“The Difference Between & the Importance of Overlooking an Offense & Forgiving a Sin”

Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  52:53
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FOCUS Have you ever offended or sinned against someone? Have you ever been offended or sinned against by someone? Please tell me you said “yes” twice :-) … This morning’s message is meant to help us be clear on which is which & how it is we’re to deal with each one. To call an offense a sin or a sin an offense is to set the stage for an ongoing mess in attempting to deal with one, the other or both. By God’s grace I am confident things will go better in the days ahead if we do.


“The Difference Between & the Importance of

Overlooking an Offense & Forgiving a Sin”

They Are Two Different Realities Requiring Two Different Responses


We struggle & stumble when we fail to differentiate between offenses & sins.


Overlook offenses & forgive sins.


Have you ever offended or sinned against someone? Have you ever been offended or sinned against by someone? Please tell me you said “yes” twice :-) …

This morning’s message is meant to help us be clear on which is which & how it is we’re to deal with each one. To call an offense a sin or a sin an offense is to set the stage for an ongoing mess in attempting to deal with one, the other or both.

By God’s grace I am confident things will go better in the days ahead if we do.

When It Comes to Offenses & Sins, We Need to …

1. remember they are two very different realities & experiences.

Though both often bring heartache & pain, they are absolutely not the same.

Proverbs 19:11 (12:16) / Matthew 6:12, 14-15

2. treat them two totally different ways.

It’s this simple, powerful & profound — overlook an offense & forgive a sin.

Proverbs 19:11 / Colossians 3:12-13

Making It Real

1] Can you see they are two very different realities & experiences?

2] Will you seek to treat them according to what they are & require?

Action Step

Prayerfully consider how it is you may have been missing this. Ask God

for the grace to respond accordingly making things right however need be.


“Now to Him who by the power that is working within us is able to do far beyond all that we ask or think, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”

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