Sunday Service 03-21-2021
Together that Paul uses it is for him through him by him and to him are all things for him through him by him to him. How many know it's all Jesus, right? Hallelujah, I'll give him praise give him praise. Give him praise Hallelujah Lord. Hallelujah father father that's what we know this morning. We don't know anything else about what's happening around us. We're clueless so many times about so many things. But we do know one thing that everything we have everything. We are everything we did everything we are yet to do is for you from you through you and buy you there is nothing outside of you. We are Jesus people just like we were so many years ago when we came out of the whatever it came onto the beaches and people mocked us and said all those are those Jesus people you better be right. We are Jesus people cuz there is no one else there is no other name. So father we thank you this morning that every name that is in this building right now can submit to you father every name by was its name right now every Cancer every sickness every disease father pause its name every illness every every difficulty. Every unemployment situation files. It's Right to you right now every situation by was it's me in Jesus name because everything is for you and from you and you are worthy of it all hallelujah, or could you just raise your hands and just give him one last phrase? Could you do that? Hallelujah Lord, we magnify that we magnify your we glorify your father worthy worthy worthy in your Holy Name Worthy is your Holy Name play luya if you could just in your mind's I just picture every arrow see we have a problem in our lives there. So many times we have every arrow pointing to us in the center, don't we There is no way man on that. That's all right, but if we could just take teas at take us out of a center put Jesus in there and have every arrow of Our Lives pointing right to him. He is in the circle. He said well, where are we? I don't know we're gone. It's all Jesus. It's all Jesus in the center. Hallelujah praise His name if you think that's a praise the Lord hallelujah. Hallelujah. God bless you. You may be seated praise His name Hallelujah Hallelujah, Jesus. Keep saying it makes it so much easier for me to just concentrate on Jesus. Amen. Nothing else. It's all Jesus Hallelujah. You got some so not I don't I really don't want to steal passwords Thunder but while sitting on the Queue there during worship, I got this thing. How many remember the old Superman movies with Christopher Reeves? Oh good. I remember the one scene where the train track was out and the train was rolling and it was going to derail and fall into this big canyon but he literally made like close the gap with himself and the train was able to just roll right over him with no problems. And then and also there's this meme I've seen on Facebook a few times where Jesus is sitting in the middle of like you have I think Thor Spider-Man Superman like all day the superheroes and he says and that's how I saved the world.
I like to compare Jesus to Superman. I like to compare him to like the superheroes because he is a superhero and he closed that gap between man and God in like in the Sistine Chapel you look up and you see where man and God are able to touch. because of Jesus like and there's and I think the reason why he was crucified the way he was with his arms spread was not just because that's the way the Romans crucified people but it's so that you could see him as a bridge to hold one hands of man and one hand of God and close that Gap.
There is therefore men who let me see. Hold on. Hold on. Tell Evelyn the Holy Spirit does this?
Since God is for us he will in intercede for us and I'm going to that's the last point of my message this morning is the intercession and how Jesus stands in the gap for all of us.
How did you know that? Amen, thank you for that word. Thank you for that word. I love when the Holy Spirit is our word and it's like how did he read my notes. I just got done with those notes.
Boy, I tell you what. I mean you're glad that there's an intercessor for us this morning who stands in the Gap hallelujah. Hallelujah. Amen before the ushers, and I see you back there. Where is Yuri?
