Malachi outline for studying
DATE: c. 435-430 BC[1]
I. Introduction (1:1)
II. Blindness to the love of God (1:2-5)
A. God’s love seen by His dealings with Esau (1:3-4)
B. God’s love seen by contrasting Esau’s destiny with Israel’s (1:5)
III. Disservice to the Great King (1:6-2:9)
A. Exposure of the priests’ failure to give proper honor to the name of God (1:6-14)
B. Indictment of the priests for their unfaithfulness to the covenant of Levi (2:1-9)
1. Penalty for failing to hear this commandment of the Lord (2:1-4)
2. The covenant with Levi that they had broken (2:5-9)
IV. Unfaithfulness in human (marriage) covenants (2:10-16)
A. The indictment: unfaithfulness to the covenant (2:10-11)
B. The consequences: sacrifice rejected (2:12-13)
C. Israel’s protest and God’s reply: Divorce, which God hates, is a breach of covenant (2:14-16)
V. Criticism of God’s justice (2:17-3:6)
A. Israel’s words: God’s justice is inconsistent (2:17)
B. God’s answer: Wait for God’s justice which will be revealed at the coming of His Messenger (3:1-5)
C. God’s character: Israel’s preservation is due to God’s unchanging character (3:6)
VI. Disobedience to the Lord’s statutes (as evidenced by Israel’s lack of giving) (3:7-12)
A. The root problem is a failure to return to the Lord and to obey His commandments (3:7)
B. The issue of tithing is cited as one example of their disobedience (3:8-12)
VII. Unbelief in the value of serving God (3:13-4:3)
A. Israel’s words: Serving God is not worthwhile (3:13-15)
B. Yahweh’s words: He remembers those who fear Him (3:16-18)
C. The coming Day: God will distinguish those who fear Him from the evildoers (4:1-3)
VIII. Conclusion (4:4-6)
A. Remember the Law of Moses (4:4)
B. Look for the Messenger (4:5-6)
I. Foundationally,[3] one of the causes or characteristics of dead religion is blindness to God’s love (1:2-5).
II. “Insincere worship”[4] (1:6-2:9).
A. Blemished sacrifices (1:6-14)
B. Blighted religious leaders (who had failed to fulfill their ministerial obligations) (2:1-9)
III. Unfaithfulness in human (marriage) covenants (2:10-16).
IV. Criticism of God and His ways (2:17-3:6).
V. Disobedience to the revealed will of God (3:7-12).
VI. Unbelief in the value of serving God (3:13-4:3).
I. Fear (honor) God.
II. Prepare to meet the coming Messenger[5] (in the Day of the Lord).
[1] Malachi uses the Persian word for governor (1:8), suggesting that his ministry falls during the interlude between Nehemiah’s first and second governorship (ca. 435-430).
[2] Michael P. V. Barrett, “The Message of Malachi: An Analysis of Dead Religion,” in Biblical Viewpoint (Nov 1998), 34. Barrett notes, “Malachi meticulously examines, exposes, and identifies the causes and signs of dead religion and spiritual decay. With a series of six cutting propositions, he penetrated to the core issues that marked Israel’s religion” (p. 34).
[3] Malachi begins his book with this oracle, suggesting that it is the “footing” upon which the rest of the book builds.
[4] Barrett, 35.
[5] Note the emphasis on the word messenger (1:1—Malachi!; 2:7; 3:1; 4:5).