew and gentile and forms them into one new man ( Ephesians 2:14-15)

a.     it includes people from both backgrounds

b.    this new house is built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets

c.     Ephesians 2:19-20 compared to Ephesians

d.    Ephesians 3:4-9 & Colossians 1:26-27 present the church as a mystery ( in the Old Testament it was unknown, but it is now known in the New Testament)

4.      the New Testament Ekklesia could not have been an entity until the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

a.      he became the head of the church

                                                                                                                                      i.      Ephesians 1:20-23 – before his resurrection and ascension the church would have been a headless institution.

b.    the gifts would not have been manifested

                                                                                                                                      i.      Christ was not sent until Acts 2 (I Corinthians 12)

    1. the church began at Pentecost #. the word in the Old Testament means an assembly

                                                              i.      Acts 19:39

                                                            ii.      in the Old Testament it refers to the people of Israel

                                                          iii.      Galatians 6:16

1.      Kai – and, even, also

2.      the point is are you a new creature

                                                          iv.      Galatians 3:17-9; 14-29

1.      The promise made to Abraham was a prepreaching of the Gospel

a.     Galatians 3:3 says nothing about the land or national promises

b.    all Paul is talking about the spiritual promises

2.      Genesis 12:

    1. the epistles were written to the Ekklesias in the world                                                               i.      it refers to local churches across the world
  1. Why do we meet on Sunday
    1. what happened on sunday                                                               i.      we have the resurrection ( Matthew 28:1)

                                                            ii.      we have the example of the early church (Acts 20:7)

                                                          iii.      we have the exhortation to gather to give money (I Corinthians 16:2)

                                                          iv.      we have a designations (Revelation 1:10)

                                                            v.      we have the commencement (Acts 2:1)

                                                          vi.      Pentecost happened no Sunday

1.      occurred 7 weeks after the Passover

2.      pilgrim feast was 7 days after ward

3.      it was in the month of Siban 6 ( it was 50 days from the day of first fruits)

4.      it was a joyful festival to rejoice in the wheat harvest

a.     they would take offerings

b.    this was not  a week long feast

c.     this was Sunday

d.    it was designated as a Sabbath as a sacred public assembly for the people with no work

5.      New Testament references

a.     Acts 2: 1-4:20:16 I Corinthians 16:8

b.    typified the enjoyment of a full spiritual harvest (Acts 2)

  1. Lord’s day principles
    1. the principle of bodily rest

                                                              i.      it proceeds the mosaic law

                                                            ii.      it was from creation

    1. principle of assembly ( Acts 20: Hebrews 10)
    2. Principle of delighting in God ( Isaiah 58)
  1. where did the Christian Sabbath concept arisen
    1. the concept did not arise in the early church writings ( Sunday replaces Saturday) #. reformers opposed the idea
    2. English puritans (Baptist confession)
    3. who does not worship on Sunday

                                                              i.      7th day advents

                                                            ii.      7th day Baptists

  1. how should the Sabbath be special
    1. verses

                                                              i.      Galatians 4:9-11

                                                            ii.      Romans 14:3-7 ( not talking about Sunday – the Christians were already meeting on Sunday, that is why Paul told them to give on Sunday)

1.      some were still keeping the Saturday Sabbath and Paul told them that they don’t need to look down on each other

                                                          iii.      Colossians 2:16 (the Sabbath observance was a shadow of things to come – it is no longer binding for Christians)

1.      we meet on Sunday because that is when the Lord resurrected

Christian Worship

  1. The Lord’s day
    1. we have the Day of the Lord
    2. there was an official acknowledgement of Sunday by Constantine
    3. it took a day that already was
    4. it was not a new thought

                                                              i.      it was an official recognizeation of what the church from the beginning


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  1. do I separate because of baptism
    1. Men have died for this very issue
  2. Baptize = immersion
    1. 2 kings 5:18
    2. Isaiah 21:4
    3. Mark 7:4-8
    4. Hebrews 6:2
  3. Baptizo = 80 times in New Testament 21times in Acts
    1. Verses

                                                              i.      Matthew 6:3

                                                            ii.      Mark 1:9

                                                          iii.      Mark 7:4 – used to show that baptize does not always involve immersion ( it does not exclude emersion)

                                                          iv.      Luke ll:38 – used to show that baptize does not always involve immersion ( it does not exclude emersion)