The other is your he's coming we're going to take an offering today, but I just seen a note on your notes are in your bulletin and last week as well. We are going to take a special love offering as well for pastor Wendell in Guatemala and what we're going to do them both in one offering cuz we're not going to have a separate special offer. Just going to take it in one offering. So as you give your normal offering if you want to put extra for urea for Wendell Fury will take it if you want to put an extra for Wendell. You can mark it on your check or if you're going to get cash. You can just put it in an envelope and just write Wendell Wendell or whatever w e n d will get it and we will do that. So as you prepare, cuz there's going to be two offerings at 1. So we're going to give you extra time as we prepare. You're going to share a little bit about something that's happening down there. Yasso Pastor Wendell, he recently just took a big leap of face and right before all this kovats went down he purchased or he at least got a mortgage on this new land that used to be a farm same as this church used to be a farm and they sold it to him so that he could go to church in the same area. So now that he has the church. He's been having all these events. He oversees 13 different churches throughout the community up in the mountains. You don't even speak Spanish. They speak other languages and he's in charge of them and he's also a doctor in top of that when I go down to Guatemala. He's all like he works like all night and then he says, okay now we're going to go up to one of the churches in the mountains. I'm all like dude, I don't even work and I'm already getting worn out cuz we're going all the way to the mountains and we have to drive like a few hours and we have to March up like another 45 minutes to an hour to get to the church do an entire service and then come all the way back and he's all like are going to do the same thing tomorrow. And you're a doctor and like how the heck did you all the stuff? I get exhausted I go home. I like pass out when I'm with him and then he goes and he watches a movie or something. I was like, dude, how do you have energy for this? But when we give a faster one on his church, it's not going to be a handout. He's somebody who works very very hard and he sees what he does as a calling from God and he serves these people as a few serving God. So he takes his job very seriously. I don't think we just should give out money as handouts to people cuz the Bible says do unto others as you would have them do unto you right? I don't want somebody to give me money cuz it's all I call for a little baby. Here's some money to help get you going my dad gave me a house to start building for my future and it needs work. He didn't just give me the house. He says I'm going to give you the house. Will you have to work on it and every step of the way, he's there with me. He's like buy the material with you 50/50 will 50/50. He doesn't just Free handouts, he makes me work for what he's essentially giving to me and I think God does the same thing to us. He doesn't just feel bad for a sick little babies. Like here's some blessings to help get it going. He's like, I know that there's more in you so I'm giving this to you to take you to the next level. That's what I want us to do in Guatemala. Like one story I can think of was the last time I was down there I go to this little coffee shop called Cafe van and the guy is friends with Pastor Wendell and a first we go upstairs. She says I'm working on this machine because we grow a lot of cardamom cafe or coffee and stuff like that. He says, wow, we do that we burn up a lot of tree. So I'm actually building this new machine to sell to Farmers that uses propane instead of trees that we can save the couch or save the I like geography of Guatemala. He says cuz we're killing all of our Force. He's like his God gave us this country. We have to take care of it. I'm like this guy's decent. So we go downstairs. We're going to the coffee shop and I'm all I feel this is also yours. She says, yes, this is my little Bakery and it's called cafe Pine. I was like, I like that name. It's very simple coffee cookies in Holly glasses name. So I'm like, I mean, like it's pretty simple like doesn't take a lot of you know, creativity channels on a mild like, why did you choose that name? He says, well, there's a story behind it. He says 1993. He says, I want to the capital to look for work. He said I got to bus station and I have to be on another part of the city for my interview. He's like I had no money. He says I look to the guy to the left and said can I have one kid style that's like 10 15 cents. He says I just need one case tall to ride this bus. He said the guy just stared at him said nothing and looked back and he said okay. He's like that wasn't a lot of money I was asking for so he goes to the other guy on the other side. He says can I please just have one for the bus again? The guy just stares at him says nothing and look straight ahead. So Name is Eric's Eric Coleman. He just stands there and he says okay got this time. I'm going to try asking you so he closes his eyes and says God, please give me some money so I can ride this bus and he says he opens his eyes and in front of him on the street. He sees a little bit of money. So he's only why is nobody else grabbing this money? So he looks at everybody and they're all looking the direction for the bus is coming. She's like, okay, so he goes out take some money. He says at this point everybody's looking at him and he goes back to his spot and then he immediately says God, I'm sorry that I didn't ask you first to help. I look to the person to the left onto the person to the right. I should have went to you first. I'm sorry. So he looks at how much he has he has four kids always and that's not even a dollar. So he's like, I have one case all that's another money to get to my appointment to my interview. I just have one case dollar to spend on what I need for an interview. He says I have one more for the bus ride back home. He's like that leaves me one case off. So he goes to this little coffee shop and buys us a little bit of gratitude this little cookie cuz you know he could afford. I saw the woman looks at him and says do you want anything else besides know that that's enough and when he's there he could just smell the coffee and he's like I would do anything for a cup of coffee right now. He's like it smells so good the coffee down. There was a way better than here. They're all I go there like they're like, we used to know the good stuff to America. It's all like no like I tried them both McDonald's have some decent coffee, but I don't like down there the coffee is on another level. So he smells it. He's like I want coffee, but I can't afford it. So the lady says all you got was a few cookies. She's like you don't want anything else, you know, he didn't have any money to buy coffee, but he said well, how much is a coffee and she said to him when you buy a cookie the coffee is free. So he walks out and he says thank you God for two miracles in one day. And he walks out of that place saying God one day. I'm going to have my own Bakery in anytime some new buys a cookie the coffee. Is it going to be free and he has that now and he says all the time people come in usually such a poor and like kids who come into Bilo cookie so that they can have a free coffee and it's like that's an example. I can think of where God didn't give a hand out to somebody but he gets a hand up to somebody he didn't just give him $48 to ride a bus. He's all like this guy has a heart to reach others around him and password won't have that same hard. So when we get to Guatemala when I was just giving a free handout, I'm not okay with that. We're giving a hand out till like, how can we help you take your fellowship with others and to God to the next level. So amen. Amen, praise the Lord Usher's if you'll come.
And as they come father, we just thank you that we can do this that we can so into one Kingdom the kingdom of God by sowing into Emmanuel Community Church sowing into all the missions we support and sowing into Guatemala as well. So we thank you Father that we could do that. We know that you're going to bless both gift and Giver in Jesus name. Are you going to cause this to be in abundance and we're going to have seed in Guatemala Hallelujah for what you're doing. We thank you for it in Jesus name. Amen. And amen. God bless you as you give and how many want to go to Guatemala and get free coffee. Hallelujah now, you know what I said about me and coffee and so now I'm stuck. I I can't even think about my uneven what but verse I'm turning to in the Bible. I'm just thinking about coffee. Take your Bibles and open them. We are are going to take a little diversion from Ephesians. We were in the fifth chapter finishing that up, but we're going to take a little diversion because I suddenly realized next week on Sunday. That's unbelievable. Palm Sunday 2021 whoever would have thought you would have heard that date ever in your life. So we are going to shift into a little bit of
Jesus mode here for Palm Sunday turn our Direction This Way a bit and so we're going to go to the 8th chapter of Romans the eighth chapter of Romans written out of very familiar passage of scripture verse 31 Romans, 8:31. Perhaps one of the most beautiful chapters in the Bible. I think whenever I say that I always say that about every work chapter in the Bible to sew and let's just read the passage and then we'll get back to the concept that we want to talk about this morning. Where do I but God being for us? God is for us Romans 8 chapter verse 31. What should we say? Then do these things? If God is for us who can be against us he who did not spare his own son, but delivered them up for us all how shall he not with him also, freely give us all things who should bring a charge against God's elect. It is God who justifies? Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died and furthermore is also risen who is even at the right hand of God who also makes intercession for us and then he goes on to talk about nothing separating us from God nothing no tribulation persecution, etcetera, etcetera verse 37. We are conquerors in all these things. Him who loved us from persuaded neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present or things to come nor height nor depth nor any other created things shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ. Jesus our lord what a wonderful passage. Now this passage, of course the 8th chapter of Romans is really begins all the way back probably at the 5th chapter where he begins by saying that we are justified by faith. Therefore we have been justified by faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, etc. Etc. So It Begins by justification tells us that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and can be only justify by him either Jew or Greek. It doesn't matter 6 chapter. He talks about Ark bondages to sin and what sin does in our lives and we should not let sin reign in our lives because of Grace but instead should deal with the same issues that we have in our own lives chapter 7, he makes it personal then and he talks about that wonderful bonded to the law and how Christ freed us from We're no longer subject to a list of do's and don'ts or Rights and Wrongs there is a list but our Salvation is not based on our performance. Our salvation is based on his performance on the cross. And so he deals with that whole issue any ends that 7th chapter with that wonderful wonderful Declaration of the struggle the elder brother the Apostle of our faith. There is out of Paul the Apostle Paul that wonderful struggle he had with his own flesh. When he said the things I don't want to do I end up doing the things I do want to do. I don't do hos who's going to deliver. I see two laws within me. He said I see the law of sin and death and I see the law of the spirit of Christ one brings death the other brings life and it's a constant struggle and if it ever been there anybody there right now, yes, you are. We're all there right now, but he reaches its conclusion. Of course, we know that it begins that wonderful chapter