                                                            v.      John 3:23

                                                          vi.      Acts 8:38;16:33

                                                        vii.      Acts 2:41

                                                      viii.      Romans 12:3

                                                          ix.      I Corinthians 10:2; 12:13

                                                            x.      Galatians 3:27

    1. it is never used in Acts to say specifically immerse the whole body
    2. other words are used
    3. summery – the broadly accepted transliteration of baptizo, there is no reason anywhere that it means anything else


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  1. definition - Public gathering of people Acts 19:39 (Acts 19:32-41 – any gathering or throng of men) #. Christian definition
    1. Christian sense – church

                                                              i.      universal (full) church

                                                            ii.      local church (functional) – a particular local church

    1. references

                                                              i.      I Corinthians 10:32 – local church

                                                            ii.      Hebrews 12:24 – universal church

Church Government

  1. Offices
    1. bishop – the local church has a bishop                                                               i.      I Timothy 5:17 – makes a distention between the ruling and the teaching elders. (not a necessary distinction to be made)
  2. women in the church
    1. I Timothy 2:8-15

                                                              i.      woman’s role is not to make doctrinal decisions

1.      it is not that she is weak but that she was not given the role of teaching doctrinal positions

2.      woman can teach speech, lit, and other general fact courses

3.      Titus 1 Paul expects the women to teach other women

4.      eve chose to make the decision instead of consulting her husband Adam

    1. Deaconess

                                                              i.      phebe was called a deaconess – it is the feminine form for servant

  1. The church is autonomous – self governing
    1. Matthew 22:15-21 - #. John 18:36-37 –
    2. separate from hired ecclesial government

                                                              i.      Matthew 18:15-17

    1. Membership (Philippians 1:1)

                                                              i.      Saints

                                                            ii.      Bishops

                                                          iii.      Deacons

    1. Leadership                                                               i.      Acts 20:17 – there is leadership in the local church

1.      there is only one office in the local church

2.      I Peter 5:1-8

3.      Titus 5:1-7

    1. Business                                                               i.      Inanition and oversight by church leadership

1.      Acts 6:2-3, 6 – leadership of the church in Jerusalem making decisions that there was a need of deacons

2.      Acts 15:4,6-22

3.      I Corinthians 5:1-5 – Paul initiates action to use church discipline

4.      Acts 6 – the congregation is involved in the selection of the deacons

5.      I Corinthians 5:1-5; 12-13

    1. commissioning missionaries #. Selecting representatives

                                                              i.      II Corinthians 8: 23

    1. deliberate over issues                                                               i.      Acts 15:4 22-30
    2. (April 4 session 3 16:30) the church is to follow the leaders as long as the leaders are leading according to Christ the church must act upon that instruction a                                                               i.      I Peter 5:4 – identifies Christ as the head of the church

                                                            ii.      Acts 14:23 – Paul and barnabus were picking out elders for the churches

1.      seem to indicate that there is some system of deciding that is outside the church

2.      these churches had not been around for a long time

a.     those churches did not know who would be a good pastor

b.    there is no indication that Paul kept telling them what to do

3.      Jerusalem council – seems to indicate that there was a mother church

a.     in Antioch the church was new and they were looking to the church that helped them for more help


1.      separate from

a.      Apostasy and False teachers

b.      separate why (Doctrinal)

                                                                            i.      gospel Galatians 1:8-9

1.      Death of Christ

2.      Biblical authority

3.      Resurrection

4.      Salvation by Faith alone

                                                                          ii.      doctrine of Christ 2 John 1:9-11

                                                                        iii.      clear apostolic teaching

1.      I Timothy 6:20-21

2.      why not to separate

a.      personal conviction

b.      esccotiolgy

c.       denominational differences

c.       do’s and don’ts

                                                                            i.      don’t fellowship with these people

                                                                          ii.      turn aside from them ( watch where they are going and go the other way) Romans 16:17

d.      separate from disobedient brethren

e.       what does separation mean

                                                                            i.      we do not respect them as teachers

                                                                          ii.      we do not recommend them

                                                                        iii.      we do not show Christian hospitality (2 John 1:9-11)

                                                                        iv.      we do not associate them II Corinthians

                                                                          v.      we watch were they are going and go the other way (Romans 16:17)

2.      disobedient believers

a.      why to separate from them

                                                                            i.      Matthew 18:15 - persistent sin against a brother

                                                                          ii.      I Corinthians 5:10 - moral sin (idolatry, covetousness)