that were in right now and he starts with that word therefore and it's therefore because of everything before that and Does because of everything that Jesus did for me Justified me set me free from sin and death Set Me Free from all those things. Then he says in verse 18. There's a glorious Liberty coming for all of us all a man. I can't wait for that glorious Liberty in verse 23. Our bodies will be redeemed in verse 26. He is alive for one reason and that is to pray for us. He's alive at the right hand of the father to intercede and then verse 28 comes that wonderful verse that we all know and love and can understand all things work together for good. Lord I'm glad that versus there but I don't understand how you're doing it but somehow you're doing it you're working all things together for good and end isn't that one of the greatest things we could think about as we look toward this wonderful Easter season that is coming to that. God does not condemn has Hallelujah, there is no extensive list of do's and don'ts no religious obligations. All he wants for us is to follow him has already been judged Jesus is Alive to celebrate your strengths and to make intercession for your weaknesses and in some unbelievable way. He's working all things together for good. That's the whole thing that we're heading into right now. What a wonderful thing that is for all of us. I need someone that is for me not against me. I told you that the closer that I get to the father in my walk with him the more I need his Mercy the more wholly, I become the more. I realize my sin not in a self-destructive or negative kind of way, but realizing that there is always more work to be done in my walk with the Lord the short does in short The Wider the wall the black or the specs right talk about that issue before and how many times your ear walking closer to the Lord you're getting closer look and all of a sudden something crops up inside of your spiritual cry and you think more didn't I deal with that already? Didn't I didn't I take care of that already. Why am I sensing that again? Why am I feeling that again? That's why I'm so glad that God is for me not against me that there is so much that is already against us that the last thing we need is a God Like Allah. The last thing we need is a reincarnate of a spirit like Vishnu. The last thing I need is karma like the Buddhist where have to try to live better every time I have a life so that I can work my way to heaven. That's the last thing I need God is for me what an amazing statement that is Amazing the King of Kings Lord of lords the Everlasting God the Father Who holds all things together by the word of his power is for me not against me. He's not idly standing by scratching his head. He's not wondering what's going on. He's not folding his hands looking at creation thinking. Oh my what am I going to do? He's not wringing his hands. Wondering what's happening? No don't know he is ready for us. He is involved with us. He knows exactly what he's doing and all the times that I'm not for him. He's for me all the times that I'm faithless. He remains faithful to so many times that I need his help. He's there all the time to understand and to be there and to help me there are so many things in life. I just don't understand anymore. I get could I get more and more confused? I just found out this past week. I didn't know this. I just found out this past week that I hate Asian people.
I didn't know that.
For those of us that don't watch the news. Some crazy guy that had sexual problems went into a Asian massage parlor and shot a bunch of people and now I woke up on for Thursday morning and found out I hate Asians. I didn't know that. Show me things I don't understand about life amazing like a hillbilly that showed up for work one day at a construction job site. He notices a lunch guy next to him for lunch has a firm is Sonny and he says what's that thing? He says what's the thermostat keeps hot things hot, and it keeps cold things cold. They'll Billy was so impressed by that that he said I got to get one of those so next day he comes to working as a thermos in the co-workers is all I see you got a thermos and he says what you put in it for lunch. He says, well, I got chili for lunch and Two Scoops ice cream for dessert.
something tells me he didn't really figure out how that thermos thing work and How many have the times in life when you just don't got it figured out quite right and you wonder why the mess came out and you're thinking I didn't understand that all of our stupidity all of our mistakes. He is for us. He wants to be for every human being on Earth. He's for that drunk. He's for that prostitute. He's for that corrupt business Manny's for all of it. I didn't watch the Grammys but I did see clips of what happened on the Grammys. He's for every female dancer that was up there dancing to destroy everything that you women have worked for in the past 70 years, right destroying every image of Womanhood that they can he is for those people. He loves them and he wants them to to be set free into him. I really believe that we are in the days of grace right now the last days of grace and I believe that God is a for God and not an against God they're coming at I'm at the end of the age when I will not want to stand in front of him in judgment, but right now he's not willing that any should perish but that all should Come to repentance. He himself said I did not come into the world to condemn the world because the world is already condemned. I came that it might have life Hallelujah. So in these last days, we're going to see three quick point of how God is for us and Paul begins this by saying and verse 31. If God is for us then basically who can be against us they presented in a mathematical hist if then kind of statement so I'm going to change that to a since then kind of statement cuz we know that God is for us. It's not an if it's a sin. So first of all, he says since God is for us the last part of that verse he will freely give us all things. I like that. Since God is for us. He will freely give us all things. Paul said all things if God gave his son up for us. Will he not give us all he needs paw sent this message to the small beleaguered group of Christians in Rome. They were in the Caesar's household. They were in the midst of the highest debauchery. What would they see every day? They would see slaves being abused. They was he gladiatorial fights. They would see gluttonous meals. They would see the orgies. They would see the political corruption that was around them. They was hey, wait a minute. I talk about Rome or America.
I'm wondering how may I ask what a horrible place to be in when they would Gather in one small room there would be members of Caesar's household and a slave and a soul jerk and a senator and they would all be together as brothers in the war to do when they would walk out of that place. They would have to watch themselves be persecuted and battered back and forth. They had to watch while that Christian brother in the Lord's servant might be put to death or harassed or tortured they've watched Paul be beheaded Paul wrote this letter them then they watched him be beheaded but it was to those Believers. He wrote this wonderful passage in Romans 15 now may the god of Hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound in Hope by the power of the Holy Spirit fill you call says fill you not just a dab'll not just a smidgen but fill you with all joy, not just a shallow Joy not just ask. But joy, unspeakable and full of Glory all peace not just five hours a day. Not just while you're relaxing in the evening, but all joy all joy that passes understanding all peace that passes understanding and that you would abound in hope not just for today, but all the tomorrows around you listen. He said I know to another believer should I know that you live Jesus said Satan dwells and right now, I believe that's a word for somebody you're living in a place where you say owed State and wells in this place, never been there. Satan is here. Do you feel your despise you feel you're rejected you feel the world is laughing at you but I've got news for you. God is for you Hallelujah. He is for Youth and he will give you all the grace. You need all the love. You need all the mercy you need all the provision that you need all the grace upon Grace upon Grace that you need and it's all free. Oh Hallelujah.
I like the message to Paul games of the Corinthian Church 1st Corinthians and 2nd Corinthians 1st Corinthians. He basically said clean it up right clean it up. You got stuff. You really got to clean up and they did they made the hard choices. They stop the sin. They cleaned it up. And then in the second Corinthians, he comes along and he says the 9th chapter and God who is able to make all grace abound toward you that you are having always having all sufficiency in all things. They have an abundance unto every good work if that doesn't describe freely given. Oh, how wonderful. What do you need this morning? What lack do you have? He is El Shaddai by the all-sufficient one. What knee do you have? He's the god of abundance Whitney. Do you have what's in do you have he's the God of all Grace. Do you need cleansing? His grace is sufficient where sin. Abound Grace does much more abound is attached to difficult. He has in abundance for every good. Work and he has promised to give you all of these things freely soap all starts by saying since God is for us and since he did this whole thing himself he is going to give us everything. We need freely to get us down the path second thing. He says is since God is for us. He will justify us to bring that up and then verses 33 and 34 since God is for us. He will justify us justify have to justify means to make righteous to declare innocent to Pardon to release from sin. You probably heard this before but when God forgives and I am justified it is just as if I never send, isn't that wonderful Justification is just as if I never send God knows what we've done but he does not hold it against us unlike us right how many times you have had an argument with someone that you've known for a long time. I won't say a spouse.