                                                                        iii.      II Thessalonians  3:6 – ungodly lifestyle

                                                                        iv.      II Thessalonians 3:14-15 – those who have turned from the apostles teaching

b.      how to treat them

                                                                            i.      Matthew 18:17 – let these people be like a heathen or a tax collector

1.      don’t trust them with information

2.      don’t trust their information

3.      do not have conversations with them

                                                                          ii.      I Corinthians 5:1-5

3.      Deliver over to Satan

a.      key verses

                                                                            i.      I Timothy 1:19-20

                                                                          ii.      I Corinthians 5:1-5

b.      who are candidates

                                                                            i.      confessing but unrepently sinning believers

1.      involved in open sin ( immorality, or others)

                                                                          ii.      someone who has rejected faith and a good conscience

1.      I Timothy 1:20

2.      II Timothy 2:17-18 – teachers of false doctrine

3.      II Timothy 4: 14-15 – resists apostolic doctrine

c.       what is the purpose

                                                                            i.      expected by the apostle

                                                                          ii.      responsibility of the church

                                                                        iii.      not to condemn them but to restore them

                                                                        iv.      I Corinthians 5:5 – Paul delivered them to Satan for the destruction of the flesh

                                                                          v.      I Timothy 1:20 – stern punishment instead of instruction

d.      what is meant by Delivering one to Satan

                                                                            i.      ideas

1.      you are disfellowshiping them from the church

a.      this does not account for the terminology of delivering unto Satan

b.      Paul asserted that he delivered 2 people to satan

c.       Matthew 18; II Thessalonians 3 – (Thursday april 6 11:00

2.      it appears from the descriptions that we have  is a conscience specific deliberate expressed verbalized act, in extreme public, and unrepeated cases of immorality in life or blasphemy in life or doctrine, areas where public sin gravely threatens the doctrine of the church.

a.      nut shell  - clear and deliberate that a person is delivered to Satan for destruction of the flesh ( curse) – God is removing his protection from that person

Foundation of the Church

  1. Matthew 16:18 - And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  
    1. who is the rock

                                                              i.      Christ

                                                            ii.      Peter

                                                          iii.      Peter personally

                                                          iv.      Peter representavitly for all the apostles

                                                            v.      Peter as a confessor

                                                          vi.      Peter’s confession – NIV

    1. I Corinthians 3:10,11 – the foundation is Christ                                                               i.      this is talking about the foundation of the individual believers life

                                                            ii.      we have Christ as our foundation ( we build upon it with gold silver or precious stones, or wood hay and stubble)

    1. Ephesians 2:20 – Jesus is the chief cornerstone #. Matthew 16:18

                                                              i.      Who do men say who I am?

1.      they are trying to find out who Christ is

2.      what does Peter say

a.     you are the Christ

3.      God helped Peter with this key truth

                                                            ii.      keys of the kingdom symbolize access and authority

1.      Luke 11:52

2.      time 42:15

3.      Matthew 16:19; 18:18

                                                          iii.      how are the keys used and defined

1.      entrance and exclusion of the kingdom

2.      warning and consequences for not being good

3.      Peter uses the keys and Acts 2:38/ Acts 10:42-43

4.      every time I give the gospel I use the keys to the kingdom

    1. Matthew 16:19-20                                                               i.      Why were they not to tell people this truth

1.      if they told everyone than the jews would think that he would set up the earthly kingdom

2.      God had set up Jesus as Lord and Christ

                                                            ii.      the church is based on the confession “Jesus is Lord”

Purpose of the Church

  1. uphold and forward the truth
    1. I Timothy 2:15 – the church is the pillar and the ground of truth #. Acts 20:27 – leadership is key to upholding the truth

                                                              i.      you should not harp on the same things all the time

                                                            ii.      we are to declare all the council of God

  1. Fulfill the Great Commission – make disciples

Eschatology – study of end thing

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  1. distinction between eschatology and prophecy
    1. Eschatology – all eschatology is prophecy but not all prophecy is eschatology
  2. key elements
    1. recognize the presence of an intermediate state

                                                              i.      there is reality between a man’s death and resurrection

    1. recognize the reality of two comings of Christ

                                                              i.      rapture

1.      when Jesus Comes from glory and meets his saints in the air

                                                            ii.      2nd coming

1.      when he will come down to  reign

    1. recognize the reality of 2 resurrections                                                               i.      resurrection to life