Set me up for a long time and they bring up something from two years ago five years ago 12 years ago 38 years ago. Aren't you glad God doesn't do that. He knows every sin I will commit next week next month 20 years from now if he knows how many times I will fail him. He knows I will deny him like Peter but he knows that he is also praying for me that my faith will fail not and when I'm fully converted, he will strengthen everyone through me Peter. I know what you're going to do. You're going to deny me. I told you three times what you're going to do. You're going to deny me on that third time the roosters going to croak but guess what Peter Jesus said, I'm on the other side of your failure. I'm on the other side of your denial. I'm so glad that Jesus is already on the other side of my failure Hallelujah. He's already on the other side of my victory. He's already on the other side of whatever mistake I make and just like Peter when I fail him, he will be on my side and on the other side because if God is for me if he spared not his only son how much more will he justify me now until I get to his present someday. What does the word says and Paul says it more over whom he did predestinate those he called who he called. He justified who he justified. He glorified and we've set it in the past. This is all past tense. It's already done. It's already completed. It's already finished. I'm glad that God finishes a job whenever he starts it. when Jesus when Jesus was on that cross he uttered those fantastic and amazing last three words. It is finished. And when he said those three words, he meant it when it's the last breath that you have and your body is wracked with pain and your skin has been torn off and your beard has been plucked out and people are standing rock you laughing the last three words are pretty important. And those were the last three most important words of the god-man. It is finished when Jesus cried. It is finished. David brasili was cleanse when he cried it is finished the work was done when he breathed his last. I inherited a glorious eternity when they pulled his dead body off the cross my resurrection body was secured when they pull them out of the Grave. I had a crown of righteousness reserved for me when they rolled away the stone a new name on new name for me was written on a white stone that nobody knows when he descended. I ascended Hallelujah when he rose from the grave I Rose to New Life when he ascended to the father Iris received it turn old gifts. I am justified this morning. It's not by my own works. Not by my own sweats not by my own Deeds or my own Ingenuity or my own interest is spirituality. I am saved and Justified this morning by the precious blood of Jesus Christ that never ever loses. Its power Hallelujah. Several times in the Old Testament as matter fact in Jeremiah and then twice in Hebrews. The writer says I will remember your sins no more. It says God said, I'll remember your sins. No more that there's a there's a slight shade of difference there between that because we could say remember and forget are the same things, but that's not what's said here because if God can forget my sins, he might forget my righteousness and I don't want him to do that. Remember their means to reckon to account or to call to mind. I am so glad this morning that God our heavenly father will not reckon my sins. He will not account them. He will not call them to mind. He does not wake up tomorrow morning and say hey Dave, I Know What You Did in 1972 or 1981 or 1999 or yesterday, but I will not reckon those things to your account. I will not recall them because they're under the blood they are atone for and you have been just certified
Now how many know who does the Reckoning? Is Reckoning Jesus, you know we do with our own sins. We reckon them all the time, don't we? We call him up, don't we? We get the dredging machine out we go down as deep as we can to see if we could find them right and then we use them on ourselves and we can even use them on other people. Hallelujah, you heard the if you've heard the expression the past if God's very didn't receive for his a sea of his forgetfulness. Don't go scuba diving.
But we do it too often. But thank God since he is for us. He will freely justify us and bury all of those sins one last point and that is since God is for us. He will intercede for us verse 34 who also makes intercession for us and there's this wonderful connection that you see there. That is there is no one to condemn me. Cuz Jesus says I'm not going to do it. There's only one person to intercede for me. And that is Jesus. So the very one who could condemn us does not instead he intercedes for us because you see there is much to condemn in me. I fail the Lord regularly. I Stumble in many things James the second chapter says that the third chapter that if you're a teacher you're going to stumble in many things and we all stumble many things many times. I'm faithless when I should be filled with faith. I know what I need to do many times and I don't do it according to James for that's in if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and call him a liar 1st. John 1. Do I need an intercessor? The last thing I need is a religion of condemnation. I need an intercessor and Jesus this morning as our intersection before the father. Now one of the best definition you just heard the call and give it standing in the Gap. That's exactly what intersection means that you build up. That Gap and you and Jesus did the cross is that Gap his body is that guy feels that guy but one of the greatest definitions of intercession that I can that I've ever saw in scripture was number 16 chapter and you could you can go back and read the whole story. You know, it Israel was murmuring surprise. Israel was murmuring. And God said to Moses stand back cuz I'm going to