                                                            ii.      resurrection to death

    1. recognize the reality of the Millennium (1000 year reign of Chris)                                                               i.      literal

                                                            ii.      earthly

                                                          iii.      future

    1. recognize the reality of Judgment #. recognize the reality of the final state

                                                              i.      Damned – lake of fire

                                                            ii.      Redeemed – new heaven and new earth

  1. key terms
    1. Dispensationalism #. Covent theology
    2. The Day of the Lord- Tribulation through the millennium
    3. Times of the Gentiles – from the Babylonian captivity to the 2nd advent
    4. Last Days – period of time from the 1st and 2nd advent in the church age
  2. essential elements (if you want to be orthodox)
    1. the immortality of the soul ( the soul lasts forever an cannot be destroyed)
    2. bodily resurrection

Millennial Positions

  1. the Millennial kingdom is a 1000 year, future, literal, physical, earthly, reign of Christ
Amil Premill Postmil
Unreal milleniam It will be real Chrsit is ruling in heaven now and will come at the end

                                                              i.      it will be a real 1000 years – Revelation 20:2-7

                                                            ii.      pre- it is ruled by Christ’s physical presence

    1. Premill

                                                              i.      Important references for premillenism

1.      Genes 15:18-21- full possession of Israel

2.      II Samuel 7:16- the throne of David will be established forever

3.      Jeremiah 31:31-34 –

                                                            ii.      Have the convents been fulfilled yet. NO!

1.      not all the land has been occupied at once

2.      as a nation Israel has not turned to Christ

                                                          iii.      God will fulfill His promises

1.      He is not being tricky

2.      He will fulfill His promises

3.      all the tribes of Israel will have their land

4.      there will be a new temple and a new throne of David

                                                          iv.      Almill & post mills – spiritualize the promises and times

                                                            v.      problems for not premills

1.      Acts 1:6 –

a.     agency – will Jesus restore the Kingdom

b.    chronology – will you at this time

c.     nature  - will you restore it to Israel

d.    Christ did not correct them on the agent or nature He just told them not to worry about the time of the coming of the kingdom.

                                                                                                                                      i.      the kingdom can happen at any time

                                                                                                                                    ii.      it will be divinely instituted – not fulfilled by the great commission

                                                                                                                                  iii.      it will be geo-political

e.     the millium will be a restoration of the kingdom of Israel to Israel through Jesus Christ on the throne of David

  1. Daniel’s 70th week
    1. Daniel 9:20-27 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.

                                                              i.      Daniel knew that Gods’ word was true and it didn’t seem to be happening and he fell to his knees

                                                            ii.      Daniels prophecy concerns (his focus)

1.      His people (Israelites)

2.      His city (Jerusalem)

3.      not the church

                                                          iii.      the leanth of the prophecy

1.      70 weeks is 70 7’s

2.      490 days was the messiah cut of for this time No

a.     Daniel was writing at about 530 b.c.

b.    the only way to make since of it ( weeks = years)

c.     this time is divided into 3 parts

                                                                                                                                      i.      beginning 7 weeks  – Go and rebuild (Dan 9:25

1.      some say it is the command of sires to rebuild the temple in ez 1:1-3 (wrong time)

2.      command of artizerkies ezra 7:7; 9:9 (458 B.C.)

3.      command of Artizerkis to neimah to Neimaiah 445 BC. Neimiah 2:1-8

a.      favored opinion

b.      problems

                                                                                                                                                                                                              i.      assumption that Christ was crucified when he was 30

                                                                                                                                                                                                            ii.      assumes that the command was given on the 1st day of nison

                                                                                                                                    ii.      followed by 62 weeks – 434 days

                                                                                                                                  iii.      final period 1 week – covenant and desolation in the middle of that week

1.      it begins with a covenant made with Israel

2.      half way through that covenant will be broken

3.      Dan 7:25

                                                          iv.      history of why this prophecy came

1.      Daniel began to pray for God to help him to understand

a.     he knew that the 70 years of captivity were almost over


[1] I prefer to make the distinction that it this is not God’s choice for you to “choose” to be saved but for you to experience the blessings of the saved life.

[2] I prefer “pre-thoughts” over “pre-determination.”

[3] Cophright 1972, 1976, 1987 Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All rights Reserves.

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