kill them all. That's it. I'm just going to kill them. All. Moses said to Aaron kind. Of course Moses prayed. He said wait wait Father and Son Moses said to Aaron take a sensor a swinging thing and put fire in it from the altar put incense on the fire take it quickly to the congregation and make atonement for them for the Wrath has gone out from the Lord and the plague has begun than Aaron took it as Moses commanded and ran into the midst of the assembly and already the play could be gone among the people. So he put in the incense and made atonement for the people and here's the definition of in-center session and he stood between the dead and the living so the plague. Jesus stood between the dead and the living and he stopped the plague of sin in my life. There was a plague of sin that was running rampant through the world. The father had to stop it. So Jesus Took the fire of the Holy Spirit off of The Altar and he ran into the midst of the plague and he stands now between the dead and the living making intercession he stands in my desk and he brings the life of the Holy Spirit. He stands in my sin and he brings the cleansing fire of God. He stands in my failure and he brings Victory. He stands in my weakness and he brings strength. He stands in my Lac and he brings provision. He stands in my face was mess and he brings Faith whatever you need this morning. Jesus is standing in the middle of it and he's bringing the life of God in that situation. Just look to the intercessor. Don't look anywhere else. Look to the intercessor since God gave Jesus to us. He's freely going to give us all things. He is freely going to justify us and he's freely going to intercede for us every single day. I don't know about you. How many need in a recession this morning? I do I need to I need someone to stand in the gap stand in the gap of my life stand in. I don't know about you may see yourself as a spiritual giant. That's fine. But I will admit to you right now. There are gaps in my spirituality. There are gaps. I'm not saying I'm committing some flagrance and I'm not saying that but there are gaps in my spirituality that I need to say the Lord father. Could you just fill that Gap with Jesus right now and and help me help me to get across to the other side. Maybe it's a loving that person that I just can't seem to love. Maybe it's just that habit that I can't seem to break. Maybe it's that thought process that I know is wrong when I get to work tomorrow morning that same thought process is going to start again and I I want to break it, but I need you to stand in that Gap and when you stand As the intercessor. I know that you're going to freely bring the entire power of God into that situation. I feel that right now for somebody in this place. Let's just stand together. How much is Bow your heads right now? I believe there's some people in here that are saying I have a gap and I need God to fill it because I can't fill out my to I've tried it with religion. I've tried it works. I've tried it with all sorts of things in when I was in the world. I tried it with booze. I tried it with sex. I tried it with drugs. I tried it with everything else, but I still have a gap here or there and I need someone to intercede if that's you just raise your hand up and put it down. Thank you. Thank you all around. I see it. Thank you Father. I lift up my brothers and sisters here right now. I know what it's like I know what it's like and I right now in the name of Jesus I ask that Jesus the intercessor will be poured out freely right now and their lives that they will get their eyes off the Gap. They will get their eyes off of the Make sure they will get the eyes off of the failure will get their eyes off of the weakness and they'll so you know what I'm going to put my eyes on Jesus cuz he's going to be the intercessor for me and I believe father God right now by the power of the holy spirit that you are going to pour your new life for yourself. Freely. You're going to run into the Gap father you're going to do what you've always done what you always will do like the prodigal father when you see us from afar, you're going to run your running into the Gap right now you're running into the weakness right now, you're weren't running into the Frailty right now, you're running into the sin right now and you're going to bring your life in Jesus name. I receive that father. I receive that for this entire body. The father whatever weakness whatever Gap whatever lack that you're going to show us how that Gap works and you're going to pour yourself into that Gap because that Gap is a Jesus formed Gap. It's there. It's just like Jesus. Nothing else can fill it and you're going to fill it with your life. I receive that father in Jesus name. Amen. And amen. Can we just do something? Just raise your hands just worship him just for a second Hallelujah Lord. We thank you for Jesus. We thank you for Jesus Hallelujah father. We thank you for who you are Hallelujah, Jesus Hallelujah, Jesus. Hallelujah father we are so glad that Jesus is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. We're so glad that he never leaves us or forsakes us. We're so glad that he was freely given and poured out beyond measure into our lives, and we're going to rest in that this morning. I thank you for that father as we walked from this place. We're going to walk from this place filled with Jesus and nothing else as we walk from this place. We're going to give out Jesus and nothing else. To every hurting so we meet we're going to give him Jesus and we're going to allow the Holy Spirit to fill that Gap. I thank you and praise you for what you're going to do and we're going to receive it in Jesus name. Amen. And amen. Hallelujah. Jesus is the gap filler Ouya phrases turn around bless somebody as you're dismissed Goforth praising him Alleluia.